Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

The shit-eating kook shows up on cue....:cuckoo:

Oh, very strange the leader of Belarus is worried about Putin taking over his country...

Hmmmm shitbag.....maybe you think the OSCE, CIA, EU, DOS, etc are "all in" on covering up these mass murders you fucking insane kooks are spewing. :eusa_whistle:

Nevermind....the FREE western media from all parts of the planet not saying a word about so-called Russians being under threat from the "mean" Ukrainians.

Meanwhile in Crimea and Russia.....Putin is blocking access by the OSCE, media, etc and even locking up anyone speaking out against his evil regime. But he has little Putin cocksuckers like you supporting him from your US of A trailer park.

It is amazing a dolt like you believes the bully is claiming the weakling is "scaring him" thus the reason why the bully is on the verge of attacking the weakling. One would figure given your life experiences being the would understand.

Do you really expect your corrupt Western Press and Politicians to tell you this? Just because they're not reporting it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, hate ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is a real possibility. Russia will not allow it to happen.

Ukraine and Russia will be one again. They are brother peoples, along with the Belarusians. The Kiev is the birthplace of the Rus, where Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine have their origins. This historical fact will be recognized once again.
The shit-eating kook shows up on cue....:cuckoo:

Oh, very strange the leader of Belarus is worried about Putin taking over his country...

Hmmmm shitbag.....maybe you think the OSCE, CIA, EU, DOS, etc are "all in" on covering up these mass murders you fucking insane kooks are spewing. :eusa_whistle:

Nevermind....the FREE western media from all parts of the planet not saying a word about so-called Russians being under threat from the "mean" Ukrainians.

Meanwhile in Crimea and Russia.....Putin is blocking access by the OSCE, media, etc and even locking up anyone speaking out against his evil regime. But he has little Putin cocksuckers like you supporting him from your US of A trailer park.

It is amazing a dolt like you believes the bully is claiming the weakling is "scaring him" thus the reason why the bully is on the verge of attacking the weakling. One would figure given your life experiences being the would understand.

Ukraine and Russia will be one again. They are brother peoples, along with the Belarusians. The Kiev is the birthplace of the Rus, where Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine have their origins. This historical fact will be recognized once again.

Belarus supports Russia.

"Crimea isn’t an independent state. It’s part of the Russian territory. One can recognize or not recognize that, it will change nothing,” Lukashenko told journalists in Minsk on Sunday.

“I am asked where my country is in this situation. Taking into account historical processes, in the framework of the CIS, we’re linked with agreements, and we’ll be with [on the side of] the Russian Federation,” the Belarus president added.

“If the question arises, we’ll be with Russia forever,” Lukashenko said.

Belarusian president: Crimea is de-facto part of Russia ? RT News
shitbag....he is kissing up to Putin in "public" to avoid trouble but he is not with Putin.

Your media sources are a joke. Go fuck yourself.

The shit-eating kook shows up on cue....:cuckoo:

Oh, very strange the leader of Belarus is worried about Putin taking over his country...

Ukraine and Russia will be one again. They are brother peoples, along with the Belarusians. The Kiev is the birthplace of the Rus, where Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine have their origins. This historical fact will be recognized once again.

Belarus supports Russia.

"Crimea isn’t an independent state. It’s part of the Russian territory. One can recognize or not recognize that, it will change nothing,” Lukashenko told journalists in Minsk on Sunday.

“I am asked where my country is in this situation. Taking into account historical processes, in the framework of the CIS, we’re linked with agreements, and we’ll be with [on the side of] the Russian Federation,” the Belarus president added.

“If the question arises, we’ll be with Russia forever,” Lukashenko said.

Belarusian president: Crimea is de-facto part of Russia ? RT News
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shitbag....he is kissing up to Putin in "public" to avoid trouble but he is not with Putin.

Your media sources are a joke. Go fuck yourself.

The shit-eating kook shows up on cue....:cuckoo:

Oh, very strange the leader of Belarus is worried about Putin taking over his country...

Belarus supports Russia.

"Crimea isn’t an independent state. It’s part of the Russian territory. One can recognize or not recognize that, it will change nothing,” Lukashenko told journalists in Minsk on Sunday.

“I am asked where my country is in this situation. Taking into account historical processes, in the framework of the CIS, we’re linked with agreements, and we’ll be with [on the side of] the Russian Federation,” the Belarus president added.

“If the question arises, we’ll be with Russia forever,” Lukashenko said.

