Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Burn in hell.

Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

The elimination of Israel would stabilize oil prices in the long run, finally some stability in the region.

God bless Iran and their nuclear policy to help the American middle class.

So you hate working Americans, what are you, a communist?
when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

Ok kids, what we have here is a "teachable moment".
Posting while intoxicated, combined with imbecility results in the gibberish demonstrated above.
Friends don't let imbeciles drink and post.
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NATO’s Unconventional War Against Russia
NATO Suspends Cooperation with Russia over Ukraine and Crimea. The New NATO Doctrine: Conventional Strategic Pressure as Cover for Unconventional War.

It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist liberation army UNA-UNSO, which cooperated with German SS and military troops during the second world war, has played a not insignificant role in Georgia’s war against Russia.

UNA-UNSO is known for having close ties to NATO’s Gladio network. Moreover, even though both Ukrainian European and US-American politicians denounce the Ukraine’s Pravy Sector as responsible for the sniper killings of 90 and the injuring of more than 500 in Kiev, the day before the armed coup, most analysts who who are read into NATO’s Gladio network agree that it is overwhelmingly probable that it was not Pravy Sector but UNA-UNSO snipers who were hired to carry out the mass murder.

Unconventional Warfare the New NATO Doctrine – Also against Russia. NATO’s new military doctrine is based on unconventional warfare. As former NATO Admiral James G. Stavridis stressed during a 2013 Forestal Lecture, the developments in military technology have made a war of walls, which ended with the end of the cold war impossible. New warfare, stressed Stavridis, is based on asymmetric warfare.

Moreover, a classified training circular for US Special Forces, titled “Special Forces Unconventional Warfare”, TC 18-01, stresses that the United States, for the foreseeable future, will be predominantly involved in unconventional warfare. The training circular was published in nsnbc international and can be accessed HERE. James G. Stavridis also stressed, as already mentioned, that NATO considers its regime change in Libya as a teachable moment and model for future interventions.

Knowing that NATO planners are aware that a conventional, full-scale military confrontation with Russia, let alone a nuclear confrontation would not only be counter-productive but non-survivable; aware of the fact that the strategic balance would not afford either side the possible to emerge as a victor of a full scale confrontation; there is a pressing need to answer the question what function NATO’s continued encirclement of Russia and posturing could have.

NATO advances one step at the time, maintaining and increasing the military pressure against Russia, knowing that Russia is as unlikely to mount a large scale military campaign as NATO. The purpose is to maintain pressure on Russia, economically, strategically, and to deny Russia an effective military counter-move while stressing its geopolitic sphere of interest, and increasingly also Russian republics with unconventional war.
Shut the fuck up....only you kooks and "Putin" are making those bogus claims that "Russians" in Ukraine are being threatened with bodily harm.

Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. Russia will not allow it. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.

Do you really expect your corrupt Western Press and Politicians to tell you this? Just because they're not reporting it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, hate ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is a real possibility. Russia will not allow it to happen.
when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

Ok kids, what we have here is a "teachable moment".
Posting while intoxicated, combined with imbecility results in the gibberish demonstrated above.
Friends don't let imbeciles drink and post.

:lol: Yeah it is pretty hilarious watching Communist and Neocon nutters calling everyone else crazy. That nutter there wouldn't spare a dime out of his own wallet for the Ukrainian 'Cause.' Yet he'll demand and force all American Taxpayers to pay $Billions for his stupid misadventure. I just tell em to suit up, pay up, or STFU. We shouldn't be forced to support their stupidity.

NATO’s Unconventional War Against Russia
NATO Suspends Cooperation with Russia over Ukraine and Crimea. The New NATO Doctrine: Conventional Strategic Pressure as Cover for Unconventional War.

It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist liberation army UNA-UNSO, which cooperated with German SS and military troops during the second world war, has played a not insignificant role in Georgia’s war against Russia.

UNA-UNSO is known for having close ties to NATO’s Gladio network. Moreover, even though both Ukrainian European and US-American politicians denounce the Ukraine’s Pravy Sector as responsible for the sniper killings of 90 and the injuring of more than 500 in Kiev, the day before the armed coup, most analysts who who are read into NATO’s Gladio network agree that it is overwhelmingly probable that it was not Pravy Sector but UNA-UNSO snipers who were hired to carry out the mass murder.

