Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

He is being weak. Broad sanctions for the entire country is needed. Squeeze Russia till they scream for Putins blood.

If you don't want liberal, pluralistic, globalist democracy, we will financially blackmail you into accepting it, homophobe shitlords.

wtf are you babbling about?

Putin needs to check his privilege. Isn't Russia like 90% White? The country sounds like some giant KKK rally. What are you, some teabagger who supports that cisbigot?
You know that GB isn't on board with the obamasanctions. obama is really hanging out there all alone. It really is comical. He's bumbling along thinking everyone is behind him, but when he looks back, no one is there!

He is being weak. Broad sanctions for the entire country is needed. Squeeze Russia till they scream for Putins blood.

Is that what you gleaned from watching Diane Sawyer this week?

Brief historical review for ya there sparky, sanctions only serve to strengthen the regime in power.
About 40 people have been burnt down in Odessa by nazi (Right Sector) terrorists supported by USA and EU (private war organizations are taking part in this massacre). Those people just wanted to live in Ukraine and to speak Russian languague. they're not separatists as you are told. They vote for solid united Ukraine with a right to speak russian. Nobody is going to speak with these ukranians. They were told that Kiev will dictate how they would live. If they disagree they are cut down. Many people ask Russia to come and to protect them.

I don't know if you know but one of the helicopters which attackes Slavansk city had been brought down by a missile launched by defenders. The pilot is alive. He was rescued by defenders while he was been disarmed by his friends from right sector. They have abandon his own guy.

There's an unbelievable and cinic difference in the ways this inside conflict is reported by news agencies. They are called 'pro-Russians'. But how so if they want to live in Ukraine and to speak both languagues. Now they just want to live.

There's a total informational war.
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About 40 people have been burnt down in Odessa by nazi (Right Sector) terrorists supported by USA and EU (private war organizations are taking part in this massacre). Those people just wanted to live in Ukraine and to speak Russian languague. they're not separatists as you are told. They vote for solid united Ukraine with a right to speak russian. Nobody is going to speak with these ukranians. They were told that Kiev will dictate how they would live. If they disagree they are cut down. Many people ask Russia to come and to protect them.

I don't know if you know but one of the helicopters which attackes Slavansk city had been brought down by a missile launched by defenders. The pilot is alive. He was rescued by defenders while he was been disarmed by his friends from right sector. They have abandon his own guy.

There's an unbelievable and cinic difference in the ways this inside conflict is reported by news agencies. They are called 'pro-Russians'. But how so if they want to live in Ukraine and to speak both languagues. Now they just want to live.

There's a total informational war.

Yes, Neo-Nazis were a big part of the coup in Kiev. And now our Government is forcing Taxpayers to fund and arm them. It's just another foreign policy debacle. Permanent War is the goal for the NWO Globalist Elites. It keeps the Sheeple in fear and in line. And it also makes a lot of cash for selected Elites. As usual, the American People will suffer. They'll be forced to pay for another sad misadventure.
About 40 people have been burnt down in Odessa by nazi (Right Sector) terrorists supported by USA and EU (private war organizations are taking part in this massacre). Those people just wanted to live in Ukraine and to speak Russian languague. they're not separatists as you are told. They vote for solid united Ukraine with a right to speak russian. Nobody is going to speak with these ukranians. They were told that Kiev will dictate how they would live. If they disagree they are cut down. Many people ask Russia to come and to protect them.

I don't know if you know but one of the helicopters which attackes Slavansk city had been brought down by a missile launched by defenders. The pilot is alive. He was rescued by defenders while he was been disarmed by his friends from right sector. They have abandon his own guy.

There's an unbelievable and cinic difference in the ways this inside conflict is reported by news agencies. They are called 'pro-Russians'. But how so if they want to live in Ukraine and to speak both languagues. Now they just want to live.

There's a total informational war.

Yes, Neo-Nazis were a big part of the coup in Kiev. And now our Government is forcing Taxpayers to fund and arm them. It's just another foreign policy debacle. Permanent War is the goal for the NWO Globalist Elites. It keeps the Sheeple in fear and in line. And it also makes a lot of cash for selected Elites. As usual, the American People will suffer. They'll be forced to pay for another sad misadventure.

The Russian propagandist can count on easy prey and support from stupid uninformed Americans.
About 40 people have been burnt down in Odessa by nazi (Right Sector) terrorists supported by USA and EU (private war organizations are taking part in this massacre). Those people just wanted to live in Ukraine and to speak Russian languague. they're not separatists as you are told. They vote for solid united Ukraine with a right to speak russian. Nobody is going to speak with these ukranians. They were told that Kiev will dictate how they would live. If they disagree they are cut down. Many people ask Russia to come and to protect them.

I don't know if you know but one of the helicopters which attackes Slavansk city had been brought down by a missile launched by defenders. The pilot is alive. He was rescued by defenders while he was been disarmed by his friends from right sector. They have abandon his own guy.

There's an unbelievable and cinic difference in the ways this inside conflict is reported by news agencies. They are called 'pro-Russians'. But how so if they want to live in Ukraine and to speak both languagues. Now they just want to live.

