Romney's Bain Lie

its simple, a critical thinking exercise; if he is on leave, why would knowledge be of any help or matter?

Help? Good question; don't know what kind of authority he would have if something he didn't approve of was going on.

Matter? Plenty, if he cares about how it looks to the voting public what his company was doing in his name. And if he was still named as sole stockholder, would what they did in his absense not be considered done in his name?

If not during his leave of absense, then at some later point he either had to know what Bain - his company - was doing to make the big bucks. If he really didn't know...well, that doesn't look too good for him, either.

That's the point the guy I quoted was making.

They are not doing anything in his name because he had surrendered day to day work there, and was working on the Olympics, that's why his name is not in any of the portfolio management docs..did you read the link?

So he didn't know what the company he was named sole stockholder was doing. Can't see how you'd say that doesn't matter, nor can I see how it wouldn't look less-than-good to others out there.
Romney could be open to a civil suit. Since published documents show he was in charge and drawing a salary, and he was well known as a "moneymaker", there are people who might have invested solely on the fact that Romney was running the company. If they are now saying he wasn't, a disgruntled investor could sue for "fraud".

Doh !

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

The truth has been out there for some time...that doesn't prevent our LYING president from LYING yet again and getting his easily duped minions to join in!

Pretty sad when you think about...just how low can this man go?

To accept some of the claims, one would have to believe that Romney, with the advice of his lawyers, lied on government documents and committed a criminal offense. Moreover, you would have to assume he willingly gave up his share to a few years of retirement earnings — potentially worth millions of dollars — so he could say his retirement started in 1999.

UPDATE: Fortune obtained the offering documents for a Bain Capital Fund circulating in June 2000, as well as a fund in 2001. None of the documents show that Romney was listed as being among the “key investment professionals.” As Fortune put it, “the contemporaneous Bain documents show that Romney was indeed telling the truth about no longer having operational input at Bain -- which, one should note, is different from no longer having legal or financial ties to the firm.”

For interested readers, below is a summary of what we, and Fortune magazine have previously concluded.

Mitt Romney and his departure from Bain - The Washington Post

Oh..and :up_yours:

What is this BS around here? I post the above as it's own thread and it gets moved and BURIED in the thread about the very lies I was talking about?

Incredible Stuff!
This only goes to show Obama and his campaign managers know absolutely nothing about business and how it works.

Yea, they should be a little embarrassed, but na.............they won't be. They'll continue to beat the dead horse until it returns to dust.
SEC docs prove Romney was CEO and sole owner of Bain from 1999 to 2002.

Romney has been lying about this for 10 years.

To quote Rick Perry, "Oops."
SEC docs prove Romney was CEO and sole owner of Bain from 1999 to 2002.

Romney has been lying about this for 10 years.

To quote Rick Perry, "Oops."

Doh !

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years beyond the date he said he ceded control, even creating five new investment partnerships during that time.

Romney has said he left Bain in 1999 to lead the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, ending his role in the company. But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.”

Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - Politics - The Boston Globe
I'll put this in large print, like a first grade reader. Maybe it will sink in with a different format.

7/12/12 11:43 AM EDT is standing by their assessment that Mitt Romney did not actively manage Bain Capital after February 1999, despite today's Boston Globe report that he was CEO there until 2002.

"We see little new in the Globe piece. So far, nobody has shown that Romney was actually managing Bain — even part-time — during his time at the Olympics, or that he was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said," Brooks Jackson, a co-author of the FactCheck piece, told POLITICO today.

(It's on my clipboard, so when dealing with a retard, repetition is apparently required, again.)


I have a feeling some O-bots are stomping their feet, fingers in their ears, singing lalalalalalalalalala right now. ;)

And why would you assume that?

In addition to being sole stock owner and head executive..Romney was drawing a salary of over 100K from Bain. That's in addition to capital gains from investments in Bain interests.

So we now are expected to believe that a man who was receiving Remuneration from Bain as well has having financial interests in the company's direction..had nothing to do with decision making regarding how that company makes money.

