Ron DeSantis Wants To Make Florida Into The Capitol Of Everyone Suing Everyone For Everything

Wrong. New York didn't assemble them, and it's not just in New York. The attorneys voluntarily chose to do that. Trump is just hated that much. He's worked hard to piss off the majority of the country that bad.
The corrupt part.
I never argue something I know is not true. I was unaware of those poll numbers, and freely admit I was wrong. Thank you for the credible links. Those numbers are cause for some small concern, but there is a long time between now and 2024. Way too early to worry about much. I suspect trump's sedition caucus won't be nearly as vocal or influential by that time.
2024 is a long way off and if the economic problems we are having are assuaged by then he has a much better chance of pulling out of this malaise. However, that is not the next election and those numbers are going to have real impact on 2022. Particularly because Trump and all the caustic shit he brings with him will not be there to counter the current anger at Biden.

Ironically, the coming bloodbath for the dems may turn out to be a really positive thing for them in 2024, they will have something to point to and blame since the republicans will have some power at that point.

I would also point out that being on par with Trump in terms of political popularity is ALWAYS something to be seriously concerned about. Look at Trump and what he is and realize that Biden is struggling to positively contrast himself against that. With continual non-stop coverage from the media on 1/6. With a senate that is banging on about 1/6 daily and revealing something new on the matter constantly.

This should not even be a question. That it is speaks to something far more problematic.
2024 is a long way off and if the economic problems we are having are assuaged by then he has a much better chance of pulling out of this malaise. However, that is not the next election and those numbers are going to have real impact on 2022. Particularly because Trump and all the caustic shit he brings with him will not be there to counter the current anger at Biden.

Ironically, the coming bloodbath for the dems may turn out to be a really positive thing for them in 2024, they will have something to point to and blame since the republicans will have some power at that point.

I would also point out that being on par with Trump in terms of political popularity is ALWAYS something to be seriously concerned about. Look at Trump and what he is and realize that Biden is struggling to positively contrast himself against that. With continual non-stop coverage from the media on 1/6. With a senate that is banging on about 1/6 daily and revealing something new on the matter constantly.

This should not even be a question. That it is speaks to something far more problematic.
Exactly. The trump/insurgency caucus is convinced trump's big lie is true, and the failed coup was nothing more than a protest. It's hard to counter crazy like that. Reality doesn't matter to them.
2024 is a long way off and if the economic problems we are having are assuaged by then he has a much better chance of pulling out of this malaise. However, that is not the next election and those numbers are going to have real impact on 2022. Particularly because Trump and all the caustic shit he brings with him will not be there to counter the current anger at Biden.

Ironically, the coming bloodbath for the dems may turn out to be a really positive thing for them in 2024, they will have something to point to and blame since the republicans will have some power at that point.

I would also point out that being on par with Trump in terms of political popularity is ALWAYS something to be seriously concerned about. Look at Trump and what he is and realize that Biden is struggling to positively contrast himself against that. With continual non-stop coverage from the media on 1/6. With a senate that is banging on about 1/6 daily and revealing something new on the matter constantly.

This should not even be a question. That it is speaks to something far more problematic.

As we know the media is nothing more than an extension of the Communist party. They are going to try and drag 1/6 out until the next election because it's all they really have even at a long shot. They are not learning anything new, just trying to sensationalize the dumbest things.

Trump will be there front and center for 2022 and that's what they are afraid of. This is the first time in our history a Congress of opposing party went after an ex-President a year after he left office. That's how scared to death of this guy they are. They need something.......anything to try and destroy him before that happens.
I never argue something I know is not true. I was unaware of those poll numbers, and freely admit I was wrong. Thank you for the credible links. Those numbers are cause for some small concern, but there is a long time between now and 2024. Way too early to worry about much. I suspect trump's sedition caucus won't be nearly as vocal or influential by that time.

I appreciate your honesty and will try to keep that in mind if you ask me to post links again. We could use more of that around here.

At Trump's age three years is a long time. Physical health and mental acuity is also a concern. No matter what he'll always be ahead of Biden, but I don't see Biden running in 2024 either. Maybe Cheney will finally switch parties and make a go for it. Who knows?
ust as an example of one of the bills being proposed, a new law would make it possible for both businesses and individuals to sue city and county governments over any regulation. That’s any regulation. Like, regulations that might require people to uphold building standards, or not building a high rise in a spot where it blocks the view of existing residents. All that someone has to do is show that the regulation could cost them money, and they can sue the local government to recover “damages.” It’s not called the Making Local Government Impossible Act. But it should be.

Many of the bills being put forward follow a similar scheme: allowing people to sue someone else for just about any reason under the Sunshine State. Overall, DeSantis seems out to make the state unlivable for almost everyone, but a heaven for civil attorneys.

It's called Flori-Duh for a reason.
Republicans have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.

