Ron DeSantis Hit With Brutal Poll Numbers As Covid Surges

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made a big bet that opposing public health restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus would be a political winner -- but a new poll suggests he has massively miscalculated.


I will never believe a poll again. They are all, all of them, push polls as liberals try to cover their miserable tracks.

That dog don't hunt, iow
Play exclusively to the base, and that'll happen.

States don't use an electoral college system, so unlike Republican presidential candidates, he actually has to win the popular vote. Might be something for him to keep in mind.
Why? He'll be your next President
I will never believe a poll again. They are all, all of them, push polls as liberals try to cover their miserable tracks.

That dog don't hunt, iow
Bullshit. You'll believe ANY poll you like and say "I don't believe polls" for any poll you don't
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made a big bet that opposing public health restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus would be a political winner -- but a new poll suggests he has massively miscalculated.

Things aren’t going well for Biden, quick, put out the hit pieces on DeSantis!
They are all, all of them, push polls as liberals try

You do know, poster Sue92, that conservative interests also hire pollsters?
Think Tony Fabrizio, hired by Don Trump.

Or, there are pollsters who seek out a conservative base to survey....think Rasmussen.

Things aren’t going well for Biden, quick, put out the hit pieces on DeSantis!

That is a disingenuous sentiment.
To be sure, the Biden administration, and our military, are suffering appropriate criticism for the handling of the Afghan disengagement.
But, because the departure from that war is messy must not cancel out the messiness of Florida's Covid dilemma, brought on to a significant degree by DeSantis's skepticism of all things Covid, including common-sense mitigation measures.

America, and the world, are able to rightfully criticize more than one poor performance at a time.
Trust me.
Probably very near the same as if the child's Mom had been run over by a beer truck.
Mom' dead.
How she died is mostly irrelevant.
Oh, i see, at this point what difference does it make, that she died of the Kung Flu jab, not of natural causes, but i noticed you avoided the question about what is done with the baby? Is it aborted then, or given to some queer fucks?
, including common-sense mitigation measures
You mean the “common mitigation measures” that don’t work?
You know that the WHO and all major virologists in the world had a plan for a SARS type pandemic right? Do you know what that plan was before 2020? Did you know that the plan did NOT include lockdowns, or masks, or social distancing? Why? Because the scientists knew they wouldn’t work. Instead the governments decided to use fear to punish their citizens and take away their freedoms.
Instead the governments decided to use fear to punish their citizens and take away their freedoms.
Oh, boy!
What the USMB venue offers the United States, and to a degree, the an outlet for the paranoid to engage their keyboard-enema impulses.

And thus, we sidestep, to a greater degree, the risk of some of the more crazed going postal on society.

"government punishing their citizens".........."take away their freedoms"

I rest my case.
Florida just added NINE HUNDRED deaths to the covid toll after reporting numbers like 6 and 8 for days

The 7 day rolling average is a horrific TWO HUNDRED FIFTY per DAY

Well over 1,000 per week dying
"...what is done with the baby? Is it aborted then, or given to some queer fucks?"

"Queer f*cks"?

Look, son, just how old are you?

Your messaging skills ain't exactly a positive testament to the maturity of your avatar, or it's proper raising by responsible parties. This internet forum simply may not be the appropriate venue for such as your avatar.

"Queer f*cks"?

Look, son, just how old are you?

Your messaging skills ain't exactly a positive testament to the maturity of your avatar, or it's proper raising by responsible parties. This internet forum simply may not be the appropriate venue for such as your avatar.

once again, i noticed you didnt answer what would happen to the baby...Does it make you uncomfortable dealing with a young life, whose mother was unfairly taken away?
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made a big bet that opposing public health restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus would be a political winner -- but a new poll suggests he has massively miscalculated.


Also, Christians who believe that God will protect them from COVID-19 should think again.

Does it make you uncomfortable dealing with a young life, whose mother was unfairly taken away?

