Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
A better question is whether "we" encouraged "our" puppet in Georgia to invade South Ossetia?

"The five-day long, 2008 war between Russia and Georgia created controversy, with both sides blaming each other for starting the war.

"A European Union investigation claimed that the conflict began with a large-scale Georgian military operation against Tskhinvali, but noted that this was a 'not proportionate' response to pre-war South Ossetian attacks.

"It also concluded that Russia did have the right to intervene in cases of attacks against Russian peacekeepers, but did not have facts to substantiate the claimed attack on the peacekeepers."

Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
A better question is whether "we" encouraged "our" puppet in Georgia to invade South Ossetia?

"The five-day long, 2008 war between Russia and Georgia created controversy, with both sides blaming each other for starting the war.

"A European Union investigation claimed that the conflict began with a large-scale Georgian military operation against Tskhinvali, but noted that this was a 'not proportionate' response to pre-war South Ossetian attacks.

"It also concluded that Russia did have the right to intervene in cases of attacks against Russian peacekeepers, but did not have facts to substantiate the claimed attack on the peacekeepers."

Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

all these former soviet states would probably be better off with Russia anyway. Why are we wasting our time even considering arming the Ukrainians? All we're going to do is stoke violence. Instead of spending money on Ukraine we should be helping Japan out with its nuclear reactor problems.
Some people here who say that they are Americans are really nazi cockroaches from West Ukraine who spit away as camels as they have been bought by CIA-mafia for that.
USSR will be reunited (that's for sure!) and Kuzma's Mother will be shown to all fascists! We will bury you!

M. F. !
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When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
A better question is whether "we" encouraged "our" puppet in Georgia to invade South Ossetia?

"The five-day long, 2008 war between Russia and Georgia created controversy, with both sides blaming each other for starting the war.

"A European Union investigation claimed that the conflict began with a large-scale Georgian military operation against Tskhinvali, but noted that this was a 'not proportionate' response to pre-war South Ossetian attacks.

"It also concluded that Russia did have the right to intervene in cases of attacks against Russian peacekeepers, but did not have facts to substantiate the claimed attack on the peacekeepers."

Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

all these former soviet states would probably be better off with Russia anyway. Why are we wasting our time even considering arming the Ukrainians? All we're going to do is stoke violence. Instead of spending money on Ukraine we should be helping Japan out with its nuclear reactor problems.
It seems there is more profit in instability than stability for some very important industries like arms, energy sources, and illegal drug sales. The same penchant for instability has held in the financial arena since Bretton Woods collapsed in 1971. Ukraine is where the action is today, and Venezuela is probably next on the neo-con's regime change schedule.
go to hell you fucking Russian inbred. :cuckoo:

Some people here who say that they are Americans are really nazi cockroaches from West Ukraine who spit away as camels as they have been bought by CIA-mafia for that.
USSR will be reunited (that's for sure!) and Kuzma's Mother will be shown to all fascists! We will bury you!

M. F. !
You are a shit-eating stupid fuck.

You make up shit that I said "go to war with Russia" to fit your retarded agenda. :cuckoo:

Nobody here has said go to war over Ukraine, we said support Ukraine with weapons and intelligence while hammering Russia with political and economic sanctions to force someone in Russia to put a bullet in Putin's head....that concept should've happened with Hitler before got millions killed.

You're a moron to me, especially the information I have access to that you have no clue about unless it somehow reaches the media......go fuck yourself, inbred.

Go fuck yourself, shitbag.

You only care about yourself, you don't want to support weak people being preyed upon by evil people like Putin.

Hitler loved your kind, you helped him kill millions of innocent people all over Europe.

Hopefully some criminal gets his hands on you and people just laugh and point not helping you....

Still not our problem, and vermin such as youself should be nailed to walls to be urinated upon by passing dogs a sign hung round the neck stating enemy of mankind.

On second thought, that would be the equivalent of joining you in your cesspool.
Ridicule is and always has been the cure for your ilk.

It is sad so many Americans think as you do.

You have failed to learn ANYTHING from history, other than the lies promoted by the power elite. How is it you can be so easily duped into war? A war that will benefit the power elite and harm everyone else.

