Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

:cuckoo: just kill yourself....

Russia's invasions and insurgency support really helped these countries in the minds of kooks:

Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Romania, east Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and numerous African countries just to name a few....I see a pattern here for a lilly white country that is a cold, far north desolate country on this planet.

Putin and Russia have absolutely nothing on the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to mass murder around the World. Check the body count for the last 25yrs. Putin and Russia's hands are clean when compared to the U.S. and Great Britain's. How many innocent women and children has the U.S. and Great Britain murdered in the last 25yrs? Here's a hint...It's a whole lot. Putin and Russia just aren't in the same league when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World.
Russia's invasions and insurgency support really helped these countries in the minds of kooks:

Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Romania, east Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and numerous African countries just to name a few....I see a pattern here for a lilly white country that is a cold, far north desolate country on this planet.

Putin and Russia have absolutely nothing on the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to mass murder around the World. Check the body count for the last 25yrs. Putin and Russia's hands are clean when compared to the U.S. and Great Britain's. How many innocent women and children has the U.S. and Great Britain murdered in the last 25yrs? Here's a hint...It's a whole lot. Putin and Russia just aren't in the same league when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World.

Putin and Russia are Assad's primary enabler. Without Russia, Assad would have been gone a long time ago, and tens of thousands of innocent people would not have been slaughtered.
Nevermind Russia was giving weapons to Saddam once he went rogue and became the enemy.

Russia is always behind the dictator killing his own people....see Cuba, Venezuela, Romania, Yugoslavia, Syria, many African countries.....they just don't get AK47s, Russian tanks, etc out of thin air.

Russia's invasions and insurgency support really helped these countries in the minds of kooks:

Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Romania, east Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and numerous African countries just to name a few....I see a pattern here for a lilly white country that is a cold, far north desolate country on this planet.

Putin and Russia have absolutely nothing on the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to mass murder around the World. Check the body count for the last 25yrs. Putin and Russia's hands are clean when compared to the U.S. and Great Britain's. How many innocent women and children has the U.S. and Great Britain murdered in the last 25yrs? Here's a hint...It's a whole lot. Putin and Russia just aren't in the same league when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World.

Putin and Russia are Assad's primary enabler. Without Russia, Assad would have been gone a long time ago, and tens of thousands of innocent people would not have been slaughtered.
Russia's invasions and insurgency support really helped these countries in the minds of kooks:

Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Romania, east Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and numerous African countries just to name a few....I see a pattern here for a lilly white country that is a cold, far north desolate country on this planet.

Putin and Russia have absolutely nothing on the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to mass murder around the World. Check the body count for the last 25yrs. Putin and Russia's hands are clean when compared to the U.S. and Great Britain's. How many innocent women and children has the U.S. and Great Britain murdered in the last 25yrs? Here's a hint...It's a whole lot. Putin and Russia just aren't in the same league when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World.

Putin and Russia are Assad's primary enabler. Without Russia, Assad would have been gone a long time ago, and tens of thousands of innocent people would not have been slaughtered.

We support brutal regimes all the time. Our Government does what it feels is in its best interest. And Russia does the same. We no longer have a moral high ground on these issues. We're in no position to preach. Like i said, add up the innocent body count for the last 25yrs. No other nation's even close to the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World. Putin and Russia aren't even in the same league.
"Russia has expressed outrage at a fatal shooting in eastern Ukraine which it blamed on Ukrainian nationalists.

"Russian state media reported that five people had been killed in a gun attack on a checkpoint manned by pro-Russian activists near the town of Sloviansk.

"A Ukrainian official said it may have been a shootout between criminals.

"Nationalists have denied involvement..."

"US Vice-President Joe Biden is set to visit Kiev on Tuesday."

What if somebody POPS GI Joe:eek:

BBC News - Ukraine unrest: Russian outrage at fatal Sloviansk shooting

The U.S. and Great Britain have instigated this mess. It's what they do all over the World. Russia cannot back down now. We've left them no choice.
Americans are being fed a steady died of anti-Russian propaganda disguised with accusations of Russian propaganda. Last Tuesday, Andriy Parubiy, the head of the Ukrainian National Security Council dispatched a Reserve unit of the National Guard to the "front line." Parubiy was referring to the neo-Nazis who forced a corrupt, elected president to run for his rich life by tossing fire bombs at unarmed police officers in Kiev. Shortly thereafter, Jews were being told to register and pay a $50 fee in eastern Ukraine.

