Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

If you have the 82nd airborne along as escort, TGG, then there is no disconnect. That's hyperbole, of course. And the child is off limits. You could argue state policy in terms of a "child being risked", but I don't think that was the case.
Joeb is engaged in wishful thinking. Obama caves in to the left and then during the lame duck, caves into the right.

Romney is inclusive, even speaking at Liberty University, where folks believe he is a cultist.

Romney, unlike Obama, is a leader.

Romney caved when he fired the gay dude. ?

You have no evidence that Romney "fired the gay dude" because he was gay. All of everyone knew he was gay. The fact is the strategy guy has the charm of a Keith Olbermann, and that is why he got fired.

JoeB, I will tell you this, If the choice for the job was you or the gay guy, I would leave the office open. Heh.
Income equality is a problem, yes. We need better wages and salaries. Government redistribution from a far left model will only wreck our economy and the status of all wage earners. If you have an idea that will work, which neither you nor sallow have suggested, let's hear it.

I've got a great idea...

Make the CEO's salaries contigent on what their employees make. They can only make 20 times what the average employee makes.

Have full wage transparency. If you work for a company, what your co-workers make is not a state secret.

Put an end to "Free Trade" with companies that don't play by the same rules we do. If we are going to make our companies pay a decent wage and not pour toxins into the rivers, then we shouldn't make them compete with factories that don't give a flip.

And none of these things would ever be done by your Boy Romney. Wall Street owns him.
You never know, JoeB. You make lots of grandiose statements with very little evidence.
Joeb is engaged in wishful thinking. Obama caves in to the left and then during the lame duck, caves into the right.

Romney is inclusive, even speaking at Liberty University, where folks believe he is a cultist.

Romney, unlike Obama, is a leader.

Romney caved when he fired the gay dude. ?

You have no evidence that Romney "fired the gay dude" because he was gay. All of everyone knew he was gay. The fact is the strategy guy has the charm of a Keith Olbermann, and that is why he got fired.

JoeB, I will tell you this, If the choice for the job was you or the gay guy, I would leave the office open. Heh.

That's it, Jake the Fake, make it personal because you don't got nothing.

More to the point, if Grenell's personality was so toxic, why did Romney offer him a job to start with?
This is where you are trapped in your own illogic. Either Romney was inept for hiring a guy completely unsuited for the job, or he was a complete coward and knuckled under to low-level religious crazies when they started in on the whining.

Either way, not worthy of the job.
Joeb is engaged in wishful thinking. Obama caves in to the left and then during the lame duck, caves into the right.

Romney is inclusive, even speaking at Liberty University, where folks believe he is a cultist.

Romney, unlike Obama, is a leader.

Romney caved when he fired the gay dude. ?

You have no evidence that Romney "fired the gay dude" because he was gay. All of everyone knew he was gay. The fact is the strategy guy has the charm of a Keith Olbermann, and that is why he got fired.

JoeB, I will tell you this, If the choice for the job was you or the gay guy, I would leave the office open. Heh.

Really? And Romney didn't know that before hiring? Didn't he investigate?
Romney caved when he fired the gay dude. ?

You have no evidence that Romney "fired the gay dude" because he was gay. All of everyone knew he was gay. The fact is the strategy guy has the charm of a Keith Olbermann, and that is why he got fired.

JoeB, I will tell you this, If the choice for the job was you or the gay guy, I would leave the office open. Heh.

Really? And Romney didn't know that before hiring? Didn't he investigate?

Shhhh. Jake was on a roll. You went and spoiled it for him.
Joeb is engaged in wishful thinking. Obama caves in to the left and then during the lame duck, caves into the right.

Romney is inclusive, even speaking at Liberty University, where folks believe he is a cultist.

Romney, unlike Obama, is a leader.

Romney caved when he fired the gay dude. ?

You have no evidence that Romney "fired the gay dude" because he was gay. All of everyone knew he was gay. The fact is the strategy guy has the charm of a Keith Olbermann, and that is why he got fired.

JoeB, I will tell you this, If the choice for the job was you or the gay guy, I would leave the office open. Heh.

No kidding. Is that all it takes to get immediate tenure. Just tell everyone you're gay? Gotta love the liberal media contraptions.
If you have the 82nd airborne along as escort, TGG, then there is no disconnect. That's hyperbole, of course. And the child is off limits. You could argue state policy in terms of a "child being risked", but I don't think that was the case.

Hyperbole? Don't use words that you don't understand.

It's flat out hypocrisy for his state dept. to tell people not to go go to Mexico and then for him to send his daughter to Mexico on vacation.
sallow, vultures? Really?

I've been pretty clear on CEO mentality vs. America. There is absolutely nothing that justifies 500 x plus spread between CEO compensation..and the rest of the folks that work in the same company. They don't add that sort of value to any industry. And in the broader spectrum, pooling wealth like that..into so few bad for the economy in general.

