Ron DeSsntis War On Disney About To Hit A Major Snag

Disney promoted a worksite that did not discriminate against gays. The RW SJWers passed a law treating gay teachers differently than straight teachers. Disney workers wanted their employer to speak up.

I know little kids want to hear about what their teachers do in their private time. I knew more than I cared about my kid's kindergarten's teacher's giant parrot bird thing than I needed to know, and that the teacher had a summer place in NC and that her 3rd grade (or whatever) teacher had a teenage daugher working on a cruise ship and a brother who piloted the traffic helicopter. I also knew the first was long divorced and (apparently) not dating, and the second was married to a male.

Maybe k-3rd graders don't even need to know that. Maybe spouses need to be off limit.
How did the bill treat gay teachers differently than non gay teachers?
As does allowing perversion to be condoned and taught to our young children in the classroom and via "childrens" movies. Pick your poison.

IT is possible to not let that happen without the government openly and proudly punishing dissent.
It was a illegal and unconstitutional attempt to overturn the results of the valid and certified EC votes of the 50 states.
Bullshit. It was a protest to have the election investigated by Congress. Why did they refuse? Those people had no power to overturn anything, moron.
he was just stading theremakeing a speech telling those patriots to march and do what needed to be done. CAN'T OOU PEOPLE SEE THIS. wE'
Do you know how many Democrats have said the same thing? Why wasn't there a witch hunt trying to destroy them? It was all part of a cover up that has failed. That means you have also failed, whether you admit it or not.
How did the bill treat gay teachers differently than non gay teachers?
Classroom instruction by school personnel or third 98 parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur 99 in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age100 appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in ENROLLED CS/CS/HB 1557,

The law only allows parents to sue school districts if they find gay orientation "wrong." If the law prohibited ANY orientation, there'd not have been any issue. BUT the bill was written by and for RW SJWers who opposed homosexuality.
Contractual agreements are more binding than a promise. Nothing good comes from revenge legislation.

Especially since this legislation is a blatant violation of the First Amendment right of free speech. Disney criticized the government and the government passed a law to punish them for it.

It’s amazing how hateful the Trump Cult is to anyone who criticizes them.

Andrew McCabe was fired. Ditto Rex Tillerson, James Comey, John Bolton, Michael Cohen, Disney was punished.

Not one word from Republicans about their right of free speech. But let some quack lie about a miracle cure for Covid on the internet, and these clowns scream “free speech”.
Classroom instruction by school personnel or third 98 parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur 99 in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age100 appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in ENROLLED CS/CS/HB 1557,

The law only allows parents to sue school districts if they find gay orientation "wrong." If the law prohibited ANY orientation, there'd not have been any issue. BUT the bill was written by and for RW SJWers who opposed homosexuality.
Neither gay or non gay teachers are allowed to have that subject matter in their curriculum. Florida parents don't want teachers teaching 3rd graders and younger about sex and and gender orientation as a part of the curriculum. Doesn't matter what kind of sex or gender orientation you're talking about. Cant say I blame them. So tell me again how this discriminates against gay teachers?
Especially since this legislation is a blatant violation of the First Amendment right of free speech. Disney criticized the government and the government passed a law to punish them for it.

It’s amazing how hateful the Trump Cult is to anyone who criticizes them.

Andrew McCabe was fired. Ditto Rex Tillerson, James Comey, John Bolton, Michael Cohen, Disney was punished.

Not one word from Republicans about their right of free speech. But let some quack lie about a miracle cure for Covid on the internet, and these clowns scream “free speech”.
Trump is kind of a gutter snipe.
Disney, the 1%, the rich that does not pay thier fair share, decides to take a political side and fight a law that protects children from being taught sex and you call that the right to free speech?

You are technically speaking, advocating that you have the right to teach my 5 year old son anything you want about sex.

You have a right to say what you want to my children about sex.

There is no place in any society for "today's", Democrats.

Democrats now claim rights over other people's children.

Once again, the treasonous right wingers try to hide their fascist, anti-democratic and hate fuelled agenda behind the lie that they are protecting innocent children from pedophile grooming.

