Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

The greatest purveyor of violence in the world maims, murders, and displaces millions of civilians from sovereign states on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland yet still finds time to condemn those resisting its control:

"The US and EU have condemned President Vladimir Putin's first visit to Crimea since Russia annexed the peninsula from Ukraine in March.

"The US state department said the trip was 'provocative and unnecessary'.

"The Kiev government called it a 'gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty'".

Watch out Venezuela, you're next on the godfather's hit list.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Putin visit to Crimea angers US and EU

Yeah, it is pretty pathetic. The U.S. and Great Britain whining about meddling in other nations' affairs? Coming from the two most meddlesome Nations on Earth, that is just plain pathetic. America and Great Britain have an awful lot of innocent blood on their hands. When it comes to murder and mayhem around the World, they're at the top of the list. Russia isn't even close. Russia has a long long way to go to match their body counts.
Empire never learns.
The world rightly condemns Soviet crimes behind the Iron Curtain yet ignores the genocide perpetrated in Central America by forces loyal to the US during the same half-century

"No other nations on Earth have gotten away with instigating and engineering so many civil wars and revolutions, coup d’états and and government overthrows as the US-UK juggernaut.

"They in turn goad the EU and NATO into deliberate and premeditated military action that is neither legal nor ethical, lawful nor moral, to finish the ousting process.

"This acute phase of toppling a democratically elected government is then followed by aggressive overtures from the IMF and/or World Bank, as well as legal threats from the ICC in The Hague..."

"In the glaring illustration of the Ukraine, it is quite obvious what the Western Powers had planned all along.

"The Ukraine President even made a very unusual and heartfelt apology to his people for having not responded with decisiveness and strength to the unfolding government takeover.[1]

"This twitter-driven revolution happened so quickly during the Sochi Olympics that both he and Putin were seemingly blindsided.

"Nevertheless, the world watched in horror as the CIA & Company pulled off yet another coup d’état in broad daylight. And now the initiated and informed among us reel in disbelief as Obama et al. predictably blame the innocent, and issue their predictable threats of retaliation.

The Ukraine Deception: US/EU-Directed Coup D'état Exposes Itself
Hey stupid try to stay on topic huh?
So you think the gangsters running the US are different from Putin?
Your government will exterminate anyone it believes poses a threat to the oligarchs who control US policies just as Putin and "Yats" will. The goals of corporate capitalism are indistinguishable from the goals of states like Ukraine, Russia, or the US.

It is capitalism, not government, that is the problem in Ukraine.
You were doing pretty good until that last statement. Governments and their corruption will always be the problem.
Hey stupid try to stay on topic huh?
So you think the gangsters running the US are different from Putin?
Your government will exterminate anyone it believes poses a threat to the oligarchs who control US policies just as Putin and "Yats" will. The goals of corporate capitalism are indistinguishable from the goals of states like Ukraine, Russia, or the US.

It is capitalism, not government, that is the problem in Ukraine.
You were doing pretty good until that last statement. Governments and their corruption will always be the problem.
You're right.
We've definitely got some problems with government in Ukraine, Russia, and the US:

"On January 16, the Ukrainian government, headed by President Yanukovych, tried to put an end to Ukrainian civil society.

"A series of laws passed hastily and without following normal procedure did away with freedom of speech and assembly, and removed the few remaining checks on executive authority.

"This was intended to turn Ukraine into a dictatorship and to make all participants in the Maidan, by then probably numbering in the low millions, into criminals.

"The result was that the protests, until then entirely peaceful, became violent. Yanukovych lost support, even in his political base in the southeast, near the Russian border.."

"The dictatorship laws of January 16 were obviously based on Russian models, and were proposed by Ukrainian legislators with close ties to Moscow. They seem to have been Russia’s condition for financial support of the Yanukovych regime.

"Before they were announced, Putin offered Ukraine a large loan and promised reductions in the price of Russian natural gas. But in January the result was not a capitulation to Russia.

"The people of the Maidan defended themselves, and the protests continue. Where this will lead is anyone’s guess; only the Kremlin expresses certainty about what it all means."