You warmongering fools are terribly dangerous and combined with the warmongering fools running our government, military, media, etc....we may be doomed.
Demented fuck. :cuckoo:

When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
A better question is whether "we" encouraged "our" puppet in Georgia to invade South Ossetia?

"The five-day long, 2008 war between Russia and Georgia created controversy, with both sides blaming each other for starting the war.

"A European Union investigation claimed that the conflict began with a large-scale Georgian military operation against Tskhinvali, but noted that this was a 'not proportionate' response to pre-war South Ossetian attacks.

"It also concluded that Russia did have the right to intervene in cases of attacks against Russian peacekeepers, but did not have facts to substantiate the claimed attack on the peacekeepers."

Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

all these former soviet states would probably be better off with Russia anyway. Why are we wasting our time even considering arming the Ukrainians? All we're going to do is stoke violence. Instead of spending money on Ukraine we should be helping Japan out with its nuclear reactor problems.
:cuckoo: Someday you will burn in hell, and I will celebrate.

When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
A better question is whether "we" encouraged "our" puppet in Georgia to invade South Ossetia?

"The five-day long, 2008 war between Russia and Georgia created controversy, with both sides blaming each other for starting the war.

"A European Union investigation claimed that the conflict began with a large-scale Georgian military operation against Tskhinvali, but noted that this was a 'not proportionate' response to pre-war South Ossetian attacks.

"It also concluded that Russia did have the right to intervene in cases of attacks against Russian peacekeepers, but did not have facts to substantiate the claimed attack on the peacekeepers."

Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uh, Russia has no legal authority over another country's defense. :cuckoo:

They can't tell another country what they can and can't do regarding matters in their own border.

If Russia wasn't evil and a threat to all of Europe, Asia, etc...then countries wouldn't feel the need to join NATO.

Sweden and Finland haven't joined NATO because they felt Russia didn't want their land...but those thoughts are now changing because of what psychofuck Putin is doing with Ukraine and talking up invading other European countries for a greater Russia.

A criminal doesn't have the right to tell people they can't put up a fence for their yard and locks on their doors, dumbfuck.

You really have to keep in mind that when the USSR dissolved itself they thought there was an understanding about future NON expansions of NATO. They should have listened to Bush 41 about Ukraine, but that's a different story.
In 1999 three former Warsaw Pact countries came into NATO. They were Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Two major factors kept Russia from getting overly upset about this development. The three nations had instigated the development and put pressure on NATO to let them in and none of them bordered on Russia. A buffer zone of nations continued to separate the new NATO nations and Russia.
Things changed drastically on 29 March 2004. On that day seven new NATO nations were created and the buffer zone vanished. Romania and Bulgaria gave NATO more concentrated access to the Black Sea and Southern Ukraine, including Crimea. Estonia and Latvia put them on the northern border and Lithuania with Poland, completely surrounded the small detached Kaliningrad, a small detached region on the Baltic Sea.
Eventually two more nations were added in 2009, Albania and Croatia. A wall of NATO forces is now on the Russian border zones with only Belarus and Ukraine continuing as buffers.
Can't really make a fair or informed evaluation of the Ukraine situation without this data in the equation.
:cuckoo: World War I compared to Ukraine?

Why don't you compare Hitler and Putin, shitstain?

Both came back to "beaten" countries after serving abroad for their countries. Both got into local politics rising to become dictator of their country with grand delusional visions of their country's position in history.

Both spewed Nationalist views and attacked minorities that "threatened" their plans for a pure race of people from their country. Both took control of industries and the media to ensure nobody was able to speak out and stop them.

Both of them made up bullshit claims of oppression of their people in weaker neighbors...then invaded them.

Oh are talking about WW1 when Putin is following Hitler's WW2 model, asswipe. :eusa_whistle:

Go fuck yourself, shitbag.

You only care about yourself, you don't want to support weak people being preyed upon by evil people like Putin.

Hitler loved your kind, you helped him kill millions of innocent people all over Europe.

Hopefully some criminal gets his hands on you and people just laugh and point not helping you....

Hitler, the goto rope to reach for when the ground is weak and shifting.

