Romney's Bain Lie

I think the Obama campaign crew blew their load on this far too early.

There's a very simple and rational explanation why Romney's name is on the SEC filings.

Bain Capital sends the following statement, following today's Boston Globe article reporting that MItt Romney was CEO there until 2002:

Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 to run the Olympics and has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his departure.

Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney's departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999.

Accordingly, Mr. Romney was reported in various capacities on SEC filings during this period."

Bain Capital: Romney left in Feb. 1999 -
Where are the transcripts of the federal employee who claims to have degrees? It's required by law.

Romney has released everything required by law. But, if Obama follows the law on the transcripts, maybe Romney will offer some up, too.

Where are your tax returns?

(Some are so dense it's just funny after a while.)

point to where in the Constitution that Presidents are req'd to have college degrees. I'll wait :)

Where did Si state that? The statement was the RESUME...under false PRETENSES.

Obama lied to get employed.

Get it NOW DERP?
The lamestream media isn't even trying to assist Lefty on this latest smear.

They want to drop this one like a rock.


The media is walking a really fine line here. Libel charges could be in the offing. This is serious when O's campaign is running around saying Romney is a felon.

Obama is a lying Piece of shit, and he has just descended to a new level of low. The American People should Demand he either immediately put his money where his Mouth is and Order the DOJ to arrest Romney, or he needs to Retract this BS.

He will do neither because he is a dishonest hack.

Follow the money. If we see the Koch's or Willard suddenly start to lawyer up, or his campaign contributions soar from his fascist masters, you can be beat Obama's got some damning evidence against Willard for committing a federal felony.
some of those folks how were on that board and in control of Bain then, are obama bundlers now.....:eusa_whistle:

Then? Some of the people in control of Bain Right now are Obama bundlers. This attack is Deplorable, and Unbelievable. I didn't think this Admin could sink any lower, but they just did.
Prove it.

It has been proven, if there was even a shred of Proof to the Contrary, Romney would be under investigation.

You are supporting a Dishonorable Liar for President. Good for you.

Romney signed documents that identified him as a chief executive of Bain Capital with SEC.

Additionally, Romney was still profitting from the company.

So, either he lied to the SEC and was NOT a chief executive..or is lying to the public about his role at Bain.
Prove it.

That was proof, Lakhota. That was the statement from the company and the SEC filings support it. The filings were retirement accounts. as linked on another thread.

Now, you have proof he was working at the Olympics at the time in question, he wasn't at Bain at the time in question so it is up to you to prove otherwise.
Prove it.

It has been proven, if there was even a shred of Proof to the Contrary, Romney would be under investigation.

You are supporting a Dishonorable Liar for President. Good for you.

Romney signed documents that identified him as a chief executive of Bain Capital with SEC.

Additionally, Romney was still profitting from the company.

So, either he lied to the SEC and was NOT a chief executive..or is lying to the public about his role at Bain.

No he signed papers that show him as CEO of his own Person Bain Investment account, not the entire Company, Obama know it, Everyone knows it, But Obama also knows useful idiots like you will run with this lie.

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