Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

We are voting for Mitt because he can handle the economy better than Obama and because he will be able to corral and brand the TP mavericks in the Congress.
That might be why you deluded yourself into voting for him..

Joeb is engaged in wishful thinking. Obama caves in to the left and then during the lame duck, caves into the right.

Romney is inclusive, even speaking at Liberty University, where folks believe he is a cultist.

Romney, unlike Obama, is a leader.
We are voting for Mitt because he can handle the economy better than Obama and because he will be able to corral and brand the TP mavericks in the Congress.
That might be why you deluded yourself into voting for him..

Joeb is engaged in wishful thinking. Obama caves in to the left and then during the lame duck, caves into the right.

Romney is inclusive, even speaking at Liberty University, where folks believe he is a cultist.

Romney, unlike Obama, is a leader.


Parley Parker Pratt, Sr. (April 12, 1807 – May 13, 1857) was an early leader of the Latter Day Saint movement whose writings became a significant early nineteenth-century exposition of the Latter Day Saint faith.

Pratt practiced plural marriage and had twelve wives, thirty children, and 266 grandchildren. One of Pratt's great-great-grandsons is Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor and candidate for the 2008 and 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Parley P. Pratt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holy shit, did any of them ever serve in the U.S. military?

Romney..and his family..are like vultures.

They take..but they don't give.
sallow, vultures? Really?

I've been pretty clear on CEO mentality vs. America. There is absolutely nothing that justifies 500 x plus spread between CEO compensation..and the rest of the folks that work in the same company. They don't add that sort of value to any industry. And in the broader spectrum, pooling wealth like that..into so few bad for the economy in general.

This is the world Romney comes from and fosters. Made more disgusting by the fact he's actually supported a war he would never ever fight in.

Granted..among what was coming from the Republicans this election cycle, he was top shelf. But the rest of the shelves were ridiculously low.
How can Christians who said being a Christian was important to them in a President, turn around and vote for a Mormon? Do they not understand?

The founder of the Mormon Church prayed to God asking him what church he should join and God told him your churches were corrupt and to start a new one. Mormons think you follow a false religion. How is that ok with you? Yes Jesus died 2000 years ago but your man made organized religion lost its way and got corrupted along the way.

And you are going to vote for a Mormon? Maybe you should join the Mormon Church since your church is a cult. I didn't say it, Romney did.

Now I love Harry Reid. I don't care that he's a Mormon, but he knows how to seperate church and state. He loves the Constitution.
You are wrong, sallow, but entitled to your opinion, of course.

No Sallow is not wrong. If you don't understand that the huge gap between the rich and poor is a problem, then maybe you aren't smart enough to be voting. And sure it would be ok if they made 320 times more than us if we were making $60K average, but we are not. Our medium household income has gone backward in the last 20 years, and CEO pay has skyrocketed. That gap is why the economy isn't moving. Democracy depends on everyone working. If 20% of us aren't working and another 20% of us can barely make it, the economy doesn't get better. Wake up boy.

The only thing Sallow is wrong about is the number 500. Its 320. CEO's now make 320 times what the average worker makes. And 5 years ago the number was 270. At what point will enough be enough? No wonder the workers don't get raises when the CEO can just keep it all himself. Wake the fuck up dude. This only happens because Unions have all but disappeared and are powerless. We need the Unions to make a comeback. All these companies paying their CEO's so much and not sharing the profits need to think about joining a union. And if they try to go overseas, the Democrats will tariff them. Certainly not the GOP.
Income equality is a problem, yes. We need better wages and salaries. Government redistribution from a far left model will only wreck our economy and the status of all wage earners. If you have an idea that will work, which neither you nor sallow have suggested, let's hear it.
We are voting for Mitt because he can handle the economy better than Obama and because he will be able to corral and brand the TP mavericks in the Congress.

Okay, I'll bite.

Where did Romney get his training in herding cats.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

well I guess it's now open season on the Obama's kids?

Are they old enough to volunteer for the military?
Romney's children are grown men, BarbaraHavers, so no open season on the Obama girls.

I remember I went through the roof when the right wing press after Chelsea. A quick stop to that, for which I was grateful.
Dante is invisible

Dante could successfully start his own religion

Cool Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

I don't know why don't you ask Harry Reid since...hes Morman too!!

addressed earlier...

HArry is NOT running for President and cannot be CinC :eusa_shhh:

Romney's children are grown men, BarbaraHavers, so no open season on the Obama girls.

I remember I went through the roof when the right wing press after Chelsea. A quick stop to that, for which I was grateful.

Oh__ Nice caveat to a double standard.
Romney's children are grown men, BarbaraHavers, so no open season on the Obama girls.

I remember I went through the roof when the right wing press after Chelsea. A quick stop to that, for which I was grateful.

Oh__ Nice caveat to a double standard.

Yup, I felt the same about the Bush girls: off limits.

I guess I understand the point to a degree. However, when Obama's state dept. is telling people not to go to Mexico and then he sends his daughter to Mexico on spring break then I can hardly expect people to pretend that there's a zipper on their lips.
Joeb is engaged in wishful thinking. Obama caves in to the left and then during the lame duck, caves into the right.

Romney is inclusive, even speaking at Liberty University, where folks believe he is a cultist.

Romney, unlike Obama, is a leader.

Romney caved when he fired the gay dude. Then he caved again on the marriage issue.

He isn't "inclusive". He's sucking up to people he needs. I'd be more impressed if he stood up to their bigotry.

In 2000, Bush and McCain called on Bob Jones Universtiy to end their racial dating policies, and they did.

Where's the gutsiness from Romney?

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