Ron DeSantis is not ready for Prime Time

The smartest thing Republicans could do would be just to lose decisively in 2024 while cleaning out the MAGA trash. Come back strong in 2026 with a Senate slate of candidates that want to help solve America's problems. They could transform their party and come up big.
They don't have it in them to win.
Lol. Duopoly dupes like you can’t think. You allow the state run media to do your thinking.
As teabaggers repeat this state run "media".
The Russian state "media".

Since the start of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of neighboring Ukraine, Fox News personalities have aired or promoted pro-Kremlin talking points or shown deference to Russian aggression every single day, for a total of at least 49 instances.

On his show Tucker Carlson Tonight, host Tucker Carlson passionately defended Putin, asking, “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years?” Carlson added that “the answer to all of them is no. Vladimir Putin didn't do any of that. So, why does permanent Washington hate him so much?”
Rs and Ds nearly all love war. You being dupe of the establishment, love it too.
As teabaggers believed the lie of invading Iraq?
Then, got right into bed, with the country that actually attacked us?
You’d think all Americans would know by now the fraud being committed on them regarding non-stop war. Apparently most are like you. They never learn.

See above.
You would LOVE to see Russia conquer Ukraine, then Europe.
As teabaggers repeat this state run "media".
The Russian state "media".

Since the start of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of neighboring Ukraine, Fox News personalities have aired or promoted pro-Kremlin talking points or shown deference to Russian aggression every single day, for a total of at least 49 instances.

On his show Tucker Carlson Tonight, host Tucker Carlson passionately defended Putin, asking, “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years?” Carlson added that “the answer to all of them is no. Vladimir Putin didn't do any of that. So, why does permanent Washington hate him so much?”

As teabaggers believed the lie of invading Iraq?
Then, got right into bed, with the country that actually attacked us?
Unprovoked. Lol. What a dupe.

Why post on a message board when all you know is the propaganda pushed by state run media?

Get informed. Shut off the tv.

Hard facts about the Ukraine conflict:

• Ukraine is not free and democratic. Opposition parties and media have been banned, along with the Russian Orthodox Church.

• Russia intervened when Kiev amassed an army of 60,000 on the border of Donbas and was preparing to launch a massive assault on the separatists. This was obviously a massive violation of the Minsk agreements. The shelling of Donbas had already begun ramping up in early February 2022, as observed and recorded by the OSCE.

• Russia was very much provoked by the fact that US/NATO supplied, trained and encouraged the 60,000 strong army to attack the Donbas separatists, who are predominantly ethnic Russian.

• Ukraine negotiated the Minsk agreements in bad faith, fully intending to cheat, by using the ceasefire as an opportunity to build up militarily for a future attack. This was confirmed by Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko.

• The United States orchestrated the violent 2014 illegal coup, which empowered the far-right ultranationalists and gave them control of Ukraine's two most powerful ministries, the Ministry of Defense and the National Guard.

• Upon taking control of the Ministry of Defense and the National Guard, the ultranationalists immediately launched a violent and homicidal de-russification campaign in eastern Ukraine.

• Ukraine has not been a sovereign state since the 2014 coup and takes direction from the United States.

• Ukraine was exploited as a disposable proxy by the United States, in a failed attempt to weaken and destabilize Russia and overthrow Putin.

• Ukraine is losing. In a few months it will be out of ammo and men, and Russia will have the run of the country.

• Zelensky became extremely wealthy by looting his own country and screwing his own people.

• Bandera was an evil man, and people who worship evil men are evil people.

• The United States purposely enabled and weaponized the ultranationalist Banderite movement, for the sole purpose of destroying Russia and Russians
It’s more than a “Territorial Didpute”, but DeSantis is right that it IS (or at least should be)… NONE OF OUR DAMN BUSINESS!!!!!
The guy is also owned by Putin and anyone that realizes reality is pointing it out. We're very fucked if we don't defeat both Trump and creepsantist in 2024!
"The 80's called they want their foreign policy back"
Barrack Obama

If anyone was "owned by Putin" it was Obama. He did try to hamstring NATO missile defense for him

Well this should prove that DeSantis isn't part of the establishment. If the pro war politicians on both sides in DC are calling DeSantis out, then he must be right.

