Romney's Bain Lie

Well then, Romney could basically release documentation that reveals his "nuanced" role at Bain. And Bain could release documentation that reveals in regards to business matters, Romney was not a decision maker.

I am sure all that is coming.

It's sort of complicated..and would involve massive disclosure.

But an "honorable" man like Bishop Mitt Romney is up the the challenge, right?


Again Romney does not have to do shit, He is being accused of a Crime by the President of the United States. It is the Accusers job to Prove it, not the other way around.

By the way I never claimed Romney is Honorable, Hell I don't even want him as my Candidate, I said Obama is Dishonorable for this False attack, that he knows is False.

Of course not.

He doesn't have to do anything.

And it's not any one's job to prove anything.

As Swift Boating demonstrated.

So you make a lie about Swift Boating to excuse your lying. Cool.
some of those folks how were on that board and in control of Bain then, are obama bundlers now.....:eusa_whistle:

Then? Some of the people in control of Bain Right now are Obama bundlers. This attack is Deplorable, and Unbelievable. I didn't think this Admin could sink any lower, but they just did.

I'm betting dollars to donuts that this "issue" was supposed to be an October surprise but because the O can't break out of the dead heat with all the shit they've already thrown at Romney, the campaign is letting this loose early.

The Obama campaign has already launched a quizzillion $$$$$ worth of Bain attack ads but Obama and Romney are still running neck and neck.

IMHO only. But it's a thought because the President's re election campaign seems to be constantly in a panic mode. A frenzy if you will.

Nothing like the cool, calm and very professionally run 2008 campaign.

Oh I'm sure there's more coming.

This is probably small potatoes.

Romney's made a great deal of money..and he didn't do it by being a "nice guy".
Again Romney does not have to do shit, He is being accused of a Crime by the President of the United States. It is the Accusers job to Prove it, not the other way around.

By the way I never claimed Romney is Honorable, Hell I don't even want him as my Candidate, I said Obama is Dishonorable for this False attack, that he knows is False.

Of course not.

He doesn't have to do anything.

And it's not any one's job to prove anything.

As Swift Boating demonstrated.

So you make a lie about Swift Boating to excuse your lying. Cool.

What are you talking about?
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed: As we’ve previously noted, Mitt Romney twice told the Government Ethics Office that he left Bain Capital in February 1999, but there has been plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise. When he left Bain is a critical question, both because a different date than the one he claimed could mean he lied on official forms, and also because Romney has used the early departure date to insulate himself from attacks on Bain’s practices during the early 2000s.

But the Boston Globe reports today that Romney stayed on a full three years longer at Bain than he has claimed. Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed the in the years after 1999 list Romney as the “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Bain. And a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002.

Romney’s Bain lie -

When is a CEO not a CEO? When the CEO is running for President
Follow the money. If we see the Koch's or Willard suddenly start to lawyer up, or his campaign contributions soar from his fascist masters, you can be beat Obama's got some damning evidence against Willard for committing a federal felony.

obama, like you, doesn't have shit

We'll wait and see. The dems and Obama just got the biggest gift that could have ever asked for with this! I'm sure they will investigate but hold back on pressing charges.
The dems and Obama can hammer Willard on the issue all throughout the debates then in October, file charges.

Even if they don't pan out, and the trial will likely go on for months, if not years, Willard will be so smeared it will be a landslide victory for Obama and the dems :up:

Do you masturbate to this shit?
Prove it.

You have it backwards.

Charge Romney with a felony and have Holder appoint someone from the DOJ to prove this accusation in court.

By all means, lay charges.

Exactly, Lakota and all the other hacks pushing this lie know full well if there was any truth at all to it, Obama and Holder would go after Romney for it. This is perhaps the lowest political Stunt I have ever seen a Sitting president play in a campaign. Reeks of Desperation, which is strange because I don't think Obama needs to be Desperate. IMO Romney seems poised to lose, why the baseless crazy attacks lol
Follow the money. If we see the Koch's or Willard suddenly start to lawyer up, or his campaign contributions soar from his fascist masters, you can be beat Obama's got some damning evidence against Willard for committing a federal felony.

obama, like you, doesn't have shit

We'll wait and see. The dems and Obama just got the biggest gift that could have ever asked for with this! I'm sure they will investigate but hold back on pressing charges.
The dems and Obama can hammer Willard on the issue all throughout the debates then in October, file charges.

Even if they don't pan out, and the trial will likely go on for months, if not years, Willard will be so smeared it will be a landslide victory for Obama and the dems :up:

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Well then, Romney could basically release documentation that reveals his "nuanced" role at Bain. And Bain could release documentation that reveals in regards to business matters, Romney was not a decision maker.

I am sure all that is coming.

It's sort of complicated..and would involve massive disclosure.