There is no limit to the depths you will sink to or the lies you will tell in your efforts to destroy public education in the USA.
Reed District says...nope:
My bold: aka we'll sue to stop it.
In the Reedy Creek Act the State of Florida has pledged to the holders of any bonds issued by the District: (1) that it will not limit or alter the rights of the District (a) to own, acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain, operate or furnish the projects or to levy and collect the taxes, assessments, rentals, rates, fees, tolls, fares and other charges provided for in the Reedy Creek Act, and (b) to fulfill the terms of any agreement made with the holders of any bonds or other obligations of the District; and (2) that it will not in any way impair the rights or remedies of the holders, and that it will not modify in ACTIVE 64301335v2 ACTIVE 64301335v4 any way the exemption from taxation provided in the Reedy Creek Act, until all such bonds together with interest thereon, and all costs and expenses in connection with any act or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged. In light of the State of Florida’s pledge to the District’s bondholders, Reedy Creek expects to explore its options while continuing its present operations, including levying and collecting its ad valorem taxes and collecting its utility revenues, paying debt service on its ad valorem tax bonds and utility revenue bonds, complying with its bond covenants and operating and maintaining its properties.
Neither gay or non gay teachers are allowed to have that subject matter in their curriculum. Florida parents don't want teachers teaching 3rd graders and younger about sex and and gender orientation as a part of the curriculum. Doesn't matter what kind of sex or gender orientation you're talking about. Cant say I blame them. So tell me again how this discriminates against gay teachers?

Florida parents are being mislead by radical anti-public education forces about what “gender issues” means.

Republicans want an end to public education and want charter schools everywhere. Parents needs to be pay for their childrens education, not tax payers.

American corporations have relied upon a well educated workforce as a foundational building block of your economy. Republicans have viewed it as part of the “free shit for the poor” that needs to be eliminated. Think of the tax cuts!!!!
Bullshit. It was a protest to have the election investigated by Congress. Why did they refuse? Those people had no power to overturn anything, moron.
Mike Pence is a National Hero and Benedict Donald is a traitor to the Constitution. Most of Trumpybears dumbass MAGAMOB were just cover for the real event that never happened. Pence knew he didn't have the legal or constitutional power to not count the certified votes, and when the scheme failed, he would be Trumpybears' fall guy.

There was no measure before the Joint Session of Congress to investigate any of the 50 certified elections. Congress, by constitutional design doesn't meet in Joint Session to decide legislation. Besides, the Constitution gives the States nearly complete authority in certifying their elections.
Especially since this legislation is a blatant violation of the First Amendment right of free speech. Disney criticized the government and the government passed a law to punish them for it.

It’s amazing how hateful the Trump Cult is to anyone who criticizes them.

Andrew McCabe was fired. Ditto Rex Tillerson, James Comey, John Bolton, Michael Cohen, Disney was punished.

Not one word from Republicans about their right of free speech. But let some quack lie about a miracle cure for Covid on the internet, and these clowns scream “free speech”.
I don't think it's a first amend issue to tell an employee what information he/she can share at work.

But the law only applied to gay people because the people writing the law and supporting it are offended that gay teachers should be treated like other people in discussing their personal lives around children. It seems that for RW SJW types, it is "grooming" a child to be gay if the child learns in grades k-3 that a teacher has a same sex partner and a child. For other people, it's not really a big deal for kids to find this out sooner than later, and nobody's going gay because of that, or that there's anything wrong with being gay.
Mike Pence is a National Hero and Benedict Donald is a traitor to the Constitution. Most of Trumpybears dumbass MAGAMOB were just cover for the real event that never happened. Pence knew he didn't have the legal or constitutional power to not count the certified votes, and when the scheme failed, he would be Trumpybears' fall guy.

There was no measure before the Joint Session of Congress to investigate any of the 50 certified elections. Congress, by constitutional design doesn't meet in Joint Session to decide legislation. Besides, the Constitution gives the States nearly complete authority in certifying their elections.
Ted Cruz explained how it was done before in the late 1800s. Congress voted and rejected it. I wonder why?

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