Romney's Bain Lie

Why do people insist that Mitt (I like to fire people) Romney as so "moral"? Remember, this is a guy who coerced 5 young men to hold down a screaming and begging shy youngster so Mitt could hack off the kid's hair because Mitt didn't "approve". The five men said this episode has haunted them for 40 years but Mitt doesn't remember. Mitt dressed as a police officer and harassed the unsuspecting in a "fun" manner. He abused the family pet so terribly, it ran away. He said he gave it to his sister, but his two sons said it ran away.
Impersonating a police officer
animal abuse
All three are against the law. What does the law mean to the "upper crust" and "top drawer"?
Obama graduated from Harvard Law and went back home to help poor people.

Romney graduated from Harvard Law and looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas.

Which one really cares about America?
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.
Mitt Romney - 2012 TIME 100: The Most Influential People in the World - TIME

"When I asked Mitt Romney to join Bain & Co. in 1977..."

"Mitt's work ethic, analytical mind and devotion to family and country are a cocktail for success. When I picked him to become the first managing partner of Bain Capital, I knew he would help us create a successful business. When he retired from Bain Capital in 1999 to take over as CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, I knew he would make them memorable.

I can see where the 2002 number came from now...but don't let some factoids get in your way people! Good grief!

Here's the video of Mitt saying he worked at Bain for 25 years 1977 + 25 = 2002.

Daily Kos: Video of Romney from debate: "I worked at one company, Bain for 25 years". 1977+25=2002

Yep he does say that, but to be fair, he also says he left the company to go 'save' the Olympics...LOL - he 'saved' the Olympics! Good on ya Willard! That aside, he went and 'saved' the Olympics in 1999, which is consistent.

I hope it doesn't dent his run. I would like Obama to win the presidency, but I don't think the USA would go to hell in a handbasket if Mitt won. Mitt is not the concern if he wins, it's the extremists in his party who are the problem...

it's the extremists in both parties that are the problem.

i don't care for either candidate, but obama has been less than stellar as pres, so if he loses, he earned it.

iirc, romney was credited with saving the 2000 winter olympics, which had been horribly mismanaged and were in danger of not being held.
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

Yea, he says that NOW.

Remember, he said he gave his dog to his sister, but his sons said it ran away. Who do you think is lying?
Mitt Romney - 2012 TIME 100: The Most Influential People in the World - TIME

"When I asked Mitt Romney to join Bain & Co. in 1977..."

"Mitt's work ethic, analytical mind and devotion to family and country are a cocktail for success. When I picked him to become the first managing partner of Bain Capital, I knew he would help us create a successful business. When he retired from Bain Capital in 1999 to take over as CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, I knew he would make them memorable.

I can see where the 2002 number came from now...but don't let some factoids get in your way people! Good grief!

Here's the video of Mitt saying he worked at Bain for 25 years 1977 + 25 = 2002.

Daily Kos: Video of Romney from debate: "I worked at one company, Bain for 25 years". 1977+25=2002

Yep he does say that, but to be fair, he also says he left the company to go 'save' the Olympics...LOL - he 'saved' the Olympics! Good on ya Willard! That aside, he went and 'saved' the Olympics in 1999, which is consistent.

I hope it doesn't dent his run. I would like Obama to win the presidency, but I don't think the USA would go to hell in a handbasket if Mitt won. Mitt is not the concern if he wins, it's the extremists in his party who are the problem...

The thing is..he's an "empty vessel"..much like George W. Bush and not as likable.

Bush didn't run the country. Cheney ran for the first term..and Jim Baker/Robert Gates ran it for the second term.

Bait and switch.
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

Romney was the sole owner of Bain from 1999 to 2002.

Romney was paid $100,000 salary as an executive of Bain from 1999 to 2002.

If you don't believe he was involved, you are incredibly naive.
SEC Info - Bain Capital Fund VI LP - SC 13D - US Lec LLC - On 2/20/01

You really just had to go back a couple of pages..

Thanks Sallow. I still cannot find the page, can you help a gal out here? :D
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Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.


but...but....but.... :D
Here's the video of Mitt saying he worked at Bain for 25 years 1977 + 25 = 2002.

Daily Kos: Video of Romney from debate: "I worked at one company, Bain for 25 years". 1977+25=2002

Yep he does say that, but to be fair, he also says he left the company to go 'save' the Olympics...LOL - he 'saved' the Olympics! Good on ya Willard! That aside, he went and 'saved' the Olympics in 1999, which is consistent.

