Romney's Bain Lie

Hey dippy, that huffpost article uses the globe article that I just showed FACTCHECK.ORG debunks as their source....try again.


I'm going to stand by it. The Globe refused to print a retraction. That to me, means that they have sources Factcheck doesn't.
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They've already said something.

They've said it's a fabrication and they have already backed their side with statements from the Federal Trade Commission.

It is simply a lie fabricated by Obama in an attempt to make a candidate that has a clean record look like a criminal.

We're still waiting on those Fast & Furious documents BTW.

Yeah, but the Bain Birthers aren't worried about facts, it's all a coverup. Don't look at Obama, look at Bain...

They're hanging by a thread. Desparate. Thier messiah has ZERO to run on but negating the 'other guys'.
Romney stole capital, pensions, and jobs from American companies.

Romney is a liar and a thief.
Romney stole capital, pensions, and jobs from American companies.

Romney is a liar and a thief.

Then the money used to "steal capital, pensions, and jobs from American companies" was given to the DNC via "donations."

What's your view on that?

Hey dippy, that huffpost article uses the globe article that I just showed FACTCHECK.ORG debunks as their source....try again.

This, my friend, is the important passage, from the update to the story:

However, the purpose of the Ballot Law Commission inquiry was to determine Romney's residency, not whether he had done any part-time work on behalf of Bain. Indeed, in two days of testimony, the Democratic lawyer didn't question Romney about his role at Bain, as the issue wasn't a live one. That question only arose in recent years when Romney categorically denied any active involvement with Bain.

In addition, the Romney campaign's response does not address whether by sitting on LifeLike's board until 2001, Romney's 2011 disclosure form statement that he had "not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way" was false.
Hey dippy, that huffpost article uses the globe article that I just showed FACTCHECK.ORG debunks as their source....try again.
And plagiarized.

Where's your proof of plagiary, again?
I assume you mean plagiarism.

".... but as Globe editor Martin Baron acknowledged today, it failed to credit organizations that had previously reported on the story.

“Pieces of this story were reported by other news organizations. We believe the Globe advanced the story with a more comprehensive and complete look that broke significant news and included additional documents,” Baron said in a statement to POLITICO. “However, our policy is to give credit to other news organizations for their work. In the editing and shortening process, I have learned, passages giving credit were removed. That was a mistake, and we are now adding appropriate credit back to the online version.”

The PJ Tatler » Update: Boston Globe Admits It Plagiarized Romney Story from Leftist Conspiracy Mongers (Update: Docs Prove Romney Right)

Hey, if a known troll stands by it, what is to question?


Shallow, Rati, Mr. Shithead, and Derrps - the Bain Birther Brigade!

The few, the proud, the really fucking stupid....

Hey Fuckface, the Boston Globe is a reputable newspaper. They have decided NOT to retract. So what does that tell you?

How many reputable news outlets have carried the birther story and run with it, again? Is the New York Times giving credibility to Birther shit? Is the Washington Post? The Boston Globe?

No. They're not. So you're snickering is kind of stupid (no surprise) since this is a totally different issue and there's testimony of Romney ON THE RECORD in sworn statements that he wasn't involved at all. So yeah, nice try, but Bain Birther will go as far as the Tea Baggers (irony) decide to take it. The rest of the country's going to want to actually hear the answers. Other than "They're LYING! BOO HOO HOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

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