Romney's Bain Lie

Oh and everyone is supposed to believe the Boston Globe. Oh this is getting better by the minute :lol:

The Boston Globe then admits to plagiarizing the story from a couple of leftist conspiracy nuts instead of from their own reporting, and then Fortune drops the big bomb on the story and completely vindicates Romney:

The Globe plagiarized their story. Ruh roh.

Boston Globe publishes false Bain story, Obama campaign calls Romney a felon, vindicated Romney campaign demands apology » The Right Scoop -

Isn't this the same paper that backs Warren and her high cheek bones?
Here's the point people.

It's not about left, right or middle.
It's about getting out the facts, and avoiding the spin.

Look what has happened in this thread!

This is what our country has come to and it's a damned shame!

What is a shame is the damage the Republican Party has done to America.

Bush almost destroyed us. Obama has brought us back.
Lakhota, please report me instead of slamming my inbox with PMs.
Make your good on your threats, like a man, OK?
Here's the point people.

It's not about left, right or middle.
It's about getting out the facts, and avoiding the spin.

Look what has happened in this thread!

This is what our country has come to and it's a damned shame!

What is a shame is the damage the Republican Party has done to America.

Bush almost destroyed us. Obama has brought us back.

Snookums, you didn't respond to my post regarding your link!
Oh and everyone is supposed to believe the Boston Globe. Oh this is getting better by the minute :lol:

The Boston Globe then admits to plagiarizing the story from a couple of leftist conspiracy nuts instead of from their own reporting, and then Fortune drops the big bomb on the story and completely vindicates Romney:

The Globe plagiarized their story. Ruh roh.

Boston Globe publishes false Bain story, Obama campaign calls Romney a felon, vindicated Romney campaign demands apology » The Right Scoop -

Isn't this the same paper that backs Warren and her high cheek bones?


Hey Obutthead ... please, by all means, keep :dig:

The Boston Globe then admits to plagiarizing the story from a couple of leftist conspiracy nuts ... The Globe plagiarized their story.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Romney brags about his business success, but the vast majority of his money comes from technically legal, completely predatory and unethical business pillaging. He was very successful at leveraged buyouts -- not investing in new companies, but using borrowed money to buy established companies, strip them of resources, and quickly sell them for a profit. How can you make money off a company that fails, you might ask? It's simple -- have it borrow a lot of money and give it to you, take its pension money and any cash in the bank, then sell it or take it public, quickly before it goes bankrupt. If you sell when the economy is good, people will go for it, and you get rich. Sure, a lot of people lose their jobs, and other people lose their money, but you're rich!

The most famous example is an office supply company called American Pad and Paper. Romney and Bain Capital bought it from Mead Company, when it had total debts of $11 million. By the time they sold it, the company had $400 million in debt -- and Bain had earned $100 million off the deals, between fees it charged the company for managing it and for buying other companies, and profits from selling the company's stock after they took it public (for yet another fee). Bain was later sued by stockholders for fraud in overstating the value of the company.

Mitt Romney's Skeleton Closet -- political scandals, quotes and character

Hey snookums!

Your source links back to...your source!
Is that your blog?

No, not my blog. Too busy making money to have a blog.

Here are the sources, sweetheart....

Medicare Fraud Sources -- Back

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits, By Robert Gavin and Sacha Pfeiffer, the Boston Globe (reprinted in the Utah Deseret News), July 3 2007

Romney Supervised Medical Testing Company Guilty Of Massive Medicare Fraud, by Rick Ungar, Forbes Magazine, 1/21/2012

Romney profited on firm later tied to fraud, by Frank Phillips, Boston Globe, 10/10/2002 "Hunting Sources" -- Back
Here's video of Romney saying he worked at Bain for 25 years....1977 to 2002.....

