Ron DeSantis's Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes: never-before-heard testimony by Guantanamo's Mansoor Adayfi about DeSantis torture at the camp

Skimmed through video and not seeing the scandal. DeSantis tried to feed terrorist prisoners going on a food strike...yeah no one cares.
And 600F burning jet fuel caused a river of 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower...

Those who still believe the official version of 911 cannot pass 2nd grade MATH...
Did you watch the story on how the Towers were built? That the supporting steel was in the interior of the building and mostly glass was outside so the people would have an unobstructed view? I would say that if the towers collapsed 5 minutes into the crash that it was a government collusion, but all that paper, plastic and other flammable material could get hot enough to melt steel.

you guys don't know what DeSantis is like, you don't have a clue. he is a lawbreaker to say the least, and a heartless murderer at worst. watch the video!

I knew this was total bullshit when the SOB lied about Ensure. It's not a thick liquid that's hard to drink. The chocolate and strawberry are really pretty good. This crap belongs in conspiracy theories.


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