Romney's Bain Lie

True. The ABO crowd doesn't seem to care :zzz:

Demagoguery is often a sign of desperation.

Obama is a miserable failure, so you lie and smear.

Which is really weird, since there are legitimate things to criticize Romney on - but then Obama is guilty of the same shit. So I guess the Bainther® bullshit is all you've got.

Do me a favor, keep running with it until November, it's a winning strategy for you, trust me!

Have you not considered the utter irony of the two bolded lines and how they relate to your attitude towards the President?

And looking into Bain when Romney points to that ( instead of his Governorship ) as what makes him qualified to be President, is completely justified. The fact that all opf these questions come up that could be easily answered by just releasing his tax returns from those years and his refusal to do so, speaks volumes.
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Is it supposed to sound like Clinton? That's strange. Billy Bob was engaging in sodomy in the Oval Office while the 9-11 terrorists were going to freaking flight school in the US. Romney was engaging in capitalism. The ironic thing is that lefties celebrated the statute of limitations when Bubba was accused of rape but there is no statute of limitations in their hatred of capitalism.

or clear glue, you forgot that one.
Some liberals have no honor. He left to run the Olympics. He did a masterful job. He actually put them in the black. No small feat for the Olympics!

I don't think anyone's denying he did a good job on the Olympics. On the other hand, however, it strains credulity to suggest a CEO had no dealings with his own company for three years. :eusa_eh:
Maybe Romney could play "Let's Make a Deal" with Obama. He could show all of his tax returns if Obama would show us his "real" birth certificate.
True. The ABO crowd doesn't seem to care :zzz:

Demagoguery is often a sign of desperation.

Obama is a miserable failure, so you lie and smear.

Which is really weird, since there are legitimate things to criticize Romney on - but then Obama is guilty of the same shit. So I guess the Bainther® bullshit is all you've got.

Do me a favor, keep running with it until November, it's a winning strategy for you, trust me!

Have you not considered the utter irony of the two bolded lines and how they relate to your attitude towards the President?

Vidi Vidi Vidi, I love you kiddo but you cant possible be asking if they understand irony?

there must be something damning in there because he's breaking one of the cardinal rules of campaigns: Clear the air as quickly as possible.
I don't know the context. If by not knowing what the investments were when he was on a leave of absence, it's possible.

A partnership needs at least two partners but it can be two legal entities owned by the same person, one as an LP and one as a GP.

I am not a lawyer so I may be wrong, but a GP exists within a partnership structure to act in the interests of the limited partners. The GP is either owned by individuals or entities owned by individuals. Other entities such as an LLP can own interests in a GP.

But the point is that many funds like Bain are often owned by a single person. It's not unusual. TBH I was surprised when I learned he was the sole owner. The question that I had was whether there were other partners which owned partnership interests in Bain.

In the commercial and legal parlance of most countries, a general partnership (the basic form of partnership under common law), refers to an association of persons or an unincorporated company with the following major features:

Created by agreement, proof of existence and estoppel.
Formed by two or more persons
The owners are all personally liable for any legal actions and debts the company may face

It is a partnership in which partners share equally in both responsibility and liability.[1]

Sez wiki.

Bain is an LLP and Mitt owned 100% of its shares at the time, according to the SEC documents.
Do you think it is unusual for a person that owns 100% of a company to claim he knows nothing of its operation?
there must be something damning in there because he's breaking one of the cardinal rules of campaigns: Clear the air as quickly as possible.

I was listening earlier to McCain yelling at Romney and the us dollars spent at the Olympics

McCain is known as an obnoxious, spoiled, privileged little prick, and when he is mad boy does he get mad :lol:

there is some precious old audio and video of this somewhere
Some liberals have no honor. He left to run the Olympics. He did a masterful job. He actually put them in the black. No small feat for the Olympics!

Good for him.

Now why did he claim in 2011 to have nothing to do with Bain after 1999 when in fact he did have something to do with Bain after 1999? Is it because he's a liar?
Obama needs to take control of his people, and he should fire the spokesperson who suggested Romney is a felon.

The American people need to see W. Meat (white) Obamney's tax returns, 1999 through 2009, but Meat has only submitted 2010, and he offers 2011.

The American people need to see Bain and related corporate board minutes, where Meat was at the table or contacted.

Black Obamney is President, of the US, sack-racing, for re-election. Black Obamney likes to sack-race, so he won't really open up a big lead, on his sack-mate, white Obamney.

But white Obamney has fucked all up, he looks guilty, he is known to be contractually connected, to Bain Capital and partners, all the way, to Feb. 11, 2009, and Meat won't put his tax returns on the table, 1999 through 2009, which are the relevant years.

