Romney's Bain Lie

Well, I just found out, how a number of former Navy people figure John McCain wet-started his A-4 Skyhawk, to cause the fatal disaster, aboard the USS Forrestal, in 1979, but we don't get to know that, for sure, but McCain's admiral daddy helped cover up the Israeli attack, on the USS Liberty, Lt.C.McCain transferred, to the USS Oriskany, and candidate John McCain got to look at 23 years, of Meat (white) Obamney tax returns!!

WTF. Don't WE get to see those tax returns, eh? Do you have to be a master of disaster, to see W.Meat Obamney docs, which relate, to his basic eligibility, to be President, during his run, toward the stupid election?

I'm voting Green, folks. Fuck it.

Can we talk about the economy (and how bad it sucks) now ?

Sure we can...

but the question is why does it suck?

Does it suck because Obama waived his Hopey-Changy wand and nothing happened?

or does it suck because Romney and his sort have been waging a decades long war on the middle class?

The economy sucks because Obama is waging war on capitalism, and his ideological war does not bode well for job creation, or our nation's prosperity.

It never ceases to amaze me how much you idiots depend on headlines and never bother to read your own fucking links. Y'all are like schoolchildren, really.

From your link, idiot...
“He’d created a lot of franchise value, and we were going to pay him for that,” Conard said, adding: “We had a very complicated set of negotiations that took us about two years for us to unwind. During that time a management committee ran the firm, and we could hardly get Mitt to come back to negotiate the terms of his departure because he was working so hard on the Olympics.”

As I have written, several times, using his name, his occasional advice or quick consultation, is NOT 'working there'. A NON issue.
Of course he was still legally CEO when he took his leave of absence. Just like Steve Jobs was still legally CEO when he took two leaves of absences for his medical treatment.

But both men had turned over the running of the day to day operations to other managers.

Are you left wingers that stupid that you don't understand a leave of absence?
Did you listen to the man? He was so busy he didn;t have the time to negotiate. He wasn't there! Listen to the video!!!!! They had a managemnet team in place! DUH! DUh! DUH! LMAO!
Of course he was still legally CEO when he took his leave of absence. Just like Steve Jobs was still legally CEO when he took two leaves of absences for his medical treatment.

But both men had turned over the running of the day to day operations to other managers.

Are you left wingers that stupid that you don't understand a leave of absence?

It's not that they don't understand it.......they're just desperate. :eusa_shifty:
I can understand their fear.

They're stuck with a shit-for-brains president that has to lie to throw everyone off his scent and they're hoping for anything that assures that he gets another 4 years.

Funny thing is.....just about any Democrat would make a better candidate than Obama.....cept maybe Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.
Of course he was still legally CEO when he took his leave of absence. Just like Steve Jobs was still legally CEO when he took two leaves of absences for his medical treatment.

But both men had turned over the running of the day to day operations to other managers.

Are you left wingers that stupid that you don't understand a leave of absence?

Apparently, yes, they are.

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