Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Prior to the high tide of anti-communism, the majority of Conservatives were isolationists. They didn't think the American Taxpayer had the money to save the world, nor did they think Washington had the competence to effectively intervene in other regions without creating a host of unintended consequences.

Problem is, capitalism is so efficient/productive that it burns through local resources too quickly. This makes our economic system inherently expansionist, interventionist and militaristic. Meaning: when the oil runs out in Texas, you need the military infrastructure to take over Mideast oil fields. This is just one example where military intervention is required to secure resources in dangerous places.

So as our economic system became global, by necessity, Conservatives slowly adopted the rhetoric of interventionism. And like all Superpower interventions, they described American intervention as part of a grand scheme to civilize the world (e.g., spread freedom). But make no mistake, men like Dick Chaney can't afford to worry about fluffy notions like saving the world. He is playing hardball geopolitics in order to secure necessary resources for our economy. The bullshit about "spreading freedom" is for the woman, children and talk radio republicans back on the homeland - all too weak to stare directly at how Washington turns the pig into the sausage.

Excellent points. They want it both ways. As if capitalism and its unwieldy growth can happen in a vacuum without affecting anything else.

capitalism and freedom made this country great for 200 years. Now liberalism and marxism are destroying it. and you silly shits can't see it. :cuckoo:

Don't think anyone mentioned "freedom" above but since you bring it up in relation to capitalism, let us know how that worked out for Native Americans. Describe how 'free' they're feeling about now. Let us know how it worked out for Africans for four hundred years too.

As just noted, these things come at a price, whether we acknowledge that price or not.

And by the way it was Liberalism that invented this country, Jack. Even if we were way late getting the Liberal tenet of "all men are created equal" into practice.
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Prior to the high tide of anti-communism, the majority of Conservatives were isolationists. They didn't think the American Taxpayer had the money to save the world, nor did they think Washington had the competence to effectively intervene in other regions without creating a host of unintended consequences.

Problem is, capitalism is so efficient/productive that it burns through local resources too quickly. This makes our economic system inherently expansionist, interventionist and militaristic. Meaning: when the oil runs out in Texas, you need the military infrastructure to take over Mideast oil fields. This is just one example where military intervention is required to secure resources in dangerous places.

So as our economic system became global, by necessity, Conservatives slowly adopted the rhetoric of interventionism. And like all Superpower interventions, they described American intervention as part of a grand scheme to civilize the world (e.g., spread freedom). But make no mistake, men like Dick Chaney can't afford to worry about fluffy notions like saving the world. He is playing hardball geopolitics in order to secure necessary resources for our economy. The bullshit about "spreading freedom" is for the woman, children and talk radio republicans back on the homeland - all too weak to stare directly at how Washington turns the pig into the sausage.

I hear ya, but it's time to end this permanent state of War we're stuck in. It's time for something different. Time to scale our Globalist Interventionism down a bit. 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' is proving to be too costly in blood & treasure. The time has come for some real Peace. I know the Communists and Neocons don't want that to happen, but at some point i think the majority of Americans will make it happen. But then again, most do call me a 'Dreamer.' I just hope i'm not the only one.
Now he's plagiarizing John Lennon. So let's update:
Liar ... check
Hypocrite ... check
Coward .... double check

There we go.
Excellent points. They want it both ways. As if capitalism and its unwieldy growth can happen in a vacuum without affecting anything else.

capitalism and freedom made this country great for 200 years. Now liberalism and marxism are destroying it. and you silly shits can't see it. :cuckoo:

Don't think anyone mentioned "freedom" above but since you bring it up in relation to capitalism, let us know how that worked out for Native Americans. Describe how 'free' they're feeling about now. Let us know how it worked out for Africans for four hundred years too.

As just noted, these things come at a price, whether we acknowledge that price or not.

And by the way it was Liberalism that invented this country, Jack. Even if we were way late getting the Liberal tenet of "all men are created equal" into practice.

the treatment of native americans and slavery had nothing to do with whether the country was capitalist or socialist. 400 years of slavery???? lets see 1776 until 2176, OK. :cuckoo:

"all men are created equal" is not a liberal tenet-------the liberal tenet would be "all men are created equal except the rulers who are above everyone else" Jack
Ron Paul. That was a good politician, way better than his conservative son.