Unconventional Warfare the New NATO Doctrine – Also against Russia. NATO’s new military doctrine is based on unconventional warfare. As former NATO Admiral James G. Stavridis stressed during a 2013 Forestal Lecture, the developments in military technology have made a war of walls, which ended with the end of the cold war impossible. New warfare, stressed Stavridis, is based on asymmetric warfare.

Moreover, a classified training circular for US Special Forces, titled “Special Forces Unconventional Warfare”, TC 18-01, stresses that the United States, for the foreseeable future, will be predominantly involved in unconventional warfare. The training circular was published in nsnbc international and can be accessed HERE. James G. Stavridis also stressed, as already mentioned, that NATO considers its regime change in Libya as a teachable moment and model for future interventions.

Knowing that NATO planners are aware that a conventional, full-scale military confrontation with Russia, let alone a nuclear confrontation would not only be counter-productive but non-survivable; aware of the fact that the strategic balance would not afford either side the possible to emerge as a victor of a full scale confrontation; there is a pressing need to answer the question what function NATO’s continued encirclement of Russia and posturing could have.

NATO advances one step at the time, maintaining and increasing the military pressure against Russia, knowing that Russia is as unlikely to mount a large scale military campaign as NATO. The purpose is to maintain pressure on Russia, economically, strategically, and to deny Russia an effective military counter-move while stressing its geopolitic sphere of interest, and increasingly also Russian republics with unconventional war.

Obviously the U.S. and Great Britain have stirred things up again. NATO has been used to incite turmoil in Ukraine and other places around the World. NATO should be disbanded. It's long outlived its usefulness.
Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

On the bright side it will not be American Men and Women that are dying in a war no one wants.
Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

On the bright side it will not be American Men and Women that are dying in a war no one wants.

Nutter doesn't even realize the 'Obama zombies' are with him on this. They're on the same team, but he's too ignorant to realize that. It's pretty pathetic.
Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

On the bright side it will not be American Men and Women that are dying in a war no one wants.

world war dip shit. That Americans will be dieing and all because idiots like you think it isn't our business. You are the same people like Paul who would send men to fight yet refuse to pay for their bullets and armor.
when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

On the bright side it will not be American Men and Women that are dying in a war no one wants.

Nutter doesn't even realize the 'Obama zombies' are with him on this. They're on the same team, but he's too ignorant to realize that. It's pretty pathetic.

Your so stupid it is amazing you can type. If Obama wasntr in your camp he would have pushed for more then just penializing 11 people who dont give a fuck. No he is a spineless fool like your hero Ron Paul.
On the bright side it will not be American Men and Women that are dying in a war no one wants.

Nutter doesn't even realize the 'Obama zombies' are with him on this. They're on the same team, but he's too ignorant to realize that. It's pretty pathetic.

Your so stupid it is amazing you can type. If Obama wasntr in your camp he would have pushed for more then just penializing 11 people who dont give a fuck. No he is a spineless fool like your hero Ron Paul.

Both you Neocons and the Communists/Progressives are in agreement on this one. You are on the same team. You're just conveniently ignoring that reality. That's why i always say there aren't any real differences between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. They're both all-in on Big Brother control & oppression.
Nutter doesn't even realize the 'Obama zombies' are with him on this. They're on the same team, but he's too ignorant to realize that. It's pretty pathetic.

Your so stupid it is amazing you can type. If Obama wasntr in your camp he would have pushed for more then just penializing 11 people who dont give a fuck. No he is a spineless fool like your hero Ron Paul.

Both you Neocons and the Communists/Progressives are in agreement on this one. You are on the same team. You're just conveniently ignoring that reality. That's why i always say there aren't any real differences between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. They're both all-in on Big Brother control & oppression.

And if they're not in agreement, you'll just declare they are with bullshit you can't prove, so ..... spare us already. Nobody buys your crapola.

Self-delusion. It's what's for dinner.
Nutter doesn't even realize the 'Obama zombies' are with him on this. They're on the same team, but he's too ignorant to realize that. It's pretty pathetic.

Your so stupid it is amazing you can type. If Obama wasntr in your camp he would have pushed for more then just penializing 11 people who dont give a fuck. No he is a spineless fool like your hero Ron Paul.

Both you Neocons and the Communists/Progressives are in agreement on this one. You are on the same team. You're just conveniently ignoring that reality. That's why i always say there aren't any real differences between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. They're both all-in on Big Brother control & oppression.

