Romney's weird 'Harvard attack' against Obama

Actually, it wasn't a dumb comment at all. He didn't mean Obama literally spent too much time in Harvard.

He ment Obama doesn't think for himself. He still thinks like those lefties at Harvard taught him to think.

but run with it..
obama isn't even in touch with everyday lawyers.

It was obviously a gaffe by Romney who should have said that obama didn't spend enough time at Harvard.
not really, honey. romney's biggest weakness is his inability to connect with people. so, of course, they'll pretend that the president can't.

but that hasn't exactly proven to be the case.

just sayin...

Shoot, Romney can't even have a beer with anyone. :lol:

That's probably because I think he doesn't drink. But heck..those "cheesy" grits! Hmm..boy.

That 8.2% unemployment rate will overcome "cheesy grits", if it remains.
What makes you think Barry is in touch with everyday Americans??

IMO he ain't.

As for an "attack?" I think your stretching that bs way to far.

Well, he doesn't talk about how many Caddies his wife owns or how he likes to be able to fire people...

caddies? Yeah, I guess he could have lied when he was asked a direc t question about his cars. Perhaps we should look for the best liar as a candidate?

Sadly, you are on of those tools the mainstream media hopes watches them when they spin what a candidate (on both sides of the aisle) says.

He was clearly talking about how he likes to fire inept vendors. He prefers those that have a good work ethic and produce good work.

Perhpas it would have been better for him to say "I dont care how shitty a job one does for me. They will have a job for life."

Well, he doesn't talk about how many Caddies his wife owns or how he likes to be able to fire people...

caddies? Yeah, I guess he could have lied when he was asked a direc t question about his cars. Perhaps we should look for the best liar as a candidate?

Sadly, you are on of those tools the mainstream media hopes watches them when they spin what a candidate (on both sides of the aisle) says.

He was clearly talking about how he likes to fire inept vendors. He prefers those that have a good work ethic and produce good work.

Perhpas it would have been better for him to say "I dont care how shitty a job one does for me. They will have a job for life."


What I've found is most people do an okay job. I've seen far more people fired for the insecurities and ineptitude of management than I've seen who've really had it coming.

But if you don't realize that a rich guy blurting out, "I likes to fire people" is pretty much the wrong message in this political environment, I'm not sure what to say to you.
obama isn't even in touch with everyday lawyers.

It was obviously a gaffe by Romney who should have said that obama didn't spend enough time at Harvard.

It no doubt means that Romney spent enough time there to understand what it means to spend too much tme there.
As a Republican, .

STFU you dishonest douchebag. You are NOT a Republican. That little act has been debunked about a thousand times now.

Debunked by who?

Frankly, what I find amusing is that you guys of the ultra-right conservative wing have been bitch slapped for the nomination the last two times and still try to claim its your party.

I'd have no problems with Romney if he wasn't a fuckin' Mormon. Well, a few problems, but not that many.

I thought McCain was an okay guy.

The whole dishonesty these days is you guys can't nominate a real "conservative" because you know that shit doesn't sell, so you have to sneak "moderates" under the wire and hope no one notices or people have short attention spans...
The Republican message is that college is bad. Very amusing.

I found your post most interesting. Because a college degree these days under Obama will hear yourself saying "you want fries with that?"

There is a difference between College and University.
As a Republican, it's going to be an agonizing seven months watching this joker twisting in the wind, ineptly showing how out of touch he is.

I would like to say it's Bob Dole all over again, but Bob Dole had some dignity.

Bob Dole is a great man..and an American Hero.

True story. :thup:

I think he was a great man, but a horrible candidate.

But I also think that the same kind of thinking that was behind his uninspired candidacy is the same kind of thinking that is getting us Romney. He's safe, he's run before, he's electable, it's his turn.

What makes Romney worse is that while Dole was a good man, Romney is kind of a scumwad.

Dole/Kemp ticket was strictly inside the beltway. Surely you understand this.( Every post I have seen you make appears to be well thought out.)

