Romney's Bain Lie

Mitt Romney 'Legally' Bain Capital CEO Until 2002, Former Partner Says (VIDEO)

A former Bain Capital partner acknowledged Sunday that Mitt Romney "legally" remained the head of the private equity firm until 2002, contradicting Romney's claims that he left the company in February 1999.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Up w/ Chris Hayes," Edward Conard, who worked at the private equity firm during Romney's tenure as CEO, noted that Romney remained "legally" in charge of the company for at least two years after the former governor says he left to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company," Conard said. Conard served as managing director of the firm from 1993 to 2007.

Oh, ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.


Deja vu all over again.

Does that make the ?????????????????????? spamming?


Deja vu all over again.

Does that make the ?????????????????????? spamming?

don't you have another troll, oops, :redface:I mean thread to start?

Deja vu all over again.

Does that make the ?????????????????????? spamming?

don't you have another troll, oops, :redface:I mean thread to start?

Is it spamming?
Deja vu all over again.

Does that make the ?????????????????????? spamming?

don't you have another troll, oops, :redface:I mean thread to start?

Is it spamming?

Not if Chris and Franco can get away with their constant posting of the same crap (word for word) with no thought or argument given to the context of the thread they are spamming into....

Ooops....did I says spamming.

I do call Chrissy Sir Spamelot. I think the Sir is unwarrented.
don't you have another troll, oops, :redface:I mean thread to start?

Is it spamming?

Not if Chris and Franco can get away with their constant posting of the same crap (word for word) with no thought or argument given to the context of the thread they are spamming into....

Ooops....did I says spamming.

I do call Chrissy Sir Spamelot. I think the Sir is unwarrented.

Funny coming from you
Mitt Romney 'Legally' Bain Capital CEO Until 2002, Former Partner Says (VIDEO)

A former Bain Capital partner acknowledged Sunday that Mitt Romney "legally" remained the head of the private equity firm until 2002, contradicting Romney's claims that he left the company in February 1999.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Up w/ Chris Hayes," Edward Conard, who worked at the private equity firm during Romney's tenure as CEO, noted that Romney remained "legally" in charge of the company for at least two years after the former governor says he left to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company," Conard said. Conard served as managing director of the firm from 1993 to 2007.

Oh, ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.

Sheesh, don't ANY of you dipshitz read your links??

"He'd created a lot of franchise value, and we were going to pay him for that," Conard said, adding: "We had a very complicated set of negotiations that took us about two years for us to unwind. During that time a management committee ran the firm, and we could hardly get Mitt to come back to negotiate the terms of his departure because he was working so hard on the Olympics."

Hey Boopers, did you miss this or are you just hoping to be able to ignore it??
Obama released TWELVE years worth of his tax returns.

Romney released ONE.

Romney could settle this entire situation by doing what most presidential nominees, even his own dad, have done election after election.

What is he hiding?

He was in government for most of those 12 years, too, wasn't he?
It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.

That is really strange, I know that Kerry got a few Ds when he was a freshman, and ended up with almost the same GPA as Bush. I know that Perry was a less than stellar student, I know Gore had some really poor grades, and had a real hard time with a natural science course, I know Quayle only got into Indiana because of an equal opportunity program, I could go on for a while talking about the various presidents who had lousy grades, but since it is not traditional to release transcripts I must have hacked into all those colleges to get them.

I don't care. I don't care about someone's college transcripts, or their birth certificate, or their tax returns.

Have they broken the law? If not, why the f*** does it matter? It's private. Let it be.
It matters when they take advantage of a system gamed to benefit the wealthy, especially when bragging to be a "job creator." It also matters if they claim they had nothing to do with a company that had them on the payroll.
These Bainers are so like the Birthers, insane. All the fact checkers, Mother Jones, TPM, WaPo, even blinking NYT say 'nothing here...'

Yet, the Bainers just ask their 'questions' where the ultimate answer is did Romney lie or is he a felon? Sort of like, 'no proof' from any source is sound enuf for the Birthers.

The management will be on solid ground here when they start moving all these threads to 'conspriacy.'

:lol: The headlines should read something like this:

"Did Mitt beat his wife?"

"Questions arise about whether or not Mitt beat his wife!"

