Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Nah. You're a full fledged lefty. You didn't want the guy with the best chance to beat Obama; and that was Romney. And you hoped you had something with his Mormonism but nobody else is running with that torch.

So what you are saying, Mr. Conservative, is that guys who were real conservatives, like Perry and Palin and Santorum, had "no chance", and the only chance you have to beat Obama is to run a "etch-a-sketch" liberal Governor who you can paint whatever colors you want on him.

Even though to hear you tell it, Obama is the worst president ever and doesn't stand a chance.

So what you are saying is that conservatism has become so toxic the only way it can 'win' is to lie about what it is, correct?

I mean this is what you are saying right now, isn't it? That it can't win a straight up fight against a bad president in a weak economy, so we have to fool people.

I just want to make sure this is your argument here.
Nah. You're a full fledged lefty. You didn't want the guy with the best chance to beat Obama; and that was Romney. And you hoped you had something with his Mormonism but nobody else is running with that torch.

So what you are saying, Mr. Conservative, is that guys who were real conservatives, like Perry and Palin and Santorum, had "no chance", and the only chance you have to beat Obama is to run a "etch-a-sketch" liberal Governor who you can paint whatever colors you want on him.

Even though to hear you tell it, Obama is the worst president ever and doesn't stand a chance.

So what you are saying is that conservatism has become so toxic the only way it can 'win' is to lie about what it is, correct?

I mean this is what you are saying right now, isn't it? That it can't win a straight up fight against a bad president in a weak economy, so we have to fool people.

I just want to make sure this is your argument here.

LOL at the fact that you call Santorum, Perry and Palin "real conservatives" and I'm supposed to balk. We got the best man and we got the man that you're scared of.
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Nah. You're a full fledged lefty. You didn't want the guy with the best chance to beat Obama; and that was Romney. And you hoped you had something with his Mormonism but nobody else is running with that torch.

So what you are saying, Mr. Conservative, is that guys who were real conservatives, like Perry and Palin and Santorum, had "no chance", and the only chance you have to beat Obama is to run a "etch-a-sketch" liberal Governor who you can paint whatever colors you want on him.

Even though to hear you tell it, Obama is the worst president ever and doesn't stand a chance.

So what you are saying is that conservatism has become so toxic the only way it can 'win' is to lie about what it is, correct?

I mean this is what you are saying right now, isn't it? That it can't win a straight up fight against a bad president in a weak economy, so we have to fool people.

I just want to make sure this is your argument here.

LOL at the fact that you call Santorum, Perry and Palin "real conservatives." We got the best man (besides maybe Paul) and we got the man that you're scared of.

I think it depends on what your priorities are.

Romney is a guy who said he'd be better on gay rights than Ted kennedy, supported abortions, instituted socialized medicine in his state, signed off on Gay Marriage certificates, raised taxes, said that he didn't want to go back to the era of Reagan-Bush, signed gun control measures.

This by you is "conservative".

Even Jake the Fake thinks he's playing you fools.

Now, the fact you think Ron Paul is a "conservative" is kind of telling, but I have to ask you, if your brand of Conservatism is such a great philosophy, why can't you sell it to even your own party? Why do you need to try to fool people with a candidate you don't even really like because he's "electable"?

You kind of see the problem.

Now, I'm old enough to remember Reagan. Not the Reagan you hear about from Limbaugh in your daily brainwashing, that guy never existed. But the real Reagan. Reagan never pretended to be something he wasn't.
JoeB the Doosh knows he is playing the fool for the Pubs and has been found out.

We know that Romney, in fact, is not a bigot about gays, believes in regulated abortion, is not adverse to government-regulated health care, wants to cut the debt and deficit in reasonable and well designed measures,

Romney is acceptable to the great majority of the GOP and a majority of the center.

JoeB the Doosh is wandering around going herp a derp a derp a . . .
We know that Romney, in fact, is not a bigot about gays,
. . .

Really, he's not a bigot about Gays? So he didn't beat the shit out of that gay kid in HS? And then lie about it?

He didn't knuckle under to the religious right and fire Grenell for being gay?

He's not now insisting marriage is only between one man and one woman (and not one man and 12 women like his Great-Grandpappy).

believes in regulated abortion

Well, this week, yeah. What does that even mean, "regulated abortion". Regulated by who? How?

is not adverse to government-regulated health care

Again, not even what we are talking about. I don't think anyone is against government regulating health care. It's the question of who gets it and how it's paid for where Romney has been all over the map. He was for socialized medicine before he was against it.

, wants to cut the debt and deficit in reasonable and well designed measures,

Except it's not reasonable measures. He wants to cut everyone's taxes by another 20%, even the rich. How is that going to deal with the debt or deficit? that's 10 TRILLION less in revenue over the next decade. And please don't give me the Laffer Curve Fairy shit, we all know that doesn't really work.

He has not stated what he is going to actually cut, because if he did, he'd have riots on his hands. He has endorsed the Ryan Budget... he just hope no one reads it...
JoeB the Doosh continues to act like a lying doosh.

Here are the points.

When 14, he and others hazed a kid and cut his hair. He did not "beat" the kid and he did not 'lie" about.

