Ron DeSantis to CBS: “You ain’t running over this governor, I’m punching back!”

You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.
Again, as you well know, the other vendors were supplied by Biden's FEDERAL program and had NOTHING to do with DeSCAMtis.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
But will every one of them stay alive. NO! So it us a useless metric.
Will everyone in your “per capital” number stay alive? Nope.

Death rate is defined as the percentage of those infected who have died. Lumping in everyone in a state is meaningless, Dumbass.
Per "capital" is YOUR spelling, not mine. Did you cite Tramp for calling natural gas "NATIONAL" gas???? Of course not you HYPOCRITE!
Auto correct, Dumbass. Is that all ya got?
Auto correct would NEVER change natural to national, LIAR.
Good thing neither of those words are involved, Dumbass. :cuckoo:
“President Trump boldly unleashed American energy, and our Nation soon became the world's number one producer of oil and national gas in the world.”
From Tramp's
And like everything Tramp posts, it is a LIE.
Under Obama we became the #1 producer of Oil and "national" gas in 2013.

You think Trump wrote that personally?

It's on HIS official website, so who do you think wrote it, Putin?
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
But will every one of them stay alive. NO! So it us a useless metric.
Will everyone in your “per capital” number stay alive? Nope.

Death rate is defined as the percentage of those infected who have died. Lumping in everyone in a state is meaningless, Dumbass.
Per "capital" is YOUR spelling, not mine. Did you cite Tramp for calling natural gas "NATIONAL" gas???? Of course not you HYPOCRITE!
Auto correct, Dumbass. Is that all ya got?
Auto correct would NEVER change natural to national, LIAR.
Good thing neither of those words are involved, Dumbass. :cuckoo:
“President Trump boldly unleashed American energy, and our Nation soon became the world's number one producer of oil and national gas in the world.”
From Tramp's
And like everything Tramp posts, it is a LIE.
Under Obama we became the #1 producer of Oil and "national" gas in 2013.

Obama actually resisted oil and NG drilling, the main cause was most of the drilling occurred on STATE land, which is why North Dakota grew rapidly.

You were grossly misleading.
You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.
Again, as you well know, the other vendors were supplied by Biden's FEDERAL program and had NOTHING to do with DeSCAMtis.

Wrong, they were going to long term care facilities before xiden even took office. Why do you commies lie about everything?

Death rate is calculated as the percentage of people who die vs the total number infected, Dumbass.

Also, the death rate in Texas has continued to fall for weeks, despite the state being 100% open.

Just STFU, Moron.

Repeating you death rate mantra endlessly doesn't make it any less of a lie than it was the first 15 times you've made your false claims. It does make you look more and more desperate and stupid for repeating it though, so keep it up.

The death rate in Texas has continued to fall. 49,000 have already died. If Texas were a country, it's number of deaths would be rank it as #16 in the world. The death rate per million in Texas is the highest of any state with a population of more than 20 million people, including California.

How many MORE people does Abbott get to kill before it's a problem for you?

Meanwhile YOU continue to ignore the fact that New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts have the TOP THREE Highest per capita death rate in the entire world, all three are long running democrats states.

Your Partisan stupidity helps you make a fool of yourself since it wasn't Abbott or Trump or Cuomo, Biden that are killing people, it is CHINESE Virus that doing the killing, a virus that may have been created in a lab in China.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

Does this mean you agree with 60 Minutes barrage of lies against the Governor?
The only one lying in the CBS story was DeSCAMtis, but you knew that already.

It is clear you didn't see the unedited CBS video showing what 60 minutes had edited out.

Here is the YOUTUBE video showing the edited and the FULL unedited parts

The unedited part showed how he wiped that dishonest Bitch's narrative totally, and Democrats soon afterwards came up and DEFENDED the Governor against 60 lying minutes.

You are sooo lazy to watch the full video or read the published transcript of it, that is why you remain ignorant.

Meanwhile several Florida DEMOCRATS who are involved in this are very unhappy with lying 60 shithole minutes:

West Palm Beach Mayor Dave Kerner (D) Blasts '60 Minutes' Report on Florida Vaccine Rollout: 'Intentionally False'

CBS Hit Piece on DeSantis Backfires Spectacularly

FLORIDA DEM: That 60 Minutes hit piece on DeSantis and Publix is “absolute malarkey.”

