Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Asswipe....I predicted Putin would invade Ukraine when I first heard of the protests to kick the Russian puppet out of power in Kyiv.

You have no fucking clue about the other things I mentioned. :eusa_whistle:

You're just some psycho-fuck that sits in its own feces pontificating about the MIC, CIA and NSA trying to ruin your trailer park life.

The demented minds of liberals/losertarians...

China invades Taiwan.....the US is to blame.

Russia invades Kazakhstan...the US is to blame.

Iran builds a nuclear weapon and uses it on Israel....the US is to blame.

Russia steals the north pole for oil drilling rights....the US is to blame.

Well, none of your stated scenarios are reality. Just seems like loony wishful thinking to me. But hey, that's just my opinion.
Asswipe....I predicted Putin would invade Ukraine when I first heard of the protests to kick the Russian puppet out of power in Kyiv.

You have no fucking clue about the other things I mentioned. :eusa_whistle:

You're just some psycho-fuck that sits in its own feces pontificating about the MIC, CIA and NSA trying to ruin your trailer park life.

The demented minds of liberals/losertarians...

China invades Taiwan.....the US is to blame.

Russia invades Kazakhstan...the US is to blame.

Iran builds a nuclear weapon and uses it on Israel....the US is to blame.

Russia steals the north pole for oil drilling rights....the US is to blame.

Well, none of your stated scenarios are reality. Just seems like loony wishful thinking to me. But hey, that's just my opinion.

:lol: And you call others 'Crazy.' :cuckoo: you claim:

Iran isn't trying to get a nuclear weapon to use against Israel?

Russia doesn't have plans on taking over the natural resources in the arctic circle?

Russia isn't looking at ex-USSR satellites for their expansion policy?

China has no plan and claims on Taiwan???

The internet reminds me stupid people like you somehow are breathing and shitting on this planet, for some odd reason.


Asswipe....I predicted Putin would invade Ukraine when I first heard of the protests to kick the Russian puppet out of power in Kyiv.

You have no fucking clue about the other things I mentioned. :eusa_whistle:

You're just some psycho-fuck that sits in its own feces pontificating about the MIC, CIA and NSA trying to ruin your trailer park life.

Well, none of your stated scenarios are reality. Just seems like loony wishful thinking to me. But hey, that's just my opinion.

:lol: And you call others 'Crazy.' :cuckoo: you claim:

Iran isn't trying to get a nuclear weapon to use against Israel?

Russia doesn't have plans on taking over the natural resources in the arctic circle?

Russia isn't looking at ex-USSR satellites for their expansion policy?

China has no plan and claims on Taiwan???

The internet reminds me stupid people like you somehow are breathing and shitting on this planet, for some odd reason.


Asswipe....I predicted Putin would invade Ukraine when I first heard of the protests to kick the Russian puppet out of power in Kyiv.

You have no fucking clue about the other things I mentioned. :eusa_whistle:

You're just some psycho-fuck that sits in its own feces pontificating about the MIC, CIA and NSA trying to ruin your trailer park life.

:lol: And you call others 'Crazy.' :cuckoo:

Nah, those are just your weird wishful thinking delusions. Maybe it is time for you to up those meds? What do ya think?
"I doubt that the Ukraine crisis precipitated by Washington’s overthrow of the democratic government is over.

"Washington has won the propaganda war everywhere outside of Russia and Ukraine itself.

"Within Ukraine people are aware that the coup has made them worse off.

"The Crimea has already separated from the US puppet government in Kiev and rejoined Russia.

"Other parts of Russian Ukraine could follow.

"In Kiev itself where the unelected, imposed-by-Washington dictatorial government resides, extreme right-wing Ukrainian nationalists, whose roots go back to fighting for National Socialist Germany, are at work intimidating public prosecutors, media editors, and the US imposed 'government' itself.

"'There is an abundance of videos available on the Internet, some made by the extreme nationalists themselves, that clearly reveal the intimidation of the imposed and unelected government installed by Washington..'"