You distort his position on abortion when yours is even more conservative than MRs.

Romney is solid about government and health care: statist approach delivered at the state level.

His tax policy, like the President's, is out there for the bases, not the reality. That will change inevitably as he is grows in the presidency.

JoeB needs to end his dooshiness.

No one has offered any evidence that MR fired a gay strategy expert for being gay. You lie.

You distort MR's man and woman position in marriage as if it is bad.
JoeB the Doosh continues to act like a lying doosh.

Here are the points.

When 14, he and others hazed a kid and cut his hair. He did not "beat" the kid and he did not 'lie" about.

He was 18 years old when that incident happened. Incident happened in 1965, Romney was born in 1947.

You distort his position on abortion when yours is even more conservative than MRs.

Um, Guy, I think you don't even know what my position on abortion is... when you make a statement like that. Do some research on what I've said about abortion on this board and get back to me.

(Psst, I've stated dozens of times that while I think abortion is abhorent, it's a practical impossibility to outlaw it.)

Romney is solid about government and health care: statist approach delivered at the state level.

Except that all the way up until 2009, he was calling his approach a model for the nation at the federal level.

His tax policy, like the President's, is out there for the bases, not the reality. That will change inevitably as he is grows in the presidency.

So what you are saying is that he's lying to people right now. So why do you support a liar?

No one has offered any evidence that MR fired a gay strategy expert for being gay. You lie.

He told the guy not to participate in a phone call that Grenell had organized. It was a dressing down that was an effective firing.

You distort MR's man and woman position in marriage as if it is bad.

I point out his hypocrisy on the issue. His Great Great Grandfather had 12 wives and his great grandfather fled the country so he could keep being a Polygamist. But he would deny gay people the right to marry (even though he was governor ofthe first state to legalize same sex marriage) to placate the Religious nutters.

He's gone even further than Bush and Cheney in not only being against gay marriage but civil unions as well.
Good point comrade
Romney his great-grandfather was a polygamist. Miles Park Romney died in 1904


Papa Obama has a long tradition
Papa Obama’s father was a polygamist; his grandfather was a polygamist; and his great-grandfather was a polygamist who had five wives

Oh boy, it must be good now

at least more current
Mr. OCD, I think you miss the point.

Obama is not telling people they shouldn't be allowed to get married because he objects to what they are doing.

Romney does... or at least ever since he hopped into bed with the religious nutters who think he's a cultist.

It would be like Obama speaking at Bob Jones University.
Papa Obama is pushing
a morality
you just happen to agree with

it does not make it any more "right"
Speaking of nutters, how is that Marxist based Black Liberation Theology
working for him?

Truth is hard for the Left

Keep up the spin
Forget Papa Obama's poor economic record
Lets talk about Romney's preschool days

Rumor has it
he wouldn't do nap time
here boy....
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Mr. OCD, I think you miss the point. Obama is not telling people they shouldn't be allowed to get married because he objects to what they are doing. Romney does... or at least ever since he hopped into bed with the religious nutters who think he's a cultist. It would be like Obama speaking at Bob Jones University.
JoeB does not get the point. MR and BHO are catering to their bases, and the farther left or right one goes, the weirder it gets, with you on the leftist horizon and my little stalker squeaker, NeoDoosh, beyond the far right.

Heel, Neo, and trot over and squeak at us. Come on, boy, heel.
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Papa Obama is pushing
a morality
you just happen to agree with

it does not make it any more "right"

Truth is hard for the Left

Keep up the spin

Actually, I'm not really concerned about gay marriage on way or the other, beyond just wanting to get it resovled and off the table so we can talk about the important stuff.

And annoying the Religious Whacks. That's always a bonus.

Frankly, I'm not sure what the purpose of opposing gay marriage is on the right, really.

Do they really want gay people to pretend they are straight, marry straight people and make themselves and their partners miserable? I had an aunt who did that, and the results weren't pretty for anyone involved. Seriously, some scented candles and some Indigo Girls albums,she's have been a happier person. (Okay, she was probably a bit too old for the IG. I'm too old for the IG, but you get my point.)

If Gays can get married, how does that diminish the quality of your life in any way, shape or form?
thanks for copying me
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
even if it is from a concerned troll

here boy
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Mr. OCD, I think you miss the point. Obama is not telling people they shouldn't be allowed to get married because he objects to what they are doing. Romney does... or at least ever since he hopped into bed with the religious nutters who think he's a cultist. It would be like Obama speaking at Bob Jones University.
JoeB does not get the point. MR and BHO are catering to their bases, and the farther left or right one goes, the weirder it gets, with you on the leftist horizon and my little stalker squeaker, NeoDoosh, beyond the far right.

Heel, Neo, and trot over and squeak at us. Come on, boy, heel.

Actually, Obama is the one following popular opinion. A bare majority now support same sex marriage (51%) and 63% support civil unions.

And yes, both sides are trying to rally their base because the mythical 10% in the center isn't going to start paying attention until September, anyway.
My litte stalker squeaker is cute, isn't he? Come here, NeoDoosh, now. :eusa_whistle.gif: Talk to us about mainstream libertarianism and other oddities.

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