Ron DeSantis Hit With Brutal Poll Numbers As Covid Surges

The only things "unlikeable" about Kamala Harris for Republicans is she is black and she is female. How DARE she think she can hold power!!!!
You are a worthless piece of shit as usual.

It is Democrats burning black peoples businesses, and it is Democrats murdering blacks in the inner city....Nothing has changed with the Democrats...
I think you are mistaken, he said that the ISIS caliphate was eliminated, which he did, but then Joe the stupid ass, got in and now ISIS K is being a Jr Varsity, which the coward Joe has legitimized. Soon it will be just like it was under the brown turd Obammy, where 10s of thousands of innocent people will die, under Joe's watch....again
So ISIS was destroyed...but it wasn't

The only things "unlikeable" about Kamala Harris for Republicans is she is black and she is female. How DARE she think she can hold power!!!!
Oh and the only thing "unlikeable" about you, is that you are a worthless lying bitch.....

Just kidding......There are many things unlikeable about you....
You dont get it do you. People should have a CHOICE whether to wear a mask or not, (mostly because stupid cloth masks dont fucking work) yet dumbass prog schools are forcing kids to wear the masks, not for science and safety but to tear down the will of those children and have them be prog slaves like you..

As for the government protecting all citizens, why is the border not closed, but allowing 10s of thousands of COVID diseased people to cross? Yeah, dumbasses like you hate the tax paying citizens but love those future stupid ass Democrat voters because they are as stupid as you.

Yeah but explain why Desantis wants to tell people not to wear masks. He says he won't mandate masks to be worn but will mandate that mask should not be worn.

Your opinion that they do not work but can you explain why hospital doctors and nurses wear them. It is simple it better than nothing and they are effective in conjunction with other methods which reduce to chance of getting infected and spreading it.

If you can figure that one out then it not really about choice it is about an opinion.
" might start worrying more about the southern border which will allow......Muslim terrorists to cross into our country."
Will put 'em on my watch list.
Tho, with the Taliban about 7,000 miles away from our southern may be a bit low on that list.

So ISIS was destroyed...but it wasn't.

Yes. But no.
And I know you know why.

Per one of our prolific Trumpsters on this gossipboard ... similar to, but not the same, as poster 'andaronjim' *......, ISIS was a 'false-flag' operation by Zionists.

We know how clever those Mossad guys can be. ISIS only played at being 'destroyed'.

Their "destruction", was a false-flag op too. Per influential Trumpster voices on this chatroom.
(I love this bar)

*Go ahead and ask poster 'andaronjim' about the other Trumpster assertion popular on this venue.
To wit, the Oathkeepers who mobbed up the Capitol were....hold for

We can be confident poster andaronjim will be well briefed on that op too.
Birds of that feather kinda sorta flock ...........well, together. :thup:
Ah, poor poster andaronjim, you may wish to flutter your pearls over a hypothetical baby surviving a hypothetical mother who was run over by a hypothetical beer truck.
You go guy.

Me? I don't fuss about your hypothetical Fantasy Island.
Life is too short to play stupid games for stupid prizes.
But you be you.

Your focus on a hypothetical Mom with her hypothetical baby...... is silly and it misleads you into thinking you have a point. You don't . So be it, life is unfair.

But, if you want to discuss adult stuff, well, post it up.
Show the forum you have gravitas.

Batter up, son.
So you refuse to answer the question. Oh wait, you don’t have the intelligence required to.
The only things "unlikeable" about Kamala Harris for Republicans is she is black and she is female. How DARE she think she can hold power!!!!
The fact that she spread her legs and got on her knees to get ahead has nothing to with it does it? Don’t claim that’s a lie. Willie Brown gave us details.
Choose to. There is no mandate against that. Here there are NO mask mandates. About half the people in any store here now are choosing themselves to wear them.
Choose to. There is no mandate against that. Here there are NO mask mandates. About half the people in any store here now are choosing themselves to wear them.
Half. That means people are at risk. Big risk

Masks are MOST effective at keeping virus confined to the infected wearer. Yes they provide protection to the wearer but not nearly as much as FROM infected people.

If 10% of those unmasked people are spewing highly infectious Delta variant....everyone there is at high risk.