Ah, poor poster andaronjim, you may wish to flutter your pearls over a hypothetical baby surviving a hypothetical mother who was run over by a hypothetical beer truck.
You go guy.

Me? I don't fuss about your hypothetical Fantasy Island.
Life is too short to play stupid games for stupid prizes.
But you be you.

Your focus on a hypothetical Mom with her hypothetical baby...... is silly and it misleads you into thinking you have a point. You don't . So be it, life is unfair.

But, if you want to discuss adult stuff, well, post it up.
Show the forum you have gravitas.

Batter up, son.
IF a woman gets a choice whether to abort her baby or not, because it is no one else's decision to make, if the same woman then decides not to get the Kung Flu Jab, that is her choice also, right?

Of course that is her choice as getting the COVID vaccination is not mandated by the government. OF course her employers make require it. Thus she has a choice of quitting or getting the shot.

Your the one implying that the government has no right to make choices that interfere with the individuals right to choose.

If the Florida governor wants to ban people from wearing masks and in the same breath says that he will not mandate people to wear mask then what is the difference. The issue is he says one thing and then turns around and does that thing he criticizes. Mandates

The government makes laws and that is in the constitution. Is that not democracy in action.

So the decision of child birth is a private issue and the shot is a public issues. That is the difference

Does the government have the right to protect all citizens even from those who would do harm to any citizen?

I say yes if the government can show that it is necessary and fair to the general public. Even if not everyone agrees. And there will always be someone who does not agree.
Ah, poor poster andaronjim, you may wish to flutter your pearls over a hypothetical baby surviving a hypothetical mother who was run over by a hypothetical beer truck.
You go guy.

Me? I don't fuss about your hypothetical Fantasy Island.
Life is too short to play stupid games for stupid prizes.
But you be you.

Your focus on a hypothetical Mom with her hypothetical baby...... is silly and it misleads you into thinking you have a point. You don't . So be it, life is unfair.

But, if you want to discuss adult stuff, well, post it up.
Show the forum you have gravitas.

Batter up, son.
Figures you would not answer the question. But since ISIS and the Talaban are back in full swing, if i were you, (thank god i am not) you might start worrying more about the southern border which will allow ISIS, Al Qaida, and other Muslim terrorists to cross into our country. They love going to Blue States and shooting up people like you, who rely on the government to protect them.

Of course that is her choice as getting the COVID vaccination is not mandated by the government. OF course her employers make require it. Thus she has a choice of quitting or getting the shot.

Your the one implying that the government has no right to make choices that interfere with the individuals right to choose.

If the Florida governor wants to ban people from wearing masks and in the same breath says that he will not mandate people to wear mask then what is the difference. The issue is he says one thing and then turns around and does that thing he criticizes. Mandates

The government makes laws and that is in the constitution. Is that not democracy in action.

So the decision of child birth is a private issue and the shot is a public issues. That is the difference

Does the government have the right to protect all citizens even from those who would do harm to any citizen?

I say yes if the government can show that it is necessary and fair to the general public. Even if not everyone agrees. And there will always be someone who does not agree.
You dont get it do you. People should have a CHOICE whether to wear a mask or not, (mostly because stupid cloth masks dont fucking work) yet dumbass prog schools are forcing kids to wear the masks, not for science and safety but to tear down the will of those children and have them be prog slaves like you..

As for the government protecting all citizens, why is the border not closed, but allowing 10s of thousands of COVID diseased people to cross? Yeah, dumbasses like you hate the tax paying citizens but love those future stupid ass Democrat voters because they are as stupid as you.
But wait. Trump destroyed ISIS...right?
I think you are mistaken, he said that the ISIS caliphate was eliminated, which he did, but then Joe the stupid ass, got in and now ISIS K is being a Jr Varsity, which the coward Joe has legitimized. Soon it will be just like it was under the brown turd Obammy, where 10s of thousands of innocent people will die, under Joe's watch....again

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