Romney's Bain Lie

Romney will own the Boston Globe for libel after this

Obama is a liar

Romney would never sue. Know why? The discovery rules. He would have to reveal what he's trying so hard to hide.

Obama's economy is right out in the open. What ever Romney is hiding is going to have to be very bad indeed to top that. :badgrin:
Obama has to outsource his fundraising because Americans don't want to pay for his lies

(I'm sounding like TM, right?)
Mitt Romney 'Legally' Bain Capital CEO Until 2002, Former Partner Says (VIDEO)

A former Bain Capital partner acknowledged Sunday that Mitt Romney "legally" remained the head of the private equity firm until 2002, contradicting Romney's claims that he left the company in February 1999.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Up w/ Chris Hayes," Edward Conard, who worked at the private equity firm during Romney's tenure as CEO, noted that Romney remained "legally" in charge of the company for at least two years after the former governor says he left to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company," Conard said. Conard served as managing director of the firm from 1993 to 2007.

Oh, ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.
“If the information is not correct then investors are potentially being materially misled,” Edward Siedle, a securities lawyer formerly with the SEC’s Division of Investment Management, said in a telephone interview Saturday. “The filings are supposed to require material disclosure. I mean, these aren’t pointless forms.”

Siedle added that both investors and federal regulators rely on timely and accurate filings for up-to-date information about a financial company’s operations, and that the officers listed on the filings should be considered responsible for the company’s actions. “All those designations indicate that he had significant responsibility at the firm,” Siedle said of Romney. “There’s a reason he was listed as president and CEO all those years.”

Former Bain Capital partner says Romney was 'legally' CEO of Bain Capital until 2002 - Up with Chris Hayes
Mitt Romney 'Legally' Bain Capital CEO Until 2002, Former Partner Says (VIDEO)

A former Bain Capital partner acknowledged Sunday that Mitt Romney "legally" remained the head of the private equity firm until 2002, contradicting Romney's claims that he left the company in February 1999.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Up w/ Chris Hayes," Edward Conard, who worked at the private equity firm during Romney's tenure as CEO, noted that Romney remained "legally" in charge of the company for at least two years after the former governor says he left to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company," Conard said. Conard served as managing director of the firm from 1993 to 2007.

Oh, ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.

Sheesh, don't ANY of you dipshitz read your links??

"He'd created a lot of franchise value, and we were going to pay him for that," Conard said, adding: "We had a very complicated set of negotiations that took us about two years for us to unwind. During that time a management committee ran the firm, and we could hardly get Mitt to come back to negotiate the terms of his departure because he was working so hard on the Olympics."
As far as the SEC documents are concerned, current DEMOCRATIC Bain officials have stated that after Romneys departure it took a couple of years to cement his replacement and as a result Romneys name was left atop the paperwork as a name must be provided by law. Since his replacement had yet to be found it was a formality that left his name atop the paperwork and that Romney was in no way involved with the day to day practices or decisions of Bain.

You miss the point:

The Globe story adds some additional evidence to what has been pretty evident for many years: when he left for Utah in 1999, Romney handed over day-to-day operational duties to other executives at Bain Capital but retained full ownership of the company in every legal, fiduciary, and ethical sense until finalizing a separation agreement in 2002. Romney, and Bain Capital, have always claimed otherwise, but have never offered anything serious to support that.

The Bain Shadow Years Loom Larger - Talking Politics
The issue isn’t whether or not Romney was making ‘day to day’ decisions concerning Bain, or whether or not those decisions were good decisions, or the consequences of those decisions.

The issue is Romney’s effort to avoid the overall responsibility that was clearly his.

It’s a trust, honesty, and character issue – and Romney is failing with all three.
In reality, Mitt doesn't have to answer any questions about Bain.

He probably SHOULD, however, explain how and why hi company created or saved lots of jobs, though, and far more than were lost when Bain was unable to save some of those companies.
Mitt Romney 'Legally' Bain Capital CEO Until 2002, Former Partner Says (VIDEO)

A former Bain Capital partner acknowledged Sunday that Mitt Romney "legally" remained the head of the private equity firm until 2002, contradicting Romney's claims that he left the company in February 1999.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Up w/ Chris Hayes," Edward Conard, who worked at the private equity firm during Romney's tenure as CEO, noted that Romney remained "legally" in charge of the company for at least two years after the former governor says he left to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company," Conard said. Conard served as managing director of the firm from 1993 to 2007.

Oh, ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.

IOW, the Huff Post thinks that the old MD confirming that Romney was the "legal" CEO, as documented in the SEC filings, is big news.

Outstanding journalism.

“If the information is not correct then investors are potentially being materially misled,” Edward Siedle, a securities lawyer formerly with the SEC’s Division of Investment Management, said in a telephone interview Saturday. “The filings are supposed to require material disclosure. I mean, these aren’t pointless forms.”

Siedle added that both investors and federal regulators rely on timely and accurate filings for up-to-date information about a financial company’s operations, and that the officers listed on the filings should be considered responsible for the company’s actions. “All those designations indicate that he had significant responsibility at the firm,” Siedle said of Romney. “There’s a reason he was listed as president and CEO all those years.”