PressTV - How much war does Washington want?

Washington has been pushing NATO closer and closer to Russia since the Wall fell twenty years ago.

Is Ukraine where the bullet finally hits the bone?

We should have approached this in a more neutral fashion. But instead, we immediately supported the Coup. We've forced Russia's hand. What do we expect them to do now? It's just more Blow Back in action.
If the idea was to push NATO eastward to Putin's doorstep and ring his country with military bases and ballistic missile "defense" networks without Russian nationalists noticing, things aren't going too well for the "good guys."

This morning on a far-left radio station I heard the claim that the US was caught "flat-footed" by Putin's reaction in Crimea; they actually tried to blame Edward Snowden for "blinding" US intelligence to what the dastardly Russians are up to.

That same radio host also noted how the assassination that launched WWI came about after the assassin failed to find his target initially. The target went to his meeting while the assassin went to a coffee shop. Hours later, the target's car broke down outside the coffee shop, and the assassin finally got his chance to make History.

I'm pretty sure Snowden has an alibi for that one, but it's probably a good idea to mark July 28 on your 2014 calender, just in case...
We have the losertarian kooks that blame every problem around the planet on the US military, NSA and CIA, then there's the socialist kooks that go along with blaming the US and downplaying Russia invading their neighbors in Georgia, Ukraine....

Galician neo-nazi revisionists won't succeed in tearing Ukraine from it's Russian Slavic roots.
We have the losertarian kooks that blame every problem around the planet on the US military, NSA and CIA, then there's the socialist kooks that go along with blaming the US and downplaying Russia invading their neighbors in Georgia, Ukraine....

Not always true, but it certainly is true with the Ukraine situation.

Had the USA not intervened in the Ukraine, fomenting the overthrow of a democratically elected government, there would be no crisis today.
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We have the losertarian kooks that blame every problem around the planet on the US military, NSA and CIA, then there's the socialist kooks that go along with blaming the US and downplaying Russia invading their neighbors in Georgia, Ukraine....
Maybe the US should stop meddling in the political affairs of Russia's neighbors

"Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania met with US Vice President Joseph Biden on the Atlantic Council conference sidelines in Washington, DC, the Georgian Defense Ministry press service said..."

"'The current events in Ukraine and the events, which took place in Georgia over the past 20 years, are links of the same chain. For the past two decades the population of Georgia and Ukraine has been brainwashed by various foreign organizations sponsoring local NGOs,' Sanakoyev told Interfax on Sunday.

"In his opinion, the foreign agents created nationalist groups, which became the main strike force of the Georgian Rose Revolution and the Ukrainian Maidan.

"The transformation of national mentality in Georgia resulted in 'the death of many people, broken lives, the economic breakdown and other severe consequences,' he said.

"Further advancement along the Georgian trail 'threatens Ukraine with the collapse of its statehood,' the acting foreign minister indicated."

"'We can only hope that the Ukrainian people will be strong and wise enough to stop the slide into the abyss of civil war and resort to civilized methods of settlement of disagreements, while the international community will finally realize who it is actually dealing with,' Sanakoyev said."

Joe Biden, Georgia's DM confer on Ukraine, Georgian ambition to join NATO - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
We have the losertarian kooks that blame every problem around the planet on the US military, NSA and CIA, then there's the socialist kooks that go along with blaming the US and downplaying Russia invading their neighbors in Georgia, Ukraine....
Maybe the US should stop meddling in the political affairs of Russia's neighbors

"Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania met with US Vice President Joseph Biden on the Atlantic Council conference sidelines in Washington, DC, the Georgian Defense Ministry press service said..."

"'The current events in Ukraine and the events, which took place in Georgia over the past 20 years, are links of the same chain. For the past two decades the population of Georgia and Ukraine has been brainwashed by various foreign organizations sponsoring local NGOs,' Sanakoyev told Interfax on Sunday.

"In his opinion, the foreign agents created nationalist groups, which became the main strike force of the Georgian Rose Revolution and the Ukrainian Maidan.