There's a total informational war.

Yes, Neo-Nazis were a big part of the coup in Kiev. And now our Government is forcing Taxpayers to fund and arm them. It's just another foreign policy debacle. Permanent War is the goal for the NWO Globalist Elites. It keeps the Sheeple in fear and in line. And it also makes a lot of cash for selected Elites. As usual, the American People will suffer. They'll be forced to pay for another sad misadventure.

The Russian propagandist can count on easy prey and support from stupid uninformed Americans.
True enough but the recent poll results indicating a weariness with global adventurism gives hope that they are starting to wise up.
Yes, Neo-Nazis were a big part of the coup in Kiev. And now our Government is forcing Taxpayers to fund and arm them. It's just another foreign policy debacle. Permanent War is the goal for the NWO Globalist Elites. It keeps the Sheeple in fear and in line. And it also makes a lot of cash for selected Elites. As usual, the American People will suffer. They'll be forced to pay for another sad misadventure.

The Russian propagandist can count on easy prey and support from stupid uninformed Americans.
True enough but the recent poll results indicating a weariness with global adventurism gives hope that they are starting to wise up.

I'm actually optimistic too. More Americans are catching on. They just need to become more aware of and involved with the 'Foreign Aid' issue. They can have a say. But they'll have to force the Politicians to listen. American Taxpayers don't have the money to blow on another unnecessary misadventure. Let Ukraine and Russia sort out their own problems.
The Russian propagandist can count on easy prey and support from stupid uninformed Americans.
True enough but the recent poll results indicating a weariness with global adventurism gives hope that they are starting to wise up.

I'm actually optimistic too. More Americans are catching on. They just need to become more aware of and involved with the 'Foreign Aid' issue. They can have a say. But they'll have to force the Politicians to listen. American Taxpayers don't have the money to blow on another unnecessary misadventure. Let Ukraine and Russia sort out their own problems.

Once again, you echo the Russian propaganda machine. Just this week the EU committed loan guarantees for 15 billion in loans from the IMF. The US held firm and did not budge from it's original guarantee of 1 billion. The USA has refused to get further involved beyond diplomatic efforts such as sanctions or take greater financial responsibility for the situation in Ukraine. The US has sent a clear message to Europe and Ukraine that while we will stand by and with our NATO allies and commitments, the Ukraine is Europe's responsibility. It is the Russian propaganda machine that is attempting to convince people that the USA is the major factor behind Ukraine's rejection of Russian intervention. USA and Europe have been careful to not fall into the Russian strategic trap of turning the intended Russian occupation of Ukraine appear to be a battle between Europe and the USA against Russia when it is in fact a battle between a relatively small sovereign nation with only a token military against a giant bully with a large military that everyone knows can overrun and slaughter the military and citizens of the small country.
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The Russian propagandist can count on easy prey and support from stupid uninformed Americans.
True enough but the recent poll results indicating a weariness with global adventurism gives hope that they are starting to wise up.

I'm actually optimistic too. More Americans are catching on. They just need to become more aware of and involved with the 'Foreign Aid' issue. They can have a say. But they'll have to force the Politicians to listen. American Taxpayers don't have the money to blow on another unnecessary misadventure. Let Ukraine and Russia sort out their own problems.

If only American politicians would work for peace, rather than war.

If our leaders would negotiate fairly and openly with both sides to find an acceptable solution, rather than operating covertly and deceitfully for the interests of the power elite, America could use it's massive power and influence as a force for peace.
True enough but the recent poll results indicating a weariness with global adventurism gives hope that they are starting to wise up.

I'm actually optimistic too. More Americans are catching on. They just need to become more aware of and involved with the 'Foreign Aid' issue. They can have a say. But they'll have to force the Politicians to listen. American Taxpayers don't have the money to blow on another unnecessary misadventure. Let Ukraine and Russia sort out their own problems.

If only American politicians would work for peace, rather than war.

If our leaders would negotiate fairly and openly with both sides to find an acceptable solution, rather than operating covertly and deceitfully for the interests of the power elite, America could use it's massive power and influence as a force for peace.

Which government in the world doesn't work for the interest of the power elite in their country?
You know that GB isn't on board with the obamasanctions. obama is really hanging out there all alone. It really is comical. He's bumbling along thinking everyone is behind him, but when he looks back, no one is there!

He is being weak. Broad sanctions for the entire country is needed. Squeeze Russia till they scream for Putins blood.

That won't work at all. Putin is too popular in Russia. Our goals are too unpopular. If anything, instead of screaming for Putin's blood, the Russians will be screaming for American blood and European blood. Europe simply will not go along with harsh sanctions against Russia. They are economically tied to Russia. To Europe strict sanctions on Russia will hurt them as much, if not more, than it will Russia. The EU will go along with our foolishness so far, then no further. The EU leaders still have to answer to their own people.
To camp: so you are one of those maneaters who killed Ukranians in Odessa.
You say that I'm echoing Moscow's so if my relatives live in Ukraine ? You live on the opposite side of the planet and you are so know better what's going on here even better than those who was burnt down by your chained dogs ? Do you know any russian or ukranian word ? What are you sources of info ?


