Ron “Don’t-monkey-this-up” DeSantis in trouble

Andrew Gillum leads the racist Republican in all polls, the latest one showing a 9% lead:
QU Poll Release Detail
Yeah, and Hillary was a clear winner in the polls in 2016. The only racists were the liberal media, because Ron said "don't elect the Socialist, for he would monkey up the works". Then, clearly the racists media put monkey and the black man together.

'Monkey' this! montage: Here's how often liberal media minions loved using the so-called ‘dog whistle’
“monkey this up” to describe the disaster it would be to implement a socialist economy as his Democrat opponent,
There is no honor from liberals anymore. Rules for Radicals "The ends justify the means"..
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Gillum is a far left radical.
PolitiFact is dishonest.

Gillum has been widely described as a progressive[47] and, by some conservative sources, as a democratic socialist.[48] During the 2018 gubernatorial campaign, DeSantis said that Gillum had a "far left socialist platform"; PolitiFact rated this assertion as false, noting that Gillum's platform is similar to those of other Democrats and within the mainstream of public opinion.[49]

Gillum supports the replacement of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement with the U.S. Department of Justice. He seeks to expand Medicaid to cover "...700,000 people, who right now don't have access to health care".[50] He supports the removal of Confederate monuments.[51] Gillum wants to raise the Florida corporate tax rate to 7.75 percent, up from the current 5.5 percent, which he said would generate $1 billion in revenue which would be used on education funding.[52] Gillum supports a $15 minimum wage.[53] He is endorsed by Bernie Sanders and has received financial support from Tom Steyer and George Soros.[54][55] Gillum has called for the impeachment of Donald Trump.[56] Gillum accepts the scientific consensus on climate change, and has warned that climate change causes sea level rise with adverse effects for Florida.[57][58] He opposed the Trump administration's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and said that he would as Florida governor work with other states in a state-based climate alliance.[59]

Gillum opposes Florida's Stand-your-ground law.[53] Gillum is in favor of a 2018 ballot proposition, Amendment 4, to restore the voting rights of most individuals who have completed felony convictions (excluding individuals guilty of murder or sexual offenses).[60][53] Gillum said, "Floridians who have paid their debts deserve a second chance and they should have a voice in our state’s future. Our current system for rights restoration is a relic of Jim Crow that we should end for good."[61]

Andrew Gillum - Wikipedia

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