Ron DeSantis Hates Democracy and Freedom. Period. End of discussion.

Doesn't sound very inclusive.

But if I never need Flamenco lessons, I know who to call!
everyone's awesome, it's just that basques are the best. i may be biased? i'm also lebanese. but mostly a proud American Christian. can we get back on topic now?
If you believe in academic freedom, then why would you object to what DeSantis is doing? You should probably look into it deeper. It's ironic how liberals react to people objecting to teaching that only white people can be racists And, that only liberal teachings about the founding of the country and history can be taught.
this is untrue de santis has never been in the democrat party
that this is a socialist rag and shouldn’t be take seriously when discussing liberty or democracy
Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King were socialists. do you know the discrepancy between people who take them seriously versus people who take you seriously?

for every 1 billion person who takes Einstein and MLK seriously, 1 person takes you seriously
I'd even prefer a Biden 2nd term or even a Kamala presidency over DeSantis

Truthful thread. You pissed off the nuts as expected.
DeSantis turned Miami RED!


You stupid cult fucks.
Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King were socialists. do you know the discrepancy between people who take them seriously versus people who take you seriously?

for every 1 billion person who takes Einstein and MLK seriously, 1 person takes you seriously

nobody takes them seriously about economics…Einstein was a physics genuius, but lived most of his life depended on the fortunes of others. MlK was a great Bapitisr Minister but again knows nothing about exonomics
I'd even prefer a Biden 2nd term or even a Kamala presidency over DeSantis

If DeSantis opposes democracy so much, explain why he is pushing to pass Constitutional Carry in Florida. Florida currently does not require a permit to purchase a firearm and you don’t have to register one. Now if the new law passes, you will be able to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Hopefully the law will allow open carry. If so, a Floridian‘s right to keep and bear arms will not be infringed.

As far as I am concerned the liberal media has lost all journalistic standards and will publish any and all lies to help conservatives lose.

We just went through six years of the liberal media doing everything it could to destroy Trump. All the bombshell reports almost everyday that proved totally false. Perhaps if the liberal media doesn’t set its own standards and follow them to verify negative news stories about politicians they should be sued. They damn well deserve to be.


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