"Wife beating a felony; Did Mitt commit a crime?"

Meanwhile Mitt and Ann both deny the bruise on her face came from Mitt, and video evidence shows that she walked into the door. First hand accounts and medical reports apparently confirm Mitt's claim, "I never hit my wife, ever!".

A month later, Dems release footage of Mitt and Ann Romney attending a Red Sox game when Big Papi hits one out of the park, Mitt waps Ann on the shoulder with the back of his hand in excitement...

Democratic underground obtains a photo of Ann flinching in the instant the back of Mitt's hand touches her shoulder and publishes the perfectly cropped snapshot with this headline, "Mitt Romney hits wife! Liar in Chief?"

Despite outrage from the Romney campaign and further denials, the demblogs and the twittah all insist Mitt should prove he did not beat his wife!!! The Romney campaign demands an apology, but the Dems insist their story is true and the photo is proof. Mitt Lies!

Half of America believes he bruised her face with the back of his hand that day, and the rest is history! Bravo dems! Bravo! :eusa_clap:
Nice little song and dance. If Mitten was on Bain's payroll while claiming he had nothing to do with Bain, he has some explaining to do.
It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.

Says who?

Says anyone with a lick of sense.

Romney is running purely on his Bain experience. Except that he wants to distance himself from the bad parts like AmPad and GS Steel and the outsourcing.

In short, if that's his argument, we really do need to see how much money he made when those folks in Marion, IN and Kansas City lost their jobs.... seems reasonable.

I'm not sure what you guys really think are in Obama's transcripts, exactly. The man had a 3.7 GPA So I imagine most of his grades were pretty good. But if he got a D in "Contract Law", that's kind of meaningless. He's not running on ihs college experience.
HEY! If YOU want to see some damn tax returns, set something important ON FIRE, NOW!

W. Meat (white) Obamney let John McCain see 23 years worth of tax returns, and then McCain went and named Sarah Palin his Veep nominee.

See why Meat needs to hide his sacred tax returns? It's BAD LUCK, to show those around!

A number of McCain's former Navy contemporaries claim he started the fatal, 1967 fire, aboard the USS Forrestal, by wet-starting his A-4 Skyhawk, while it was parked, in front of an F-4 Phantom, whose pilot was among the many people killed. Something blew a safety pin, out of its position, holding a Zuni air-to-ground missile, which launched, probably when the doomed F-4 pilot switched, to internal power, as his Phantom prepared to launch.

Whether or not McCain actually wet-started his Skyhawk, he was immediately transferred, to the USS Oriskany. His daddy commanded the Pacific Fleet, and daddy McCain helped cover up how Israel blasted the crap, out of the USS Liberty, that same year.

WTF did YOU GUYS burn down?!!

(fuss-fume-rant-bitch-crap-smear-blahblah, no liberals, blahblah, hockey stick graph, blahblah, nixon's the one, blahblah, stonewall, blabbity-blab, no deposit, no returns!)
These Bainers are so like the Birthers, insane. All the fact checkers, Mother Jones, TPM, WaPo, even blinking NYT say 'nothing here...'

Yet, the Bainers just ask their 'questions' where the ultimate answer is did Romney lie or is he a felon? Sort of like, 'no proof' from any source is sound enuf for the Birthers.

The management will be on solid ground here when they start moving all these threads to 'conspriacy.'

:lol: The headlines should read something like this:

"Did Mitt beat his wife?"

"Questions arise about whether or not Mitt beat his wife!"

"Wife beating a felony; Did Mitt commit a crime?"

Meanwhile Mitt and Ann both deny the bruise on her face came from Mitt, and video evidence shows that she walked into the door. First hand accounts and medical reports apparently confirm Mitt's claim, "I never hit my wife, ever!".

A month later, Dems release footage of Mitt and Ann Romney attending a Red Sox game when Big Papi hits one out of the park, Mitt waps Ann on the shoulder with the back of his hand in excitement...

Democratic underground obtains a photo of Ann flinching in the instant the back of Mitt's hand touches her shoulder and publishes the perfectly cropped snapshot with this headline, "Mitt Romney hits wife! Liar in Chief?"

