Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

This one, since he apologized quickly, is over. If there are other skeletons, he will need to handle them. Your duty is to find them. That is what we are doing with Obama. The problems are trying to keep the wacks out of it: kenyans, swift boats, and so forth. Makes one want to pull his hair out.

"Since he apologized quickly?" It's not an apology when you won't even admit you did it. And who apologizes for something they didn't do. You want people to go deep? That's what they're doing. It just sucks when it happens to 'your guy.'

My guy handled it well, much better outcome than what I thought would happen. This issue is over except for the yelling on the boards.

Jake, that is not even logical. What has led you to believe that Romney has this in the bag??
"Since he apologized quickly?" It's not an apology when you won't even admit you did it. And who apologizes for something they didn't do. You want people to go deep? That's what they're doing. It just sucks when it happens to 'your guy.'

My guy handled it well, much better outcome than what I thought would happen. This issue is over except for the yelling on the boards.

Jake, that is not even logical. What has led you to believe that Romney has this in the bag??

Oh, I don't, though I hope he wins. Your cute when you get angry!

Reid Uses his Office to Financially Benefit his Sons
Harry Reid has four sons who all work for Nevada’s largest law firm, Lionel, Sawyer & Collins. All of them have benefited from Reid.
Here’s how the Los Angeles Times puts it:
But Harry Reid is in a class by himself. One of his sons and his son-in-law lobby in Washington for companies, trade groups and municipalities seeking Reid’s help in the Senate. A second son has lobbied in Nevada for some of those same interests, and a third has represented a couple of them as a litigator.
In the last four years alone, their firms have collected more than $2 million in lobbying fees from special interests that were represented by the kids and helped by the senator in Washington.
Apparently such activities are not illegal. They should be. They are certainly unethical. The article details half a dozen examples of specific legislation pushed by Reid which benefited his sons.

why weren't they in Iraq of Afghanistan?:mad:

don't you love it to when they rail against the 1% and Chelsea Clinton marry's a hedge fund manager in a $2 Million dollar wedding? :lol:
Dante is invisible

Dante could successfully start his own religion

Cool Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

I don't know why don't you ask Harry Reid since...hes Morman too!!

Romney will win.

The old he served he didn't serve thing simply does not matter anymore.
I would not have volunteered either. Was at the tail-end of the mandatory draft.
Some of us did, some of us didn't. It would not matter to Romney's campaign at all. I was far more concerned with the hazing incident, which he got by far more easily than I believed possible. If he can keep it on economics, he wins. Big.
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If any and/or all of Governor Mitt Romney's sons have signed up for military service, they would be accused of denying opportunity for and screwing the disadvantaged. they wouldn't.

And that goes for his grandfather..his father..himself and his sons.
I would not have volunteered either. Was at the tail-end of the mandatory draft.
Some of us did, some of us didn't. It would matter to Romney's campaign at all. I was far more concerned with the hazing incident, which he got by far more easily than I believed possible. If he can keep it on economics, he wins. Big.

My older brother and his friends routinely engaged in TP ing houses when they were in HS - in the mid 60s -about Romneys age.

TP ing isspreading toilet paper over somebodies yard.

Technically vandalism.

If the dog-crulty thing from the early 80s and the bullying thing from the mid 60s is the best the left has on Romney - then he is in pretty good shape.
My bro and his friends never got caught- they did it under cover-of-darkness.

If he had -there would have been no 20 year Army career and pension etc...........................
I would not have volunteered either. Was at the tail-end of the mandatory draft.
Some of us did, some of us didn't. It would matter to Romney's campaign at all. I was far more concerned with the hazing incident, which he got by far more easily than I believed possible. If he can keep it on economics, he wins. Big.

My older brother and his friends routinely engaged in TP ing houses when they were in HS - in the mid 60s -about Romneys age.

TP ing isspreading toilet paper over somebodies yard.

Technically vandalism.

If the dog-crulty thing from the early 80s and the bullying thing from the mid 60s is the best the left has on Romney - then he is in pretty good shape.

I agree. If he can keep the campaign on economics, he can win hands down.

His trouble is that the cannot speak spontaneously, that which the far right stupes accuse Obama of not being able to do.

The debates will be important.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

A lot of wealthy give very freely and generously of their time and money. What we have seen with the romneys is - they don't do nothin unless they can make a buck doing it.

That's okay, it's their business and they're free to do that. Just don't confuse their greed with a man who volunteered to help people exercise their RIGHT to vote.

Yeah, I know, volunteerism is a dirty word to rw's, but our president believed in in his country so deeply that he worked as a community organizer, helping people to exercise their RIGHT to vote.

Rs want to stop people from voting and you can bet you'll never see a Romney volunteering to do the one thing that sets this country apart from all others

Nope, theyre working to suppress voting
Some of us did, some of us didn't. It would matter to Romney's campaign at all. I was far more concerned with the hazing incident, which he got by far more easily than I believed possible. If he can keep it on economics, he wins. Big.

My older brother and his friends routinely engaged in TP ing houses when they were in HS - in the mid 60s -about Romneys age.

TP ing isspreading toilet paper over somebodies yard.

Technically vandalism.

If the dog-crulty thing from the early 80s and the bullying thing from the mid 60s is the best the left has on Romney - then he is in pretty good shape.

I agree. If he can keep the campaign on economics, he can win hands down.

His trouble is that the cannot speak spontaneously, that which the far right stupes accuse Obama of not being able to do.

The debates will be important.

Romney is no Reagan.

But Obama is a Carter.
My older brother and his friends routinely engaged in TP ing houses when they were in HS - in the mid 60s -about Romneys age.

TP ing isspreading toilet paper over somebodies yard.

Technically vandalism.

If the dog-crulty thing from the early 80s and the bullying thing from the mid 60s is the best the left has on Romney - then he is in pretty good shape.

I agree. If he can keep the campaign on economics, he can win hands down.

His trouble is that the cannot speak spontaneously, that which the far right stupes accuse Obama of not being able to do.

The debates will be important.

Romney is no Reagan.

But Obama is a Carter.

LMAO. I think Obama is way more corrupt than Carter to boot.

Parley Parker Pratt, Sr. (April 12, 1807 – May 13, 1857) was an early leader of the Latter Day Saint movement whose writings became a significant early nineteenth-century exposition of the Latter Day Saint faith.

Pratt practiced plural marriage and had twelve wives, thirty children, and 266 grandchildren. One of Pratt's great-great-grandsons is Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor and candidate for the 2008 and 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Parley P. Pratt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holy shit, did any of them ever serve in the U.S. military?

We are voting for Mitt because he can handle the economy better than Obama and because he will be able to corral and brand the TP mavericks in the Congress.
We are voting for Mitt because he can handle the economy better than Obama and because he will be able to corral and brand the TP mavericks in the Congress.

That might be why you deluded yourself into voting for him..

BUt isn't this the kind of "wishful thinking" that many of Obama's supporters engaged in during the 2008 campaign.

I've seen nothing to this point where Romney has stood up to the Teabaggers or the Religious crazies or any of the other inmates who've taken over the GOP Asylum.

In fact, over the weekend, he gave a speech a Liberty University, a place that teaches that his religion really is a cult. And he never mentioned his religion by name while praising religion.

It would be like Obama showing up at a Klan rally and never mentioning he was black.


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