“America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these ‘isms’ wouldn’t today be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government – and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives.”
Winston Churchill 1936
You really have to keep in mind that when the USSR dissolved itself they thought there was an understanding about future NON expansions of NATO. They should have listened to Bush 41 about Ukraine, but that's a different story.
In 1999 three former Warsaw Pact countries came into NATO. They were Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Two major factors kept Russia from getting overly upset about this development. The three nations had instigated the development and put pressure on NATO to let them in and none of them bordered on Russia. A buffer zone of nations continued to separate the new NATO nations and Russia.
Things changed drastically on 29 March 2004. On that day seven new NATO nations were created and the buffer zone vanished. Romania and Bulgaria gave NATO more concentrated access to the Black Sea and Southern Ukraine, including Crimea. Estonia and Latvia put them on the northern border and Lithuania with Poland, completely surrounded the small detached Kaliningrad, a small detached region on the Baltic Sea.
Eventually two more nations were added in 2009, Albania and Croatia. A wall of NATO forces is now on the Russian border zones with only Belarus and Ukraine continuing as buffers.
Can't really make a fair or informed evaluation of the Ukraine situation without this data in the equation.

NATO is NOT an offensive alliance and only admits members that are politically, economically and socially stable. Bordering a NATO country is a good thing, not a bad thing, because such a country must meet certain human rights and stability requirements before becoming a member.

The only reason the Russians are concerned is that once these countries join NATO, Russia forever loses the ability to easily invade and rape these Eastern European countries like they did in the 20th century.
My question exactly. If the people vote to join Russia, who are we to tell them they cannot?

The U.S. and Great Britain feel they're the sole deciders on what's legal/illegal and what is or isn't 'Democracy.' They're just meddling around the World too much these days. Much of the World is beginning to resent it. This thing was none of our business. How many $Billions in Tax Dollars is this misadventure gonna cost us? I'm betting too much. What do you think?

[MENTION=33063]paulitician[/MENTION], this is the same ignorant stance people took with Hitler and Nazi, Germany. When the nightmare was all over, everyone said "they should have stopped Hitler sooner".

Don't be an idiot liberal-tarian. Actually learn from history. Only a liberal closes the barn door after the horses have all run off... :eusa_doh:
The socialists and losertarians support Putin through making up lies about the US military/CIA being the instigator of trouble in Asia, Europe, the middle east, etc.

The last time I checked, the US handed back a country to its people after removing the dictator from's called Iraq. I don't recall Russia saying they are going to give back Crimea once the dust settles and they install a new puppet to control in Kyiv.

Or Georgia losing pieces of its country to a Russian invasion. Ukraine is on the verge of losing half or all of its country to Russia if Putin has the balls to do it. Belarus, Lativa, Estonia, etc are all getting nervous about the Russians.....I don't recall anyone in Europe worried about the US invading them.....please tell, psychofucks.
Isolationists just ignore problems and history . I would like to say it was for lofty causes but truth it is because they in reality see their own country as the truly evil one.
My question exactly. If the people vote to join Russia, who are we to tell them they cannot?

The U.S. and Great Britain feel they're the sole deciders on what's legal/illegal and what is or isn't 'Democracy.' They're just meddling around the World too much these days. Much of the World is beginning to resent it. This thing was none of our business. How many $Billions in Tax Dollars is this misadventure gonna cost us? I'm betting too much. What do you think?

[MENTION=33063]paulitician[/MENTION], this is the same ignorant stance people took with Hitler and Nazi, Germany. When the nightmare was all over, everyone said "they should have stopped Hitler sooner".

Don't be an idiot liberal-tarian. Actually learn from history. Only a liberal closes the barn door after the horses have all run off... :eusa_doh:

There is a big problem with your post. The history YOU cite is not the REAL history, it is lies promoted by the power elite...and sadly, you have accepted it.

The truth about WWII is the power elite in the West wanted war with Germany for nefarious reasons and they got their war.

Hitler wanted portions of Poland, that in prior times WAS part of Germany. He tried to negotiate with Poland, but Poland would not negotiate because they were deceptively told by FDR, Britain, and others to not do so. Had he been given those former German lands, who knows, maybe WWII would have been averted...or at the every least, Hitler would have attacked the USSR, which was his intention all along. He never wanted war with the West...he wanted war with Stalin.