Despite outrage from the Romney campaign and further denials, the demblogs and the twittah all insist Mitt should prove he did not beat his wife!!! The Romney campaign demands an apology, but the Dems insist their story is true and the photo is proof. Mitt Lies!

Half of America believes he bruised her face with the back of his hand that day, and the rest is history! Bravo dems! Bravo! :eusa_clap:
Nice little song and dance. If Mitten was on Bain's payroll while claiming he had nothing to do with Bain, he has some explaining to do.

its been established for over a decade that he was getting paid by Bain....there is nothing new in that........
btw, I know a handful of people that worked on the Vancouver Olympics, more than 60 hours a week, and they didn't ignore and or pretend they weren't involved with the companies they own.

Mitt can't chew gum and ride a horse. :lol:
btw, I know a handful of people that worked on the Vancouver Olympics, more than 60 hours a week, and they didn't ignore and or pretend they weren't involved with the companies they own.

Mitt can't chew gum and ride a horse. :lol:

No. You don't. But even if you did, those "friends" didn't leave their companies to RUN the Olympics, you hack.
Can we talk about the economy (and how bad it sucks) now ?

Sure we can...

but the question is why does it suck?

Does it suck because Obama waived his Hopey-Changy wand and nothing happened?

or does it suck because Romney and his sort have been waging a decades long war on the middle class?

It shouldn't long have the tax cuts for the Job Creators been in force now?

IOW, the Huff Post thinks that the old MD confirming that Romney was the "legal" CEO, as documented in the SEC filings, is big news.

Outstanding journalism.


Oh, absolutely. Shoot the messenger. :thup:

Former Bain Capital partner says Romney was 'legally' CEO of Bain Capital until 2002 - Up with Chris Hayes

"And in other breaking news, HuffPost reports the sun rose this morning in the east. "

It's amazing that a news outlet could report the absolute obvious and anyone would react to it.
That is really strange, I know that Kerry got a few Ds when he was a freshman, and ended up with almost the same GPA as Bush. I know that Perry was a less than stellar student, I know Gore had some really poor grades, and had a real hard time with a natural science course, I know Quayle only got into Indiana because of an equal opportunity program, I could go on for a while talking about the various presidents who had lousy grades, but since it is not traditional to release transcripts I must have hacked into all those colleges to get them.

I don't care. I don't care about someone's college transcripts, or their birth certificate, or their tax returns.

Have they broken the law? If not, why the f*** does it matter? It's private. Let it be.
It matters when they take advantage of a system gamed to benefit the wealthy, especially when bragging to be a "job creator." It also matters if they claim they had nothing to do with a company that had them on the payroll.

Why shouldn't he take advantage of tax breaks? Most people do. Saying he shouldn't take advantage of tax breaks that is readily available to him is about as nonsensical as conservatives saying that if liberals want to raise taxes, they should voluntarily send money to the Treasury and not force everyone to pay. Same coin, different sides.

You realize that his tax return is irrelevant to determining his involvement in Bain, right? He would continue to receive partnership distributions from carried interest from past funds and profits from the management company whether or not he was actively involved. This was investigated when he ran for governor in MA. This whole "Was he running Bain" garbage reminds me of the birfers demanding to see Obama's birth certificate years after it was certified.
I don't care. I don't care about someone's college transcripts, or their birth certificate, or their tax returns.

Have they broken the law? If not, why the f*** does it matter? It's private. Let it be.
It matters when they take advantage of a system gamed to benefit the wealthy, especially when bragging to be a "job creator." It also matters if they claim they had nothing to do with a company that had them on the payroll.

Why shouldn't he take advantage of tax breaks? Most people do. Saying he shouldn't take advantage of tax breaks that is readily available to him is about as nonsensical as conservatives saying that if liberals want to raise taxes, they should voluntarily send money to the Treasury and not force everyone to pay. Same coin, different sides.

You realize that his tax return is irrelevant to determining his involvement in Bain, right? He would continue to receive partnership distributions from carried interest from past funds and profits from the management company whether or not he was actively involved. This was investigated when he ran for governor in MA. This whole "Was he running Bain" garbage reminds me of the birfers demanding to see Obama's birth certificate years after it was certified.

Tax breaks? Or tax avoidance?

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