Belarusian president: Crimea is de-facto part of Russia ? RT News
And we should take your word for it why? You have an inside look on the Belarusian government from your mother's basement you fucking faggot?
When Belarus doesn't roll over for Putin, maybe you will figure out how and what I know....shitbag.

Get back to licking toilets clean.

shitbag....he is kissing up to Putin in "public" to avoid trouble but he is not with Putin.

Your media sources are a joke. Go fuck yourself.

Belarus supports Russia.

"Crimea isn’t an independent state. It’s part of the Russian territory. One can recognize or not recognize that, it will change nothing,” Lukashenko told journalists in Minsk on Sunday.

“I am asked where my country is in this situation. Taking into account historical processes, in the framework of the CIS, we’re linked with agreements, and we’ll be with [on the side of] the Russian Federation,” the Belarus president added.

“If the question arises, we’ll be with Russia forever,” Lukashenko said.

Belarusian president: Crimea is de-facto part of Russia ? RT News
And we should take your word for it why? You have an inside look on the Belarusian government from your mother's basement you fucking faggot?
When Belarus doesn't roll over for Putin, maybe you will figure out how and what I know....shitbag.

Get back to licking toilets clean.

shitbag....he is kissing up to Putin in "public" to avoid trouble but he is not with Putin.

Your media sources are a joke. Go fuck yourself.
And we should take your word for it why? You have an inside look on the Belarusian government from your mother's basement you fucking faggot?
First you say Belarus fears Putin and is trying to say on his good side, now you say he won't roll over for Putin.

Which is it you neokahn spaz?

Only a loser like yourself could get so worked up over this. Shit dude...
In this circumstance, I couldn't agree with Paul more. The US is completely absurd, and ridiculous, and it will most likely be the strain of us all for years. Mainly because of the way the US government responded and how they have acted through the whole Ukraine situation, not only have we ruined any relations we had with Russia, but we proved yet again that we have to poke our head in anything that boosts up this fake delusion of "Western Democracy". I am so angry that we are so far engraved in opposing Russia and it sickens me to see how the US government thinks that they can just suddenly intervene like this. We NEED to keep our heads out of this and deal with our own issues. It's apparent that the US is simply trying to cater to their European allies, the government simply wants to strengthen the weak European Union and yet again we see the corrupt politics using the citizens as pawn on a chessboard.
Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

On the bright side it will not be American Men and Women that are dying in a war no one wants.

It appears our leaders have completely lost their freaking minds. NATO is really pushing for troops.

I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy with all this chest thumping bullshit. Check this out.

NATO Commander: US Troops May Be Sent to Eastern Europe

PARIS — NATO's top military commander in Europe, drafting countermoves to the Russian military threat against Ukraine, said Wednesday they could include deployment of American troops to alliance nations in Eastern Europe also feeling at risk.

U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove told The Associated Press he wouldn't "write off involvement by any nation, to include the United States."

NATO Commander: US Troops May Be Sent to Eastern Europe
When Belarus doesn't roll over for Putin, maybe you will figure out how and what I know....shitbag.

Get back to licking toilets clean.

And we should take your word for it why? You have an inside look on the Belarusian government from your mother's basement you fucking faggot?
First you say Belarus fears Putin and is trying to say on his good side, now you say he won't roll over for Putin.

Which is it you neokahn spaz?

Only a loser like yourself could get so worked up over this. Shit dude...

Don't tax yourself trying to read, Sterno-boy. You're clearly illiterate.

"Mexicans" in Crimea... wtf... :cuckoo:
When Belarus doesn't roll over for Putin, maybe you will figure out how and what I know....shitbag.

Get back to licking toilets clean.
First you say Belarus fears Putin and is trying to say on his good side, now you say he won't roll over for Putin.

Which is it you neokahn spaz?

Only a loser like yourself could get so worked up over this. Shit dude...

Don't tax yourself trying to read, Sterno-boy. You're clearly illiterate.

"Mexicans" in Crimea... wtf... :cuckoo:

Piss off with your gay **** avatar.
I would like to see how long that faggot pogo and that unhinged sperg 1776 would last in a county lockup, lol.
First you say Belarus fears Putin and is trying to say on his good side, now you say he won't roll over for Putin.

Which is it you neokahn spaz?

Only a loser like yourself could get so worked up over this. Shit dude...

Don't tax yourself trying to read, Sterno-boy. You're clearly illiterate.

"Mexicans" in Crimea... wtf... :cuckoo:

Piss off with your gay **** avatar.