I personally agree. Ukraine and Russia are none of our business. They both should be our allies. We should trade and be friends with them, if they want to. But other than that, we should mind our own business.
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It doesn't matter who runs on the right, they will be deemed the spawn of Satan by the projectionist left. With no sense of self-awareness, they do this every election cycle.
Didn't Trump nickname him ron sanctimonious and float that he's a pedo?

And where is Ron even from?

He said “geographically raised in Tampa Bay,”

″[C]ulturally my upbringing reflected the working-class communities in western Pennsylvania and northeast Ohio — from weekly church attendance to the expectation that one would earn his keep,” he wrote. “This made me God-fearing, hard-working and America-loving.”

NBC News notes that DeSantis’ claim stems from his parents’ “geographical” background: His father was raised in Pennsylvania, and his parents met while attending Youngstown State University in Ohio.
But the governor himself never lived in either place. Pennsylvania and Ohio just so happen to be key to any presidential ambitions.

DeSantis Disappoints British Business Leaders Ahead of Expected 2024 Presidential Bid

“Horrendous,” “low-wattage,” and “bored,” are just a few of the ways British business leaders described Florida Governor Ron DeSantis when he stopped by a high-profile London event this week. One leader told Politico “nobody in the room was left thinking, ‘this man’s going places,’’ while another said the governor “stared at his feet” throughout the meeting. DeSantis attended the event as part of a four-country tour advertised as a way to build Florida’s economic relationships—however, many in the political sphere are calling it a precursor to his expected 2024 presidential bid, making his poor impression that much more notable.

DeSantis Disappoints British Business Leaders Ahead of Expected 2024 Presidential Bid

“Horrendous,” “low-wattage,” and “bored,” are just a few of the ways British business leaders described Florida Governor Ron DeSantis when he stopped by a high-profile London event this week. One leader told Politico “nobody in the room was left thinking, ‘this man’s going places,’’ while another said the governor “stared at his feet” throughout the meeting. DeSantis attended the event as part of a four-country tour advertised as a way to build Florida’s economic relationships—however, many in the political sphere are calling it a precursor to his expected 2024 presidential bid, making his poor impression that much more notable.

After a 5 day, 5 country trip.
The brits aren't very interesting.
Didn't Trump nickname him ron sanctimonious and float that he's a pedo?

And where is Ron even from?

He said “geographically raised in Tampa Bay,”

″[C]ulturally my upbringing reflected the working-class communities in western Pennsylvania and northeast Ohio — from weekly church attendance to the expectation that one would earn his keep,” he wrote. “This made me God-fearing, hard-working and America-loving.”

NBC News notes that DeSantis’ claim stems from his parents’ “geographical” background: His father was raised in Pennsylvania, and his parents met while attending Youngstown State University in Ohio.
But the governor himself never lived in either place. Pennsylvania and Ohio just so happen to be key to any presidential ambitions.

Google is your friend.

Ron DeSantis.
Every money pimp is critiquing him you say?

Fuck them. We don't belong mixed up in that war!

Amazing how the ANTI WAR LEFT are pro war when a member of the gop is against it. Could yall be any bigger of a fraud.

Sure.....................The only war that comes along, that republicans are AGAINST, so just happens to be with Trump's buddy INVADING another country, even committing war crimes, and the teabagger response is "Meh".
Sure.....................The only war that comes along, that republicans are AGAINST, so just happens to be with Trump's buddy INVADING another country, even committing war crimes, and the teabagger response is "Meh".
What a retarded fucking statement. We were against Syria, Libya and the other speck in the sand that Obama invaded

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