Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

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If you are determined not to intervene in other nations activities, you essentially isolate yourself from being involved in other nations activities. Big diff.
If you are determined not to intervene in other nations activities, you essentially isolate yourself from being involved in other nations activities. Big diff.

So you believe intervention done covertly and deceitfully by our government, in the affairs of other nations, benefits America. How can this be when history clearly reveals America's interventions have failed miserably?

Allowing our political class to intervene, when we know they are dunces, racketeers, and DUMB for obvious reasons.

You think NOT intervening means isolationism. This is wrong. What most libertarians oppose are interventions that may lead to war. America should do all it can to deal honestly with all nations and prevent war. Being the world's policeman has only benefited the elites, while damaging everyone else.
We should not be the world's policeman. We should not be a superpwer. Let Russia do it. Let China do it. Let Iran do it. Whether we will be better off is another story. Perhaps we deserve being polices by someone else.
Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. Russia will not allow it. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.
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Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.

Ukraine will turn into another Syria. Which may be exactly what obama wanted all along.
Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.

Ukraine will turn into another Syria. Which may be exactly what obama wanted all along.

Yeah, just another awful mess created by our constant meddling in other Nations' affairs. We've contributed heavily to the unrest in Ukraine. We've basically forced Russia's hand. They're not gonna allow ethnic Russians to be massacred. Ethnic Cleansing is a real possibility now.
This happens because our leader like the great wrong Paul showed he was weak. There were plenty of non violent was to stifle this kind of thing before it gets out of hand but Obama wont pull that trigger much like Ron Paul wouldn't because they are both cowards
Crimea (and all of Eastern Ukraine for that matter ) will/would be better off under Russia than if allowed to go the way of Greece.

They clearly want to be with Russia also.

McCain and the rest of the meddling idiots aught to mind their own business.
Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.
Shut the fuck up....only you kooks and "Putin" are making those bogus claims that "Russians" in Ukraine are being threatened with bodily harm.

Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. Russia will not allow it. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.
Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

The elimination of Israel would stabilize oil prices in the long run, finally some stability in the region.

God bless Iran and their nuclear policy to help the American middle class.
Shut the fuck up....only you kooks and "Putin" are making those bogus claims that "Russians" in Ukraine are being threatened with bodily harm.

Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. Russia will not allow it. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.

Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.
Burn in hell.

Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

The elimination of Israel would stabilize oil prices in the long run, finally some stability in the region.

God bless Iran and their nuclear policy to help the American middle class.

Shut the fuck up....only you kooks and "Putin" are making those bogus claims that "Russians" in Ukraine are being threatened with bodily harm.

Russian Troops will be called in if ethnic Russians are in danger. Those who carried out the Coup in Kiev, are not very nice people. They have a bloodthirsty hatred for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Cleansing is now a real fear. Russia will not allow it. We're likely gonna regret arming and funding them. What a mess.

Scum like them will just blame the US military and CIA for evil people existing.

Bin Laden would be selling shoes right now to sheep herders if not for the "evil" US according to those nutjobs.

Putin trying to enslave millions under the USSR II, islamic nuts trying to kill non-believers, etc....all just fairytales to those nutjobs.

Idiots in the losertarian and liberal crowds can't figure out if Russia is allowed to take over countries in Europe or China is allowed to take over countries in Asia...or Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons....eventually those actions harm the US economically aka national security is affected.

In the case of Iran, our national security is directly affected if nutjob islamists get nuclear bombs to blow up Israel and the US. Hell, just blowing up Israel would shock the world economy and oil supply.

when young men and women are dieing in the nex world war Paulites and Obama zombies can remember Paul's words and what they bring.

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