Are you trying to guess my avatar is Mexican?? :rofl:

Holy shit you're dumber than diarrhea dood. It's not even from the Americas. Dumbass.

As I said --- "illiterate".
Well, this was inevitable. Our idiot leaders strutting like banty roosters with threats and more threats have awoken the bear.


Putin threatens to cut off gas to Ukraine unless it pays in advance for its supplies

By Daily Mail Reporter

Published: 01:58 GMT, 11 April 2014 | Updated: 01:58 GMT, 11 April 2014

President Putin threatened to cut off Russian gas for Ukraine unless the country pays in advance for all its supplies.

In a stark letter to 18 world leaders, Mr Putin acknowledged that, in such a 'critical situation', gas deliveries to the European Union would also be jeopardised.

The EU buys a third of its gas from Russia, about half of which arrives through pipelines running across Ukraine.

But Mr Putin accused the EU of causing the current crisis, leaving Russia with “no alternative' but to toughen its approach.

Putin threatens to cut off gas to Ukraine unless it pays in advance for its supplies | Mail Online
If you had a customer you didn't trust wouldn't you want payment in advance?

Now that the US is becoming more unstable it's likely that the EU will be saying thanks but no thanks to our involvement with anything.
Don't tax yourself trying to read, Sterno-boy. You're clearly illiterate.

"Mexicans" in Crimea... wtf... :cuckoo:

Piss off with your gay **** avatar.

Are you trying to guess my avatar is Mexican?? :rofl:

Holy shit you're dumber than diarrhea dood. It's not even from the Americas. Dumbass.

As I said --- "illiterate".

You ought to know a lot about diarrhea given your expertise with that region of the body...
In this circumstance, I couldn't agree with Paul more. The US is completely absurd, and ridiculous, and it will most likely be the strain of us all for years. Mainly because of the way the US government responded and how they have acted through the whole Ukraine situation, not only have we ruined any relations we had with Russia, but we proved yet again that we have to poke our head in anything that boosts up this fake delusion of "Western Democracy". I am so angry that we are so far engraved in opposing Russia and it sickens me to see how the US government thinks that they can just suddenly intervene like this. We NEED to keep our heads out of this and deal with our own issues. It's apparent that the US is simply trying to cater to their European allies, the government simply wants to strengthen the weak European Union and yet again we see the corrupt politics using the citizens as pawn on a chessboard.

we signed a treaty with them to help stop these very things IF they disarmed.....So you like the USA being mad in to lying scumbags like Paul seems to?
In this circumstance, I couldn't agree with Paul more. The US is completely absurd, and ridiculous, and it will most likely be the strain of us all for years. Mainly because of the way the US government responded and how they have acted through the whole Ukraine situation, not only have we ruined any relations we had with Russia, but we proved yet again that we have to poke our head in anything that boosts up this fake delusion of "Western Democracy". I am so angry that we are so far engraved in opposing Russia and it sickens me to see how the US government thinks that they can just suddenly intervene like this. We NEED to keep our heads out of this and deal with our own issues. It's apparent that the US is simply trying to cater to their European allies, the government simply wants to strengthen the weak European Union and yet again we see the corrupt politics using the citizens as pawn on a chessboard.

we signed a treaty with them to help stop these very things IF they disarmed.....So you like the USA being mad in to lying scumbags like Paul seems to?
Can you provide a link to a vote in the senate for that "treaty"?
I hope Putin takes all of Ukraine. Anything that exposes the foolishness and incompetence of the criminals running the US and other so called "western" governments today is a good thing. They totally botched their coup in Ukraine and it is now exploding in their face.
In this circumstance, I couldn't agree with Paul more. The US is completely absurd, and ridiculous, and it will most likely be the strain of us all for years. Mainly because of the way the US government responded and how they have acted through the whole Ukraine situation, not only have we ruined any relations we had with Russia, but we proved yet again that we have to poke our head in anything that boosts up this fake delusion of "Western Democracy". I am so angry that we are so far engraved in opposing Russia and it sickens me to see how the US government thinks that they can just suddenly intervene like this. We NEED to keep our heads out of this and deal with our own issues. It's apparent that the US is simply trying to cater to their European allies, the government simply wants to strengthen the weak European Union and yet again we see the corrupt politics using the citizens as pawn on a chessboard.

we signed a treaty with them to help stop these very things IF they disarmed.....So you like the USA being mad in to lying scumbags like Paul seems to?
Can you provide a link to a vote in the senate for that "treaty"?
Why since they are not needed to form one?

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