Look for information youselves people.
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To camp: so you are one of those maneaters who killed Ukranians in Odessa.

Look for information youselves people.

Novyye Russkiye will not work everywhere in Ukraine. Odessa is not Donetsk, Luhansk or Slavyansk.
What 'novyye russkiye' ?! What are you mammling about ? You don't understand the meaning of this phrase which you had heard somewhere. Let me explaine you.

Remember, 'novyy russkiy' means a man who decided to open his own business rather than to work at a state job like in the times of USSR. A businessman. Novyi Russkii is a man who knows how to earn much money. There's a popular image of him: he wears a red suit and, massive golden chain on his neck and a top model with him.

So what are your sources of information I repeat my question ?

What do you want to say that Russians will not work in Ukraine ?

If you support the genocide in Odessa you are a maneater. The gangsters who had burnt down alive people were laughing and called the burnt corpses - negroes...

You are fed with disinformation. Look for the truth yourselves.
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What 'novyye russkiye' ?! What are you mammling about ? You don't understand the meaning of this phrase which you had heard somewhere. Let me explaine you.

Remember, 'novyy russkiy' means a man who decided to open his own business rather than to work at a state job like in the times of USSR. A businessman. Novyi Russkii is a man who knows how to earn much money. There's a popular image of him: he wears a red suit and, massive golden chain on his neck and a top model with him.

So what are your sources of information I repeat my question ?

What do you want to say that Russians will not work in Ukraine ?

If you support the genocide in Odessa you are a maneater. The gangsters who had burnt down alive people were laughing and called the burnt corpses - negroes...

You are fed with disinformation. Look for the truth yourselves.

Let me explain you. You know this word zabluzhdeniya? It is what is novvy russkiye is in your thinking. We call it delusion. In Ukraine it is "New Russian". Ukraine today, Russian tomorrow. Maybe you can have a new red passport to prove you are Russian citizen. Many are being smuggled into Ukraine everyday. Real Russian document to prove you are Russian citizen living in Ukraine. Yesterday you Ukraine citizen, today you Russian citizen. Novvy Russkiye, Not mean sophisticated rich businessman in Moscow.
Bad and tragic fire in Odessa came from Transnistria Moldova Russians who fled to that building. They were trying to stop people from entering the building by throwing molotov cocktails from the rooftop at the people on the street below them. Video shows these flaming molotov cocktails hitting the sides of the building and windows and starting the fires. Over 200 of these ethnic Russians not from Odessa or Ukraine have been captured and arrested. Outside trouble makers burned themselves up.
"'What kind of law and order are you bringing here?! We are the f*****g residents of the Donetsk Region, not you!' one man shouted.

"Many of the soldiers interviewed by RT stringer Graham Phillips revealed they had come from western Ukrainian regions, including Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk.

"Kiev has been apparently relying on regional and ethnic differences in Ukraine while launching the military action, as a large part of eastern Ukrainian armed forces and police have been unwilling 'to fire at our own people.'"
If we had a leader as president instead of a racially correct presidunce each and every European nation would be sat down in a soundproof room and asked "What would you rather have on your doorstep, a Russian state or a Syrian type civil war?

Rather than let Ukraine fall into civil war europe will pat obama on his shaved head and work with Putin behind his back. Why is Putin laughing at obama's threats? He already has secured agreements to violate them. obama hasn't got the brains God gave a pissant.
The majority of people in eastern Ukraine don't want to join Russia, they just want more autonomy from Kyiv.

Putin is playing up lies that the people want him to enslave them as Russians by causing riots and blaming Ukraine for the riots.

It would be like if Mexico was trying to steal El Paso Texas from the US by sending their criminals, spies and non-uniformed special forces to blow up parts of the city and blaming it on the KKK attacking Mexicans living "peaceful" lives in Texas. In this case we are the big boy so Mexico can't pull that stunt, but Ukraine is too weak to stop evil Russia from taking over Ukrainian soil and claiming it as Russia.
Shithead....your broken English is very funny as well as you buying the bullshit put out by Putin.

Russian goons are killing people inside Ukraine then blaming some bogus "Nazi" group. :cuckoo:

Your sources are full of shit compared to what I know and read.

About 40 people have been burnt down in Odessa by nazi (Right Sector) terrorists supported by USA and EU (private war organizations are taking part in this massacre). Those people just wanted to live in Ukraine and to speak Russian languague. they're not separatists as you are told. They vote for solid united Ukraine with a right to speak russian. Nobody is going to speak with these ukranians. They were told that Kiev will dictate how they would live. If they disagree they are cut down. Many people ask Russia to come and to protect them.

I don't know if you know but one of the helicopters which attackes Slavansk city had been brought down by a missile launched by defenders. The pilot is alive. He was rescued by defenders while he was been disarmed by his friends from right sector. They have abandon his own guy.

There's an unbelievable and cinic difference in the ways this inside conflict is reported by news agencies. They are called 'pro-Russians'. But how so if they want to live in Ukraine and to speak both languagues. Now they just want to live.

There's a total informational war.

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