The opinion above was published 19 February 2014 or one day before sniper attacks that drove Yanukovych from power.

The question is whether to place ALL the blame on "government" or the billionaires that own ALL governments?

Fascism, Russia, and*Ukraine by Timothy Snyder | The New York Review of Books
So you think the gangsters running the US are different from Putin?
Your government will exterminate anyone it believes poses a threat to the oligarchs who control US policies just as Putin and "Yats" will. The goals of corporate capitalism are indistinguishable from the goals of states like Ukraine, Russia, or the US.

It is capitalism, not government, that is the problem in Ukraine.
You were doing pretty good until that last statement. Governments and their corruption will always be the problem.
You're right.
We've definitely got some problems with government in Ukraine, Russia, and the US:

"On January 16, the Ukrainian government, headed by President Yanukovych, tried to put an end to Ukrainian civil society.

"A series of laws passed hastily and without following normal procedure did away with freedom of speech and assembly, and removed the few remaining checks on executive authority.

"This was intended to turn Ukraine into a dictatorship and to make all participants in the Maidan, by then probably numbering in the low millions, into criminals.

"The result was that the protests, until then entirely peaceful, became violent. Yanukovych lost support, even in his political base in the southeast, near the Russian border.."

"The dictatorship laws of January 16 were obviously based on Russian models, and were proposed by Ukrainian legislators with close ties to Moscow. They seem to have been Russia’s condition for financial support of the Yanukovych regime.

"Before they were announced, Putin offered Ukraine a large loan and promised reductions in the price of Russian natural gas. But in January the result was not a capitulation to Russia.

"The people of the Maidan defended themselves, and the protests continue. Where this will lead is anyone’s guess; only the Kremlin expresses certainty about what it all means."

The opinion above was published 19 February 2014 or one day before sniper attacks that drove Yanukovych from power.

The question is whether to place ALL the blame on "government" or the billionaires that own ALL governments?

Fascism, Russia, and*Ukraine by Timothy Snyder | The New York Review of Books

Billionaire oligarchs have little to do with capitalism. Oligarchs have existed under every economic system.
You were doing pretty good until that last statement. Governments and their corruption will always be the problem.
You're right.
We've definitely got some problems with government in Ukraine, Russia, and the US:

"On January 16, the Ukrainian government, headed by President Yanukovych, tried to put an end to Ukrainian civil society.

"A series of laws passed hastily and without following normal procedure did away with freedom of speech and assembly, and removed the few remaining checks on executive authority.

"This was intended to turn Ukraine into a dictatorship and to make all participants in the Maidan, by then probably numbering in the low millions, into criminals.

"The result was that the protests, until then entirely peaceful, became violent. Yanukovych lost support, even in his political base in the southeast, near the Russian border.."

"The dictatorship laws of January 16 were obviously based on Russian models, and were proposed by Ukrainian legislators with close ties to Moscow. They seem to have been Russia’s condition for financial support of the Yanukovych regime.

"Before they were announced, Putin offered Ukraine a large loan and promised reductions in the price of Russian natural gas. But in January the result was not a capitulation to Russia.

"The people of the Maidan defended themselves, and the protests continue. Where this will lead is anyone’s guess; only the Kremlin expresses certainty about what it all means."

The opinion above was published 19 February 2014 or one day before sniper attacks that drove Yanukovych from power.

The question is whether to place ALL the blame on "government" or the billionaires that own ALL governments?

Fascism, Russia, and*Ukraine by Timothy Snyder | The New York Review of Books

Billionaire oligarchs have little to do with capitalism. Oligarchs have existed under every economic system.
Billionaires depend on capitalism and politics:

"Forbes magazine has been listing the 400 wealthiest Americans every year since 1982.

"Thirteen billionaires appeared on the original Forbes list.

"Now all 400 rate billionaire status.

"These 400, collectively, possess more wealth than the poorer half of America's population put together. Sam Pizzigati explains how we got here.

"The United States now has a level of inequality that shocks much of the world. If Washington wants to balance its budget, it should do so on the backs of these 400 people, not the hundreds of millions of us who can't afford it.

