Ron DeSantis to CBS: “You ain’t running over this governor, I’m punching back!”

Oh great, another complete whack-job.

Make that a corrupt, incompetent whack job. The Republicans are breeding them.

My God you Democrats are some kind of stupid. People are leaving blue states in droves due to whacko left-wing policies and fleeing to red states like Florida. Unfortunately, many Democrats just aren’t quite smart enough to figure out just what has caused them to flee and why their lives are suddenly so much better in red states. Amazing really.

People are fleeing to the red states for the weather, idiot!!! We're getting old. I used to look forward to going skiing every winter. We had a winterized cottage in the Muskoka Mountains, north of Toronto, in ski country, right up until 1999. I haven't been skiing since we sold it.

At 71, I'm waiting for this shit to end so I can take advantage of all of the family members and friends who own property in warmer climates because - arthritis. The pain starts with the cold weather and it stays until the sun comes back and bakes it out of my bones. I have at least a half dozen family members with property in Florida, another who is building a house in Panama, a niece in Las Vegas, and friends in California, New Mexico and Texas. My best friend will be condo shopping in Palm Springs or Las Vegas as soon as the border opens.

When I was younger, I had no desire whatsoever to go to Florida or Arizona, and mocked the elderly "snowbirds" relentlessly. Now I'd like to join the flock.
Then the exodus should have been steady, not spiking upward with tax and regulatory increases. That's a pretty lame excuse.
When I was younger, I had no desire whatsoever to go to Florida or Arizona, and mocked the elderly "snowbirds" relentlessly. Now I'd like to join the flock.

Funny you mention that.
I too mocked the blue-hairs in Florida where my parents over-wintered. If I happened to be working in Atlanta, or Tampa, or Miami on business....I'd take a weekend off and rent a car to my folk's place. But when I got on that plane back to Chicago on Monday morning .....I'd smugly say, "I couldn't live like that.".

That was then.
This is now.
And I'm a happy clam.
In the sunshine for the winter.

(caught two nice snook (24" & 28") yesterday on Sarasota Bay. Catch & release due to the red-tide of 2yrs ago. But still damn fun out of my Hobie fishing kayak.) (got a 42" bonnethead a couple of weeks ago. THAT was a hoot on light tackle in the kayak.)
Thank god for DeSantis.

If that worthless corrupt Democrat crackhead Negro Gillum would have been governor this state would have really been screwed.
Indeed.Desantis seems to be the only politician out there who has not gone over to the dark side.He seems to be another Ron Paul that’s why I don’t expect him to get the Republican nomination.the elite totally went out of their way to sabotage Ron Paul’s campaigne inventing new rules at the last second to make sure their boy globalist Romney got the long as either Romney or Obama got in they did not care.Abbot and Noem have betrayed Americans recently so if they got the nomination it would be the same as Romney going against Obama,would not matter,two birds of a feather again it would be.Desantis is our last hope.
Thank god for DeSantis.

If that worthless corrupt Democrat crackhead Negro Gillum would have been governor this state would have really been screwed.
Indeed.Desantis seems to be the only politician out there who has not gone over to the dark side.He seems to be another Ron Paul that’s why I don’t expect him to get the Republican nomination.the elite totally went out of their way to sabotage Ron Paul’s campaigne inventing new rules at the last second to make sure their boy globalist Romney got the long as either Romney or Obama got in they did not care.Abbot and Noem have betrayed Americans recently so if they got the nomination it would be the same as Romney going against Obama,would not matter,two birds of a feather again it would be.Desantis is our last hope.
we're back at the emperor has no clothes syndrome. Seems only 1/3 the population understand the game being played. And on whom. And again, owning the media resolves that conflict for them. keeps the sheeples quiet.
De Santis has learned the lessons Donald Trump provided very well.
Now if some other Jello filled backboned republican weasels would follow
suit and tell the media liars to fuck off, we'd really get somewhere.
De Santis has learned the lessons Donald Trump provided very well.
Now if some other Jello filled backboned republican weasels would follow
suit and tell the media liars to fuck off, we'd really get somewhere.
It follows money Eric. They are all owned. everyone of them. you and I have no recourse from them being bought out. The meeting goes like this,

Look we gave you hundreds of thousands of dollars, brought you in on deals that made you more, not playing along with us will cause harm to your families.

