Ron DeSantis to CBS: “You ain’t running over this governor, I’m punching back!”

Thank God Republicans are learning to fight back against the MSM and Dems, just as President Trump showed them.

Actually Local Democrats went off on CBS over their nonsense, so all sides look at 60 minutes latest mess up as being wrong as hell!
"Smear merchants » is a good way to describe the lib media."

We appreciate a poster's observation; however, it is a more than a bit vague.

So poster, be our sherpa here. Who or what do you define as "lib media"? The various outlets we should avoid?

And conversely, which media outlets do you go to for your information, and would recommend we do too?
Thank god for DeSantis.

If that worthless corrupt Democrat crackhead Negro Gillum would have been governor this state would have really been screwed.
Ronnie would be the 8th republic loser of the last 9 presidential elections.

You cheering that...laughable.
Last 9?

Bush, Sr

Of the last 9 presidential elections, 4 have been won by Republicans. Did you learn math in government school?
Do you understand popular vote?

W lost the popular vote in 2000 and Dan would lose it in 2024.
Irrelevant. The popular vote doesn't determine the winner, any more than controlling the ball for the most time determines the Super Bowl winner.

I didn’t post that it determined the winner, but rather that republic presidential candidates have lost 7 of last 8.
You said they lost the "presidential elections". They did not. IOW, what you said was wrong.
Yeah, I posted that when I meant popular vote.
Then why didn't you correct it?
And conversely, which media outlets do you go to for your information, and would recommend we do too?
I dont trust any media completely

even the most corrupt and biased lib media - CNN for instance or CBS - is usually adequate to provide the bare facts of a hurricane, plane crash, the weather report, or other public events

but not for analysis or conclusions

In that case NOTHING CNN or CBS or NPR has any value or credibility
Avoiding other opinions is a lib habit

So, you are unable.. or define what you think is "lib media'?

And too, are you unable, or unwilling, to define what is non-lib media?
You know, the media that you use as your go-to source for information and that you would recommend for the forum participants to read also.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

Make that a corrupt, incompetent whack job. The Republicans are breeding them.

My God you Democrats are some kind of stupid. People are leaving blue states in droves due to whacko left-wing policies and fleeing to red states like Florida. Unfortunately, many Democrats just aren’t quite smart enough to figure out just what has caused them to flee and why their lives are suddenly so much better in red states. Amazing really.
Florida's not gonna remain red long that way.
The lying corrupt POS has to distract from the fact that Fla was third in new cases and new deaths yesterday.
Great job Ronnie!
BTW, Texas was #1 in new deaths yesterday.
Link to you death data. TX is behind NY and Kalifornia in deaths the past 7 days. (The only two I looked at)

I said NEW deaths YESTERDAY.
Texas #1 Fla #3
Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
USA Total31,560,438+62,283570,260+90624,122,2216,867,95795,3481,723412,210,7831,245,340
Oh well.
exclusive is a lie he has contracts with several entities
How the fuck would you know?
DeSCAMtis refuses to make the contract public, but you knew that already, which is why you thought you could get away with your LIE!
LOL if you had watched the actual news report instead of the heavily edited 60 minutes piece you would have heard him say what groups were licensed by the state. or watched his participation on Fox News.
Again, DeSCAMtis refuses to release any documentation on any vaccine contracts, and pathological LIAR DeSCAMtis says a lot of things that turn out not to be true. For example, first DeSCAMtis said there was NO contract with Publix, then he admitted there was and he would release it, HE DIDN'T!!!!! He knows he can LIE on the FAUX Gossip Channel and not be called on his LIES.
The only vaccines that went to other venders were from the Biden administration sending doses to Walmart, Sam's Club, Winn Dixie and other stores.
exclusive is a lie he has contracts with several entities
How the fuck would you know?
DeSCAMtis refuses to make the contract public, but you knew that already, which is why you thought you could get away with your LIE!
LOL if you had watched the actual news report instead of the heavily edited 60 minutes piece you would have heard him say what groups were licensed by the state. or watched his participation on Fox News.
Again, DeSCAMtis refuses to release any documentation on any vaccine contracts, and pathological LIAR DeSCAMtis says a lot of things that turn out not to be true. For example, first DeSCAMtis said there was NO contract with Publix, then he admitted there was and he would release it, HE DIDN'T!!!!! He knows he can LIE on the FAUX Gossip Channel and not be called on his LIES.
The only vaccines that went to other venders were from the Biden administration sending doses to Walmart, Sam's Club, Winn Dixie and other stores.
Why do you need to see anything?

Ever hear of HiPaa law?
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

Make that a corrupt, incompetent whack job. The Republicans are breeding them.

My God you Democrats are some kind of stupid. People are leaving blue states in droves due to whacko left-wing policies and fleeing to red states like Florida. Unfortunately, many Democrats just aren’t quite smart enough to figure out just what has caused them to flee and why their lives are suddenly so much better in red states. Amazing really.

People are fleeing to the red states for the weather, idiot!!! We're getting old. I used to look forward to going skiing every winter. We had a winterized cottage in the Muskoka Mountains, north of Toronto, in ski country, right up until 1999. I haven't been skiing since we sold it.

At 71, I'm waiting for this shit to end so I can take advantage of all of the family members and friends who own property in warmer climates because - arthritis. The pain starts with the cold weather and it stays until the sun comes back and bakes it out of my bones. I have at least a half dozen family members with property in Florida, another who is building a house in Panama, a niece in Las Vegas, and friends in California, New Mexico and Texas. My best friend will be condo shopping in Palm Springs or Las Vegas as soon as the border opens.

When I was younger, I had no desire whatsoever to go to Florida or Arizona, and mocked the elderly "snowbirds" relentlessly. Now I'd like to join the flock.

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