"Tax these billionaires into non-billionaires, and Washington's financial worries -- and our economic worries -- will be gone for generations to come. The vast majority of us favor this approach.

"Only 1 percent of us are millionaires, with an 'm'. Each billionaire has a thousand times that much money, or more. Sixty-six percent of senators are millionaires, as are 41 percent of House members, but they aren't billionaires. They just work for them."

Balance the Budget on the Backs of Billionaires - Democratic Underground
Hey stupid try to stay on topic huh?
So you think the gangsters running the US are different from Putin?
Your government will exterminate anyone it believes poses a threat to the oligarchs who control US policies just as Putin and "Yats" will. The goals of corporate capitalism are indistinguishable from the goals of states like Ukraine, Russia, or the US.

It is capitalism, not government, that is the problem in Ukraine.

Then fucking move to some where else
Hey stupid try to stay on topic huh?
So you think the gangsters running the US are different from Putin?
Your government will exterminate anyone it believes poses a threat to the oligarchs who control US policies just as Putin and "Yats" will. The goals of corporate capitalism are indistinguishable from the goals of states like Ukraine, Russia, or the US.

It is capitalism, not government, that is the problem in Ukraine.

Then fucking move to some where else
What are you afraid of?
Nearly Half Of Americans Say U.S. Should Be Less Active In Foreign Affairs
Nearly half of Americans want to see the country play less of a role on the world stage, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday.

Forty-seven percent of Americans say the U.S. should be less active in world affairs, while 30 percent think it should remain at its current level. Just 19 percent want to see the country become more involved.

Those opinions represent a stark change from just after the 9/11 attacks. In September 2001, 37 percent of Americans thought the country should be more active, and only 14 percent wanted it to take a less active role.

Could it be that Americans are finally waking up to their governments deceitful and murderous foreign interventionist policies?
Hey stupid try to stay on topic huh?
So you think the gangsters running the US are different from Putin?
Your government will exterminate anyone it believes poses a threat to the oligarchs who control US policies just as Putin and "Yats" will. The goals of corporate capitalism are indistinguishable from the goals of states like Ukraine, Russia, or the US.

It is capitalism, not government, that is the problem in Ukraine.

Then fucking move to some where else
How about you drag your sorry no ambition ass back up to Michigan. You are polluting the neighborhood.
Nearly Half Of Americans Say U.S. Should Be Less Active In Foreign Affairs
Nearly half of Americans want to see the country play less of a role on the world stage, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday.

Forty-seven percent of Americans say the U.S. should be less active in world affairs, while 30 percent think it should remain at its current level. Just 19 percent want to see the country become more involved.

Those opinions represent a stark change from just after the 9/11 attacks. In September 2001, 37 percent of Americans thought the country should be more active, and only 14 percent wanted it to take a less active role.

Could it be that Americans are finally waking up to their governments deceitful and murderous foreign interventionist policies?
because hiding like a bitch has historically worked out great huh?

tapatalk post
Nearly Half Of Americans Say U.S. Should Be Less Active In Foreign Affairs
Nearly half of Americans want to see the country play less of a role on the world stage, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday.

Forty-seven percent of Americans say the U.S. should be less active in world affairs, while 30 percent think it should remain at its current level. Just 19 percent want to see the country become more involved.

Those opinions represent a stark change from just after the 9/11 attacks. In September 2001, 37 percent of Americans thought the country should be more active, and only 14 percent wanted it to take a less active role.Nearly Half Of Americans Say U.S. Should Be Less Active In Foreign Affairs

Could it be that Americans are finally waking up to their governments deceitful and murderous foreign interventionist policies?
because hiding like a bitch has historically worked out great huh?

tapatalk post

You have consistently proven an inability to understand what non-intervention and libertarian means.

In addition, your lack of understanding history is appalling. To not know that the decades of INTERVENTIONIST actions by our government, has caused nothing but debt and death (while enriching the power elite), proves you incapable of thinking.
Could it be that Americans are finally waking up to their governments deceitful and murderous foreign interventionist policies?
because hiding like a bitch has historically worked out great huh?

tapatalk post

You have consistently proven an inability to understand what non-intervention and libertarian means.

