Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

There is no treaty with the Ukies, and if there was, fuck it, fuck Clinton's agreement with them. Also, the current government is illegitimate(overthrew an elected government and is suppressing those who stand with the elected government) and weak, they aren't worth one single American life or dollar.
There is no treaty with the Ukies, and if there was, fuck it, fuck Clinton's agreement with them. Also, the current government is illegitimate(overthrew an elected government and is suppressing those who stand with the elected government) and weak, they aren't worth one single American life or dollar.
Spoken like a true liberal.
Why do you think Crimea joined Russia? Why do you think Russia invaded Crimea?

When Russia invaded Crimea, it landlocked Ukraine and surrounded almost all of the country. We all know that Russia, the sleeping giant, wouldn't dare wake their military unless they were 90% sure that they would succeed. With Crimea under their control, The Russian Army can cut like a knife through the flat Ukrainian terrain.

And by the way, why would Russia dare attack the U.S.

Might want to take a peek at a map.
Russia doesn't want to attack the US but if it saw an opportunity to take advantage of our being crippled with democrats it would.
Putin likes pussies like Ron Paul because you bend over and take it in the ass when he wants to give it to you pussies.

If the US and EU don't hammer Russia with massive economic and political sanctions then Putin will be emboldened to "sneak" into Lativa, Estonia, Moldova, etc.

He sends in his FSB and Spec ops scum to "hide" as disgruntled locals then they raid a local government building and so on like Crimea and like in Eastern Ukraine this week. Putin then tells the world he is ready to send in his military if anyone opposes the so-called locals with grenades, AK47s and Russian military uniforms without patches. Rinse, wash and repeat.

So when you pussies act like this is no big deal, you are giving him the support he needs to keep pushing across Europe just like Hitler did in the 1930s.....scumbags like you back in that era said the same shit that is was none of our business.
Give me a break that Russia is rolling again.


where the fuck were you in the 80's?

That was then. This is now. Then Russia invaded Afghanistan. Now? Crimea ran to embrace Mother Russia again after the coup in Kiev.

Russia's home to her Black Sea Fleet is safe. He has no reason to invade the Ukraine. None at all.

History is important. Do you think Putin is doing something new? Hell he is ripping of Hitler who ripped off someone else. Sanctions dont cost much but they could save us a bundle IF we can stop a new world war. Paul isn't just wrong he is dangerously wrong. Isolationism doesn't work... Has never worked....will never work. History.
There is no treaty with the Ukies, and if there was, fuck it, fuck Clinton's agreement with them. Also, the current government is illegitimate(overthrew an elected government and is suppressing those who stand with the elected government) and weak, they aren't worth one single American life or dollar.
Spoken like a true liberal.

Most of the protestors in Ukraine(other than the right "nationalist" muscle) were shit eating pro-EU liberals. Real right wingers oppose the EU and their attempts to eat up Ukraine, real right wingers oppose the Imperialism of the EU and NATO who are looking to surround Russia. Whether it be Patrick Buchanan in the US, or nationalists in Europe like UKIP, BNP, Front National, Dutch Freedom Party, Austrian Freedom Party, Flemish Interest, Lega Nord, Golden Dawn, Jobbik, Ataka(Bulgaria) and NPD in Germany among others have voiced opposed the NATO/EU coup in Kiev and support the right of self determination for Crimea and East Ukraine, and respect the traditionalist tendencies of Putin.

You are the liberal, Neo-Cons like you are merely hawkish leftists, born of trotskyite jews like Irving Kristol.
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where the fuck were you in the 80's?

That was then. This is now. Then Russia invaded Afghanistan. Now? Crimea ran to embrace Mother Russia again after the coup in Kiev.

Russia's home to her Black Sea Fleet is safe. He has no reason to invade the Ukraine. None at all.

History is important. Do you think Putin is doing something new? Hell he is ripping of Hitler who ripped off someone else. Sanctions dont cost much but they could save us a bundle IF we can stop a new world war. Paul isn't just wrong he is dangerously wrong. Isolationism doesn't work... Has never worked....will never work. History.

But Putin and Russia have not invaded the Ukraine. One must remember despite the bullshit we've been getting from our media that Russia by a treaty signed in 1997 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea. And Russia has paid handsomely for this privilege to operate her Black Sea Fleet out of the ports in Crimea.
There is no treaty with the Ukies, and if there was, fuck it, fuck Clinton's agreement with them. Also, the current government is illegitimate(overthrew an elected government and is suppressing those who stand with the elected government) and weak, they aren't worth one single American life or dollar.
Spoken like a true liberal.

Most of the protestors in Ukraine(other than the right "nationalist" muscle) were shit eating pro-EU liberals. Real right wingers oppose the EU and their attempts to eat up Ukraine, real right wingers oppose the Imperialism of the EU and NATO who are looking to surround Russia. Whether it be Patrick Buchanan in the US, or nationalists in Europe like UKIP, BNP, Front National, Dutch Freedom Party, Austrian Freedom Party, Flemish Interest, Lega Nord, Golden Dawn, Jobbik, Ataka(Bulgaria) and NPD in Germany among others have voiced opposed the NATO/EU coup in Kiev and support the right of self determination for Crimea and East Ukraine, and respect the traditionalist tendencies of Putin.