"The transformation of national mentality in Georgia resulted in 'the death of many people, broken lives, the economic breakdown and other severe consequences,' he said.

"Further advancement along the Georgian trail 'threatens Ukraine with the collapse of its statehood,' the acting foreign minister indicated."

"'We can only hope that the Ukrainian people will be strong and wise enough to stop the slide into the abyss of civil war and resort to civilized methods of settlement of disagreements, while the international community will finally realize who it is actually dealing with,' Sanakoyev said."

Joe Biden, Georgia's DM confer on Ukraine, Georgian ambition to join NATO - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
Have you not been reading this thread? All that the apparatchiks of US state security do is golden and pure, without ever the first stain of negative results to the greater good of mankind.
All evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
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Dumbfuck....the Ukrainian PEOPLE rose up against the Russian puppet that ran on working with the EU then got bribed by Putin to stick with Russia.

This is why Putin is slowly invading Ukraine....he doesn't like his slave leaving the plantation. He likes raping her when he feels like it, idiot.

We have the losertarian kooks that blame every problem around the planet on the US military, NSA and CIA, then there's the socialist kooks that go along with blaming the US and downplaying Russia invading their neighbors in Georgia, Ukraine....

Not always true, but it certainly is true with the Ukraine situation.

Had the USA not intervened in the Ukraine, fomenting the overthrow of a democratically elected government, there would be no crisis today.
When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
Still not our problem, and vermin such as youself should be nailed to walls to be urinated upon by passing dogs a sign hung round the neck stating enemy of mankind.

On second thought, that would be the equivalent of joining you in your cesspool.
Ridicule is and always has been the cure for your ilk.
Go fuck yourself, shitbag.

You only care about yourself, you don't want to support weak people being preyed upon by evil people like Putin.

Hitler loved your kind, you helped him kill millions of innocent people all over Europe.

Hopefully some criminal gets his hands on you and people just laugh and point not helping you....

When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
Still not our problem, and vermin such as youself should be nailed to walls to be urinated upon by passing dogs a sign hung round the neck stating enemy of mankind.

On second thought, that would be the equivalent of joining you in your cesspool.
Ridicule is and always has been the cure for your ilk.
You really have to keep in mind that when the USSR dissolved itself they thought there was an understanding about future NON expansions of NATO. They should have listened to Bush 41 about Ukraine, but that's a different story.
In 1999 three former Warsaw Pact countries came into NATO. They were Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Two major factors kept Russia from getting overly upset about this development. The three nations had instigated the development and put pressure on NATO to let them in and none of them bordered on Russia. A buffer zone of nations continued to separate the new NATO nations and Russia.
Things changed drastically on 29 March 2004. On that day seven new NATO nations were created and the buffer zone vanished. Romania and Bulgaria gave NATO more concentrated access to the Black Sea and Southern Ukraine, including Crimea. Estonia and Latvia put them on the northern border and Lithuania with Poland, completely surrounded the small detached Kaliningrad, a small detached region on the Baltic Sea.
Eventually two more nations were added in 2009, Albania and Croatia. A wall of NATO forces is now on the Russian border zones with only Belarus and Ukraine continuing as buffers.
Can't really make a fair or informed evaluation of the Ukraine situation without this data in the equation.
Go fuck yourself, shitbag.

You only care about yourself, you don't want to support weak people being preyed upon by evil people like Putin.

Hitler loved your kind, you helped him kill millions of innocent people all over Europe.

Hopefully some criminal gets his hands on you and people just laugh and point not helping you....

Hitler, the goto rope to reach for when the ground is weak and shifting.

“America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these ‘isms’ wouldn’t today be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government – and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives.”
Winston Churchill 1936
Go fuck yourself, shitbag.

You only care about yourself, you don't want to support weak people being preyed upon by evil people like Putin.

Hitler loved your kind, you helped him kill millions of innocent people all over Europe.

Hopefully some criminal gets his hands on you and people just laugh and point not helping you....

