Romney's Bain Lie

any new developments w/ baingate?

Last I heard, Romney was hiding out with his campaign staff, trying to work up answers to questions that shouldn't be difficult to answer if what he's planning on saying is the true. After all, you don't need to think about the truth. All you need to do is recall it. And considering that he's had over a decade to get his story straight, I don't think a few more days is going to make all that much difference.

true. he, and his perpetual campaign, have had 4+ yrs to get his baingate story straight :eusa_eh:
true. he, and his perpetual campaign, have had 4+ yrs to get his baingate story straight :eusa_eh:

{the Romney campaign has called misleading and unfair.

“When a president doesn't tell the truth,” the narrator says, “how can we trust him to lead?”

Later, former Obama rival Hillary Rodham Clinton makes a cameo in the ad. “So, shame on you, Barack Obama,” the ad shows her saying in 2008.

“But America expects more from a president,” the narrator says. “Obama’s dishonest campaign: Another reason America has lost confidence in Barack Obama.”}

New Romney Attack Ad: Obama Lying - Matt Vasilogambros -
any new developments w/ baingate?

Last I heard, Romney was hiding out with his campaign staff, trying to work up answers to questions that shouldn't be difficult to answer if what he's planning on saying is the true. After all, you don't need to think about the truth. All you need to do is recall it. And considering that he's had over a decade to get his story straight, I don't think a few more days is going to make all that much difference.

true. he, and his perpetual campaign, have had 4+ yrs to get his baingate story straight :eusa_eh:

Doesn't seem like it ever occurred to him to worry about it. I think he anticipated just saying, "Unemployment is high, Obama sucks, elect me" without having to worry about his own dirty laundry getting aired.
Last I heard, Romney was hiding out with his campaign staff, trying to work up answers to questions that shouldn't be difficult to answer if what he's planning on saying is the true. After all, you don't need to think about the truth. All you need to do is recall it. And considering that he's had over a decade to get his story straight, I don't think a few more days is going to make all that much difference.

true. he, and his perpetual campaign, have had 4+ yrs to get his baingate story straight :eusa_eh:

Doesn't seem like it ever occurred to him to worry about it. I think he anticipated just saying, "Unemployment is high, Obama sucks, elect me" without having to worry about his own dirty laundry getting aired.

you're prolly right and now mittens is appalled that people want proof.
Last I heard, Romney was hiding out with his campaign staff, trying to work up answers to questions that shouldn't be difficult to answer if what he's planning on saying is the true. After all, you don't need to think about the truth. All you need to do is recall it. And considering that he's had over a decade to get his story straight, I don't think a few more days is going to make all that much difference.

true. he, and his perpetual campaign, have had 4+ yrs to get his baingate story straight :eusa_eh:

Doesn't seem like it ever occurred to him to worry about it. I think he anticipated just saying, "Unemployment is high, Obama sucks, elect me" without having to worry about his own dirty laundry getting aired.

What the hell, works for his followers.

“I did not have relations with Bain after 1999,” but documents turned up with his name on them that said he was lying.

“I did not have sexual relations with that women," but a blue dress turned up with his DNA on it and he was lying.

When Romney denied relations with Bain, he has the same expression on his face that Clinton had when he denied relations with Monica.

true. he, and his perpetual campaign, have had 4+ yrs to get his baingate story straight :eusa_eh:

Doesn't seem like it ever occurred to him to worry about it. I think he anticipated just saying, "Unemployment is high, Obama sucks, elect me" without having to worry about his own dirty laundry getting aired.

What the hell, works for his followers.

True. The ABO crowd doesn't seem to care :zzz:
any new developments w/ baingate?

The Bainthers® remain irrational nutjobs, Scheiß Mause. Obama is still a liar and his minions are still in a panic.

I dont see anyone in a least not on Obamas side of things.

Pew Reseacrh has Obama up by 7 points as of last Thursday nationally as more and more questions about what Romney has said about his past come to light.

For example:

He claimed to be a resident of Utah in order to take control of the Olympics, but then claimed to be a resident of massechusets to run for Governor. Seems he was making both claims at the same time.

He has yet to release his tax reurns for the years in question which would show if he really left Bain when he said he did. Now hes trying to spin it into he left Bain "retroactively", which means he DIDNT leave when he said he did, which very likely means he lied to the SEC.

Mitt is trying to play it off as the Obama camp is lying about the whole Bain thing, but as I posted the SEC filings in this thread the documents show that he was still in charge a full TWO YEARS after he said he was out, AND the whole "I quit retroactively" is very very very bad spin of an obvious best.

So we now have TWO candidates, both of which should be ON TRIAL instead of on the campaign trail.