Full transcript of the exchange, that was mostly edited out by 60 seconds
Last edited:
DeSantis should sue them for slander.
How can he sue them for slander when he knows everything they reported is TRUE!
Well child some dems said 60 minutes lied their ass off. Of course you commie propagandist will never admit that, right? Even when the story is retracted.
Only 2, both of whom depend on DeSCAMtis to make the vaccine available in their districts. And their argument that DeSCAMtis made the vaccine available to most seniors due to its many locations is a Red Herring because the the CBS argument was that DeSCAMtis gave Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract.

If one's goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible, then one should sign contracts with every possible vaccinator. Not just one. And that remains true, no matter how many locations the exclusive rights holder may have. So CBS's argument is unassailable, giving Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract is , in fact, pay to play.

You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.


He is too lazy to do some simple research on this, he decided to just accept the media lies instead.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
But will every one of them stay alive. NO! So it us a useless metric.
Will everyone in your “per capital” number stay alive? Nope.

Death rate is defined as the percentage of those infected who have died. Lumping in everyone in a state is meaningless, Dumbass.
Per "capital" is YOUR spelling, not mine. Did you cite Tramp for calling natural gas "NATIONAL" gas???? Of course not you HYPOCRITE!
Auto correct, Dumbass. Is that all ya got?
Auto correct would NEVER change natural to national, LIAR.
Good thing neither of those words are involved, Dumbass. :cuckoo:
“President Trump boldly unleashed American energy, and our Nation soon became the world's number one producer of oil and national gas in the world.”
From Tramp's
And like everything Tramp posts, it is a LIE.
Under Obama we became the #1 producer of Oil and "national" gas in 2013.

Obama actually resisted oil and NG drilling, the main cause was most of the drilling occurred on STATE land, which is why North Dakota grew rapidly.

You were grossly misleading.
And how exactly does that make Tramp NOT a LIAR for saying that America became the #1 producer of oil products under his reign of terror????
Talk about grossly misleading, HYPOCRITE!!!!!
DeSantis should sue them for slander.
How can he sue them for slander when he knows everything they reported is TRUE!
Well child some dems said 60 minutes lied their ass off. Of course you commie propagandist will never admit that, right? Even when the story is retracted.
Only 2, both of whom depend on DeSCAMtis to make the vaccine available in their districts. And their argument that DeSCAMtis made the vaccine available to most seniors due to its many locations is a Red Herring because the the CBS argument was that DeSCAMtis gave Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract.

If one's goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible, then one should sign contracts with every possible vaccinator. Not just one. And that remains true, no matter how many locations the exclusive rights holder may have. So CBS's argument is unassailable, giving Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract is , in fact, pay to play.

You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.


He is too lazy to do some simple research on this, he decided to just accept the media lies instead.

No, he knows he's lying, he just insist on carrying commie water, he's morally bankrupt.

Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
But will every one of them stay alive. NO! So it us a useless metric.
Will everyone in your “per capital” number stay alive? Nope.

Death rate is defined as the percentage of those infected who have died. Lumping in everyone in a state is meaningless, Dumbass.
Per "capital" is YOUR spelling, not mine. Did you cite Tramp for calling natural gas "NATIONAL" gas???? Of course not you HYPOCRITE!
Auto correct, Dumbass. Is that all ya got?
Auto correct would NEVER change natural to national, LIAR.
Good thing neither of those words are involved, Dumbass. :cuckoo:
“President Trump boldly unleashed American energy, and our Nation soon became the world's number one producer of oil and national gas in the world.”
From Tramp's
And like everything Tramp posts, it is a LIE.
Under Obama we became the #1 producer of Oil and "national" gas in 2013.

Obama actually resisted oil and NG drilling, the main cause was most of the drilling occurred on STATE land, which is why North Dakota grew rapidly.

You were grossly misleading.
And how exactly does that make Tramp NOT a LIAR for saying that America became the #1 producer of oil products under his reign of terror????
Talk about grossly misleading, HYPOCRITE!!!!!

