Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Most if not all the dipshits screeching insults about Ron Paul, never served in our Military. Well Ron Paul did. He served our nation proudly and honorably. So all you Chickenhawk Chickenshits can go to hell.

Ron Paul is a american hating liberal

He served, you didn't. You're just a big mouth Chickenhawk. So piss off to Ukraine to fight and spend your own money. Bon Voyage.
The coup was likely instigated by Americans. So naturally they would support it.

This explains it rather well.
The link is relatively long, but it names the names behind Ukraine's Orange Revolution 2.0

"If the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland had not said 'F**k the EU,' few outsiders at the time would have heard of Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, the man on the other end of her famously bugged telephone call.

"But now Washington’s man in Kiev is gaining fame as the face of the CIA-style 'destabilization campaign' that brought down Ukraine’s monumentally corrupt but legitimately elected President Viktor Yanukovych.

“'Geoffrey Pyatt is one of these State Department high officials who does what he’s told and fancies himself as a kind of a CIA operator,' laughs Ray McGovern, who worked for 27 years as an intelligence analyst for the agency.

"'It used to be the CIA doing these things,' he tells Democracy Now. 'I know that for a fact.'

"Now it’s the State Department, with its coat-and-tie diplomats, twitter and facebook accounts, and a trick bag of goodies to build support for American policy."

The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?

The covert actions perpetrated by our government, in destabilizing foreign governments, is an old story....repeated again and again. And yet, many Americans continue to accept the lies of our government again and again.

Obama nearly started a war in Syria, using the false flag event of sarin gas used by the rebels, but blamed on Assad. Remember his foolish 'red line' statement that he, his minions, progressives, and neocons all claimed America needed to back up or else?

They knew full well that Assad did not use WMDs, since MI6 proved the gas was not Assad's, but that did not matter. What mattered was Obama's credibility. So, kill and destroy to make a dumb man credible. It has been done before. Luckily at least in Syria, it did not happen.

The U.S. and Great Britain are everywhere instigating turmoil. They are behind this coup in Kiev. I can understand why Russia isn't gonna back down. They're sick of being pushed around. Putin's decided it's time to push back. And quietly many Nations around the World are supporting him. They see America and Great Britain as Bullies. I talked to a soldier friend of mine the other day, and he said much of the World sees us that way. Many Nations will support Putin on this. They'll do it quietly though.
I served longer than you and Ron Paul combined, in addition to having access to intel both of you have no clue about.

I find it strange you hate the US military and make up lies about the troops yet keep touting Ron Paul's military stint as some superhero.

Shut the fuck up.

Most if not all the dipshits screeching insults about Ron Paul, never served in our Military. Well Ron Paul did. He served our nation proudly and honorably. So all you Chickenhawk Chickenshits can go to hell.

Ron Paul is a american hating liberal

He served, you didn't. You're just a big mouth Chickenhawk. So piss off to Ukraine to fight and spend your own money. Bon Voyage.
I served longer than you and Ron Paul combined, in addition to having access to intel both of you have no clue about.

I find it strange you hate the US military and make up lies about the troops yet keep touting Ron Paul's military stint as some superhero.

Shut the fuck up.

Ron Paul is a american hating liberal

He served, you didn't. You're just a big mouth Chickenhawk. So piss off to Ukraine to fight and spend your own money. Bon Voyage.

He healed our wounded heroes. He served bravely and honorably. So piss off douchebag.
Shitbag, you didn't serve so STFU with your Chickenhawk accusations.

As for a doctor he didn't know shit about military ops and classified info

I served longer than you and Ron Paul combined, in addition to having access to intel both of you have no clue about.

I find it strange you hate the US military and make up lies about the troops yet keep touting Ron Paul's military stint as some superhero.

Shut the fuck up.

He served, you didn't. You're just a big mouth Chickenhawk. So piss off to Ukraine to fight and spend your own money. Bon Voyage.

He healed our wounded heroes. He served bravely and honorably. So piss off douchebag.
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Shitbag, you didn't serve so STFU with your Chickenhawk accusations.

As for a doctor he didn't know shit about military ops and classified info

I served longer than you and Ron Paul combined, in addition to having access to intel both of you have no clue about.

I find it strange you hate the US military and make up lies about the troops yet keep touting Ron Paul's military stint as some superhero.

Shut the fuck up.

He healed our wounded heroes. He served bravely and honorably. So piss off douchebag.

Piss off to Ukraine to fight, and give em your own money. Leave the rest of us alone. Capisce.
The coup was likely instigated by Americans. So naturally they would support it.