Meat probably should have been investigated and maybe prosecuted, but I don't think the SEC would shoot him down, within statutory limits, ordinarily. He just isn't Madoff or somebody, but rather, he is W. Meat Obamney.

So black Obamney either has to take the lead on this, or he has to get Joe Biden to bite, since the American people deserve to know the truth about Meat, NOW.

Whatever happens, Meat LOOKS GUILTY, he ACTS GUILTY, and he needs to own up.

Good grief, the liberals are becoming unhinged. :lol:

Just wait until the conventions and after?
I dont see anyone in a least not on Obamas side of things.

Demagoguery is a sign of panic.

Pew Reseacrh has Obama up by 6 points as of last Thursday nationally as more and more questions about what Romney has said about his past come to light.

So the Bainther® approach is the right one, as far as you're concerned?

Of course, it's not what you claim - we have a statistical dead heat in the polls, which ALWAYS favor the democrat.

For example:

He claimed to be a resident of Utah in order to take control of the Olympics, but then claimed to be a resident of massechusets to run for Governor. Seems he was making both claims at the same time.

Sounds like Hillary - oh but that's different...

He has yet to release his tax reurns for the years in question which would show if he really left Bain when he said he did.


Keep demanding that Birth certificate, Bainthers®!

Now hes trying to spin it into he left Bain "retroactively", which means he DIDNT leave when he said he did, which very likely means he lied to the SEC.

Funny that the SEC says Obama and the Bainthers® are full of shit, isn't it?


Well there's a reliable source.. Was Stormfront off line or something?

Mitt is trying to play it off as the Obama camp is lying about the whole Bain thing,

That's only because the Obama camp is lying about the whole Bain thing. They are Bain Birthers, or Bainthers®.

{Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach
The president's campaign fails to back up its claims that Romney 'shipped jobs' overseas.} : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

but as I posted the SEC filings in this thread the documents show that he was still in charge a full TWO YEARS after he said he was out, AND the whole "I quit retroactively" is very very very bad spin of an obvious best.

That's not at all what the SEC documents show. The SEC confirmed that a 10Q has nothing to do with operational control. Obama was lying - the Bainthers® continue to lie.

So we now have TWO candidates, both of which should be ON TRIAL instead of on the campaign trail.

Gotta love our politics huh?

Neither one of them have committed any known crimes. At least Romney has enough class not to make accusations - Obama? Well, Obama is a fucktard.
there must be something damning in there because he's breaking one of the cardinal rules of campaigns: Clear the air as quickly as possible.

I was listening earlier to McCain yelling at Romney and the us dollars spent at the Olympics

McCain is known as an obnoxious, spoiled, privileged little prick, and when he is mad boy does he get mad :lol:

there is some precious old audio and video of this somewhere

YOU Retain your status as being USMB's favourite leftist PRICK as evidenced by the RED SUNS in your rep.

Son? YOU are ZERO.

Go away.:eusa_hand:
The American people need to see W. Meat (white) Obamney's tax returns, 1999 through 2009, but Meat has only submitted 2010, and he offers 2011.

The American people need to see Bain and related corporate board minutes, where Meat was at the table or contacted.

Black Obamney is President, of the US, sack-racing, for re-election. Black Obamney likes to sack-race, so he won't really open up a big lead, on his sack-mate, white Obamney.

But white Obamney has fucked all up, he looks guilty, he is known to be contractually connected, to Bain Capital and partners, all the way, to Feb. 11, 2009, and Meat won't put his tax returns on the table, 1999 through 2009, which are the relevant years.

Meat probably should have been investigated and maybe prosecuted, but I don't think the SEC would shoot him down, within statutory limits, ordinarily. He just isn't Madoff or somebody, but rather, he is W. Meat Obamney.

So black Obamney either has to take the lead on this, or he has to get Joe Biden to bite, since the American people deserve to know the truth about Meat, NOW.

Whatever happens, Meat LOOKS GUILTY, he ACTS GUILTY, and he needs to own up.

Good grief, the liberals are becoming unhinged. :lol:

Just wait until the conventions and after?

Invest in Pfizer.. .they make Xanax.
Some liberals have no honor. He left to run the Olympics. He did a masterful job. He actually put them in the black. No small feat for the Olympics!

Good for him.

Now why did he claim in 2011 to have nothing to do with Bain after 1999 when in fact he did have something to do with Bain after 1999? Is it because he's a liar?

No, because the claim was that he wasn't involved in management of Bain and all indications were that he wasn't.

Let's talk about Obama's net loss of jobs and piling up $5,000,000,000,000 of new debt in three short years. That's a little more germane.

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