Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.
We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.

The coup was likely instigated by Americans. So naturally they would support it.

This explains it rather well.
Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev
The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?
The date of this picture posted at Reuters is most interesting n'est pas?

Now I'm not big on conspiracy theories and the like but I know when an unpleasant fact jumps off a page and grabs me by my throat and wrestles me to the ground to pound some sense into me.

I know truth when I see it. I'm not sure the extent of the US interference in the coup but there is no doubt whatsoever that the US was on this crisis like a dog on a bone.


Ukraine says not investigating bugging of U.S. diplomats phone talk | Reuters

Ukrainian opposition leaders Oleh Tyahnybok (L), Vitaly Klitschko (2nd R, back) and Arseny Yatsenyuk (R) pose for a picture with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland during a meeting in Kiev February 6, 2014.

Credit: Reuters/Andrew Kravchenko/Pool

Doesn't Nuland look like the cat that just swallowed the canary?
We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.

The coup was likely instigated by Americans. So naturally they would support it.

This explains it rather well.
Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev
The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?
The link is relatively long, but it names the names behind Ukraine's Orange Revolution 2.0

"If the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland had not said 'F**k the EU,' few outsiders at the time would have heard of Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, the man on the other end of her famously bugged telephone call.

"But now Washington’s man in Kiev is gaining fame as the face of the CIA-style 'destabilization campaign' that brought down Ukraine’s monumentally corrupt but legitimately elected President Viktor Yanukovych.

“'Geoffrey Pyatt is one of these State Department high officials who does what he’s told and fancies himself as a kind of a CIA operator,' laughs Ray McGovern, who worked for 27 years as an intelligence analyst for the agency.

"'It used to be the CIA doing these things,' he tells Democracy Now. 'I know that for a fact.'

"Now it’s the State Department, with its coat-and-tie diplomats, twitter and facebook accounts, and a trick bag of goodies to build support for American policy."

The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?
Most of the protestors in Ukraine(other than the right "nationalist" muscle) were shit eating pro-EU liberals. Real right wingers oppose the EU and their attempts to eat up Ukraine, real right wingers oppose the Imperialism of the EU and NATO who are looking to surround Russia. Whether it be Patrick Buchanan in the US, or nationalists in Europe like UKIP, BNP, Front National, Dutch Freedom Party, Austrian Freedom Party, Flemish Interest, Lega Nord, Golden Dawn, Jobbik, Ataka(Bulgaria) and NPD in Germany among others have voiced opposed the NATO/EU coup in Kiev and support the right of self determination for Crimea and East Ukraine, and respect the traditionalist tendencies of Putin.

You are the liberal, Neo-Cons like you are merely hawkish leftists, born of trotskyite jews like Irving Kristol.

Dont worry I am sure you will be safe in your basement smoking dope . At least until the new world war starts .... Your ignorance is astounding.

Commie go home.

I am home and I love my country

tapatalk post
We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.
Again a loser blaming America for a tyrants action . Just like the pathetic liberal you are.

tapatalk post

Shit-eater....Russia plussed up their military forces in "Crimea" to pull off the "insider" invasion.

Those weren't local drunk Russian speaking Ukrainian traitors standing around with AK47s and grenades in Russian military uniforms and ski masks, those were Russian special forces, FSB and hired goons.

The Ukrainian military wouldn't surrender to Crimean locals standing outside their gates with weapons, they would've blown their asses away. They knew those were Russian troops with the threats of tanks, APCs and helicopters backing up their aggression.

Some Ukrainian military in Crimea decided to surrender since they didn't want to die and they are married to Russian-speaking women. The rest went back to Ukraine to rejoin their military forces now on alert because Russia is mobilized on their southern and eastern borders.

Of course a crazy fuck like you is on the internet with no intel connections talking out your fucking inbred ass.

That was then. This is now. Then Russia invaded Afghanistan. Now? Crimea ran to embrace Mother Russia again after the coup in Kiev.

Russia's home to her Black Sea Fleet is safe. He has no reason to invade the Ukraine. None at all.

History is important. Do you think Putin is doing something new? Hell he is ripping of Hitler who ripped off someone else. Sanctions dont cost much but they could save us a bundle IF we can stop a new world war. Paul isn't just wrong he is dangerously wrong. Isolationism doesn't work... Has never worked....will never work. History.

But Putin and Russia have not invaded the Ukraine. One must remember despite the bullshit we've been getting from our media that Russia by a treaty signed in 1997 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea. And Russia has paid handsomely for this privilege to operate her Black Sea Fleet out of the ports in Crimea.
She is either insane or a Russian plant here to spread bullshit.

The Russians operate in cyber with network attacks but they also spread information operations bullshit spreading lies about the US, EU, etc.