This is how the inner machinations of the RNC work mirrored on the D side as well. ETA: here is where you are brilliant and you get it. Tired so forgive me for the delay it's his turn You nailed it to the wall.

The two party system has failed the voter, the real deal joe and mary and mohammed and ezra six pack in America.
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Bob Dole is a great man..and an American Hero.

True story. :thup:

I think he was a great man, but a horrible candidate.

But I also think that the same kind of thinking that was behind his uninspired candidacy is the same kind of thinking that is getting us Romney. He's safe, he's run before, he's electable, it's his turn.

What makes Romney worse is that while Dole was a good man, Romney is kind of a scumwad.

Dole/Kemp ticket was strictly inside the beltway. Surely you understand this.( Every post I have seen you make appears to be well thought out.)

This is how the inner machinations of the RNC work mirrored on the D side as well. ETA: here is where you are brilliant and you get it. Tired so forgive me for the delay it's his turn You nailed it to the wall.

The two party system has failed the voter, the real deal joe and mary and mohammed and ezra six pack in America.

I do understand that Bob Dole was the establishment pick, absolutely. I also know that back in 1996, the Establishment was in an absolute panic when Pat Buchanan (defender of Nazi War Criminals) won the NH Primary.

I also know that conservatives weren't thrilled with Dole, which is why he picked Kemp. (Incidently, met Jack Kemp once in 2004. What a great guy.)

I think the two party system has a lot of problems. I think both parties rush to placate their interest groups and then try to appeal to the rest of us.

I'm not thrilled with either of the choices this time, but I really, really dislike Mitt Romney for a number of reasons. We really have the Evil of Two Lessers here.

I don't have a solution, I wish I did.
As a Republican, it's going to be an agonizing seven months watching this joker twisting in the wind, ineptly showing how out of touch he is.

I would like to say it's Bob Dole all over again, but Bob Dole had some dignity.

Bob Dole is a great man..and an American Hero.

True story. :thup:

Bob Dole! Bob Dole.

Bob Dole.
The Republican message is that college is bad. Very amusing.

I found your post most interesting. Because a college degree these days under Obama will hear yourself saying "you want fries with that?"

What were they saying under Bush?

There is a difference between College and University.

Thanks for that information.

Surely you jest. Bush on information released, you know, transparency, like Obamas school records..

Bush nukes the crap out of Kerry and Gore. I'm having fun here, but yes Bush really did beat Kerry and Gore in their scores.

Think about it.

Non partisan terror:D And they have the finger on the "trigger".


I'm stocking up.
I think he was a great man, but a horrible candidate.

But I also think that the same kind of thinking that was behind his uninspired candidacy is the same kind of thinking that is getting us Romney. He's safe, he's run before, he's electable, it's his turn.

What makes Romney worse is that while Dole was a good man, Romney is kind of a scumwad.

Dole/Kemp ticket was strictly inside the beltway. Surely you understand this.( Every post I have seen you make appears to be well thought out.)

This is how the inner machinations of the RNC work mirrored on the D side as well. ETA: here is where you are brilliant and you get it. Tired so forgive me for the delay it's his turn You nailed it to the wall.

The two party system has failed the voter, the real deal joe and mary and mohammed and ezra six pack in America.

I do understand that Bob Dole was the establishment pick, absolutely. I also know that back in 1996, the Establishment was in an absolute panic when Pat Buchanan (defender of Nazi War Criminals) won the NH Primary.

I also know that conservatives weren't thrilled with Dole, which is why he picked Kemp. (Incidently, met Jack Kemp once in 2004. What a great guy.)

I think the two party system has a lot of problems. I think both parties rush to placate their interest groups and then try to appeal to the rest of us.

I'm not thrilled with either of the choices this time, but I really, really dislike Mitt Romney for a number of reasons. We really have the Evil of Two Lessers here.

I don't have a solution, I wish I did.

Don't want to pull a Judy Collins here, but I see both sides. I'm a dual citizen .

Sadly both sides run the "machine" in America. It's repulsive.
I've looked at Gov
from both sides now,
From Left and Right
and still somehow,
It's all illusion
can't you see
It's really just a SHAM-

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