This explains it rather well.
The link is relatively long, but it names the names behind Ukraine's Orange Revolution 2.0

"If the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland had not said 'F**k the EU,' few outsiders at the time would have heard of Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, the man on the other end of her famously bugged telephone call.

"But now Washington’s man in Kiev is gaining fame as the face of the CIA-style 'destabilization campaign' that brought down Ukraine’s monumentally corrupt but legitimately elected President Viktor Yanukovych.

“'Geoffrey Pyatt is one of these State Department high officials who does what he’s told and fancies himself as a kind of a CIA operator,' laughs Ray McGovern, who worked for 27 years as an intelligence analyst for the agency.

"'It used to be the CIA doing these things,' he tells Democracy Now. 'I know that for a fact.'

"Now it’s the State Department, with its coat-and-tie diplomats, twitter and facebook accounts, and a trick bag of goodies to build support for American policy."

The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?

The covert actions perpetrated by our government, in destabilizing foreign governments, is an old story....repeated again and again. And yet, many Americans continue to accept the lies of our government again and again.

Obama nearly started a war in Syria, using the false flag event of sarin gas used by the rebels, but blamed on Assad. Remember his foolish 'red line' statement that he, his minions, progressives, and neocons all claimed America needed to back up or else?

They knew full well that Assad did not use WMDs, since MI6 proved the gas was not Assad's, but that did not matter. What mattered was Obama's credibility. So, kill and destroy to make a dumb man credible. It has been done before. Luckily at least in Syria, it did not happen.
As strange as it may sound, Putin may have "forced" Obama's hand in Ukraine by arranging the compromise in Syria. Neo-Cons have almost as much leverage with Obama as they had with Bush, and they are determined to control the energy flow between Asia and Europe. Putin can't afford to step back on Ukraine, in spite of recent compromises:

"The agreement, reached after seven hours of negotiation in Geneva, requires all sides to refrain from violence, intimidation or provocative actions. It calls for the disarming of all illegally armed groups and for control of buildings seized by pro-Russian separatists to be turned back to authorities.

It also gives amnesty to protesters who comply with the demands, except those found guilty of capital crimes.

"Monitors with the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe will be tasked with helping Ukraine authorities and local communities comply with the requirements outlined in the agreement.

"It said Kiev's plans to reform its constitution and transfer more power from the central government to regional authorities must be inclusive, transparent and accountable — including through the creation of a broad national dialogue."

Deal Reached on Calming Ukraine Tensions - ABC News
Now, Eastern Ukraine will secede as well. This is the sad result of American & British meddling. They are behind the coup in Kiev. Russia cannot back down. It's a position we've forced them into.
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Most if not all the dipshits screeching insults about Ron Paul, never served in our Military. Well Ron Paul did. He served our nation proudly and honorably. So all you Chickenhawk Chickenshits can go to hell.

Ron Paul is a american hating liberal

He served, you didn't. You're just a big mouth Chickenhawk. So piss off to Ukraine to fight and spend your own money. Bon Voyage.

You serving is suppose to magically make us all ignore how much you hate the US military as Paul does? Or is it suppose to hide that fact that Like Paul your word can not be trusted?
She is either insane or a Russian plant here to spread bullshit.

The Russians operate in cyber with network attacks but they also spread information operations bullshit spreading lies about the US, EU, etc.

Afterall....they claim "CIA snipers" were killing people in Kyiv during the if the US would do that or gain anything from shooting protestors. :cuckoo:

With all due respect Thanatos I've been following this unfolding saga for quite some time now. As soon as I learned that Svoboda and the Right Sector were leading the Maidan coup in Kiev alarm bells went off big time for me.

Bit of a background for you. I'm third generation Uk on my mothers side living in Canada in the third largest population of Ukrainians in the world only after the Ukraine and Russia.

AND I'm the last person to be pro Russian because I grew up hating the USSR and Stalin for what they did to Ukrainians.

I've gone to sources world wide to cross reference every piece of data I have put up in the past little bit since the coup took place and the new illegal interim government seized power.

Crimea was not invaded.

LOL it was invaded. Or do you call using soldiers to keep hostages in a police building social work? I do hope you dont revert to the thinking of that idiot [MENTION=47146]Steinlight[/MENTION] and call the Ukrainians Nazis as well.