That's on all of them. It really doesn't take a genius to understand that after watching what we've been watching.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?
What do I disagree with Ron desantis about?

Only everything.
The Prog he ran against for Governor was pure quality I tell you. What passed for the normal Prog with power and a major reason we are in national decline.

Every time I hear about Gillum, I remember that time he was found by police in a hotel room passed out naked with other men, in a meth and pills induced stupor. And drugs all over the room. It gives me the chills thinking how close we came to having that as our governor.

Instead, we were blessed with a self-made Harvard Law grad, Navy JAG and former member of SEAL Team One in DeSantis, who has been an absolute gem as a governor and leader.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?
What do I disagree with Ron desantis about?

Only everything.
The Prog he ran against for Governor was pure quality I tell you. What passed for the normal Prog with power and a major reason we are in national decline.

Every time I hear about Gillum, I remember that time he was found by police in a hotel room passed out naked with other men, in a meth and pills induced stupor. And drugs all over the room. It gives me the chills thinking how close we came to having that as our governor.

Instead, we were blessed with a self-made Harvard Law grad, Navy JAG and former member of SEAL Team One in DeSantis, who has been an absolute gem as a governor and leader.

For a Democrat like Gillum, those escapades are resume enhancements.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?
What do I disagree with Ron desantis about?

Only everything.
The Prog he ran against for Governor was pure quality I tell you. What passed for the normal Prog with power and a major reason we are in national decline.

Every time I hear about Gillum, I remember that time he was found by police in a hotel room passed out naked with other men, in a meth and pills induced stupor. And drugs all over the room. It gives me the chills thinking how close we came to having that as our governor.

Instead, we were blessed with a self-made Harvard Law grad, Navy JAG and former member of SEAL Team One in DeSantis, who has been an absolute gem as a governor and leader.

For a Democrat like Gillum, those escapades are resume enhancements.
it's an added advantage to a term or two in office. creep shit demofks is their territory.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

No. DeSantis is one damn good Governor. He didn’t send COVID-19 patients to nursing homes, Florida schools are open and we are not locked down like many states. He also supports the police and business owners when it comes to Antifa and other rioters.
Oh great, another complete whack-job.

No. DeSantis is one damn good Governor. He didn’t send COVID-19 patients to nursing homes, Florida schools are open and we are not locked down like many states. He also supports the police and business owners when it comes to Antifa and other rioters.
and the people hate him for all of that right?
DeSantis should sue them for slander.
How can he sue them for slander when he knows everything they reported is TRUE!
Well child some dems said 60 minutes lied their ass off. Of course you commie propagandist will never admit that, right? Even when the story is retracted.
Only 2, both of whom depend on DeSCAMtis to make the vaccine available in their districts. And their argument that DeSCAMtis made the vaccine available to most seniors due to its many locations is a Red Herring because the the CBS argument was that DeSCAMtis gave Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract.

If one's goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible, then one should sign contracts with every possible vaccinator. Not just one. And that remains true, no matter how many locations the exclusive rights holder may have. So CBS's argument is unassailable, giving Publix an EXCLUSIVE contract is , in fact, pay to play.

You stupid propagandist, if you had bothered to listen to what DeSantis told CBS, you'd know Publix was not the exclusive vendor. CVS and Walgreens were going to long term care facilities. He also said once CVS and Walgreens completed that contract they would be giving shots at their stores, just like Publix. Once you commies get a hold on a lie you just never let it go, pathetic.

Just like when Dan Blather
I don't know much about your reference to Dan Rather, but......but there was no 'bum's rush'. Backtrack a bit and go read post #80. There were plenty of legitimate concerns on how DiSantis did this. To be sure, it is fast becoming moot as the supply of vaccines is greatly expanded, and the outlets for obtaining shots has expanded with it, and many many people are now getting their shots.