"Parubiy himself is a well-known neo-Nazi, who founded the Social-National Party of Ukraine in 1991.

"The party blended radical Ukrainian nationalism with neo-Nazi symbols.

"Parubiy also formed a paramilitary spinoff, the Patriots of Ukraine, and defended the awarding of the title, 'Hero of Ukraine,' to World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, whose own paramilitary forces exterminated thousands of Jews and Poles in pursuit of a racially pure Ukraine."

Ukraine, Through the US Looking Glass ? Anti-Russian Propaganda in the Mainstream Media | Global Research
"Russia has expressed outrage at a fatal shooting in eastern Ukraine which it blamed on Ukrainian nationalists.

"Russian state media reported that five people had been killed in a gun attack on a checkpoint manned by pro-Russian activists near the town of Sloviansk.

"A Ukrainian official said it may have been a shootout between criminals.

"Nationalists have denied involvement..."

"US Vice-President Joe Biden is set to visit Kiev on Tuesday."

What if somebody POPS GI Joe:eek:

BBC News - Ukraine unrest: Russian outrage at fatal Sloviansk shooting

The U.S. and Great Britain have instigated this mess. It's what they do all over the World. Russia cannot back down now. We've left them no choice.
Americans are being fed a steady died of anti-Russian propaganda disguised with accusations of Russian propaganda. Last Tuesday, Andriy Parubiy, the head of the Ukrainian National Security Council dispatched a Reserve unit of the National Guard to the "front line." Parubiy was referring to the neo-Nazis who forced a corrupt, elected president to run for his rich life by tossing fire bombs at unarmed police officers in Kiev. Shortly thereafter, Jews were being told to register and pay a $50 fee in eastern Ukraine.

"Parubiy himself is a well-known neo-Nazi, who founded the Social-National Party of Ukraine in 1991.

"The party blended radical Ukrainian nationalism with neo-Nazi symbols.

"Parubiy also formed a paramilitary spinoff, the Patriots of Ukraine, and defended the awarding of the title, 'Hero of Ukraine,' to World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, whose own paramilitary forces exterminated thousands of Jews and Poles in pursuit of a racially pure Ukraine."

Ukraine, Through the US Looking Glass ? Anti-Russian Propaganda in the Mainstream Media | Global Research

Yeah, now our Government is accusing Pro-Russian supporters of forcing Jews to 'Register.' That's just so damn pathetic. In reality, Ukrainian Neo-Nazis were a big part of the Coup in Kiev. And they're certainly no friend to Jews. Our Government will say anything to justify intervention. They have to say something to dupe American Citizens into spending $Billions in Tax Dollars over there. It's very sad.
We support brutal regimes all the time. Our Government does what it feels is in its best interest. And Russia does the same. We no longer have a moral high ground on these issues. We're in no position to preach. Like i said, add up the innocent body count for the last 25yrs. No other nation's even close to the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World. Putin and Russia aren't even in the same league.

We do support brutal regimes. And we should be rightfully condemned for it. Our biggest body count over the past 25 years was Iraq, where most credible estimates are that 100,000 to 200,000 people have died. But apart from that, what else? 100,000 people have died in Syria in a war that could have been stopped by Russia. That doesn't make our actions correct, but it does mean that Russia is, indeed, in the same league as us.
We support brutal regimes all the time. Our Government does what it feels is in its best interest. And Russia does the same. We no longer have a moral high ground on these issues. We're in no position to preach. Like i said, add up the innocent body count for the last 25yrs. No other nation's even close to the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World. Putin and Russia aren't even in the same league.