That's all you have .... no facts just hysteria

tapatalk post
Your so stupid it is amazing you can type. If Obama wasntr in your camp he would have pushed for more then just penializing 11 people who dont give a fuck. No he is a spineless fool like your hero Ron Paul.

Both you Neocons and the Communists/Progressives are in agreement on this one. You are on the same team. You're just conveniently ignoring that reality. That's why i always say there aren't any real differences between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. They're both all-in on Big Brother control & oppression.

And if they're not in agreement, you'll just declare they are with bullshit you can't prove, so ..... spare us already. Nobody buys your crapola.

Self-delusion. It's what's for dinner.
Look, no one likes your beaner avatar. Why don't you send the Mexicans to crimea to fight your wars for homo liberation for you?
Both you Neocons and the Communists/Progressives are in agreement on this one. You are on the same team. You're just conveniently ignoring that reality. That's why i always say there aren't any real differences between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. They're both all-in on Big Brother control & oppression.

And if they're not in agreement, you'll just declare they are with bullshit you can't prove, so ..... spare us already. Nobody buys your crapola.

Self-delusion. It's what's for dinner.
Look, no one likes your beaner avatar. Why don't you send the Mexicans to crimea to fight your wars for homo liberation for you?

That makes no sense whatsoever. I have no wars to fight, homo or otherwise, and I've never brought up Mexicans.

What the fuck is a "beaner"?
And if they're not in agreement, you'll just declare they are with bullshit you can't prove, so ..... spare us already. Nobody buys your crapola.

Self-delusion. It's what's for dinner.
Look, no one likes your beaner avatar. Why don't you send the Mexicans to crimea to fight your wars for homo liberation for you?

That makes no sense whatsoever. I have no wars to fight, homo or otherwise, and I've never brought up Mexicans.

What the fuck is a "beaner"?
You are a waste a of space, go off yourself hippy
On the bright side it will not be American Men and Women that are dying in a war no one wants.

Nutter doesn't even realize the 'Obama zombies' are with him on this. They're on the same team, but he's too ignorant to realize that. It's pretty pathetic.

Your so stupid it is amazing you can type. If Obama wasntr in your camp he would have pushed for more then just penializing 11 people who dont give a fuck. No he is a spineless fool like your hero Ron Paul.

Hmmmm shitbag.....maybe you think the OSCE, CIA, EU, DOS, etc are "all in" on covering up these mass murders you fucking insane kooks are spewing. :eusa_whistle:

Nevermind....the FREE western media from all parts of the planet not saying a word about so-called Russians being under threat from the "mean" Ukrainians.

Meanwhile in Crimea and Russia.....Putin is blocking access by the OSCE, media, etc and even locking up anyone speaking out against his evil regime. But he has little Putin cocksuckers like you supporting him from your US of A trailer park.

It is amazing a dolt like you believes the bully is claiming the weakling is "scaring him" thus the reason why the bully is on the verge of attacking the weakling. One would figure given your life experiences being the would understand.

Shut the fuck up....only you kooks and "Putin" are making those bogus claims that "Russians" in Ukraine are being threatened with bodily harm.

Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. Russia will not allow it. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.

Do you really expect your corrupt Western Press and Politicians to tell you this? Just because they're not reporting it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, hate ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is a real possibility. Russia will not allow it to happen.
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Hmmmm shitbag.....maybe you think the OSCE, CIA, EU, DOS, etc are "all in" on covering up these mass murders you fucking insane kooks are spewing. :eusa_whistle:

Nevermind....the FREE western media from all parts of the planet not saying a word about so-called Russians being under threat from the "mean" Ukrainians.

Meanwhile in Crimea and Russia.....Putin is blocking access by the OSCE, media, etc and even locking up anyone speaking out against his evil regime. But he has little Putin cocksuckers like you supporting him from your US of A trailer park.

It is amazing a dolt like you believes the bully is claiming the weakling is "scaring him" thus the reason why the bully is on the verge of attacking the weakling. One would figure given your life experiences being the would understand.

Shut the fuck up....only you kooks and "Putin" are making those bogus claims that "Russians" in Ukraine are being threatened with bodily harm.

Do you really expect your corrupt Western Press and Politicians to tell you this? Just because they're not reporting it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, hate ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is a real possibility. Russia will not allow it to happen.

Ukraine and Russia will be one again. They are brother peoples, along with the Belarusians. Kiev is the birthplace of the Rus, where Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine have their origins. This historical fact will be recognized once again.
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