When some folks said that this was gonna be a nasty campaign....
I don't think they had any idea just how nasty...
How afraid is Obama losing to the likes of Mitt Romney.
Looks like they got in the mud early on this one...

No one in the media outside of Fox lifted a finger to look at Obama before the election...
Romney is gonna have to pull out all the stops here just to stay even...

I have a feeling some O-bots are stomping their feet, fingers in their ears, singing lalalalalalalalalala right now. ;)

And why would you assume that?

In addition to being sole stock owner and head executive..Romney was drawing a salary of over 100K from Bain. That's in addition to capital gains from investments in Bain interests.

So we now are expected to believe that a man who was receiving Remuneration from Bain as well has having financial interests in the company's direction..had nothing to do with decision making regarding how that company makes money.

Really? people are blathering IDIOTS! You actually believe Romney was the "sole stock owner of BAIN, the investment firm?

You can't even see how pathetically STUPID you are......I almost feel sorry for some of's just so sad.
It doesn't hinge on a quote. It hinges on papers that Mitten signed. Typical rightwingloon copout.

No, the story being brought back up again hinges on the willful misunderstanding of partisan political opponents who took his answer that he had "left" Bain prior to whatever company they were questioning him on, and now claiming "gotcha" in contrast to recognizing the already public SEC filings of which Mitt had full knowledge, that actually show the official date of his complete legal departure from the partnership as 2002.

Despite the fact that the SEC points out that these filings do not mean what the Dems are claiming it means, this technicality is now being characterized as if he LIED about when he "left" Bain because he supposedly is running away from something, which is of course just typical political strawman bullshit...
They're banking on lies to bolster their weak position after nearly 4 years of Obama beating up the energy business world, beating up banks, beating up and bossing around businesses that serve unions, such as the auto making industry, and planning to take over much much more to bolster himself up as a somebody who takes away from people who spent their lives building businesses and good things for their communities, and give it all to squanderers of the realm. Who won't have a scrap left in less than a couple of years.

Obama is his own worst enemy, not the business world. We'll survive him. He and his minions won't survive beating us up. Because should he succeed in eliminating every business that has an owner who does not cow tow to him, he becomes the hated owner he's bs'd decent people into believing they should hate owners and demolish business assets for his "change". All his clever speech will not save him from jobless America that he has been working on achieving by beating up all those this paranoid sonofabitch fears as "enemies" who in reality are America's community pillars who've spent generations drumming up new ideas and business to keep people employed with good pay and a future retirement plan including insurance. Obama's screwed that up, too.
I noticed in the OP link to salon and there link to a Boston Globe article on the same subject both claim there is documentation that Romney stayed at Bain after 1999 yet neither produced that documentation for their articles or a link to that documentation.:confused:

I have a feeling some O-bots are stomping their feet, fingers in their ears, singing lalalalalalalalalala right now. ;)

And why would you assume that?

In addition to being sole stock owner and head executive..Romney was drawing a salary of over 100K from Bain. That's in addition to capital gains from investments in Bain interests.

So we now are expected to believe that a man who was receiving Remuneration from Bain as well has having financial interests in the company's direction..had nothing to do with decision making regarding how that company makes money.

Really? people are blathering IDIOTS! You actually believe Romney was the "sole stock owner of BAIN, the investment firm?

You can't even see how pathetically STUPID you are......I almost feel sorry for some of's just so sad.

A former SEC commissioner told the Globe that the SEC documents listing Romney as Bain’s chief executive between 1999 and 2002 cannot be dismissed so easily.

“You can’t say statements filed with the SEC are meaningless. This is a fact in an SEC filing,” said Roberta S. Karmel, now a professor at Brooklyn Law School.

“It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to say he was technically in charge on paper but he had nothing to do with Bain’s operations,” Karmel continued. “Was he getting paid? He’s the sole stockholder. Are you telling me he owned the company but had no say in its investments?”

Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - Politics - The Boston Globe
I'm listening to a former SEC Commissioner being interviewed on Lawrence O'Donnell. It sounds like Romney's Bain problems are far from over.
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