Romney's Bain Lie



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If he has committed a felony then so has Bain Capital. Charge him. The Obama camp has the DOJ at their disposal, by all means charge everyone.

I think the Obama campaign should just go for it instead of looking like wimps going for a smear job. They say he's committed a felony. Arrest Romney and prove it.

Just have Holder round them all up. Or you're desperate, lying and trying to smear the man.And shut the fuck up.

Here's Bain's very terse statement again.

Bain Capital sends the following statement, following today's Boston Globe article reporting that MItt Romney was CEO there until 2002:

Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 to run the Olympics and has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his departure.

Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney's departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999.

Accordingly, Mr. Romney was reported in various capacities on SEC filings during this period."

Bain Capital: Romney left in Feb. 1999 -
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

How does that put it to rest? Records show he was still getting a salary from Bain during this time. So, was he working for them or...........?
Tell us.
The story of Romney's theft of American capital will go on.

He won't reveal his tax returns.

He must be hiding something pretty big.
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

That's fine.

It's not reflected in the documentation that went to SEC.

And if what you are saying is true..that's a crime.

Why has Romney ever been charged for this crime? I'm not kidding here. What he is being accused of is quite serious.

This information has been out there now for over a decade. Let's see he ran for Governor, didn't come up. He ran in primaries in for the 2008 election and it didn't come up.

Why has this man not been charged with filing supposedly false documents? What would the charge be exactly?
I'll put this in large print, like a first grade reader. Maybe it will sink in with a different format.

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

(It's on my clipboard, so when dealing with a retard, repetition is apparently required.)
If he has committed a felony then so has Bain Capital. Charge him. The Obama camp has the DOJ at their disposal, by all means charge everyone.

I think the Obama campaign should just go for it instead of looking like wimps going for a smear job. They say he's committed a felony. Arrest Romney and prove it.

Just have Holder round them all up. Or you're desperate, lying and trying to smear the man.And shut the fuck up.

Here's Bain's very terse statement again.

Bain Capital sends the following statement, following today's Boston Globe article reporting that MItt Romney was CEO there until 2002:

Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 to run the Olympics and has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his departure.

Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney's departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999.

Accordingly, Mr. Romney was reported in various capacities on SEC filings during this period."

Bain Capital: Romney left in Feb. 1999 -

Doing the middle of a campaign isn't at all feasible.

However, it appears that Bain is either being truthful..and involved in a crime..or not being truthful.


I find it extremely hard to believe that a person with financial hooks and drawing a salary as CEO..isn't on some level involved in the decision making. Especially since, legally, that person is responsible for those decisions.
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

How does that put it to rest? Records show he was still getting a salary from Bain during this time. So, was he working for them or...........?
Tell us.
Gee, I wonder how someone would still get money from an employer and not be doing anything for them.


Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

That's fine.

It's not reflected in the documentation that went to SEC.

And if what you are saying is true..that's a crime.

Why has Romney ever been charged for this crime? I'm not kidding here. What he is being accused of is quite serious.

This information has been out there now for over a decade. Let's see he ran for Governor, didn't come up. He ran in primaries in for the 2008 election and it didn't come up.

Why has this man not been charged with filing supposedly false documents? What would the charge be exactly?

Why didn't the SEC go after Enron? WorldCom? George W. Bush? Bernie Madoff?

Why didn't they catch the derivatives meltdown?


They are extremely underfunded and packed with political hacks.

That's why.
Romney was the sole owner of Bain from 1999 to 2002.

Tell me of one case where the sole owner of a multi million dollar company was not involved in making decisions.
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

How does that put it to rest? Records show he was still getting a salary from Bain during this time. So, was he working for them or...........?
Tell us.
Gee, I wonder how someone would still get money from an employer and not be doing anything for them.



Yes Si..he was the Sole Share Holder..

We all know that.

The thing is..he's still responsible for what goes on at Bain.
How does that put it to rest? Records show he was still getting a salary from Bain during this time. So, was he working for them or...........?
Tell us.
Gee, I wonder how someone would still get money from an employer and not be doing anything for them.



Yes Si..he was the Sole Share Holder..

We all know that.

The thing is..he's still responsible for what goes on at Bain.
Ipse dixit.

No it doesn't mean that.
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Why do people insist that Mitt (I like to fire people) Romney as so "moral"? Remember, this is a guy who coerced 5 young men to hold down a screaming and begging shy youngster so Mitt could hack off the kid's hair because Mitt didn't "approve". The five men said this episode has haunted them for 40 years but Mitt doesn't remember. Mitt dressed as a police officer and harassed the unsuspecting in a "fun" manner. He abused the family pet so terribly, it ran away. He said he gave it to his sister, but his two sons said it ran away.
Impersonating a police officer
animal abuse
All three are against the law. What does the law mean to the "upper crust" and "top drawer"?

Hey Deanie...didn't you hear the SC ruling that it's NOT illegal to impersonate an officer?
He signed a legal document stating he retired from Bain in 1999 but it looks as if that is untrue.

:doubt: You must be confused...

Firm’s 2002 filings identify him as CEO

Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years beyond ...


Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - Politics - The Boston Globe

In August 2001, Romney announced that he would not return to Bain Capital.[79] He transferred his ownership to other partners and negotiated an agreement that allowed him to receive a passive profit share as a retired partner in some Bain Capital entities, including buyout and investment funds.[71][80] Because the private equity business continued to thrive, this deal brought him millions of dollars in annual income.[71][/I]

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
UPDATE: 9:15 p.m. --

The Romney campaign responded by focusing on Romney's involvement with Bain itself, and argued that the state Ballot Law Commission validated their argument that Romney was not involved in day-to-day Bain matters.

"After extensive hearings the Ballot Law Commission came to the same conclusion as numerous independent fact checkers in finding that Mitt Romney ended his active employment with Bain Capital in 1999. Every public judgment, including a unanimous one from the Ballot Law Commission, has confirmed this fact," said Romney spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg.

Henneberg called the controversy over Romney's employment at Bain "just another distraction from a desperate campaign that is willing to say anything to divert attention from President Obama’s failed record in office.”

However, the purpose of the Ballot Law Commission inquiry was to determine Romney's residency, not whether he had done any part-time work on behalf of Bain. Indeed, in two days of testimony, the Democratic lawyer didn't question Romney about his role at Bain, as the issue wasn't a live one. That question only arose in recent years when Romney categorically denied any active involvement with Bain.

In addition, the Romney campaign's response does not address whether by sitting on LifeLike's board until 2001, Romney's 2011 disclosure form statement that he had "not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way" was false.

More: Mitt Romney's Own 2002 Testimony Undermines Bain Departure Claim
How does that put it to rest? Records show he was still getting a salary from Bain during this time. So, was he working for them or...........?
Tell us.
Gee, I wonder how someone would still get money from an employer and not be doing anything for them.



Yes Si..he was the Sole Share Holder..

We all know that.

The thing is..he's still responsible for what goes on at Bain.

Of ONE company out of the hundred or so under control of Bain.
He owned that ONE company.

C'mon Sallow that's a stretch, don't you think?

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