We do support brutal regimes. And we should be rightfully condemned for it. Our biggest body count over the past 25 years was Iraq, where most credible estimates are that 100,000 to 200,000 people have died. But apart from that, what else? 100,000 people have died in Syria in a war that could have been stopped by Russia. That doesn't make our actions correct, but it does mean that Russia is, indeed, in the same league as us.

And we're funding & arming Al Qaeda Terrorists there. Our Government is calling them 'Rebels.' I just don't get the obsession with getting rid of Assad. What has he ever done to our Nation? It's their Civil War, we have no business funding & arming anyone there. But like i said earlier, the innocent body count isn't even close. Putin and Russia have a long long way to go to catch the U.S. and Great Britain in that regard. Mere amateurs in comparison.
We support brutal regimes all the time. Our Government does what it feels is in its best interest. And Russia does the same. We no longer have a moral high ground on these issues. We're in no position to preach. Like i said, add up the innocent body count for the last 25yrs. No other nation's even close to the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World. Putin and Russia aren't even in the same league.

We do support brutal regimes. And we should be rightfully condemned for it. Our biggest body count over the past 25 years was Iraq, where most credible estimates are that 100,000 to 200,000 people have died. But apart from that, what else? 100,000 people have died in Syria in a war that could have been stopped by Russia. That doesn't make our actions correct, but it does mean that Russia is, indeed, in the same league as us.
One can only imagine our reaction if Putin had just paid for neo-Nazis to overthrow the corrupt yet duly elected president of Mexico or Canada. It's hard to imagine how he can be expected to blink first in Ukraine.
We support brutal regimes all the time. Our Government does what it feels is in its best interest. And Russia does the same. We no longer have a moral high ground on these issues. We're in no position to preach. Like i said, add up the innocent body count for the last 25yrs. No other nation's even close to the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World. Putin and Russia aren't even in the same league.

We do support brutal regimes. And we should be rightfully condemned for it. Our biggest body count over the past 25 years was Iraq, where most credible estimates are that 100,000 to 200,000 people have died. But apart from that, what else? 100,000 people have died in Syria in a war that could have been stopped by Russia. That doesn't make our actions correct, but it does mean that Russia is, indeed, in the same league as us.
One can only imagine our reaction if Putin had just paid for neo-Nazis to overthrow the corrupt yet duly elected president of Mexico or Canada. It's hard to imagine how he can be expected to blink first in Ukraine.

We wouldn't tolerate it. And neither should he.
And we're funding & arming Al Qaeda Terrorists there. Our Government is calling them 'Rebels.' I just don't get the obsession with getting rid of Assad. What has he ever done to our Nation? It's their Civil War, we have no business funding & arming anyone there. But like i said earlier, the innocent body count isn't even close. Putin and Russia have a long long way to go to catch the U.S. and Great Britain in that regard. Mere amateurs in comparison.

OK, I asked for you to name other examples of all this body count where Russia doesn't compare to the US. Please give examples rather than repeating without backing up your statements.

In Chechnya, estimates are 25,000 to 200,000 dead at the hands of Putin.

We don't have an obsession with getting rid of Assad. We are barely doing anything in Syria. If we had an obsession with getting rid of him, we would have bombed him a long time ago.
We support brutal regimes all the time. Our Government does what it feels is in its best interest. And Russia does the same. We no longer have a moral high ground on these issues. We're in no position to preach. Like i said, add up the innocent body count for the last 25yrs. No other nation's even close to the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World. Putin and Russia aren't even in the same league.

We do support brutal regimes. And we should be rightfully condemned for it. Our biggest body count over the past 25 years was Iraq, where most credible estimates are that 100,000 to 200,000 people have died. But apart from that, what else? 100,000 people have died in Syria in a war that could have been stopped by Russia. That doesn't make our actions correct, but it does mean that Russia is, indeed, in the same league as us.
One can only imagine our reaction if Putin had just paid for neo-Nazis to overthrow the corrupt yet duly elected president of Mexico or Canada. It's hard to imagine how he can be expected to blink first in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Parliament voted 328-0 to impeach Yanukovich. That is 10 short of a constitutional majority to get rid of him. Even members of his party voted to impeach him. He stole billions illegally and is now sitting safely in Russia with his stolen loot in with his puppetmaster, Putin.