You are full of evasive baloney since the discussion was about something else that occurred during Obamas years, which I schooled you on.

You deflection didn't fool me.
You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.
Again, as you well know, the other vendors were supplied by Biden's FEDERAL program and had NOTHING to do with DeSCAMtis.

Wrong, they were going to long term care facilities before xiden even took office. Why do you commies lie about everything?

As usual, when caught LYING the Right simply LIE some more.
A NEW federal retail program was turned on under the Biden administration. During its first week, the federal government sent doses to Walmart, Sam's Club, Winn Dixie and other stores in addition to the state’s regular weekly allotment.

Why do you NAZIS lie about everything?
DeSantis should sue them for slander.
How can he sue them for slander when he knows everything they reported is TRUE!
Well child some dems said 60 minutes lied their ass off. Of course you commie propagandist will never admit that, right? Even when the story is retracted.
Only 2, both of whom depend on DeSCAMtis to make the vaccine available in their districts. And their argument that DeSCAMtis made the vaccine available to most seniors due to its many locations is a Red Herring because the the CBS argument was that DeSCAMtis gave Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract.

If one's goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible, then one should sign contracts with every possible vaccinator. Not just one. And that remains true, no matter how many locations the exclusive rights holder may have. So CBS's argument is unassailable, giving Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract is , in fact, pay to play.

You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.


He is too lazy to do some simple research on this, he decided to just accept the media lies instead.
Like you accept the DeSCAMtis lies!
Talk about lazy, oh the irony!
You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.
Again, as you well know, the other vendors were supplied by Biden's FEDERAL program and had NOTHING to do with DeSCAMtis.

Wrong, they were going to long term care facilities before xiden even took office. Why do you commies lie about everything?

As usual, when caught LYING the Right simply LIE some more.
A NEW federal retail program was turned on under the Biden administration. During its first week, the federal government sent doses to Walmart, Sam's Club, Winn Dixie and other stores in addition to the state’s regular weekly allotment.

Why do you NAZIS lie about everything?

The bolded parts are all the pieces that 60 Minutes excised to protect its narrative:

Sharyn Alfonsi: Publix, as you know, donated $100,000 to your campaign, and then you rewarded them with the exclusive rights to distribute the vaccination in Palm Beach—

Ron DeSantis: So, first of all, that — what you’re saying is wrong. That’s—

Sharyn Alfonsi: How is that not pay-to-play?

Ron DeSantis: —that, that’s a fake narrative. So, first of all, when we did, the first pharmacies that had it were CVS and Walgreens. And they had a long term care mission. So they were going to the long term care facilities. They got vaccine in the middle of December, they started going to the long term care facilities the third week of December to do LTCs. So that was their mission. That was very important. And we trusted them to do that. As we got into January, we wanted to expand the distribution points. So yes, you had the counties, you had some drive through sites, you had hospitals that were doing a lot, but we wanted to get it into communities more. So we reached out to other retail pharmacies — Publix, Walmart — obviously CVS and Walgreens had to finish that mission. And we said, we’re going to use you as soon as you’re done with that. For the Publix, they were the first one to raise their hand, say they were ready to go. And you know what, we did it on a trial basis. I had three counties. I actually showed up that weekend and talked to seniors across four different Publix. How was the experience? Is this good? Should you think this is a way to go? And it was 100% positive. So we expanded it, and then folks liked it. And I can tell you, if you look at a place like Palm Beach County, they were kind of struggling at first in terms of the senior numbers. I went, I met with the county mayor. I met with the administrator. I met with all the folks in Palm Beach County, and I said, “Here’s some of the options: we can do more drive-through sites, we can give more to hospitals, we can do the Publix, we can do this.They calculated that 90% of their seniors live within a mile and a half of a Publix. And they said, “We think that would be the easiest thing for our residents.” So, we did that, and what ended up happening was, you had 65 Publix in Palm Beach. Palm Beach is one of the biggest counties, one of the most elderly counties, we’ve done almost 75% of the seniors in Palm Beach, and the reason is because you have the strong retail footprint. So our way has been multifaceted. It has worked. And we’re also now very much expanding CVS and Walgreens, now that they’ve completed the long term care mission.

