Ron DeSantis is not ready for Prime Time

Thought so, you don't have the stones to lead by example.
Care to carry your ass to Russia to defend them?
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Care to carry your ass to Russia to defend them?
  1. www.aeroflot.comAeroflot

    Доступ к сайту временно ограничен владельцем веб-ресурса. Если считаете, что произошла ошибка, свяжитесь с владельцем веб-ресурса
Get back on your meds and stop lying about me. Now back to your war mongering, why don't you lead by example and show us how important wars in Europe are by going over there and joining the fight.
It's George W. Bush all over again!


Ukraine was once a part of the USSR

Putin has already said he wanted to reform the USSR, taking back all 15 countries that used to be USSR states.

The reason Russia annexed part of Ukraine already is because the people there were supposedly Soviet / loyalists who wanted to be part of Russia.

Ukraine is of strategic geographical importance regarding the flow of Russian energy to Europe

Sounds like DeSantis understands just fine what's going on, why Russia invaded Ukraine.
Ron DeSantis is ready for prime time. He's much more qualified that even Trump is now.
Remember, Trumps spent the last 6 years getting dog piled by the left. And he's still getting dog piled.
So even after 4years of being president, Trumps not capable of being an effective president.

His effectiveness ranks right up there with Jimmy Carters.
Ukraine was once a part of the USSR

Putin has already said he wanted to reform the USSR, taking back all 15 countries that used to be USSR states.

The reason Russia annexed part of Ukraine already is because the people there were supposedly Soviet / loyalists who wanted to be part of Russia.

Ukraine is of strategic geographical importance regarding the flow of Russian energy to Europe

Sounds like DeSantis understands just fine what's going on, why Russia invaded Ukraine.

I wished Desantis would take an "It's none of our business" approach to the crap that goes on in Europe and the middle east. So far, he's been pretty silent on it.
I wished Desantis would take an "It's none of our business" approach to the crap that goes on in Europe and the middle east. So far, he's been pretty silent on it.
He's silent on the subject because the "woke" obsessed dipshit's keepers haven't spoon fed him any talking points on a subject that he knows nothing about.

He's a one trick fucked in the head asshole.

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