Republicans are completely incapable of sound, responsible governance.
ust as an example of one of the bills being proposed, a new law would make it possible for both businesses and individuals to sue city and county governments over any regulation. That’s any regulation. Like, regulations that might require people to uphold building standards, or not building a high rise in a spot where it blocks the view of existing residents. All that someone has to do is show that the regulation could cost them money, and they can sue the local government to recover “damages.” It’s not called the Making Local Government Impossible Act. But it should be.

Many of the bills being put forward follow a similar scheme: allowing people to sue someone else for just about any reason under the Sunshine State. Overall, DeSantis seems out to make the state unlivable for almost everyone, but a heaven for civil attorneys.

It's called Flori-Duh for a reason.

Yes, it is terrible down here. Never visit, or god forbid live here.
ust as an example of one of the bills being proposed, a new law would make it possible for both businesses and individuals to sue city and county governments over any regulation. That’s any regulation. Like, regulations that might require people to uphold building standards, or not building a high rise in a spot where it blocks the view of existing residents. All that someone has to do is show that the regulation could cost them money, and they can sue the local government to recover “damages.” It’s not called the Making Local Government Impossible Act. But it should be.

Many of the bills being put forward follow a similar scheme: allowing people to sue someone else for just about any reason under the Sunshine State. Overall, DeSantis seems out to make the state unlivable for almost everyone, but a heaven for civil attorneys.

It's called Flori-Duh for a reason.

One of the problems we have in this country is that we allow stupid elected officials to take away our Liberty. They do it with regulations that the may cater to special interest or may even be supported by the majority but it robs us of Liberty never the less.

De Santis has it right. It would be good if we hold the filthy ass government accountable for the damage they do to us. That would be more in line with the vision that our Founding Fathers had for this country.
Yes, it is terrible down here. Never visit, or god forbid live here.

Yes, you have it right.

If a stupid uneducated Moon Bat is afraid of the freedom we have in Florida then they should stay out.

Our problem is not people not wanting to come here but the flood of people that do want to come here. Especially the ones that run away from the Democrat controlled NE.
‘When it comes to promoting the Big Lie, DeSantis is also going all out. Despite repeated audits and investigations that turned up nothing—other than five residents at The Villages retirement community who doubled down on their votes for Trump—DeSantis is going to spend at least $5.7 million establishing an “Office of Election Crimes” with an initial staff of 45 investigators. The qualifications for investigating crimes that don’t exist haven’t been established, but it’s a good bet the best route to landing one of these “jobs” is nepotism.’ ibid

The epitome of corruption and government waste – investigating crimes that don’t exist, indeed.

The right’s incompetence and stupidity is infinite.
Yes, you have it right.

If a stupid uneducated Moon Bat is afraid of the freedom we have in Florida then they should stay out.

Our problem is not people not wanting to come here but the flood of people that do want to come here. Especially the ones that run away from the Democrat controlled NE.
…and then vote DEMOCRAT! Its insane.
…and then vote DEMOCRAT! Its insane.

These stupid obnoxious New Yorkers come here complaining about the high taxes and corruption that drove them out but when they get here they seem to forget that it was the Democrats that screwed everything up so bad.
‘When it comes to promoting the Big Lie, DeSantis is also going all out. Despite repeated audits and investigations that turned up nothing—other than five residents at The Villages retirement community who doubled down on their votes for Trump—DeSantis is going to spend at least $5.7 million establishing an “Office of Election Crimes” with an initial staff of 45 investigators. The qualifications for investigating crimes that don’t exist haven’t been established, but it’s a good bet the best route to landing one of these “jobs” is nepotism.’ ibid

The epitome of corruption and government waste – investigating crimes that don’t exist, indeed.

The right’s incompetence and stupidity is infinite.

Those Democrats down in the Miami metroplex have been known to be dishonest and would steal an election in a heartbeat if they could get away with it. DeSantis knows this and is trying to make sure it doesn't happen.

That is a good thing for the people of Florida. Other states may let the Democrat filth get away with unverified mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat districts, but not here in Florida.
These stupid obnoxious New Yorkers come here complaining about the high taxes and corruption that drove them out but when they get here they seem to forget that it was the Democrats that screwed everything up so bad.

Its incredible how often it happens.

It seems like stupidity to me.
Florida came in second in the listing of most free states.


First in Economic freedom


Second most free with education

Exactly. The trump/insurgency caucus is convinced trump's big lie is true, and the failed coup was nothing more than a protest. It's hard to counter crazy like that. Reality doesn't matter to them.
We don't care. Repubs needs to find the shit and get it out on all Prog politicians. Because it is mostly one way in your favor. That includes the media and entertainers. It also must be all races, ethnic and cultural group intensive. No more skirting scumbags for accusation of racism purposed.
Anyone notice that Skews never returned to his/her thread?

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