When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
Still not our problem, and vermin such as youself should be nailed to walls to be urinated upon by passing dogs a sign hung round the neck stating enemy of mankind.

On second thought, that would be the equivalent of joining you in your cesspool.
Ridicule is and always has been the cure for your ilk.

It is sad so many Americans think as you do.

You have failed to learn ANYTHING from history, other than the lies promoted by the power elite. How is it you can be so easily duped into war? A war that will benefit the power elite and harm everyone else.

You warmongering fools are terribly dangerous and combined with the warmongering fools running our government, military, media, etc....we may be doomed.
Go fuck yourself, shitbag.

You only care about yourself, you don't want to support weak people being preyed upon by evil people like Putin.

Hitler loved your kind, you helped him kill millions of innocent people all over Europe.

Hopefully some criminal gets his hands on you and people just laugh and point not helping you....

Still not our problem, and vermin such as youself should be nailed to walls to be urinated upon by passing dogs a sign hung round the neck stating enemy of mankind.

On second thought, that would be the equivalent of joining you in your cesspool.
Ridicule is and always has been the cure for your ilk.

It is sad so many Americans think as you do.

You have failed to learn ANYTHING from history, other than the lies promoted by the power elite. How is it you can be so easily duped into war? A war that will benefit the power elite and harm everyone else.

You warmongering fools are terribly dangerous and combined with the warmongering fools running our government, military, media, etc....we may be doomed.

The Globalist Elites are definitely profiting off this permanent state of War we're stuck in. But the People aren't, and never will. We need to end this Permanent War. It is time for Peace.
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We have the losertarian kooks that blame every problem around the planet on the US military, NSA and CIA, then there's the socialist kooks that go along with blaming the US and downplaying Russia invading their neighbors in Georgia, Ukraine....
Maybe the US should stop meddling in the political affairs of Russia's neighbors

"Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania met with US Vice President Joseph Biden on the Atlantic Council conference sidelines in Washington, DC, the Georgian Defense Ministry press service said..."

"'The current events in Ukraine and the events, which took place in Georgia over the past 20 years, are links of the same chain. For the past two decades the population of Georgia and Ukraine has been brainwashed by various foreign organizations sponsoring local NGOs,' Sanakoyev told Interfax on Sunday.

"In his opinion, the foreign agents created nationalist groups, which became the main strike force of the Georgian Rose Revolution and the Ukrainian Maidan.

"The transformation of national mentality in Georgia resulted in 'the death of many people, broken lives, the economic breakdown and other severe consequences,' he said.

"Further advancement along the Georgian trail 'threatens Ukraine with the collapse of its statehood,' the acting foreign minister indicated."

"'We can only hope that the Ukrainian people will be strong and wise enough to stop the slide into the abyss of civil war and resort to civilized methods of settlement of disagreements, while the international community will finally realize who it is actually dealing with,' Sanakoyev said."

Joe Biden, Georgia's DM confer on Ukraine, Georgian ambition to join NATO - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
Have you not been reading this thread? All that the apparatchiks of US state security do is golden and pure, without ever the first stain of negative results to the greater good of mankind.
All evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
I'm not sure the apparatchiks at the CIA and FBI got your memo:

"Now that the situation in Unkarine has officially been upgraded to 'war', what really happens on the ground will remain largely wrapped by the fog of war on either side, with just one thing assured: a war it may be but more than anything it is a proxy war - one in which both western and Russian interests are manifest in the fighting, and killing, of mostly innocent civilians in Ukraine - a carbon copy replica of what happened last year in Syria.

"The latest reminder of just this comes from AFP which reports, citing Germany's Bild, that 'dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government.'"

Dozens Of CIA, FBI Agents "Advising Ukraine Government", German Press Reports | Zero Hedge

Apparently, the New World Order hit a roadblock in Syria and Iran, so the neo-cons decided to march on Moscow. I wonder if Ukrainians know the old proverb about what happens to the grass when elephants tussle?

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