Even when the story is retracted.
I've seen no retraction. Link?

to my knowledge all public officials were considered a priority for vaccination, that would include the commissioner you mentioned.
You're knowledge is wrong. Plenty of officials have publicly stated they will wait their age-related turn. They were not given priority. And Vanessa Baugh's line-jumping was particularly egregious because she and DiSantis went around the Manatee Health office and set up this clinic in a affluent enclave where Baugh runs a jewelry shop, as their own little Republican donor gig.

"By ABC7 Staff | February 22, 2021 at 5:09 PM EST - Updated February 23 at 6:29 AM
LAKEWOOD RANCH, Fla. (WWSB) - After calls from both the Manatee County Democrats and U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, D-St. Petersburg, for her resignation, County Commissioner Vanessa Baugh released another statement on the controversy regarding vaccine distribution in affluent areas of Manatee County.
Gov. Ron DeSantis visited Lakewood Ranch last Wednesday where he responded to reporter questions over why the county’s most affluent areas were getting the vaccines. The sites, set up in ZIP codes 34211 and 34202, were selected by Baugh.

On Monday, after calls for her to resign, Baugh reached out to ABC7′s Daniela Hurtado with the following statement:
“I have apologized to my constituents and my colleagues for a lapse in judgment."
Despite the apology, some residents of Manatee County will be holding a resignation rally Tuesday to demand that Baugh step down from her position. That event will be held beginning at 8 a.m., at the County Administration Building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W,


You stupid little commies are constantly contradicting yourself.
Plenty of officials have publicly stated they will wait their age-related turn.
So why would they need to make a public statement that they were going to wait their "age-related turn" if they weren't a priority in the first place. You're just not very damn smart, are ya commie? ROFLMAO

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Oh great, another complete whack-job.

Make that a corrupt, incompetent whack job. The Republicans are breeding them.

My God you Democrats are some kind of stupid. People are leaving blue states in droves due to whacko left-wing policies and fleeing to red states like Florida. Unfortunately, many Democrats just aren’t quite smart enough to figure out just what has caused them to flee and why their lives are suddenly so much better in red states. Amazing really.

People are fleeing to the red states for the weather, idiot!!! We're getting old. I used to look forward to going skiing every winter. We had a winterized cottage in the Muskoka Mountains, north of Toronto, in ski country, right up until 1999. I haven't been skiing since we sold it.

At 71, I'm waiting for this shit to end so I can take advantage of all of the family members and friends who own property in warmer climates because - arthritis. The pain starts with the cold weather and it stays until the sun comes back and bakes it out of my bones. I have at least a half dozen family members with property in Florida, another who is building a house in Panama, a niece in Las Vegas, and friends in California, New Mexico and Texas. My best friend will be condo shopping in Palm Springs or Las Vegas as soon as the border opens.

When I was younger, I had no desire whatsoever to go to Florida or Arizona, and mocked the elderly "snowbirds" relentlessly. Now I'd like to join the flock.

Just keep your commie asses north of the border.

"So why would they need to make a public statement that they were going to wait their "age-related turn" if they weren't a priority in the first place..... You're just not very damn smart, are ya commie? "

Ummm, let's kinda re-think that one, mon ami.

I suspect a politician in Florida is kinda similar to a politician in Wisconsin and to a politician in Oklahoma.
Caveat: It may work differently in Texas. ;)

Meaning, they will grasp an opportunity to polish-their-apple if an opportunity presents itself.
So, with the reportage of a pay-to-play scandal buzzing in Florida with at least one ineligible politician reportedly jumping the line, what a great opportunity for another politician (and it don't really matter which party, does it?) subtley or not so subtley let it be known that HE's NOT jumping the line.

And THAT, mon ami, is a win, of some degree or another, for the pol.
And THAT, mon ami, is from a real-politik TED talk by Captain Obvious.
"So why would they need to make a public statement that they were going to wait their "age-related turn" if they weren't a priority in the first place..... You're just not very damn smart, are ya commie? "

Ummm, let's kinda re-think that one, mon ami.