Gotta love our politics huh?
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True. The ABO crowd doesn't seem to care :zzz:

Demagoguery is often a sign of desperation.

Obama is a miserable failure, so you lie and smear.

Which is really weird, since there are legitimate things to criticize Romney on - but then Obama is guilty of the same shit. So I guess the Bainther® bullshit is all you've got.

Do me a favor, keep running with it until November, it's a winning strategy for you, trust me!
It is common knowledge that Obama is leading, it is common knowledge that NO republiklan can EVER win the white house if all democrats who want to vote are allowed to vote...

But in the past 3 yrs the right has been busy eliminating democracy in this country, and for that very reason
true. he, and his perpetual campaign, have had 4+ yrs to get his baingate story straight :eusa_eh:

Doesn't seem like it ever occurred to him to worry about it. I think he anticipated just saying, "Unemployment is high, Obama sucks, elect me" without having to worry about his own dirty laundry getting aired.

What the hell, works for his followers.

A lot of them aren't really Romney fans. They just know they're stuck with him. And, by God, if they have to come to his defense in an effort to keep him from going down in flames, that's what they're going to do. But they have no love for him, which is probably a good thing, since he'll likely break their hearts or betray them at some point.
Obama needs to take control of his people, and he should fire the spokesperson who suggested Romney is a felon.

The American people need to see W. Meat (white) Obamney's tax returns, 1999 through 2009, but Meat has only submitted 2010, and he offers 2011.

The American people need to see Bain and related corporate board minutes, where Meat was at the table or contacted.

Black Obamney is President, of the US, sack-racing, for re-election. Black Obamney likes to sack-race, so he won't really open up a big lead, on his sack-mate, white Obamney.

But white Obamney has fucked all up, he looks guilty, he is known to be contractually connected, to Bain Capital and partners, all the way, to Feb. 11, 2009, and Meat won't put his tax returns on the table, 1999 through 2009, which are the relevant years.

Meat probably should have been investigated and maybe prosecuted, but I don't think the SEC would shoot him down, within statutory limits, ordinarily. He just isn't Madoff or somebody, but rather, he is W. Meat Obamney.

So black Obamney either has to take the lead on this, or he has to get Joe Biden to bite, since the American people deserve to know the truth about Meat, NOW.

Whatever happens, Meat LOOKS GUILTY, he ACTS GUILTY, and he needs to own up.
Some liberals have no honor. He left to run the Olympics. He did a masterful job. He actually put them in the black. No small feat for the Olympics!

Funny title...

Even funnier that Romney outright lied about being involved with Bain after 1999


“I did not have relations with Bain after 1999,” but documents turned up with his name on them that said he was lying.

“I did not have sexual relations with that women," but a blue dress turned up with his DNA on it and he was lying.

When Romney denied relations with Bain, he has the same expression on his face that Clinton had when he denied relations with Monica.

Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

Only in the mind of a delusional fool.... the rest of us see this for what it is.... utter dumbfuckery to deflect away from Obama's abysmal record that has left us worse of in 4 years, not better.
Is it supposed to sound like Clinton? That's strange. Billy Bob was engaging in sodomy in the Oval Office while the 9-11 terrorists were going to freaking flight school in the US. Romney was engaging in capitalism. The ironic thing is that lefties celebrated the statute of limitations when Bubba was accused of rape but there is no statute of limitations in their hatred of capitalism.
Obama needs to take control of his people, and he should fire the spokesperson who suggested Romney is a felon.

The American people need to see W. Meat (white) Obamney's tax returns, 1999 through 2009, but Meat has only submitted 2010, and he offers 2011.

The American people need to see Bain and related corporate board minutes, where Meat was at the table or contacted.

Black Obamney is President, of the US, sack-racing, for re-election. Black Obamney likes to sack-race, so he won't really open up a big lead, on his sack-mate, white Obamney.

But white Obamney has fucked all up, he looks guilty, he is known to be contractually connected, to Bain Capital and partners, all the way, to Feb. 11, 2009, and Meat won't put his tax returns on the table, 1999 through 2009, which are the relevant years.

Meat probably should have been investigated and maybe prosecuted, but I don't think the SEC would shoot him down, within statutory limits, ordinarily. He just isn't Madoff or somebody, but rather, he is W. Meat Obamney.

So black Obamney either has to take the lead on this, or he has to get Joe Biden to bite, since the American people deserve to know the truth about Meat, NOW.

Whatever happens, Meat LOOKS GUILTY, he ACTS GUILTY, and he needs to own up.

Good grief, the liberals are becoming unhinged. :lol:

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