Stalin working with Hitler, in the hopes of instigating a war between Germany and the West so he could eventually take all of Europe,....succeeded partially with the West's help.

WWII can be summarized this way: The west helped destroyed Germany so that Stalin could enslave half of Europe for decades. Good job.
Isolationists just ignore problems and history . I would like to say it was for lofty causes but truth it is because they in reality see their own country as the truly evil one.

You have proven repeatedly that you know NOTHING about history.
You really have to keep in mind that when the USSR dissolved itself they thought there was an understanding about future NON expansions of NATO. They should have listened to Bush 41 about Ukraine, but that's a different story.
In 1999 three former Warsaw Pact countries came into NATO. They were Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Two major factors kept Russia from getting overly upset about this development. The three nations had instigated the development and put pressure on NATO to let them in and none of them bordered on Russia. A buffer zone of nations continued to separate the new NATO nations and Russia.
Things changed drastically on 29 March 2004. On that day seven new NATO nations were created and the buffer zone vanished. Romania and Bulgaria gave NATO more concentrated access to the Black Sea and Southern Ukraine, including Crimea. Estonia and Latvia put them on the northern border and Lithuania with Poland, completely surrounded the small detached Kaliningrad, a small detached region on the Baltic Sea.
Eventually two more nations were added in 2009, Albania and Croatia. A wall of NATO forces is now on the Russian border zones with only Belarus and Ukraine continuing as buffers.
Can't really make a fair or informed evaluation of the Ukraine situation without this data in the equation.

NATO is NOT an offensive alliance and only admits members that are politically, economically and socially stable. Bordering a NATO country is a good thing, not a bad thing, because such a country must meet certain human rights and stability requirements before becoming a member.

The only reason the Russians are concerned is that once these countries join NATO, Russia forever loses the ability to easily invade and rape these Eastern European countries like they did in the 20th century.

Russia does not have an "only reason" of concern about having NATO forces on their borders and not having a buffer zone of friendly, neutral or non armed potential enemies. There are political, economic and security issues that concern Russia and it's Federation states. They do not share your view that having a common border with NATO is a good thing.
:cuckoo: Someday you will burn in hell, and I will celebrate.

When Russia makes their move in the Kazakhstan and other former USSR are you stupid fuck inbreds going to blame the US for those invasions???

Did we force Russia to invade Georgia?

You people should be sterilized and locked up until you are dead to purify the gene pool from idiots.
A better question is whether "we" encouraged "our" puppet in Georgia to invade South Ossetia?

"The five-day long, 2008 war between Russia and Georgia created controversy, with both sides blaming each other for starting the war.

"A European Union investigation claimed that the conflict began with a large-scale Georgian military operation against Tskhinvali, but noted that this was a 'not proportionate' response to pre-war South Ossetian attacks.

"It also concluded that Russia did have the right to intervene in cases of attacks against Russian peacekeepers, but did not have facts to substantiate the claimed attack on the peacekeepers."

Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What do those imaginary voices (intel) tell you about the 1500 "advisers" from Blackwater who were on the ground in Georgia, and the Katucha rocket and artillery bombardment of Tskhinavali by the US puppet that produced over 2000 civilian casualties, mostly children and elderly?
The socialists and losertarians support Putin through making up lies about the US military/CIA being the instigator of trouble in Asia, Europe, the middle east, etc.

The last time I checked, the US handed back a country to its people after removing the dictator from's called Iraq. I don't recall Russia saying they are going to give back Crimea once the dust settles and they install a new puppet to control in Kyiv.

Or Georgia losing pieces of its country to a Russian invasion. Ukraine is on the verge of losing half or all of its country to Russia if Putin has the balls to do it. Belarus, Lativa, Estonia, etc are all getting nervous about the Russians.....I don't recall anyone in Europe worried about the US invading them.....please tell, psychofucks.
Do you happen to remember how many civilians the US maimed, murdered, and displaced in Iraq? How many dollars the US investor class made from a war they were too chicken-shit to fight in? Maybe you remember how many countries the US has invaded, occupied, and destabilized since 2001 on the opposite side of the planet from your shit-filled sty? Pathic losers like you never fail to project US war crimes on others.

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