I suspect a politician in Florida is kinda similar to a politician in Wisconsin and to a politician in Oklahoma.
Caveat: It may work differently in Texas. ;)

Meaning, they will grasp an opportunity to polish-their-apple if an opportunity presents itself.
So, with the reportage of a pay-to-play scandal buzzing in Florida with at least one ineligible politician reportedly jumping the line, what a great opportunity for another politician (and it don't really matter which party, does it?) subtley or not so subtley let it be known that HE's NOT jumping the line.

And THAT, mon ami, is a win, of some degree or another, for the pol.
And THAT, mon ami, is from a real-politik TED talk by Captain Obvious.

So where are all the commie cries about politicians like AOC not waiting their "age-related turn"? Are you going to demand she resign? You commies are such hypocrites. LMAO


So where are all the commie cries about politicians like AOC not waiting their "age-related turn"? Are you going to demand she resign?


My bad.
Clearly, I wasn't clear.

We were debating about local Florida politicians.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez represents a Congressional District ( the 14th) in New York.
I should have informed you that New York is maybe 1,300 -1,400 miles from Florida.

My bad.
I regret if you are confused on east coast geography, poster OKTexas.
So where are all the commie cries about politicians like AOC not waiting their "age-related turn"? Are you going to demand she resign?

My bad.
Clearly, I wasn't clear.

We were debating about local Florida politicians.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez represents a Congressional District ( the 14th) in New York.
I should have informed you that New York is maybe 1,300 -1,400 miles from Florida.

My bad.
I regret if you are confused on east coast geography, poster OKTexas.

Yep, it is your bad, I don't recall limiting my remarks to just FL politicians or public officials. BTW the AOC bitch was in DC when she got her vaccinations.

Oh great, another complete whack-job.

What specifically do you disagree with him about and what would you have done if you were governor?

What Trudeau did in Canada.
Trudeau? Canada? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a truly stupid fucking notion.

Hey, Florida has three times the death rate of Canada, and more than 4 times the rate of illness. Our economy hasn't collapsed. Sadly, the Conservative Provinces are having difficulties rolling out the vaccines. Too much of it is sitting in fridges, especially in Ontario. But then Doug Ford, brother to the late Rob Ford, former idiot mayor of Toronto, is the dumbest Premier in Canada. He's fucked up everything that wasn't carefully written down in the Pandemic Playbook the previous Liberal government left behind.
Dragon, you have been corrected before about the canada death rate verses Florida. Stop your dam lying.
Canada has a 2.3% mortality rate, Florida is 1.6%
Again, those are phony rates because they MORONICALLY assume not one CURRENT active case WILL DIE. A known impossibility, even by YOU!
And as usual, for a Dimmer, I have to explain that a person is either alive or they are dead....not an altered zombie state like you...and the mortality rate changes the moment one of those two conditions also changes. Hence it is a purely accurate metric and not the manufactured babble you produce. Besides, its been over a year now and the red states are still very good, and the blue states are still very bad. Statistics don't lie libber.
No they are either alive or dead OR infected without an outcome yet, so because it STUPIDLY assumes not one person currently infected will die, it is totally useless, unless you want to be deliberately deceptive.
It has NEVER been an accurate metric, which is why you LYING NAZIS use it exclusively.
And an infected person is.....come on you can get this right....still breathing so they are......ALIVE!!!
But will every one of them stay alive. NO! So it us a useless metric.
Will everyone in your “per capital” number stay alive? Nope.

Death rate is defined as the percentage of those infected who have died. Lumping in everyone in a state is meaningless, Dumbass.
Per "capital" is YOUR spelling, not mine. Did you cite Tramp for calling natural gas "NATIONAL" gas???? Of course not you HYPOCRITE!
Auto correct, Dumbass. Is that all ya got?
Auto correct would NEVER change natural to national, LIAR.
Good thing neither of those words are involved, Dumbass. :cuckoo:
“President Trump boldly unleashed American energy, and our Nation soon became the world's number one producer of oil and national gas in the world.”
From Tramp's
And like everything Tramp posts, it is a LIE.
Under Obama we became the #1 producer of Oil and "national" gas in 2013.

You think Trump wrote that personally?


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