You are the liberal, Neo-Cons like you are merely hawkish leftists, born of trotskyite jews like Irving Kristol.

Dont worry I am sure you will be safe in your basement smoking dope . At least until the new world war starts .... Your ignorance is astounding.
That was then. This is now. Then Russia invaded Afghanistan. Now? Crimea ran to embrace Mother Russia again after the coup in Kiev.

Russia's home to her Black Sea Fleet is safe. He has no reason to invade the Ukraine. None at all.

History is important. Do you think Putin is doing something new? Hell he is ripping of Hitler who ripped off someone else. Sanctions dont cost much but they could save us a bundle IF we can stop a new world war. Paul isn't just wrong he is dangerously wrong. Isolationism doesn't work... Has never worked....will never work. History.

But Putin and Russia have not invaded the Ukraine. One must remember despite the bullshit we've been getting from our media that Russia by a treaty signed in 1997 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea. And Russia has paid handsomely for this privilege to operate her Black Sea Fleet out of the ports in Crimea.
My God you been guzzling the Koolaid....
History is important. Do you think Putin is doing something new? Hell he is ripping of Hitler who ripped off someone else. Sanctions dont cost much but they could save us a bundle IF we can stop a new world war. Paul isn't just wrong he is dangerously wrong. Isolationism doesn't work... Has never worked....will never work. History.

But Putin and Russia have not invaded the Ukraine. One must remember despite the bullshit we've been getting from our media that Russia by a treaty signed in 1997 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea. And Russia has paid handsomely for this privilege to operate her Black Sea Fleet out of the ports in Crimea.
My God you been guzzling the Koolaid....

With all due respect Thanatos I've been following this unfolding saga for quite some time now. As soon as I learned that Svoboda and the Right Sector were leading the Maidan coup in Kiev alarm bells went off big time for me.

Bit of a background for you. I'm third generation Uk on my mothers side living in Canada in the third largest population of Ukrainians in the world only after the Ukraine and Russia.

AND I'm the last person to be pro Russian because I grew up hating the USSR and Stalin for what they did to Ukrainians.

I've gone to sources world wide to cross reference every piece of data I have put up in the past little bit since the coup took place and the new illegal interim government seized power.

Crimea was not invaded.
But Putin and Russia have not invaded the Ukraine. One must remember despite the bullshit we've been getting from our media that Russia by a treaty signed in 1997 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea. And Russia has paid handsomely for this privilege to operate her Black Sea Fleet out of the ports in Crimea.
My God you been guzzling the Koolaid....

With all due respect Thanatos I've been following this unfolding saga for quite some time now. As soon as I learned that Svoboda and the Right Sector were leading the Maidan coup in Kiev alarm bells went off big time for me.

Bit of a background for you. I'm third generation Uk on my mothers side living in Canada in the third largest population of Ukrainians in the world only after the Ukraine and Russia.

AND I'm the last person to be pro Russian because I grew up hating the USSR and Stalin for what they did to Ukrainians.

I've gone to sources world wide to cross reference every piece of data I have put up in the past little bit since the coup took place and the new illegal interim government seized power.

Crimea was not invaded.

LOL it was invaded. Or do you call using soldiers to keep hostages in a police building social work? I do hope you dont revert to the thinking of that idiot [MENTION=47146]Steinlight[/MENTION] and call the Ukrainians Nazis as well.
But Putin and Russia have not invaded the Ukraine. One must remember despite the bullshit we've been getting from our media that Russia by a treaty signed in 1997 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea. And Russia has paid handsomely for this privilege to operate her Black Sea Fleet out of the ports in Crimea.
My God you been guzzling the Koolaid....

With all due respect Thanatos I've been following this unfolding saga for quite some time now. As soon as I learned that Svoboda and the Right Sector were leading the Maidan coup in Kiev alarm bells went off big time for me.

Bit of a background for you. I'm third generation Uk on my mothers side living in Canada in the third largest population of Ukrainians in the world only after the Ukraine and Russia.

AND I'm the last person to be pro Russian because I grew up hating the USSR and Stalin for what they did to Ukrainians.

I've gone to sources world wide to cross reference every piece of data I have put up in the past little bit since the coup took place and the new illegal interim government seized power.

Crimea was not invaded.

This crap that Putin wants the empire back is utter stupidity and pure propaganda design to inflame leading to war. THINKING Americans have seen this before...many times before...somehow 144 missed it.

If Putin wanted the former republics, he could take them easily. Yet he has not and he has been in power a long time. He is not unlike most American politicians. He wants lots of wealth for himself and the power to control his nation. He knows attacking his neighbors is not good for business.

But what dunces like 144 fail to understand, is NATO has been working for years to surround Russia. They were involved in instigating the revolution. And 144 thinks Putin should just accept this.