Masks protect in the 60% range. That means there is a 40% chance that even the masked people will be infected IF they don't get covid from handling their masks improperly

Masks work really well if everyone wears them
Half. That means people are at risk. Big risk

Masks are MOST effective at keeping virus confined to the infected wearer. Yes they provide protection to the wearer but not nearly as much as FROM infected people.
Herd immunity was always the best solution.
Those are poll numbers from a Quinnpiac Poll shit for brains. A poll that usually leans favorably in numbers for Republicans.

I knew you were fucking stupid, But even I thought you could read at a third grade level.

The person you replied to never clicked on that link you provided. Much less actually read it.

All that person did was see that the link address was Raw Story.

trump people rarely, if ever, click links to actually read the information provided.
How did I know it was going to be another Raw Sewage story.

LMAO @ how gullible you Marxist Government Cultist are for the Fake News.

If you don't like the source of the information, do what I do.

Do a search on it.

You didn't even click the link much less go looking for a more reputable source of the information.

Yes, I agree Raw Story is left. They have a mixed reputation on honesty.

So while Raw Story isn't my choice for information, I took that information and did a search to find the truth.

It turns out, Raw Story is correct on this one.

If you don't like the Sun Sentinel, click the link below. It's the search result. Pick the news source of your choice. They all are going to say nearly the same thing as The Sun Sentinel and Raw Story. And there's one link in that search that has polls on how the people of Florida feel about desantis running for president. Spoiler alert, they don't think he should run.

You're just a coward who doesn't like the information so doesn't believe it.

Which is not just cowardly but so very immature.

Quinnpiac Poll ron desantis

If you had actually clicked the Raw Story link you would have been taken to an article filled with links. One of them is a link directly to the Quinnipiac website that has the actual poll and reporting about it from Quinnipiac.

I swear you are so lazy and in such denial about desantis. It's so bad it caused you to make a total fool of yourself to all of us intelligent people.
Follow the link in the article to the poll. Might be there.

Raw Story provided a link in their article to the Quinnipiac website that has the poll.

According to who?

The fact check I found didn't say it leaned right.

The fact check I found says they are center. Which is where most Americans are.

Including me.

Personally, that's my choice of information, people from the center who see all sides. Not just right or left only.

Screen Shot 2021-08-28 at 8.15.38 AM.png
Of course, it is a complicated metric, and this group explains that and explains why their model is structured to weed out certain biases. It is why I use this one, as I've been following them and they are fairly accurate.

Here is the complete text leading into your snip

"Calculating Rt from the reported number of reported cases is complicated. People are typically diagnosed after they have already spread the disease, and many are not diagnosed at all. As diagnostic guidelines loosen and testing availability improves, we expect to see more cases, though the underlying incidence of disease may or may not have changed. Lags in diagnosis, diagnostic delays, and changing diagnostic guidelines will all impact case reports, and bias estimates of Rt.

We can avoid these biases by estimating Rt from the number of new infections each day. We estimate new infections using a statistical model that combines information about reported cases, reported deaths, the percentage of the population vaccinated, disease stage duration, and disease severity and mortality risks."

Now yours:

Our infections metric takes into account the delays mentioned above, and includes individuals who haven't tested positive. Once we estimate the number of new infections each day, we can use that number to produce a more robust estimate of Rt. Present-day estimates of Rt are highly uncertain, and can change dramatically over time. We feel most confident about results for dates which are at least 14 days in the past. Additionally, Rt is easy to misinterpret. In many cases, we expect users will find our Infections per capita metric to be more useful. See here for a discussion of the pitfalls of Rt.

Could it be wrong? Sure and they, and I, have said as much. It has however been trending downward steadily and we are starting to see that in the data of daily case numbers.

If R was still well over 1 daily infection numbers would still be steadily rising. They are not. Could that change? As I have previously stated, sure, however, the data as it sits right now would indicate that things are trending the right direction.

Here is the per capita infection data they mention

View attachment 530532

Clearly this guy’s bullshit had turned out to be woefully wrong
Well if you do not wear a seat belt then you would have a point. IF you wear a seat belt then I guess someone told you so.

Yeah all those laws just floating around making you do stuff, how undemocratic.

They sure don't have the same belief when it comes to reproductive freedom.

When it comes to reproductive freedom, they have the exact opposite belief.

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