Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...'ve been wrong about Putin and Ukraine from day 1, yet keep coming back for more ass whoopings....that is pure insanity.

Your trailer park must be very boring or Putin is paying you well.

Ignore tinydancer, it is either a Russian plant on this board or a nutjob posting from some trailer park in the US.

She defends Russia 24/7 here.

Strange that people in Crimea are now not very happy with the "invaders" she bloviates about here non-stop.

Reality is Putin is writing checks his ass can't cash, that is why he is holding off invading greater Ukraine. Stealing Crimea was easy, but paying for the invasion there and also taking over bigger chunks of Ukraine with his conscript military (aka non-volunteers) is expensive for his bankrupt goobermint.

No matter how much tinydancer cheers on Putin, in the end he will fail with a bullet in his head.

You are clinically insane. But you are amusing.


Let's see. I put up valid links to everything I post because as much as I believe people are entitled to their own opinion, people are not entitled to their own facts.

You on the other hand claim you are some sort of "insider" and you are using some sort of bizarre decoder ring to back up your out of control assertions.


Look if you want to believe the whole shebang bullshit that your government and my government are shoveling by all means knock yourself out.

If you feel good about believing all their lies about Fast and Furious, the IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare oh and so many that the White House is becoming known as the "home of the Whopper" well then you just keep your self esteem up you good little Obama soldier.

That's what you are 1776. A good little Obama soldier.
More American troops to Poland and the Baltics.

Seems like the elites are setting up things for an effort to control the American people, as has been done so many times in the past. Will Americans fall for it again?
More American troops to Poland and the Baltics.

Seems like the elites are setting up things for an effort to control the American people, as has been done so many times in the past. Will Americans fall for it again?

Well, some of the sheeple and wanna be military statists would jump at the chance, as one can easily ascertain by reading a few of the intellectually and morally stunted posting in this thread.
Another costly Foreign Policy debacle. That's all this is. Many will get rich and grow more powerful off this. They're the winners. Some Politicians, Corporations, and the Military Industrial Complex. But as usual, the big loser will be the average American Citizen. After it's all said & done, this misadventure is gonna cost em several $Billion in Tax Dollars. And with soaring gas & grocery prices here at home, it's money they just don't have. So there will be winners in this misadventure, but the American People won't be one of em.

Spoken like a true progressive liberal

tapatalk post

It's the truth. American Taxpayers can't afford another one of your costly misadventures.
Another costly Foreign Policy debacle. That's all this is. Many will get rich and grow more powerful off this. They're the winners. Some Politicians, Corporations, and the Military Industrial Complex. But as usual, the big loser will be the average American Citizen. After it's all said & done, this misadventure is gonna cost em several $Billion in Tax Dollars. And with soaring gas & grocery prices here at home, it's money they just don't have. So there will be winners in this misadventure, but the American People won't be one of em.

Spoken like a true progressive liberal

tapatalk post

You keep using that word, "progressive", though it has been clear since before you caught the ban hammer at Hannity that you dont have a clue what it means.
Yet it is you little statist, who is here touting the Obama-Kerry point of view.

Just another confused Neocon/Progressive.
More American troops to Poland and the Baltics.

Seems like the elites are setting up things for an effort to control the American people, as has been done so many times in the past. Will Americans fall for it again?
Some already have:

Ground Troops to Ukraine, Really Mr. Ambassador? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"In a 15 April OPED published in the Washington Post, former Ambassador and Bush Deputy National Security Advisor, James Jeffrey, now a fellow at the Washington Institute argues for the commitment of American ground forces to 'quell the crisis' in Ukraine."

Somehow, it's all starting to remind me of October '62.
More American troops to Poland and the Baltics.

Seems like the elites are setting up things for an effort to control the American people, as has been done so many times in the past. Will Americans fall for it again?
Some already have:

Ground Troops to Ukraine, Really Mr. Ambassador? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"In a 15 April OPED published in the Washington Post, former Ambassador and Bush Deputy National Security Advisor, James Jeffrey, now a fellow at the Washington Institute argues for the commitment of American ground forces to 'quell the crisis' in Ukraine."

Somehow, it's all starting to remind me of October '62.

If this crisis continues to heat up, it very well could be similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis. We were very lucky back then to avoid a nuclear exchange. I suspect this time our luck may have run out...considering the fools in charge today.
More American troops to Poland and the Baltics.

Seems like the elites are setting up things for an effort to control the American people, as has been done so many times in the past. Will Americans fall for it again?
Some already have:

Ground Troops to Ukraine, Really Mr. Ambassador? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"In a 15 April OPED published in the Washington Post, former Ambassador and Bush Deputy National Security Advisor, James Jeffrey, now a fellow at the Washington Institute argues for the commitment of American ground forces to 'quell the crisis' in Ukraine."