Sharyn Alfonsi: The criticism is that it’s pay-to-play, governor.

Ron DeSantis: And it’s wrong. It’s wrong. It’s a fake narrative. I just disabused you of the narrative. And you don’t care about the facts. Because, obviously, I laid it out for you in a way that is irrefutable.

Sharyn Alfonsi: Well, I— I was just—

Ron DeSantis: And, so, it’s clearly not.

Sharyn Alfonsi: Isn’t there the nearest Publix —

Ron DeSantis: No, no, no. You’re wrong.

Sharyn Alfonsi: —30 miles away.

Ron DeSantis: You’re wrong. You’re wrong. Yes, sir?

Sharyn Alfonsi: That’s actually a fact.


You are pathetic!

This is the full Video and transcript of the exchange.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
But will every one of them stay alive. NO! So it us a useless metric.
Will everyone in your “per capital” number stay alive? Nope.

Death rate is defined as the percentage of those infected who have died. Lumping in everyone in a state is meaningless, Dumbass.
Per "capital" is YOUR spelling, not mine. Did you cite Tramp for calling natural gas "NATIONAL" gas???? Of course not you HYPOCRITE!
Auto correct, Dumbass. Is that all ya got?
Auto correct would NEVER change natural to national, LIAR.
Good thing neither of those words are involved, Dumbass. :cuckoo:
“President Trump boldly unleashed American energy, and our Nation soon became the world's number one producer of oil and national gas in the world.”
From Tramp's
And like everything Tramp posts, it is a LIE.
Under Obama we became the #1 producer of Oil and "national" gas in 2013.

Obama actually resisted oil and NG drilling, the main cause was most of the drilling occurred on STATE land, which is why North Dakota grew rapidly.

You were grossly misleading.
And how exactly does that make Tramp NOT a LIAR for saying that America became the #1 producer of oil products under his reign of terror????
Talk about grossly misleading, HYPOCRITE!!!!!

You are full of evasive baloney since the discussion was about something else that occurred during Obamas years, which I schooled you on.

You deflection didn't fool me.
No you were caught supporting Tramp's lie that what actually occurred under Obama's tern Tramp claimed credit for. It doesn't matter whether Obama supported it, it STILL happened BEFORE Tramp stole the presidency.
So, first of all, when we did, the first pharmacies that had it were CVS and Walgreens. And they had a long term care mission. So they were going to the long term care facilities. They got vaccine in the middle of December, they started going to the long term care facilities the third week of December to do LTCs. So that was their mission.
Again what dishonest DeSCAMtis left out was that was a federal program, he had no choice in the matter.
You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.
Again, as you well know, the other vendors were supplied by Biden's FEDERAL program and had NOTHING to do with DeSCAMtis.

Wrong, they were going to long term care facilities before xiden even took office. Why do you commies lie about everything?

As usual, when caught LYING the Right simply LIE some more.
A NEW federal retail program was turned on under the Biden administration. During its first week, the federal government sent doses to Walmart, Sam's Club, Winn Dixie and other stores in addition to the state’s regular weekly allotment.

Why do you NAZIS lie about everything?

That has nothing to do with what CVS and Walgreens was already doing in FL. Of course you know that and chose to lie anyway.

You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.
Again, as you well know, the other vendors were supplied by Biden's FEDERAL program and had NOTHING to do with DeSCAMtis.

Wrong, they were going to long term care facilities before xiden even took office. Why do you commies lie about everything?

As usual, when caught LYING the Right simply LIE some more.
A NEW federal retail program was turned on under the Biden administration. During its first week, the federal government sent doses to Walmart, Sam's Club, Winn Dixie and other stores in addition to the state’s regular weekly allotment.

Why do you NAZIS lie about everything?

That has nothing to do with what CVS and Walgreens was already doing in FL. Of course you know that and chose to lie anyway.

As you well know that was a FEDERAL program DeSCAMtis had NO control over. Of course you knew that and chose to lie anyway.

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