America, EU, and Nato intervene covertly and dishonestly in Ukraine. Then when Putin responds, he is the bad guy who wants a return of the bad old USSR....and fools like 144 go along with the power elite and their lies....and condemn those who refuse, calling them liars and scumbags. CRAZY!!!
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This crap that Putin wants the empire back is utter stupidity and pure propaganda design to inflame leading to war. THINKING Americans have seen this before...many times before...somehow 144 missed it.

If Putin wanted the former republics, he could take them easily. Yet he has not and he has been in power a long time. He is not unlike most American politicians. He wants lots of wealth for himself and the power to control his nation. He knows attacking his neighbors is not good for business.

But what dunces like 144 fail to understand, is NATO has been working for years to surround Russia. They were involved in instigating the revolution. And 144 thinks Putin should just accept this.

America, EU, and Nato intervene covertly and dishonestly in Ukraine. Then when Putin responds, he is the bad guy who wants a return of the bad old USSR....and fools like 144 go along with the power elite and their lies....and condemn those who refuse, calling them liars and scumbags. CRAZY!!!

The letter of agreement, the one that is being confused with a treaty, carries the same weight and moral obligation as the promise Bush I made to Gorbachev. That US/Nato would not bring in the former Soviet Republics and client states pushing up against Russia's borders, and leaving a buffer. This in return for the peaceful break up of the Soviet Union.

The only scumbags in this discussion are those who, from the safety of their keyboards, would agitate for escalation over a place that doesn't matter a damn bit to US security or trade.
History is important. Do you think Putin is doing something new? Hell he is ripping of Hitler who ripped off someone else. Sanctions dont cost much but they could save us a bundle IF we can stop a new world war. Paul isn't just wrong he is dangerously wrong. Isolationism doesn't work... Has never worked....will never work. History.

But Putin and Russia have not invaded the Ukraine. One must remember despite the bullshit we've been getting from our media that Russia by a treaty signed in 1997 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea. And Russia has paid handsomely for this privilege to operate her Black Sea Fleet out of the ports in Crimea.
My God you been guzzling the Koolaid....
My God you been guzzling the Koolaid....

With all due respect Thanatos I've been following this unfolding saga for quite some time now. As soon as I learned that Svoboda and the Right Sector were leading the Maidan coup in Kiev alarm bells went off big time for me.

Bit of a background for you. I'm third generation Uk on my mothers side living in Canada in the third largest population of Ukrainians in the world only after the Ukraine and Russia.

AND I'm the last person to be pro Russian because I grew up hating the USSR and Stalin for what they did to Ukrainians.

I've gone to sources world wide to cross reference every piece of data I have put up in the past little bit since the coup took place and the new illegal interim government seized power.

Crimea was not invaded.

LOL it was invaded. Or do you call using soldiers to keep hostages in a police building social work? I do hope you dont revert to the thinking of that idiot [MENTION=47146]Steinlight[/MENTION] and call the Ukrainians Nazis as well.

There were no Russian soldiers involved in the take over of government buildings in Crimea. These were pro Russian activists.

You know like the pro European Union activists who were shooting police, throwing molotov cocktails and taking over government buildings in Kiev.

What is is now? Only pro EU/pro NATO/pro West violent activists can be "real" now?

Come on. Please get a grip.

Russia by a 1997 Treaty were allowed to have up to 25,000 troops on the ground in Crimea for heaven's sake.

Our media has been lying about "invasion" and "annexation" of Crimea. Blatantly lying.

What I find stunning. No amazing. No unfreaking unbelievable is that my fellow conservatives are buying into this bullshit that you are being handed on a plate.

On one hand conservatives have for years learned and understood that this government, this White House and this media have consistently lied to us relentlessly whether we are talking about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Obamacare or the IRS and the list is endless.

But freaking now we are supposed to believe every word that comes out of their mouth over the Ukraine and Crimea without question?

And the worst of it is, so many conservatives have just done so. It's surreal to me.
Spoken like a true liberal.

Most of the protestors in Ukraine(other than the right "nationalist" muscle) were shit eating pro-EU liberals. Real right wingers oppose the EU and their attempts to eat up Ukraine, real right wingers oppose the Imperialism of the EU and NATO who are looking to surround Russia. Whether it be Patrick Buchanan in the US, or nationalists in Europe like UKIP, BNP, Front National, Dutch Freedom Party, Austrian Freedom Party, Flemish Interest, Lega Nord, Golden Dawn, Jobbik, Ataka(Bulgaria) and NPD in Germany among others have voiced opposed the NATO/EU coup in Kiev and support the right of self determination for Crimea and East Ukraine, and respect the traditionalist tendencies of Putin.

You are the liberal, Neo-Cons like you are merely hawkish leftists, born of trotskyite jews like Irving Kristol.

Dont worry I am sure you will be safe in your basement smoking dope . At least until the new world war starts .... Your ignorance is astounding.

Commie go home.

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