This is the world Romney comes from and fosters. Made more disgusting by the fact he's actually supported a war he would never ever fight in.

Granted..among what was coming from the Republicans this election cycle, he was top shelf. But the rest of the shelves were ridiculously low.

oh what friggin ever....tissue? get a job, get out of your tent and stop being envious, its bad for the soul.

Oh and obama had dinner and collected tidy sums from those 'vultures' so I guess its all good ..its been polled into his hands too now.:rolleyes:
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

A lot of wealthy give very freely and generously of their time and money. What we have seen with the romneys is - they don't do nothin unless they can make a buck doing it.

That's okay, it's their business and they're free to do that. Just don't confuse their greed with a man who volunteered to help people exercise their RIGHT to vote.

Yeah, I know, volunteerism is a dirty word to rw's, but our president believed in in his country so deeply that he worked as a community organizer, helping people to exercise their RIGHT to vote.

Rs want to stop people from voting and you can bet you'll never see a Romney volunteering to do the one thing that sets this country apart from all others

Nope, theyre working to suppress voting

I'll bet Romney gives mote than obama does.......
Income equality is a problem, yes. We need better wages and salaries. Government redistribution from a far left model will only wreck our economy and the status of all wage earners. If you have an idea that will work, which neither you nor sallow have suggested, let's hear it.

I've got a great idea...

Make the CEO's salaries contigent on what their employees make. They can only make 20 times what the average employee makes.

Have full wage transparency. If you work for a company, what your co-workers make is not a state secret.

Put an end to "Free Trade" with companies that don't play by the same rules we do. If we are going to make our companies pay a decent wage and not pour toxins into the rivers, then we shouldn't make them compete with factories that don't give a flip.

And none of these things would ever be done by your Boy Romney. Wall Street owns him.

I've got an idea, go to your stock holder meetings......exercise your proxy.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

A lot of wealthy give very freely and generously of their time and money. What we have seen with the romneys is - they don't do nothin unless they can make a buck doing it.

That's okay, it's their business and they're free to do that. Just don't confuse their greed with a man who volunteered to help people exercise their RIGHT to vote.

Yeah, I know, volunteerism is a dirty word to rw's, but our president believed in in his country so deeply that he worked as a community organizer, helping people to exercise their RIGHT to vote.

Rs want to stop people from voting and you can bet you'll never see a Romney volunteering to do the one thing that sets this country apart from all others

Nope, theyre working to suppress voting

I'll bet Romney gives mote than obama does.......

to his own church, yep.

partisan even in his giving. what a shame. poor man, out of touch with most other Americans
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

The hypocrisy of the left NEVER fails to amaze me. When it was a draft dodging President running for office, the left insisted military service was IRRELEVANT and it didn't count whatsoever, should not even be considered. When the left realized they had put up someone who was a traitor in Kerry, someone whose own records prove he was stripped of his medals and dishonorably discharged and only had them reinstated and his discharge status changed under Carter which is why his discharge date doesn't match up correctly to his expected discharge date and the paperwork to his medals were signed by a Secretary of the Navy he never served under, proving he had them reinstated by Carter as part of his amnesty - they SUDDENLY believed they had to do all they could to destroy Bush's military record in the hopes voters would believe it was a wash if the full extent of Kerry's treason and full military records ever came out. They figured it would be easy since the bulk of Bush's records had been destroyed in the National Archives fire of 1973 which destroyed millions of uncopied, original military records. Of course like the typical Democrat, Kerry refused to release his records and only released a few cherry picked pages that still couldn't hide the fact he had serious problems with his records and service. While Bush issued an order that the military scour other storage sites and computers for any copies related to his military service! Then when it was Obama running against a certifiable war hero and someone who endured torture as a POW on behalf of this nation for 5 1/2 years -it was dead silence on military service once again. Not important after all again.

So now the hypocrites are back and now it's important whether a candidate's CHILDREN served or not? Really? Because I have no problem returning to this topic when it is once again the Democrat and his/her offspring who didn't serve at all. And we all know for a fact that WILL happen. You know -when you will once again insist military service is totally irrelevant? ROFL The rank hypocrisy makes my skin crawl.
If you have the 82nd airborne along as escort, TGG, then there is no disconnect. That's hyperbole, of course. And the child is off limits. You could argue state policy in terms of a "child being risked", but I don't think that was the case.

Hyperbole? Don't use words that you don't understand. It's flat out hypocrisy for his state dept. to tell people not to go go to Mexico and then for him to send his daughter to Mexico on vacation.

Don't talk to the adults if you can't parse the situation, TGG. No, it is not hypocrisy whatsoever. What are you, playing mean girl role from high school? Grow up.

They do have an excuse. The army is a voluntary occupation. By your retarded logic, anybody that is not 18-45 and in active service should be demonized. That's just pathetic. You don't even believe that. You just want to believe it in this one case b/c it suits your whims. You're so transparent. You're like a child. Dante want a binky? A boo boo boo boo <Pinches cheek>

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