Romney's Bain Lie

Meanwhile, the plagiarizing Washington Post and all the other media outlets in the known world have picked up on the Bain story, which the plagiarizing Globe reported.

It seems in a media shitstorm, what is really plagiarism sometimes gets overlooked. Like how the Rolling Stolens haven't had a new album, in a good while. Learn to like Sticky Fingers, since nobody wants to play guitar, for the NSA and their corporate clients to eavesdrop on.

The classic rock era was PLAGIARISM. Really. Or no AC-ZZ, including Bad Co. Kindly note, how the NSA is four times bigger, than the CIA. THAT is a bad, bad company. So is every last media outlet, with guys like white Obamney, sitting on their boards of directors.

SHIT! Look how many boards this guy was on! Scads of companies have the same guys, sitting.

They not only LIE, but also, they STEAL. Or no Steel Wheels, kiddies. No Steely Dan. No children, of concrete and steel. Where the fuck was anybody, when REAL STEALING was going on?

Learn to like GaGa, is my advice. Classic rock is dead as a vampire, in a crypt. It might get back up, IF somebody gets ripped, right out of his house. Fuckers were PLAGIARIZING, inc., while some of you were MASTURBATING, pretending to know WTF is plagiarism, and you don't know shit, from shinola.
Meanwhile, the plagiarizing Washington Post and all the other media outlets in the known world have picked up on the Bain story, which the plagiarizing Globe reported.

It seems in a media shitstorm, what is really plagiarism sometimes gets overlooked. Like how the Rolling Stolens haven't had a new album, in a good while. Learn to like Sticky Fingers, since nobody wants to play guitar, for the NSA and their corporate clients to eavesdrop on.

The classic rock era was PLAGIARISM. Really. Or no AC-ZZ, including Bad Co. Kindly note, how the NSA is four times bigger, than the CIA. THAT is a bad, bad company. So is every last media outlet, with guys like white Obamney, sitting on their boards of directors.

SHIT! Look how many boards this guy was on! Scads of companies have the same guys, sitting.

They not only LIE, but also, they STEAL. Or no Steel Wheels, kiddies. No Steely Dan. No children, of concrete and steel. Where the fuck was anybody, when REAL STEALING was going on?

Learn to like GaGa, is my advice. Classic rock is dead as a vampire, in a crypt. It might get back up, IF somebody gets ripped, right out of his house. Fuckers were PLAGIARIZING, inc., while some of you were MASTURBATING, pretending to know WTF is plagiarism, and you don't know shit, from shinola.
Don't eat the brown acid. Really. You should have listened.
Times change. Does anyone change with them faster than Mitt Romney?

Every president responds to public opinion and midterm election results, of course, but Ronald Reagan and to a lesser extent George W. Bush both made concerted efforts to persuade Americans of their vision. Romney isn't a persuader. As Peter Suderman put it when trying to understand him, "Consultants don't have ideology; they have strategy. Their job is to take their current client's side, whatever it is, and put a good polish on it while restoring whatever's underneath."

I suspect that, as the campaign drags inexorably on, Mitt Romney is going to regard his "clients" as being a bit farther left than his rhetoric now suggests -- and that if he wins, he'll be performing for clients that resemble the median voter of two years from now more than the Tea Partier of today. (Just as the Tea Partiers feared all along.)

President Romney Would Not Remain a Conservative - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
From today's LA Times, not known for their support of Republicans, comes this...
Robert Jackson Jr., a professor of corporate governance at Columbia Law School in New York, said he did not see a contradiction between the language in the SEC filing and Romney's actual role, even if they appeared inconsistent.

"All this securities filing does, as a matter of law, is say that he has some policymaking authority over the company," Jackson said. "It doesn't mean that he exercised it — it doesn't mean he was spending a lot of time on it. It just means that as a matter of law, he was one of the people who had policymaking authority."

Mitt Romney's role at Bain Capital fuels Obama campaign attacks -
Times change. Does anyone change with them faster than Mitt Romney?

Every president responds to public opinion and midterm election results, of course, but Ronald Reagan and to a lesser extent George W. Bush both made concerted efforts to persuade Americans of their vision. Romney isn't a persuader. As Peter Suderman put it when trying to understand him, "Consultants don't have ideology; they have strategy. Their job is to take their current client's side, whatever it is, and put a good polish on it while restoring whatever's underneath."

I suspect that, as the campaign drags inexorably on, Mitt Romney is going to regard his "clients" as being a bit farther left than his rhetoric now suggests -- and that if he wins, he'll be performing for clients that resemble the median voter of two years from now more than the Tea Partier of today. (Just as the Tea Partiers feared all along.)

President Romney Would Not Remain a Conservative - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
Whatever he would "remain", it's far better than the unconstitutional totalitarian in office.
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:

American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​


But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
A government is NOT a business

True, then why did the government loan well over a trillion dollars of taxpayers money to green energy companies that went bankrupt?

For the same reason it helped the industrial revolution take hold?

That was Socialism!
Birth Certificate!
Classical Liberalism!
Uncensored = Unhinged

sound like Joe McCarthy: "I'll add you to the list!" :lol:

Being a Bain Birther just means you subscribe the the wacky conspiracy theory that Fucktards like Obama floated that Romney filed false SEC documents, even thought the SEC already said the claim is a fib.

But you keep demanding that Romney be indicted, sparky. Don't let reality get in your way...
True, then why did the government loan well over a trillion dollars of taxpayers money to green energy companies that went bankrupt?

For the same reason it helped the industrial revolution take hold?

That was Socialism!
Birth Certificate!
Classical Liberalism!
None of that has anything to do with Classical Liberalism. But, I love that the term annoys you. See, I am a Classical Liberal. :lol:
For the same reason it helped the industrial revolution take hold?

That was Socialism!
Birth Certificate!
Classical Liberalism!
None of that has anything to do with Classical Liberalism. But, I love that the term annoys you. See, I am a Classical Liberal. :lol:

Yeah, I'm not surprised you didn't get it; you're dumb.
True, then why did the government loan well over a trillion dollars of taxpayers money to green energy companies that went bankrupt?

For the same reason it helped the industrial revolution take hold?

That was Socialism!
Birth Certificate!
Classical Liberalism!

Hey, dipshit. How much money did Jesus get from the govt to feed and heal people?

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