So can the blatantly far leftist anti-American propaganda.
Russia's invasions and insurgency support really helped these countries in the minds of kooks:

Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Romania, east Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and numerous African countries just to name a few....I see a pattern here for a lilly white country that is a cold, far north desolate country on this planet.

Putin and Russia have absolutely nothing on the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to mass murder around the World. Check the body count for the last 25yrs. Putin and Russia's hands are clean when compared to the U.S. and Great Britain's. How many innocent women and children has the U.S. and Great Britain murdered in the last 25yrs? Here's a hint...It's a whole lot. Putin and Russia just aren't in the same league when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World.

Putin and Russia are Assad's primary enabler. Without Russia, Assad would have been gone a long time ago, and tens of thousands of innocent people would not have been slaughtered.

Of course tens of thousands of innocent people would have been slaughtered. We enabled al quaeda to fight in Syria which is directly responsible for the wholesale and systematic murder of Christians. After all, we directly support a people who slices open others and eat their livers. That's who we gloriously support. The bad guys.
And we're funding & arming Al Qaeda Terrorists there. Our Government is calling them 'Rebels.' I just don't get the obsession with getting rid of Assad. What has he ever done to our Nation? It's their Civil War, we have no business funding & arming anyone there. But like i said earlier, the innocent body count isn't even close. Putin and Russia have a long long way to go to catch the U.S. and Great Britain in that regard. Mere amateurs in comparison.

OK, I asked for you to name other examples of all this body count where Russia doesn't compare to the US. Please give examples rather than repeating without backing up your statements.

In Chechnya, estimates are 25,000 to 200,000 dead at the hands of Putin.

We don't have an obsession with getting rid of Assad. We are barely doing anything in Syria. If we had an obsession with getting rid of him, we would have bombed him a long time ago.

We routinely bomb and kill all over the World. Most American Citizens couldn't grasp the grotesque reality of our daily Drone attacks. We've murdered so many innocent women & children. The numbers are too awful for most Americans to face. So they choose not to face it. We just don't have the moral high ground anymore. There's too much innocent blood on our hands.
Putin and Russia have absolutely nothing on the U.S. and Great Britain when it comes to mass murder around the World. Check the body count for the last 25yrs. Putin and Russia's hands are clean when compared to the U.S. and Great Britain's. How many innocent women and children has the U.S. and Great Britain murdered in the last 25yrs? Here's a hint...It's a whole lot. Putin and Russia just aren't in the same league when it comes to murder & mayhem around the World.

Putin and Russia are Assad's primary enabler. Without Russia, Assad would have been gone a long time ago, and tens of thousands of innocent people would not have been slaughtered.

Of course tens of thousands of innocent people would have been slaughtered. We enabled al quaeda to fight in Syria which is directly responsible for the wholesale and systematic murder of Christians. After all, we directly support a people who slices open others and eat their livers. That's who we gloriously support. The bad guys.

We made it much worse. Another sad and disgraceful intervention.
And we're funding & arming Al Qaeda Terrorists there. Our Government is calling them 'Rebels.' I just don't get the obsession with getting rid of Assad. What has he ever done to our Nation? It's their Civil War, we have no business funding & arming anyone there. But like i said earlier, the innocent body count isn't even close. Putin and Russia have a long long way to go to catch the U.S. and Great Britain in that regard. Mere amateurs in comparison.

OK, I asked for you to name other examples of all this body count where Russia doesn't compare to the US. Please give examples rather than repeating without backing up your statements.

In Chechnya, estimates are 25,000 to 200,000 dead at the hands of Putin.

We don't have an obsession with getting rid of Assad. We are barely doing anything in Syria. If we had an obsession with getting rid of him, we would have bombed him a long time ago.

We routinely bomb and kill all over the World. Most American Citizens couldn't grasp the grotesque reality of our daily Drone attacks. We've murdered so many innocent women & children. The numbers are too awful for most Americans to face. So they choose not to face it. We just don't have the moral high ground anymore. There's too much innocent blood on our hands.