Former Bain Capital partner says Romney was 'legally' CEO of Bain Capital until 2002 - Up with Chris Hayes

The information is correct.

Move on.

Or is it ""
These Bainers are so like the Birthers, insane. All the fact checkers, Mother Jones, TPM, WaPo, even blinking NYT say 'nothing here...'

Yet, the Bainers just ask their 'questions' where the ultimate answer is did Romney lie or is he a felon? Sort of like, 'no proof' from any source is sound enuf for the Birthers.

The management will be on solid ground here when they start moving all these threads to 'conspriacy.'

:lol: The headlines should read something like this:

"Did Mitt beat his wife?"

"Questions arise about whether or not Mitt beat his wife!"

"Wife beating a felony; Did Mitt commit a crime?"

Meanwhile Mitt and Ann both deny the bruise on her face came from Mitt, and video evidence shows that she walked into the door. First hand accounts and medical reports apparently confirm Mitt's claim, "I never hit my wife, ever!".

A month later, Dems release footage of Mitt and Ann Romney attending a Red Sox game when Big Papi hits one out of the park, Mitt waps Ann on the shoulder with the back of his hand in excitement...

Democratic underground obtains a photo of Ann flinching in the instant the back of Mitt's hand touches her shoulder and publishes the perfectly cropped snapshot with this headline, "Mitt Romney hits wife! Liar in Chief?"

Despite outrage from the Romney campaign and further denials, the demblogs and the twittah all insist Mitt should prove he did not beat his wife!!! The Romney campaign demands an apology, but the Dems insist their story is true and the photo is proof. Mitt Lies!

Half of America believes
he bruised her face with the back of his hand that day, and the rest is history! Bravo dems! Bravo! :eusa_clap:

Wow. What a crappy metaphor for what is going on here.

Here's a better one. Romney is running on what a great husband he is. But then he seals the records of his marriage couselling. Then he denies there was marriage consoling.

Fact is, there are hundreds of people who had their lives ruined because Mitt Romney saw companies they worked for as a quick way to turn a buck.

He's running on what a great businessman he is. He doesn't want to talk about his leadership role in the Mormon Chruch or his governorship. He wants to talk about Bain. But he wants it to be a monologue, not a discussion.

p''s a perfect analogy for how the media can sensationalize a story so as to deliberately distort the impression imposed upon the audience...
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Mitt Romney 'Legally' Bain Capital CEO Until 2002, Former Partner Says (VIDEO)

A former Bain Capital partner acknowledged Sunday that Mitt Romney "legally" remained the head of the private equity firm until 2002, contradicting Romney's claims that he left the company in February 1999.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Up w/ Chris Hayes," Edward Conard, who worked at the private equity firm during Romney's tenure as CEO, noted that Romney remained "legally" in charge of the company for at least two years after the former governor says he left to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company," Conard said. Conard served as managing director of the firm from 1993 to 2007.

Oh, ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.

IOW, the Huff Post thinks that the old MD confirming that Romney was the "legal" CEO, as documented in the SEC filings, is big news.

Outstanding journalism.


Oh, absolutely. Shoot the messenger. :thup:

Former Bain Capital partner says Romney was 'legally' CEO of Bain Capital until 2002 - Up with Chris Hayes
As far as the SEC documents are concerned, current DEMOCRATIC Bain officials have stated that after Romneys departure it took a couple of years to cement his replacement and as a result Romneys name was left atop the paperwork as a name must be provided by law. Since his replacement had yet to be found it was a formality that left his name atop the paperwork and that Romney was in no way involved with the day to day practices or decisions of Bain.

You miss the point:

The Globe story adds some additional evidence to what has been pretty evident for many years: when he left for Utah in 1999, Romney handed over day-to-day operational duties to other executives at Bain Capital but retained full ownership of the company in every legal, fiduciary, and ethical sense until finalizing a separation agreement in 2002. Romney, and Bain Capital, have always claimed otherwise, but have never offered anything serious to support that.

The Bain Shadow Years Loom Larger - Talking Politics
The issue isn’t whether or not Romney was making ‘day to day’ decisions concerning Bain, or whether or not those decisions were good decisions, or the consequences of those decisions.

The issue is Romney’s effort to avoid the overall responsibility that was clearly his.

It’s a trust, honesty, and character issue – and Romney is failing with all three.

Plus, it's kinda telling that the Mittster wants to not be associated with those years at his pride and joy to begin with.
Mitt Romney 'Legally' Bain Capital CEO Until 2002, Former Partner Says (VIDEO)

A former Bain Capital partner acknowledged Sunday that Mitt Romney "legally" remained the head of the private equity firm until 2002, contradicting Romney's claims that he left the company in February 1999.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Up w/ Chris Hayes," Edward Conard, who worked at the private equity firm during Romney's tenure as CEO, noted that Romney remained "legally" in charge of the company for at least two years after the former governor says he left to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company," Conard said. Conard served as managing director of the firm from 1993 to 2007.

Oh, ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.


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