Don't count his Son out just yet. He's been a real Leader on many serious issues facing our Nation. Is he his Father? No, but he has impressed me for the most part. His brave Leadership on Government domestic spying and Economic issues, is much appreciated by me. So for right now, he has my support.
capitalism and freedom made this country great for 200 years. Now liberalism and marxism are destroying it. and you silly shits can't see it. :cuckoo:

Don't think anyone mentioned "freedom" above but since you bring it up in relation to capitalism, let us know how that worked out for Native Americans. Describe how 'free' they're feeling about now. Let us know how it worked out for Africans for four hundred years too.

As just noted, these things come at a price, whether we acknowledge that price or not.

And by the way it was Liberalism that invented this country, Jack. Even if we were way late getting the Liberal tenet of "all men are created equal" into practice.

the treatment of native americans and slavery had nothing to do with whether the country was capitalist or socialist. 400 years of slavery???? lets see 1776 until 2176, OK. :cuckoo:

"all men are created equal" is not a liberal tenet-------the liberal tenet would be "all men are created equal except the rulers who are above everyone else" Jack

In a sense, correct -- the treatment of Native Americans and Africans had nothing to do with whether the country was capitalist. It was the other way around. We prospered; they paid the price. That's the point -- there IS a price, even if we like to bury our collective head in the sand and pretend they're invisible.

Or put another way, the treatment of Native Americans and Africans had everything to do with capitalism, in that they made it possible. Hell, the Native Americans alone made it possible to inhabit the place, as the European had no clue what they were doing. Then the Africans lubricated the element of Cheap Labor. Not a factor, though (/sarc)

By the way if your history books are telling you slavery started in 1776, you need new history books. Outside of Native Americans enslaved as long ago as Columbus -- who like the Puritans came for reasons of wealth -- Africans have been enslaved here since 1581 (St. Augustine Florida) so you were only off by two hundred years. That's a long time to make the casualties invisible.

Or did you think the Founders just .... showed up one day in 1776, had breakfast and put "start a country" on the list of things to do today, on a blank slate where no commerce existed?

And yes, "all men are created equal" is the very essence of Liberalism -- as opposed to serfdom and aristocracy and the Church, the authority figures that Liberalism was revolutionizing against. What I just did was remind us all that we haven't always practiced what we profess -- but those costs, including several million lives, are just as real.

Don't come in here historically unarmed, Jack. You'll fall down and break your crown.
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Ron Paul. That was a good politician, way better than his conservative son.

Don't count his Son out just yet. He's been a real Leader on many serious issues facing our Nation. Is he his Father? No, but he has impressed me for the most part. His brave Leadership on Government domestic spying and Economic issues, is much appreciated by me. So for right now, he has my support.

^^ capitalizes "Son" [sic] and "Father" [sic] as if they're some kind of gods. :rofl:

Ron Paul. That was a good politician, way better than his conservative son.

Don't count his Son out just yet. He's been a real Leader on many serious issues facing our Nation. Is he his Father? No, but he has impressed me for the most part. His brave Leadership on Government domestic spying and Economic issues, is much appreciated by me. So for right now, he has my support.

^^ capitalizes "Son" [sic] and "Father" [sic] as if they're some kind of gods. :rofl:


Man, you do know your stalking is really creepy? Don't ya? It's actually a sign you've accepted that you're my little bitch who's only worthy of being bitch slapped at my convenience. You're owned bitch. Capisce. :)
Ron Paul. That was a good politician, way better than his conservative son.

Don't count his Son out just yet. He's been a real Leader on many serious issues facing our Nation. Is he his Father? No, but he has impressed me for the most part. His brave Leadership on Government domestic spying and Economic issues, is much appreciated by me. So for right now, he has my support.

But the thing with Ron is what I like (fiscally conservative and socially liberal). Rand is socially conservative as well.
Don't count his Son out just yet. He's been a real Leader on many serious issues facing our Nation. Is he his Father? No, but he has impressed me for the most part. His brave Leadership on Government domestic spying and Economic issues, is much appreciated by me. So for right now, he has my support.

^^ capitalizes "Son" [sic] and "Father" [sic] as if they're some kind of gods. :rofl:


Man, you do know your stalking is really creepy? Don't ya? It's actually a sign you've accepted that you're my little bitch who's only worthy of being bitch slapped at my convenience. You're owned bitch. Capisce. :)

What is it with you, Freak? You think I'm not allowed to post in your thread? You some kind of fascist?

