Romney's Bain Lie

:uhoh3: Whether or not it was a GP or an LLP was established early on in the thread and Toro catching up to that fact doesn't really change the essence of any argument(s)...
It certainly changed the essence of his argument.

Toro was trying to convince me that someone with an ownership of 100% of a company would ignore said company.
You're not an American, are you?

Americans don't do typos? The u and i are right next to each other on my keyboard, is yours different?
No, I mean the word whinging. You've used it a few times.

I see the problem, you think whine is the right spelling for a person who is complaining about something. It isn't. Whine implies that the person sounds like a child who is upset when they are complaining. Whinge, on the other hand, is more of a moan. I happen to think adults moan, hence I prefer whinge.
Americans don't do typos? The u and i are right next to each other on my keyboard, is yours different?
No, I mean the word whinging. You've used it a few times.

I see the problem, you think whine is the right spelling for a person who is complaining about something. It isn't. Whine implies that the person sounds like a child who is upset when they are complaining. Whinge, on the other hand, is more of a moan. I happen to think adults moan, hence I prefer whinge.
It's a British expression. Not sure why you won't answer the question, lol.
He won't release his tax returns because the democrat lapdog media will lie about what's in them. The government already knows.
He won't release his tax returns because the democrat lapdog media will lie about what's in them. The government already knows.

The IRS one else. And they are forbidden by law to disclose the information. Only Mitten can do that and he's obviously afraid to do so.
I am not a lawyer so I may be wrong, but a GP exists within a partnership structure to act in the interests of the limited partners. The GP is either owned by individuals or entities owned by individuals. Other entities such as an LLP can own interests in a GP.

But the point is that many funds like Bain are often owned by a single person. It's not unusual. TBH I was surprised when I learned he was the sole owner. The question that I had was whether there were other partners which owned partnership interests in Bain.

A GP is a legal structure defined under state and federal tax codes. It does not imply multiple owners even though it is a "partnership."

It seemed your response was in reference to a GP. I'd always thought a GP implied more than one owner. According to the filings, Mitt owned 100% of the stock until his retroactive retirement....basically, through 2002.
In the commercial and legal parlance of most countries, a general partnership (the basic form of partnership under common law), refers to an association of persons or an unincorporated company with the following major features:

Created by agreement, proof of existence and estoppel.
Formed by two or more persons
The owners are all personally liable for any legal actions and debts the company may face

It is a partnership in which partners share equally in both responsibility and liability.[1]

Sez wiki.

Bain is an LLP and Mitt owned 100% of its shares at the time, according to the SEC documents.
I am not a lawyer so I may be wrong, but a GP exists within a partnership structure to act in the interests of the limited partners. The GP is either owned by individuals or entities owned by individuals. Other entities such as an LLP can own interests in a GP.

But the point is that many funds like Bain are often owned by a single person. It's not unusual. TBH I was surprised when I learned he was the sole owner. The question that I had was whether there were other partners which owned partnership interests in Bain.

A GP is a legal structure defined under state and federal tax codes. It does not imply multiple owners even though it is a "partnership."
In the commercial and legal parlance of most countries, a general partnership (the basic form of partnership under common law), refers to an association of persons or an unincorporated company with the following major features:

Created by agreement, proof of existence and estoppel.
Formed by two or more persons
The owners are all personally liable for any legal actions and debts the company may face

It is a partnership in which partners share equally in both responsibility and liability.[1]

Sez wiki.

Bain is an LLP and Mitt owned 100% of its shares at the time, according to the SEC documents.
Do you think it is unusual for a person that owns 100% of a company to claim he knows nothing of its operation?
Someone should ask Romney if he's willing to swear an oath, under penalty of perjury, that he had no formal or informal working relationship with Bain and their investments after February 1999.

Won't happen.

But that would be nice.

Oh, I'm not suggesting that Romney should actually be interviewed under oath. I'm only suggesting that Romney should be ASKED whether he's willing to do it in order to get his reaction and an answer to that question.
any new developments w/ baingate?

Just one, Willard was seen today laughing while multiple infants were being shot to death by KKK members, Willard was heard to have said "I wish I could kill me a few, but I am running for prez"

and the bigots here are still gonna vote for him
any new developments w/ baingate?

Last I heard, Romney was hiding out with his campaign staff, trying to work up answers to questions that shouldn't be difficult to answer if what he's planning on saying is the truth. After all, you don't need to think about the truth. All you need to do is recall it. And considering that he's had over a decade to get his story straight, I don't think a few more days is going to make all that much difference.
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Bainthers so want this to be important.... You can almost hear the sniffles from the tears...

We know nothing he does that proves he is a despicable piece of shit will bother you, because you are not voting for him, you are voting against the Black Man, we know that..

We know that the way we know our 6 yr old grandson will eat the cookie if we tell him not to...

My grandson however, is a decent person, republiklans are not : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion

ONe more time for shallow. You guys need a new flase story to push. This one has already been laid to rest.

Like a good majority of the is clueless about the SEC.

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 | LII / Legal Information Institute

There is a caveat here. The SEC seldom goes after big fish. That's generally done by people outside of SEC that smell a rat, like Eliot Spitzer. They do from time to time, bust small fry engaged in insider trading..but that's about it.

Even Martha Stewart was busted on "lying" to federal agents..and not securities violations.

So charge him. Otherwise the President and the DOJ are just playing games and going for a smear job.

Hold your President and Holder to a higher standard. Come on Sallow, why waste time playing bullshit on a message board.

Why don't you get out front and make sure Mitt Romney is charged with something, anything?

You beleive he is guilty of a felony. Well hell's bells, don't preach to the other libs on the board that believe the same.

Come on, get out there and demand the President charge Romney with something, anything.

It's called "Chicago Politics". Obama cannot run on his own record, he HAS to smear the opponent, and of course, the media just eats it up.

Romney is as much a felon as Sallow is a chick.
Like a good majority of the is clueless about the SEC.

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 | LII / Legal Information Institute

There is a caveat here. The SEC seldom goes after big fish. That's generally done by people outside of SEC that smell a rat, like Eliot Spitzer. They do from time to time, bust small fry engaged in insider trading..but that's about it.

Even Martha Stewart was busted on "lying" to federal agents..and not securities violations.

So charge him. Otherwise the President and the DOJ are just playing games and going for a smear job.

Hold your President and Holder to a higher standard. Come on Sallow, why waste time playing bullshit on a message board.

Why don't you get out front and make sure Mitt Romney is charged with something, anything?

You beleive he is guilty of a felony. Well hell's bells, don't preach to the other libs on the board that believe the same.

Come on, get out there and demand the President charge Romney with something, anything.

It's called "Chicago Politics". Obama cannot run on his own record, he HAS to smear the opponent, and of course, the media just eats it up.

Romney is as much a felon as Sallow is a chick.


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