I'm not disputing that we kill innocent people. What I'm disputing is your assertion that "Putin isn't even in our league."

You can convince me but you just keep reasserting bromides without backing anything you say up.
Of course tens of thousands of innocent people would have been slaughtered. We enabled al quaeda to fight in Syria which is directly responsible for the wholesale and systematic murder of Christians. After all, we directly support a people who slices open others and eat their livers. That's who we gloriously support. The bad guys.

And we similarly supported bad people under Bush. But, like most partisan conservative hacks, you didn't say a peep then as we bombed innocent men, women and children. Your rabid hatred of Obama is behind your inability to even remotely be objective.

Russia supplies tanks, aircraft, heavy artillery and probably chemical weapons to the client Assad regime. We supply machine guns to the rebels. If you think those are even remotely the same, you're an idiot.
We do support brutal regimes. And we should be rightfully condemned for it. Our biggest body count over the past 25 years was Iraq, where most credible estimates are that 100,000 to 200,000 people have died. But apart from that, what else? 100,000 people have died in Syria in a war that could have been stopped by Russia. That doesn't make our actions correct, but it does mean that Russia is, indeed, in the same league as us.
One can only imagine our reaction if Putin had just paid for neo-Nazis to overthrow the corrupt yet duly elected president of Mexico or Canada. It's hard to imagine how he can be expected to blink first in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Parliament voted 328-0 to impeach Yanukovich. That is 10 short of a constitutional majority to get rid of him. Even members of his party voted to impeach him. He stole billions illegally and is now sitting safely in Russia with his stolen loot in with his puppetmaster, Putin.

So can the blatantly far leftist anti-American propaganda.

The Rada may have voted to impeach him, but it was unconstitutional. They did not follow the rules in their rush to seize power.

There was no involvement of the Supreme Court.

And his party refused to vote. ETA: proper count. 98 of 134 refused to impeach him. So it wasn't as if the vote was unanimous.

The theft of millions is an allegation. Nothing has been proven. Nothing at all.
Last edited:
The U.S. and Great Britain have instigated this mess. It's what they do all over the World. Russia cannot back down now. We've left them no choice.
Americans are being fed a steady died of anti-Russian propaganda disguised with accusations of Russian propaganda. Last Tuesday, Andriy Parubiy, the head of the Ukrainian National Security Council dispatched a Reserve unit of the National Guard to the "front line." Parubiy was referring to the neo-Nazis who forced a corrupt, elected president to run for his rich life by tossing fire bombs at unarmed police officers in Kiev. Shortly thereafter, Jews were being told to register and pay a $50 fee in eastern Ukraine.

"Parubiy himself is a well-known neo-Nazi, who founded the Social-National Party of Ukraine in 1991.

"The party blended radical Ukrainian nationalism with neo-Nazi symbols.

"Parubiy also formed a paramilitary spinoff, the Patriots of Ukraine, and defended the awarding of the title, 'Hero of Ukraine,' to World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, whose own paramilitary forces exterminated thousands of Jews and Poles in pursuit of a racially pure Ukraine."

Ukraine, Through the US Looking Glass ? Anti-Russian Propaganda in the Mainstream Media | Global Research

Yeah, now our Government is accusing Pro-Russian supporters of forcing Jews to 'Register.' That's just so damn pathetic. In reality, Ukrainian Neo-Nazis were a big part of the Coup in Kiev. And they're certainly no friend to Jews. Our Government will say anything to justify intervention. They have to say something to dupe American Citizens into spending $Billions in Tax Dollars over there. It's very sad.
It's also coincidental, at least, that just days after Parubiy dispatched his "National Guard" to eastern Ukraine, Jews were presented with orders to register. I suspect Venezuela is next:

"'Is Venezuela burning while world watches Ukraine?'asked the United Kingdom's Channel 4News, while Voxxi, a news source dedicated to serving America's Latino community, wrote Monday that Venezuela's violence was 'missing from U.S. media coverage.' At The Post, we have been specifically called out for not featuring more Venezuela coverage..."

Amid the coverage of Ukraine, is a crisis in Venezuela being ignored?

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