Yet another update then...
Liar ... check
Hypocrite ... check
Coward .... double check
Randbot worshipper ... infinity check
Cultural Thief ... check
Authoritarian dickhead ... :thup:

insert usual "including, but not limited to" legal phraseology...
^^ capitalizes "Son" [sic] and "Father" [sic] as if they're some kind of gods. :rofl:


Man, you do know your stalking is really creepy? Don't ya? It's actually a sign you've accepted that you're my little bitch who's only worthy of being bitch slapped at my convenience. You're owned bitch. Capisce. :)

What is it with you, Freak? You think I'm not allowed to post in your thread? You some kind of fascist?

Yet another update then...
Liar ... check
Hypocrite ... check
Coward .... double check
Randbot worshipper ... infinity check
Cultural Thief ... check
Authoritarian dickhead ... :thup:

insert usual "including, but not limited to" legal phraseology...

Dude, you're just a whiny stalker loon. But you're certainly not the first to grace a Message Board site. It's actually pretty common. You got pwned several times, and you're still butthurt over it. It's as simple as that. But hey, go on stalking. I don't mind bitch slapping a little bitch like you. It's kinda fun. :)
Thanks, I knew I was forgetting something...
Liar ...
Hypocrite ...
Abject Coward ....
Randbot worshipper ...
Cultural Thief ...
Authoritarian dickhead ...
Whiner. There.


Thanks, I knew I was forgetting something...
Liar ...
Hypocrite ...
Abject Coward ....
Randbot worshipper ...
Cultural Thief ...
Authoritarian dickhead ...
Whiner. There.



Nah, you've already proven you're a silly butthurt stalker. The proof is there for anyone to see. But like i said, you're not the first butthurt stalker we've seen here. In fact, you actually rate pretty low in the rankings. I've had other far tougher and more intelligent stalkers here. You're a butthurt stalker newb. Nothing more, nothing less. But hey, stalk away. However, i'm bored now. So have a good one. See ya.
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We have never hid behind our borders like the pussy Paul wants. Isolationism does nothing but cause needless deaths because evil doesn't disappear because you ignore it.

tapatalk post
We have never hid behind our borders like the pussy Paul wants. Isolationism does nothing but cause needless deaths because evil doesn't disappear because you ignore it.

tapatalk post

you don't get it. What has trying to police the world gotten us? thousands of dead americans, billions of wasted dollars, and the world hates us.

When the USA is threatened we should unleash the full force on the US military on whoever threatens us, but until then--stay the fuck out of other countries business.
We have never hid behind our borders like the pussy Paul wants. Isolationism does nothing but cause needless deaths because evil doesn't disappear because you ignore it.

tapatalk post

That's a very warped way of looking at things. Our Foreign Policy should reflect a simple but profound teaching...'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

These days we're too often doing things to other Nations we would never tolerate being done to us. It's time to change that.
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We have never hid behind our borders like the pussy Paul wants. Isolationism does nothing but cause needless deaths because evil doesn't disappear because you ignore it.

tapatalk post

That's a very warped way of looking at things. Our Foreign Policy should reflect a simple but profound teaching...'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

These days we're too often doing things to other Nations we would never tolerate being done to us. It's time to change that.

Look at you try and act altruistic when in truth if we would have helped Germany after wwi Hitler wouldn't have come power

tapatalk post
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We have never hid behind our borders like the pussy Paul wants. Isolationism does nothing but cause needless deaths because evil doesn't disappear because you ignore it.

tapatalk post

That's a very warped way of looking at things. Our Foreign Policy should reflect a simple but profound teaching...'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

These days we're too often doing things to other Nations we would never tolerate being done to us. It's time to change that.

Look at you try and act altruistic when in truth if we would have helped Germany after wwi Hitler wouldn't have come power

tapatalk post

Always about Hitler and the Nazis. Man, that shite is so tired and lame at this point. Let's have a humble and just Foreign Policy again. Let's start doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. Let's start from there, before making any decisions.
That's a very warped way of looking at things. Our Foreign Policy should reflect a simple but profound teaching...'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

These days we're too often doing things to other Nations we would never tolerate being done to us. It's time to change that.

Look at you try and act altruistic when in truth if we would have helped Germany after wwi Hitler wouldn't have come power

tapatalk post

Always about Hitler and the Nazis. Man, that shite is so tired and lame at this point. Let's have a humble and just Foreign Policy again. Let's start doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. Let's start from there, before making any decisions.

I don't ignore history.

tapatalk post

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