In addition, your lack of understanding history is appalling. To not know that the decades of INTERVENTIONIST actions by our government, has caused nothing but debt and death (while enriching the power elite), proves you incapable of thinking.

I understand your isolationist views just perfectly. I just dont lie and call it what it isn't.
"Seven Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in an ambush in the eastern Donetsk region, reports say.

"A unit was attacked near the town of Kramatorsk by about 30 heavily-armed rebels, the defence ministry said. One rebel is also said to have died.

"Correspondents say this is the most serious loss of life for the government in its operation against separatists.

"Donetsk is one of two regions declared separate from Ukraine after referendums deemed illegal by Kiev, the US and EU.

"The defence ministry said an armoured personnel carrier carrying paratroopers was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and exploded."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: 'Eight killed' in ambush in east
"Seven Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in an ambush in the eastern Donetsk region, reports say.

"A unit was attacked near the town of Kramatorsk by about 30 heavily-armed rebels, the defence ministry said. One rebel is also said to have died.

"Correspondents say this is the most serious loss of life for the government in its operation against separatists.

"Donetsk is one of two regions declared separate from Ukraine after referendums deemed illegal by Kiev, the US and EU.

"The defence ministry said an armoured personnel carrier carrying paratroopers was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and exploded."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: 'Eight killed' in ambush in east

Not rebels. Not Ukraine guys. Russian invaders. These guys.

The Wolves? Hundred: Putin?s Russian Musclemen in Eastern Ukraine - TIME
"Seven Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in an ambush in the eastern Donetsk region, reports say.

"A unit was attacked near the town of Kramatorsk by about 30 heavily-armed rebels, the defence ministry said. One rebel is also said to have died.

"Correspondents say this is the most serious loss of life for the government in its operation against separatists.

"Donetsk is one of two regions declared separate from Ukraine after referendums deemed illegal by Kiev, the US and EU.

"The defence ministry said an armoured personnel carrier carrying paratroopers was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and exploded."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: 'Eight killed' in ambush in east

Not rebels. Not Ukraine guys. Russian invaders. These guys.

The Wolves? Hundred: Putin?s Russian Musclemen in Eastern Ukraine - TIME

Pardon me?

You got Biden's kid taking over UK natural gas companies and I am supposed to believe American sources on fucking anything?

I live in the third largest Uk world on the planet in Canada and I am really getting pissed off.
I can't believe this shit. I just got in 50 strawberry plants and want to seed out heavenly blues and I'm stuck in the middle of all this bullshit.
"Seven Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in an ambush in the eastern Donetsk region, reports say.

"A unit was attacked near the town of Kramatorsk by about 30 heavily-armed rebels, the defence ministry said. One rebel is also said to have died.

"Correspondents say this is the most serious loss of life for the government in its operation against separatists.

"Donetsk is one of two regions declared separate from Ukraine after referendums deemed illegal by Kiev, the US and EU.

"The defence ministry said an armoured personnel carrier carrying paratroopers was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and exploded."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: 'Eight killed' in ambush in east

Not rebels. Not Ukraine guys. Russian invaders. These guys.

The Wolves? Hundred: Putin?s Russian Musclemen in Eastern Ukraine - TIME

Pardon me?

You got Biden's kid taking over UK natural gas companies and I am supposed to believe American sources on fucking anything?

I live in the third largest Uk world on the planet in Canada and I am really getting pissed off.

Can you imagine the outrage in the media and by progressives EVERYWHERE, if an R VPOTUS did this? Just think Cheney's daughter!

Yet not a peep from the MSM and Progs on Biden's boy new job...(likely VERY lucrative too).

I bet there is not a prog on this board that knows this information until we informed them.

Is it any wonder so many Americans are uninformed, when the MSM walks hand in hand with the D party.

Son of U.S. Vice President Biden Joins Ukraine Gas Company
The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.

In a statement published Monday on its website, Burisma Holdings announced Hunter Biden would join its board of directors and head the company's legal unit.

"As a new member of the board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine," Hunter Biden said in the statement.
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