But an "honorable" man like Bishop Mitt Romney is up the the challenge, right?


if he wasn't making decisions, what would there be to release? :rolleyes:

Tax returns, internal memos and email regarding Bain know..normal stuff.

explain how tax returns would show Romney had an actual role in running Bain Capital. Do they list positions held at corporations? Job titles? Responsibilities?

Dumb ass.
obama, like you, doesn't have shit

We'll wait and see. The dems and Obama just got the biggest gift that could have ever asked for with this! I'm sure they will investigate but hold back on pressing charges.
The dems and Obama can hammer Willard on the issue all throughout the debates then in October, file charges.

Even if they don't pan out, and the trial will likely go on for months, if not years, Willard will be so smeared it will be a landslide victory for Obama and the dems :up:

Do you masturbate to this shit?

I do.

On July 2 and again on July 3, Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn reported that SEC filings indicated Romney had played a role in Bain investments "until at least the end of 1999" and that a May 10, 2001, document described Romney as a member of the "management committee" of Bain funds.

On July 10, Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall uncovered two more SEC filings from July 2000 and February 2001 in which Romney listed his “principal occupation” as “Managing Director of Bain Capital, Inc.”

Globe admits credit 'mistake' in Bain story -

TPM Editor’s Blog
No, Romney Didn’t Leave Bain in 1999

Josh Marshall July 10, 2012, 12:55 PM

The Mystery of Romney's Exit From Bain
Now there's a debate over when the GOP presidential candidate left his private equity firm—and what it means.

—By David Corn | Tue Jul. 3, 2012 1:26 PM PDT


Romney Invested in Medical-Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses, Government Documents Show

And these documents challenge Romney's claim that he left Bain Capital in early 1999.

—By David Corn | Mon Jul. 2, 2012 3:00 AM PDT

Romney is no Harry Truman. With Romney the Buck never stops here.
Prove it.

You have it backwards.

Charge Romney with a felony and have Holder appoint someone from the DOJ to prove this accusation in court.

By all means, lay charges.

Exactly, Lakota and all the other hacks pushing this lie know full well if there was any truth at all to it, Obama and Holder would go after Romney for it. This is perhaps the lowest political Stunt I have ever seen a Sitting president play in a campaign. Reeks of Desperation, which is strange because I don't think Obama needs to be Desperate. IMO Romney seems poised to lose, why the baseless crazy attacks lol

True. It's like a campaign you'd expect in Chicago for a city councilman's seat the way Messina and Axelrod are driving it. Not a campaign for a sitting President to be conducting.

On the other hand, Obama can simply not run on his record.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed: As we’ve previously noted, Mitt Romney twice told the Government Ethics Office that he left Bain Capital in February 1999, but there has been plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise. When he left Bain is a critical question, both because a different date than the one he claimed could mean he lied on official forms, and also because Romney has used the early departure date to insulate himself from attacks on Bain’s practices during the early 2000s.

But the Boston Globe reports today that Romney stayed on a full three years longer at Bain than he has claimed. Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed the in the years after 1999 list Romney as the “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Bain. And a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002.

Romney’s Bain lie -

The ONLY LIES being told are by Obama and his minions....the sad thing is they KNEW the truth LONG before they began this latest round of LIES!

You are intentionally lied to and yet you continue to support the person LYING to YOU? What does that make you?

Romney signed documents that identified him as a chief executive of Bain Capital with SEC.

Additionally, Romney was still profitting from the company.

So, either he lied to the SEC and was NOT a chief executive..or is lying to the public about his role at Bain.

are you saying the folks how put this statement out are lying too?

Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney's departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999.

The business community lying about how their business is conducted?

Oh perish the thought..

That would never ever happen..


well, as I said a few times now, some of those folks are obama why are they protecting Romney?

and I think I am not stretching things here if I note that the SEC now, looking at that statement would most certainly check it out and see if there is any flim flam, you do understand that changing something as complex as that is not done in a day or even 6 months....why these people would stick their neck out does not make sense.....

plus with the admin making statements like this, it is incumbent upon them to make their case, vapor doesn't count. If they have it fine, lets see it and the chips will fall where they will...

oh hey, didn't you work on wall st? I guess that makes you a liar too eh? where were you and what did you know and when?
if he wasn't making decisions, what would there be to release? :rolleyes:

Tax returns, internal memos and email regarding Bain know..normal stuff.

explain how tax returns would show Romney had an actual role in running Bain Capital. Do they list positions held at corporations? Job titles? Responsibilities?

Dumb ass.

Hmmm can you post that link to his tax return from 2011 might actually. Because if he was CEO that would be a salaried position...if he was out of Bain, then it would be just capital gains right?

We could end it right there if only we had his tax return from those years.
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