Somehow, it's all starting to remind me of October '62.

If this crisis continues to heat up, it very well could be similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis. We were very lucky back then to avoid a nuclear exchange. I suspect this time our luck may have run out...considering the fools in charge today.
I don't see any leaders on either side that remind me of JFK or Khrushchev or Vasili Arkhipov, for that matter.
None of you idiots seem to heed history.

tapatalk post

You have that exactly backwards.

You are the one who fails to heed history. To not know that the power elite loves war and has historically pushed nation after nation into war, for nefarious and self-serving reasons, is to not know the truth.

You have been duped by the power elite. That makes you a dupe FOR the power elite.

Why is it that some of us see the truth and others, like you, can't?

The power elite have proven themselves to be frauds, liars, and cheats throughout history. Yet you continue to march to their tune. Sad....very sad.
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And that if we don't act now, it will soon slip silently (like the boogeyman does) right into our front door and we'll be voting russia too! (Originally Posted by TakeAStepBack)

The U.S. isn't Russia's concern, and if it is, then Russia needs to manage it's priorities. Russia invaded Crimea to land-lock Ukraine. Russia will likely invade Ukraine for land from either three or four directions. Invading U.S. would be like the Italian Campaign in WWII-slow, costly, and ineffective, even if Russia won every single battle. You can only control a country through complete co-operation or overwhelming force. Russia has neither when it comes to the U.S., but she does have it in Crimea and Ukraine.
And that if we don't act now, it will soon slip silently (like the boogeyman does) right into our front door and we'll be voting russia too! (Originally Posted by TakeAStepBack)

The U.S. isn't Russia's concern, and if it is, then Russia needs to manage it's priorities. Russia invaded Crimea to land-lock Ukraine. Russia will likely invade Ukraine for land from either three or four directions. Invading U.S. would be like the Italian Campaign in WWII-slow, costly, and ineffective, even if Russia won every single battle. You can only control a country through complete co-operation or overwhelming force. Russia has neither when it comes to the U.S., but she does have it in Crimea and Ukraine.

I've read this claim that the loss of Crimea made Ukraine landlocked. Odd, I've been to Odessa on the Black Sea. I've been to other places in the Ukraine that are on the Black Sea. Odessa nor those other places are on Crimean peninsula.
obama will do nothing in Ukraine except send out unfriendly tweets. Now that Russia parked a spy ship off Florida the next tweet will be hash tag shame on you.
obama will do nothing in Ukraine except send out unfriendly tweets. Now that Russia parked a spy ship off Florida the next tweet will be hash tag shame on you.

I sure hope he does nothing...because if he does something, it could very well lead to WWIII.
obama will do nothing in Ukraine except send out unfriendly tweets. Now that Russia parked a spy ship off Florida the next tweet will be hash tag shame on you.

yes... we should create another unnecessary war for neocon loons.

psssst.... where was all your angst when putin invaded georgia on baby bush's watch....

oh right.

obama will do nothing in Ukraine except send out unfriendly tweets. Now that Russia parked a spy ship off Florida the next tweet will be hash tag shame on you.

yes... we should create another unnecessary war for neocon loons.

psssst.... where was all your angst when putin invaded georgia on baby bush's watch....

oh right.


Looks like one Communist didn't get the latest Talking Point memo. You're supposed to be supporting this intervention. And actually, Neocons have been honest & consistent on this one. It's you Communists who've been very dishonest & hypocritical on this. The Neocons fully supported intervening on Georgia's behalf as well. But you guys ridiculed and scolded them for that. Yet now you're all so Gung-ho supporting this intervention. But why? What makes the Ukrainian People more special than the Georgian People?
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obama will do nothing in Ukraine except send out unfriendly tweets. Now that Russia parked a spy ship off Florida the next tweet will be hash tag shame on you.

yes... we should create another unnecessary war for neocon loons.

psssst.... where was all your angst when putin invaded georgia on baby bush's watch....

oh right.


Looks like one Communist didn't get the latest Talking Point memo. You're supposed to be supporting this intervention. And actually, Neocons have been honest & consistent on this one. It's you Communists who've been very dishonest & hypocritical on this. The Neocons fully supported intervening on Georgia's behalf as well. But you guys ridiculed and scolded them for that. Yet now you're all so Gung-ho supporting this intervention. But why? What makes the Ukrainian People more special than the Georgian People?
It's possible Ukrainians and Georgians are pawns in the same bipartisan New World Order "anti-terrorism" campaign that has seen millions of Africans, Yugoslavs, Afghans, Syrians, and Iraqis maimed, murdered, and displaced since the Wall fell in '89.

We have to send a united message to the war-whores of the world: Einstein and Russell were right when they said either humanity puts an end to war or war will will end humanity.
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