I hope it doesn't dent his run. I would like Obama to win the presidency, but I don't think the USA would go to hell in a handbasket if Mitt won. Mitt is not the concern if he wins, it's the extremists in his party who are the problem...

it's the extremists in both parties that are the problem.

i don't care for either candidate, but obama has been less than stellar as pres, so if he loses, he earned it.

iirc, romney was credited with saving the 2000 winter olympics, which had been horribly mismanaged and were in danger of not being held.

No, it was the Republican Senate:

[ame=]Romney - Several hundred million $ from govt. for Olympics - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Mitt Romney's Olympics: A National Disgrace - YouTube[/ame]

Salt Lake City. I wonder if they ever did an audit of what Mitt's friends ended up with?
Sorry, Mitt Romney, You Can't Be Chairman, CEO, And President Of A Company And Not Be Responsible For What It Does...

Read more: Sorry, Mitt Romney, You Can't Be Chairman, CEO, And President Of A Company And Not Be Responsible For What It Does... - Business Insider

Today's bombshell report by the Boston Globe that Mitt Romney may have remained in charge of Bain Capital for three years after he claimed to have left has the potential to destroy Romney's credibility.

The issue boils down to statements that, at first glance, appear to directly contradict one another:

According to statements Bain filed with the SEC, Romney was the "chairman, CEO, and president" of Bain from 1999-2002.

According to Romney, Romney left Bain in 1999 and had "no input on investments or management of companies after that point."

Beyond determining whether these statements are accurate--or whether Bain misled the SEC or Romney has been misleading the public--the reason this issue is important is that Romney wants to disavow responsibility for anything Bain or Bain companies did after early 1999.

And one of the things that Bain did after early 1999, as Dan Primack of Fortune points out, is invest in a company called Stericycle whose services included the disposal of aborted fetuses.

For obvious reasons, an investment in a company that performed this service might hurt Romney's standing with the right-to-life voters in the Republican party, even though Romney was pro-choice at the time the investment was made.

And Romney also wants to disavow responsibility for many layoffs that Bain engineered after 1999, an issue he has had to deal with since running for Governor.

When the statements above are examined closely, however, it becomes clear that the Romney campaign may be treading a very fine rhetorical line here--one that it believes might allow Romney to dodge both bullets (the accuracy of his public statements and Bain's decisions).


Note that the Romney campaign does not deny that Romney was "chairman, CEO, and president" of Bain from 1999-2002.

What the Romney campaign says instead is that Romney "left" Bain in 1999 and had "no input on investments or management of companies after that point."

So, read to the legal letter, both of those statements may technically be true (or at least defensible).

Romney did leave Bain in 1999, at least for a leave of absence (he went to run the Olympics).

And it is possible that, once he left, he no longer had direct input into investment or management decisions.

However ...

Read more: Sorry, Mitt Romney, You Can't Be Chairman, CEO, And President Of A Company And Not Be Responsible For What It Does... - Business Insider
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

Romney was the sole owner of Bain from 1999 to 2002.

Romney was paid $100,000 salary as an executive of Bain from 1999 to 2002.

If you don't believe he was involved, you are incredibly naive.

Actually, he was paid minimum $100,000.00, not paid $100,000.00.

The difference is that he could have been paid 50 million. They do that to show he was paid as an executive without disclosing his actual salary. We would only know that if he released his tax returns. True Story.
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

That's fine.

It's not reflected in the documentation that went to SEC.

And if what you are saying is true..that's a crime.
Let's put this to rest Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in February of 1999 to serve as president and CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic games organizing committee when you take a leave of absence from a company you are no longer working for it or running it Romney announced in August of 2001 he would not return to Bain and transferred his ownership to other partners. Let me repeat this for the very slow out there from February 1999 to August 2001 Romney was not running Bain and gave up his ownership end of story case closed get over it.

Romney was the sole owner of Bain from 1999 to 2002.
Romney took a leave of absence from Bain in Feb of 1999 when you take a leave of absence you are not running things or calling the shots he transferred ownership in 2001

Romney was paid $100,000 salary as an executive of Bain from 1999 to 2002.
You can still be paid while on a leave absence any payment he received after he transferred ownership in 2001 was part of his negotiated retirement settlement

If you don't believe he was involved, you are incredibly naive.
No I'm just not blindly partisan.

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