Romney's Bain Lie

It matters when they take advantage of a system gamed to benefit the wealthy, especially when bragging to be a "job creator." It also matters if they claim they had nothing to do with a company that had them on the payroll.

Why shouldn't he take advantage of tax breaks? Most people do. Saying he shouldn't take advantage of tax breaks that is readily available to him is about as nonsensical as conservatives saying that if liberals want to raise taxes, they should voluntarily send money to the Treasury and not force everyone to pay. Same coin, different sides.

You realize that his tax return is irrelevant to determining his involvement in Bain, right? He would continue to receive partnership distributions from carried interest from past funds and profits from the management company whether or not he was actively involved. This was investigated when he ran for governor in MA. This whole "Was he running Bain" garbage reminds me of the birfers demanding to see Obama's birth certificate years after it was certified.

Tax breaks? Or tax avoidance?

Hey! C'mon! Be fair! It's not like we ALL can't stuff millions of dollars into secret bank accounts to hide it from our moral and legal responsibilities to pay taxes on it!
It matters when they take advantage of a system gamed to benefit the wealthy, especially when bragging to be a "job creator." It also matters if they claim they had nothing to do with a company that had them on the payroll.

Why shouldn't he take advantage of tax breaks? Most people do. Saying he shouldn't take advantage of tax breaks that is readily available to him is about as nonsensical as conservatives saying that if liberals want to raise taxes, they should voluntarily send money to the Treasury and not force everyone to pay. Same coin, different sides.

You realize that his tax return is irrelevant to determining his involvement in Bain, right? He would continue to receive partnership distributions from carried interest from past funds and profits from the management company whether or not he was actively involved. This was investigated when he ran for governor in MA. This whole "Was he running Bain" garbage reminds me of the birfers demanding to see Obama's birth certificate years after it was certified.

Tax breaks? Or tax avoidance?

Like Obama shoveling money into a trust fund for his daughters to avoid paying taxes, or is he just making sure that they will have an education and a good start in life?
Why shouldn't he take advantage of tax breaks? Most people do. Saying he shouldn't take advantage of tax breaks that is readily available to him is about as nonsensical as conservatives saying that if liberals want to raise taxes, they should voluntarily send money to the Treasury and not force everyone to pay. Same coin, different sides.

You realize that his tax return is irrelevant to determining his involvement in Bain, right? He would continue to receive partnership distributions from carried interest from past funds and profits from the management company whether or not he was actively involved. This was investigated when he ran for governor in MA. This whole "Was he running Bain" garbage reminds me of the birfers demanding to see Obama's birth certificate years after it was certified.

Tax breaks? Or tax avoidance?

Like Obama shoveling money into a trust fund for his daughters to avoid paying taxes, or is he just making sure that they will have an education and a good start in life?
Are Obama's investments in foreign countries like Willard's are?
Why shouldn't he take advantage of tax breaks? Most people do. Saying he shouldn't take advantage of tax breaks that is readily available to him is about as nonsensical as conservatives saying that if liberals want to raise taxes, they should voluntarily send money to the Treasury and not force everyone to pay. Same coin, different sides.

You realize that his tax return is irrelevant to determining his involvement in Bain, right? He would continue to receive partnership distributions from carried interest from past funds and profits from the management company whether or not he was actively involved. This was investigated when he ran for governor in MA. This whole "Was he running Bain" garbage reminds me of the birfers demanding to see Obama's birth certificate years after it was certified.

Tax breaks? Or tax avoidance?

Like Obama shoveling money into a trust fund for his daughters to avoid paying taxes, or is he just making sure that they will have an education and a good start in life?

Now, that IS a tax break!
Remember a couple of posts ago you typed this...

Hypocrite, thy name is Wolfsister.

Now that we know exactly what you are, would you care to respond to the portion of my post that addresses Romney's tax return? What exactly are you hoping to find, anyway?

That wasn't name calling. I think the birther stuff is BS. Way to assume things though. I have said repeatedly that I want him to release the exact same tax returns every other person running for President has released. Even members of his own party are asking for this. What am I hoping to learn? More about Romney's finances and how he handles his money. Kind of important if you are running for President. Heck, I don't even care about his paperwork from college just like I don't care about Obama's. That's hardly hypocritical.

Nice dodge.

Let me repeat the question, what exactly are you hoping to find? The only thing his tax returns can tell you is how much money he made and how much tax he paid, NONE of which is germane to the discussion. It won't prove or disprove the accusations of the Left, it will simply give you more ammunition for your 'class warfare' exercise.

And I want BoiKing to release his college records, just like "every other person running for President has..."