Daily Kos: Video of Romney from debate: "I worked at one company, Bain for 25 years". 1977+25=2002
He stated in your video he left Bain when he left for heading the Olympics. (1999, not 2002) Some companies consider overtime as adding extra years when people retire. I know the Navy does. Others consider other contributions the person gave--working summers in college for the firm or for its affiliates--as additional time. When someone gives up vacation leave to deal with crying company needs, sometimes the business will up his retirement years by as many as 10 years. Executives do not get a lot of time off in some businesses, namely energy businesses with demands from the public for their services and products that is occasionally interrupted by lightning strikes, etc. Yet there Obama goes, beating up oil and energy companies with pompous demands and hatespeech against them to drum up support from anti-energy factions in his party, namely Greenpiece

His point was he is a constant person, and that he is. I retired from my business after 23 years, but left it open. I just got about 15 letters from people in a community I haven't lived in for 3 years thanking me for leaving my business doors open, happy 25th anniversary, etc. I left the doors open so my helpers would have a secure job for the duration of their careers.

You do not know what you are talking about in this smarm, because you have moral sheisters at the spinning wheels who don't investigate what they assume is the truth, but isn't for one reason or another.

Governor Romney knows what he is talking about. And he's telling the truth.

Hey stupid..................I actually served in the U.S. Navy from 1982 until 2002 (20 years and retired) and I can tell you that your statement of the Navy doing it is factually wrong.

The MOST you can have added onto your Time In Service is the ONE YEAR that you are allowed to DEP (Delayed Entry Program) out for, and that will count towards your total service count, which is why I retired after 20 years, but am actually credited with a little over 20 1/2 years of service.

If you're thinking about the leave time you can accrue and retire early, the MOST you can do that for is around 75 days. Why? Because you are only allowed to carry over 60 days worth of leave per year if you don't use it. BTW..........if you have over 60 days at the time of your yearly date? It becomes an either use it or lose it proposition. Me personally? I went active in July (my anniversary date for leave) and when I went on retirement leave in May, I had around 72 days worth of leave saved. can't use the Navy as a way to back up your bullshit statement.

And by the way..............I was a Personnelman (paper pusher, which is why I know the regs), and you're full of shit Becki.

Did you actually serve? If not, shut the fuck up because obviously you haven't got clue one as to what you're talking about.
Lakhota, please report me instead of slamming my inbox with PMs.
Make your good on your threats, like a man, OK?

Sorry about the spelling. It should read 'Lakhota'.
I get your screen name and my nephews heritage mixed up, dammit. I shouldn't do that to my nephew.
Here's the point people.

It's not about left, right or middle.
It's about getting out the facts, and avoiding the spin.

Look what has happened in this thread!

This is what our country has come to and it's a damned shame!

What is a shame is the damage the Republican Party has done to America.

Bush almost destroyed us. Obama has brought us back.


You must be a speech writer for Obama. Are you the one that wrote the line "we're heading in the right direction" for Obama when he was commenting on the latest job statistics?

You know the one that made it 41 months in a row that unemployment has been over 8%?
in documents from July 2000 and February 2001

Romney listed his “principal occupation”

as “Managing Director” of Bain

You really should go back and read the past few pages of the thread.

Fortune has just completely destroyed the Boston Globe story that plagiarized the Mother Jones story.

Documents: Romney didn't manage Bain funds - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Yeah..............sure..............some right wing spin site is going to get to the truth.........

If that's actually the case, why are the documents listing Romney as CEO of Bain until 2002?

Oh yeah.............if he didn't work there since 1999, why did they continue to pay him a salary until 2002? Do corporations like that normally hire people to not show up for work? I thought only the Mafia did that.
Here's the point people.

It's not about left, right or middle.
It's about getting out the facts, and avoiding the spin.

Look what has happened in this thread!

This is what our country has come to and it's a damned shame!

What is a shame is the damage the Republican Party has done to America.

Bush almost destroyed us. Obama has brought us back.


You must be a speech writer for Obama. Are you the one that wrote the line "we're heading in the right direction" for Obama when he was commenting on the latest job statistics?

You know the one that made it 41 months in a row that unemployment has been over 8%?

Time to view the charts....

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