Afterall....they claim "CIA snipers" were killing people in Kyiv during the if the US would do that or gain anything from shooting protestors. :cuckoo:

My God you been guzzling the Koolaid....

With all due respect Thanatos I've been following this unfolding saga for quite some time now. As soon as I learned that Svoboda and the Right Sector were leading the Maidan coup in Kiev alarm bells went off big time for me.

Bit of a background for you. I'm third generation Uk on my mothers side living in Canada in the third largest population of Ukrainians in the world only after the Ukraine and Russia.

AND I'm the last person to be pro Russian because I grew up hating the USSR and Stalin for what they did to Ukrainians.

I've gone to sources world wide to cross reference every piece of data I have put up in the past little bit since the coup took place and the new illegal interim government seized power.

Crimea was not invaded.

LOL it was invaded. Or do you call using soldiers to keep hostages in a police building social work? I do hope you dont revert to the thinking of that idiot [MENTION=47146]Steinlight[/MENTION] and call the Ukrainians Nazis as well.
Yeah shitbag....Ukraine should understand their place in the world as Russia's bitch, eh?

They should let Russia pay off the corrupt leader that stole millions from the Ukrainian people, while he sold off Ukraine to Russia's gas companies and Russia's military industrial complex.

Oh, you didn't know Russia gets most of its weapons from Ukraine....because you are a dumbfuck. Russia can't let Ukraine become more independent, they have their slaves building them weapons and they pay out the nose for gas from Russia.

Plus, most of Russia's gas lines to Europe flow through Ukraine so a tariff on sending their overpriced gas to Germany will hurt the bottomline. Just imagine if Canada invaded the US to make sure the US kept paying out the nose for gas from Canada and didn't bother the gas lines going to Mexico....think about it, shithead.

We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.
Yeah shitbag....Ukraine should understand their place in the world as Russia's bitch, eh?

They should let Russia pay off the corrupt leader that stole millions from the Ukrainian people, while he sold off Ukraine to Russia's gas companies and Russia's military industrial complex.

Oh, you didn't know Russia gets most of its weapons from Ukraine....because you are a dumbfuck. Russia can't let Ukraine become more independent, they have their slaves building them weapons and they pay out the nose for gas from Russia.

Plus, most of Russia's gas lines to Europe flow through Ukraine so a tariff on sending their overpriced gas to Germany will hurt the bottomline. Just imagine if Canada invaded the US to make sure the US kept paying out the nose for gas from Canada and didn't bother the gas lines going to Mexico....think about it, shithead.

We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.

Who cares? It's none of our business. It's between Russia and Ukraine. We shouldn't be meddling. I'm not interested in flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars over there. It's not our fight. But you're welcome to suit up and join the Ukrainian Military. And you're also welcome to give em your own money. That's your call. But don't force the rest of us to do that.
Yeah shitbag....Ukraine should understand their place in the world as Russia's bitch, eh?

They should let Russia pay off the corrupt leader that stole millions from the Ukrainian people, while he sold off Ukraine to Russia's gas companies and Russia's military industrial complex.

Oh, you didn't know Russia gets most of its weapons from Ukraine....because you are a dumbfuck. Russia can't let Ukraine become more independent, they have their slaves building them weapons and they pay out the nose for gas from Russia.

Plus, most of Russia's gas lines to Europe flow through Ukraine so a tariff on sending their overpriced gas to Germany will hurt the bottomline. Just imagine if Canada invaded the US to make sure the US kept paying out the nose for gas from Canada and didn't bother the gas lines going to Mexico....think about it, shithead.

We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.

Who cares? It's none of our business. It's between Russia and Ukraine. We shouldn't be meddling. I'm not interested in flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars over there. It's not our fight. But you're welcome to suit up and join the Ukrainian Military. And you're also welcome to give em your own money. That's your call. But don't force the rest of us to do that.

Your ignorance is astounding. Listen boy we do things like trade with countries like the Ukraine and we make these things called treaties with them because of it..... Now we all already know you can not be trusted because you dont believe in keeping your word...Not surprising because your hero Paul never keeps his word ether.... Some of us think our word is important.
Yeah shitbag....Ukraine should understand their place in the world as Russia's bitch, eh?

They should let Russia pay off the corrupt leader that stole millions from the Ukrainian people, while he sold off Ukraine to Russia's gas companies and Russia's military industrial complex.

Oh, you didn't know Russia gets most of its weapons from Ukraine....because you are a dumbfuck. Russia can't let Ukraine become more independent, they have their slaves building them weapons and they pay out the nose for gas from Russia.

Plus, most of Russia's gas lines to Europe flow through Ukraine so a tariff on sending their overpriced gas to Germany will hurt the bottomline. Just imagine if Canada invaded the US to make sure the US kept paying out the nose for gas from Canada and didn't bother the gas lines going to Mexico....think about it, shithead.