I notice you slipped in that 'has to' in your sentence that I quoted. Care to point out the law that says ANY candidate 'has to' release ANY tax returns?

Corrected my post to say has released. I told you what I'm hoping to find in the tax returns already. I also want to know why he released 23 years to the McCain campaign when they vetted him in 2008 but has never released them during his run for Gov. of MA, the MA Senate race, or his 2008 Presidential run and only released a year when under pressure during the primaries. There is obviously something there that compromises something he already said and he thinks the political risks are too great. Obviously, I want to know what this is.
Very simple.

Romney represents capital's desire for the higher returns through cheaper labor costs.

Read your uncle Milty. Capital does not care about externalities like patriotism or morality; if it can get higher returns stabbing the American worker in the back in favor of sweatshop labor, than so be it.

The point of Bain Capital is to destroy American jobs in order to get higher returns for investors who benefit by cheapest labor costs.

The story of postwar capitalism is the story of how the New Deal Democrats made sure we had high paying American jobs. The story of post Reagan capitalism is the story of how companies like Bain created massive profits for the elite by shipping American jobs to freedom-hating sweatshop nations.

The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.

Guess what the private sector does with the extra profits it makes from not having to pay first world labor costs? It invests those profits into Republican talk radio ... which covers up the reality of who got rid of America's manufacturing base, and why.
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Very simple.

Romney represents capital's desire for the higher returns through cheaper labor costs.

Read your uncle Milty. Capital does not care about externalities like patriotism or morality; if it can get higher returns stabbing the American worker in the back in favor of sweatshop labor, than so be it.

The point of Bain Capital is to destroy American jobs in order to get higher returns for investors who benefit by cheapest labor costs.

The story of postwar capitalism is the story of how the New Deal Democrats made sure we had high paying American jobs. The story of post Reagan capitalism is the story of how companies like Bain created massive profits for the elite by shipping American jobs to freedom-hating sweatshop nations.

The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.

Guess what the private sector does with the extra profits it makes from not having to pay first world labor costs? It invests those profits into Republican talk radio ... which covers up the reality of who got rid of America's manufacturing base, and why.

Post of the year.....
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Londoner: The story of postwar capitalism is the story of how the New Deal Democrats made sure we had high paying American jobs. The story of post Reagan capitalism is the story of how companies like Bain created massive profits for the elite by shipping American jobs to freedom-hating sweatshop nations.

the path Bain was following whether Romney was at the helm to finish it or not.
Londoner: The story of postwar capitalism is the story of how the New Deal Democrats made sure we had high paying American jobs. The story of post Reagan capitalism is the story of how companies like Bain created massive profits for the elite by shipping American jobs to freedom-hating sweatshop nations.

the path Bain was following whether Romney was at the helm to finish it or not.

Romney sure as fuck put them on that path though. He was the one with the compass AND the steering wheel.
I am seriously dumbfounded that you guys would be making this stupid argument about when Romney left Bain when it's PUBLIC RECORD that He ran the 2002 SLC Olympic games from 1999-2002. You people are seriously trying to argue that not only did he spend 12-16 hours a day saving the Olympics, he somehow managed to run a major business at the same time?

I mean, I know Romney's leadership skills are amazing, but this claim is downright ridiculous. And if it was true that he managed to run both at the same time, then he is far more qualified to be President of the United States than Obama ever will be.

So this is seriously going to be your argument? Then thank you. Because you guys are ensuring that Romney wins the Presidency with this nonsense.
I am seriously dumbfounded that you guys would be making this stupid argument about when Romney left Bain when it's PUBLIC RECORD that He ran the 2002 SLC Olympic games from 1999-2002. You people are seriously trying to argue that not only did he spend 12-16 hours a day saving the Olympics, he somehow managed to run a major business at the same time?

I mean, I know Romney's leadership skills are amazing, but this claim is downright ridiculous. And if it was true that he managed to run both at the same time, then he is far more qualified to be President of the United States than Obama ever will be.

So this is seriously going to be your argument? Then thank you. Because you guys are ensuring that Romney wins the Presidency with this nonsense.

Then why is there a record of him going back to Boston to take care of Bain business, as well as a record of phone calls when he couldn't travel?

Sounds like he was running something to me.
Londoner: The story of postwar capitalism is the story of how the New Deal Democrats made sure we had high paying American jobs. The story of post Reagan capitalism is the story of how companies like Bain created massive profits for the elite by shipping American jobs to freedom-hating sweatshop nations.
the path Bain was following whether Romney was at the helm to finish it or not.

Romney sure as fuck put them on that path though. He was the one with the compass AND the steering wheel.

Romney is the one that backed Staples even though his partners thought it was a waste of money. Unlike Solyndra, Staples actually made money.

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