You are seriously insane.
Now, Eastern Ukraine will secede as well. This is the sad result of American & British meddling. They are behind the coup in Kiev. Russia cannot back down. It's a position we've forced them into.
Recent events in Kiev are the culmination of events that were put in motion twenty years ago and aren't likely to go out of style anytime soon in DC, regardless of which party controls the White House and Congress:

"Harder for some people to grasp, Ambassador Pyatt and his team did not create the foreign policy, which was – and is – only minimally about overthrowing Ukraine’s duly elected government to 'promote democracy.'

"Ever since Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office, Washington and its European allies have worked openly and covertly to extend NATO to the Russian border and Black Sea Fleet, provoking a badly wounded Russian bear.

"They have also worked to bring Ukraine and its Eastern European neighbors into the neoliberal economy of the West, isolating the Russians rather than trying to bring them into the fold.

"Except for sporadic resets, anti-Russian has become the new anti-Soviet, and 'strategic containment' has been the wonky word for encircling Russia with our military and economic power.

"Nor did neoconservatives create the policy, no matter how many progressive pundits blame them for it.

"NED (National Endowment for Democracy) provides cushy jobs for old social democrats born again as neocons.

"Pyatt’s boss, Victoria Nuland, is the wife and fellow-traveler of historian Robert Kagan, one of the movement’s leading lights. And neocons are currently beating the war drums against Russia, as much to scupper any agreements on Syria and Iran as to encourage more Pentagon contracts for their friends and financial backers."

The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?
Ron Paul is a american hating liberal

He served, you didn't. You're just a big mouth Chickenhawk. So piss off to Ukraine to fight and spend your own money. Bon Voyage.

You serving is suppose to magically make us all ignore how much you hate the US military as Paul does? Or is it suppose to hide that fact that Like Paul your word can not be trusted?

This from a laughable chickenshit keyboard warrior.
Sad how foolish most of you are. This is why unlike Paul Reagan was right in saying just wishing something will get better is ignorant

tapatalk post
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Shitbag, you didn't serve so STFU with your Chickenhawk accusations.

As for a doctor he didn't know shit about military ops and classified info

I served longer than you and Ron Paul combined, in addition to having access to intel both of you have no clue about.

I find it strange you hate the US military and make up lies about the troops yet keep touting Ron Paul's military stint as some superhero.

Shut the fuck up.

He healed our wounded heroes. He served bravely and honorably. So piss off douchebag.

Most of our Military admires Ron Paul. Poll after Poll shows that. Only ignorant loud-mouth cretins like you hate him. You're the minority. So like i said, piss off to Ukraine. Have at it dummy. But leave the rest of us out of it. Capisce.
Ron Paul is a american hating liberal

He served, you didn't. You're just a big mouth Chickenhawk. So piss off to Ukraine to fight and spend your own money. Bon Voyage.

You serving is suppose to magically make us all ignore how much you hate the US military as Paul does? Or is it suppose to hide that fact that Like Paul your word can not be trusted?

Our Military admires Ron Paul. He speaks truth & reality. He speaks it because he knows it. You big mouth Chickenhawks do not. Period, end of story.
Shut the fuck up kook.

The majority of military think scum like you and Ron Paul should be locked up in a rubber room. Nobody with a sane mind believes your bullshit that hiding back here will make the US safe and that "you really support the troops" by slashing the DoD budget and making it a domestic border patrol.

Your bullshit here is very old.

Shitbag, you didn't serve so STFU with your Chickenhawk accusations.

As for a doctor he didn't know shit about military ops and classified info

He healed our wounded heroes. He served bravely and honorably. So piss off douchebag.

Most of our Military admires Ron Paul. Poll after Poll shows that. Only ignorant loud-mouth cretins like you hate him. You're the minority. So like i said, piss off to Ukraine. Have at it dummy. But leave the rest of us out of it. Capisce.
Shut the fuck up kook.

The majority of military think scum like you and Ron Paul should be locked up in a rubber room. Nobody with a sane mind believes your bullshit that hiding back here will make the US safe and that "you really support the troops" by slashing the DoD budget and making it a domestic border patrol.

Your bullshit here is very old.

Shitbag, you didn't serve so STFU with your Chickenhawk accusations.

As for a doctor he didn't know shit about military ops and classified info

Most of our Military admires Ron Paul. Poll after Poll shows that. Only ignorant loud-mouth cretins like you hate him. You're the minority. So like i said, piss off to Ukraine. Have at it dummy. But leave the rest of us out of it. Capisce.

Nah, you're just a loud-mouth ignorant cretin. You're a minority within our Military. Most in our Military respect Dr. Paul. Deal with it.

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