Romney's Bain Lie

So we all can see that Romney's not releasing his other year's tax returns because it'll clearly show him taking money from Bain while they were outsourcing, right?


we already know he drew 100K a year in those 3 years......and????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:eusa_eh:
Can we talk about the economy (and how bad it sucks) now ?

the economy is better now than in 2008.

could it be better?

Not if the GOP were back in control.

:lol: :lol:

The economy would have recovered to where it is now with a chimp in the WH.

The U.S. economy has shown a nasty habit of doing that.....rebounding in spite of the pols.

In the case of FDR....he did manage to drag out a depression for a long time with his meddling.
So we all can see that Romney's not releasing his other year's tax returns because it'll clearly show him taking money from Bain while they were outsourcing, right?

There has NEVER been any effort to deny Romney received money from Bain during that time. What difference does that make? What do you think it proves?

How could the republicans sabotage job growth when you guys had two years of total control when Obama took office? Why didn't you fix it?

Get ready for the handwringing on the left.

It is all Scott Brown's fault.

Those stupid people in Mass. They elected Scott dare they ?

But they did want Romneycare.

The poor conflicted.
yeap as well as robmoney testifying that he went to board meetings of Bain holding to prove he should be allowed to run for gov.
How could the republicans sabotage job growth when you guys had two years of total control when Obama took office? Why didn't you fix it?

Well, Buford, that just shows how dumb you are. Democrats did NOT have total control of Congress for two years:

President Obama DID NOT control Congress for Two Years! | The Pragmatic Pundit

So the President couldn't fine ONE republican vote? Why didn't you all fix the economy in the first year instead of working on the health care bill? The economy was the priority.

No, the President couldn't fine ONE Republican vote! Republicans obstructed all the way instead of helping to make the health care bill the best it could be. Instead, we ended up with the watered-down ACA, which is better than nothing.

The health care bill was part of fixing the economy - which Republicans never tried to fix when they had total control.

The Republican Presidential candidate doesn't shy away from calls to repeal ObamaCare. But in November 2009 at a forum in Philadelphia with his 1994 Senate opponent Harris Wofford, the former Pennsylvania Senator said Republicans made a mistake by not prioritizing health care reform during the time the Republicans held a majority in Congress. The former Senator also tipped his hat to Democrats for initiating reform.

Rick Santorum Admits Republican Health Care Mistakes
Well, Buford, that just shows how dumb you are. Democrats did NOT have total control of Congress for two years:

President Obama DID NOT control Congress for Two Years! | The Pragmatic Pundit

So the President couldn't fine ONE republican vote? Why didn't you all fix the economy in the first year instead of working on the health care bill? The economy was the priority.

No, the President couldn't fine ONE Republican vote! Republicans obstructed all the way instead of helping to make the health care bill the best it could be. Instead, we ended up with the watered-down ACA, which is better than nothing.

The health care bill was part of fixing the economy - which Republicans never tried to fix when they had total control.

The Republican Presidential candidate doesn't shy away from calls to repeal ObamaCare. But in November 2009 at a forum in Philadelphia with his 1994 Senate opponent Harris Wofford, the former Pennsylvania Senator said Republicans made a mistake by not prioritizing health care reform during the time the Republicans held a majority in Congress. The former Senator also tipped his hat to Democrats for initiating reform.

Rick Santorum Admits Republican Health Care Mistakes

he didn't need any gop votes you buffoon. he had to bribe his own party to boot.....FFS its was only 2 years ago.

Question for you;

when was the last time the gop had - total control?

It never ceases to amaze me how much you idiots depend on headlines and never bother to read your own fucking links. Y'all are like schoolchildren, really.