Who cares? It's none of our business. It's between Russia and Ukraine. We shouldn't be meddling. I'm not interested in flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars over there. It's not our fight. But you're welcome to suit up and join the Ukrainian Military. And you're also welcome to give em your own money. That's your call. But don't force the rest of us to do that.

Your ignorance is astounding. Listen boy we do things like trade with countries like the Ukraine and we make these things called treaties with them because of it..... Now we all already know you can not be trusted because you dont believe in keeping your word...Not surprising because your hero Paul never keeps his word ether.... Some of us think our word is important.

Piss off Chickenhawk Chickenshit. Ron Paul bravely served his country. He served honorably in our Military. That's much more than you big mouth chickenshits have ever done. You care about Ukraine so much, head over to fight. And bring your checkbook too. Capisce.
Who cares? It's none of our business. It's between Russia and Ukraine. We shouldn't be meddling. I'm not interested in flushing $Billions in Tax Dollars over there. It's not our fight. But you're welcome to suit up and join the Ukrainian Military. And you're also welcome to give em your own money. That's your call. But don't force the rest of us to do that.

Your ignorance is astounding. Listen boy we do things like trade with countries like the Ukraine and we make these things called treaties with them because of it..... Now we all already know you can not be trusted because you dont believe in keeping your word...Not surprising because your hero Paul never keeps his word ether.... Some of us think our word is important.

Piss off Chickenhawk Chickenshit. Ron Paul bravely served his country. He served honorably in our Military. That's much more than you big mouth chickenshits have ever done. You care about Ukraine so much, head over to fight. And bring your checkbook too. Capisce.

He was a air force doctor. He worked on real brave men who got shot.
Your ignorance is astounding. Listen boy we do things like trade with countries like the Ukraine and we make these things called treaties with them because of it..... Now we all already know you can not be trusted because you dont believe in keeping your word...Not surprising because your hero Paul never keeps his word ether.... Some of us think our word is important.

Piss off Chickenhawk Chickenshit. Ron Paul bravely served his country. He served honorably in our Military. That's much more than you big mouth chickenshits have ever done. You care about Ukraine so much, head over to fight. And bring your checkbook too. Capisce.

He was a air force doctor. He worked on real brave men who got shot.

Yes, he risked his life saving his fellow Soldiers. And that's much more than you big mouth chickenshits will ever do for your country.
Piss off Chickenhawk Chickenshit. Ron Paul bravely served his country. He served honorably in our Military. That's much more than you big mouth chickenshits have ever done. You care about Ukraine so much, head over to fight. And bring your checkbook too. Capisce.

He was a air force doctor. He worked on real brave men who got shot.

Yes, he risked his life saving his fellow Soldiers. And that's much more than you big mouth chickenshits will ever do for your country.

No he didnt. He was in a hospital.
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Most if not all the dipshits screeching insults about Ron Paul, never served in our Military. Well Ron Paul did. He served our nation proudly and honorably. So all you Chickenhawk Chickenshits can go to hell.
We shouldn't have been so quick to support the Coup there. Would we want others to support hostile Coups on our Borders? No, we wouldn't tolerate it. We forced Russia's hand. That's gonna prove to be a big mistake. Another costly Foreign Policy blunder.

The coup was likely instigated by Americans. So naturally they would support it.

This explains it rather well.
Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev
The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?
The link is relatively long, but it names the names behind Ukraine's Orange Revolution 2.0

"If the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland had not said 'F**k the EU,' few outsiders at the time would have heard of Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, the man on the other end of her famously bugged telephone call.

"But now Washington’s man in Kiev is gaining fame as the face of the CIA-style 'destabilization campaign' that brought down Ukraine’s monumentally corrupt but legitimately elected President Viktor Yanukovych.

“'Geoffrey Pyatt is one of these State Department high officials who does what he’s told and fancies himself as a kind of a CIA operator,' laughs Ray McGovern, who worked for 27 years as an intelligence analyst for the agency.

"'It used to be the CIA doing these things,' he tells Democracy Now. 'I know that for a fact.'

"Now it’s the State Department, with its coat-and-tie diplomats, twitter and facebook accounts, and a trick bag of goodies to build support for American policy."

The Feds Who Schemed the Coup in Kiev ?

The covert actions perpetrated by our government, in destabilizing foreign governments, is an old story....repeated again and again. And yet, many Americans continue to accept the lies of our government again and again.

Obama nearly started a war in Syria, using the false flag event of sarin gas used by the rebels, but blamed on Assad. Remember his foolish 'red line' statement that he, his minions, progressives, and neocons all claimed America needed to back up or else?

They knew full well that Assad did not use WMDs, since MI6 proved the gas was not Assad's, but that did not matter. What mattered was Obama's credibility. So, kill and destroy to make a dumb man credible. It has been done before. Luckily at least in Syria, it did not happen.

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