From your link, idiot...
“He’d created a lot of franchise value, and we were going to pay him for that,” Conard said, adding: “We had a very complicated set of negotiations that took us about two years for us to unwind. During that time a management committee ran the firm, and we could hardly get Mitt to come back to negotiate the terms of his departure because he was working so hard on the Olympics.”
Is Mitt Romney being swift-boated like John Kerry? No, because John Kerry released 20 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 2004.
Well, Buford, that just shows how dumb you are. Democrats did NOT have total control of Congress for two years:

President Obama DID NOT control Congress for Two Years! | The Pragmatic Pundit

So the President couldn't fine ONE republican vote? Why didn't you all fix the economy in the first year instead of working on the health care bill? The economy was the priority.

No, the President couldn't fine ONE Republican vote! Republicans obstructed all the way instead of helping to make the health care bill the best it could be. Instead, we ended up with the watered-down ACA, which is better than nothing.

The health care bill was part of fixing the economy - which Republicans never tried to fix when they had total control.

The Republican Presidential candidate doesn't shy away from calls to repeal ObamaCare. But in November 2009 at a forum in Philadelphia with his 1994 Senate opponent Harris Wofford, the former Pennsylvania Senator said Republicans made a mistake by not prioritizing health care reform during the time the Republicans held a majority in Congress. The former Senator also tipped his hat to Democrats for initiating reform.

Rick Santorum Admits Republican Health Care Mistakes

So Lakhota, I want to point a little something out to you, and please don't get all butthurt when I do it.

You just got done pointing out that Obama didn't have control of the Senate for the 2 years from '08 to '10, right?

Then you type this...
The health care bill was part of fixing the economy - which Republicans never tried to fix when they had total control.

Yet looking at this graphic...
Party In Power - Congress and Presidency - A Visual Guide To The Balance of Power In Congress, 1945-2008

...I can't seem to find ANY time in the last 30 years that Republicans had 60 Senators.

It seems to me that your definition of 'total control' changes depending on what you're arguing about.

Kinda dishonest, ain't it?
Can we talk about the economy (and how bad it sucks) now ?

Sure we can...

but the question is why does it suck?

Does it suck because Obama waived his Hopey-Changy wand and nothing happened?

or does it suck because Romney and his sort have been waging a decades long war on the middle class?

Great questions....but incomplete.

There might be lots of other potential answers.

And once you have identified the can work on solutions.

Right now, Obama's issue is Booooosssssshhhhhhh. Seems if we brought GWB back and shot him, all our problems would be saved. I mean, he does somehow control it all.

Obama sure acts like he is a helpless little twit.
So the President couldn't fine ONE republican vote? Why didn't you all fix the economy in the first year instead of working on the health care bill? The economy was the priority.

No, the President couldn't fine ONE Republican vote! Republicans obstructed all the way instead of helping to make the health care bill the best it could be. Instead, we ended up with the watered-down ACA, which is better than nothing.

The health care bill was part of fixing the economy - which Republicans never tried to fix when they had total control.

Rick Santorum Admits Republican Health Care Mistakes

So Lakhota, I want to point a little something out to you, and please don't get all butthurt when I do it.

You just got done pointing out that Obama didn't have control of the Senate for the 2 years from '08 to '10, right?

Then you type this...
The health care bill was part of fixing the economy - which Republicans never tried to fix when they had total control.

Yet looking at this graphic...
Party In Power - Congress and Presidency - A Visual Guide To The Balance of Power In Congress, 1945-2008

...I can't seem to find ANY time in the last 30 years that Republicans had 60 Senators.

It seems to me that your definition of 'total control' changes depending on what you're arguing about.

Kinda dishonest, ain't it?

Lakhota means dishonest liar in some other language.
Is Mitt Romney being swift-boated like John Kerry? No, because John Kerry released 20 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 2004.

Well, you could make the argument that the two situations are similar in that in both cases one candidate's campaign is directly attacking what the other campign is considering its candidate's strongest trait.

Romney's been running on his private business experience as the main reason for electing him over a Prez who's main experience has been in public service. The Obama campaign -with this latest ad - has just gone as far as to suggest that not only is Romney's business experience not really a qualifier for him to be the nations Chief Exec, but that guys like Romney are actually part of the problem.

And what a thing of beauty it is, too...

[ame=]Obama for America TV Ad: "Firms" - YouTube[/ame]


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