Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

NATO came in and stopped Civil War and gross human rights abuses in Bosnia and Kosovo. Within the next 10 years, Bosnia, Macedonia, and Montenegro will all become members of the NATO Alliance.

Libya now has the first opportunity at democracy thanks to NATO in helping to remove its dictator. Of course, if you are a fan of dictatorship ala Putin and Saddam, or Qaidafi, I could see why you would not like NATO.
NATO bombs in Yugoslavia triggered the gross human rights abuses:

"During the 78 days of the military campaign, the Serbian government estimates that at least 2,500 people died and 12,500 were injured.

"But the exact death toll and the full extent of the damage remains unclear.

"It is estimated that the bombing damaged 25,000 houses and apartment buildings and destroyed 470 kilometres of roads and 600 kilometres of railway.

"So far only Serbia’s defence ministry has publicly revealed its data, saying that NATO forces killed 631 members of the Serbian armed forces, while a further 28 went missing..."

"During the NATO bombing, Yugoslav forces carried out an extensive campaign in Kosovo, resulting in the expulsion of the Kosovo Albanian population.

"The Hague Tribunal charged Milosevic and six other top officials with committing war crimes in Kosovo, although the former leader died before a verdict was reached.

"According to the Centre for Humanitarian Law in Belgrade, around 9,401 people were killed or went missing in Kosovo during the period of the NATO bombing, the majority of them Albanians.

"The bombing ended on June 10, 1999, after the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement and the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which was followed by the withdrawal of all Yugoslav military forces from Kosovo and the arrival of 36,000 international peacekeepers.

"When the Yugoslav army moved out, the Kosovo Liberation Army expelled the majority of Serbs from Kosovo."

Death Toll From NATO Yugoslavia Bombing Still Unknown :: Balkan Insight

Had the Serbs been willing to work with the international community, none of this would have happened. Instead, the invaded with tanks and troops executed 10,000 people and sent over a million people fleeing into other countries. NATO responded to those gross human rights violations which stopped the explusion of people from their homes and allowed more than a million people who ran to Albania to return to their homes in Kosovo to pick up the pieces of what was left. Today 110 countries around the world recognize Kosovo's independence from Serbia.
"The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was NATO's military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War.

"The operation was not authorised by the United Nations and was the first time that NATO used military force without the approval of the UN Security Council and against a sovereign nation that did not pose a threat to members of the alliance.[39]

"The strikes lasted from March 24, 1999 to June 10, 1999.

"The official NATO operation code name was Operation Allied Force; the United States called it Operation Noble Anvil,[40] while in Yugoslavia the operation was named 'Merciful Angel' (Serbian Cyrillic: Милосрдни анђео).[41]

"The NATO bombing marked the second major combat operation in its history, following the 1995 NATO bombing campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"The 1999 bombings led to the withdrawal of Yugoslav forces from Kosovo, the establishment of UNMIK, a U.N. mission in Kosovo and put an end to the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s.

In the course of the campaign, NATO launched 2,300 missiles at 990 targets and dropped 14,000 bombs, including depleted uranium bombs and cluster munitions.

"Over 2,000 civilians were killed, including 88 children, and thousands more were injured.

"Over 200,000 ethnic Serbs were forced to leave their homeland in Kosovo.

"NATO airstrikes destroyed more than 300 schools, libraries, and over 20 hospitals.

"At least 40,000 homes were either completely eliminated or damaged and about 90 historic and architectural monuments were ruined."

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
wonder how many Abortions Ron Paul would have performed if he never lived on the tax payer dime for over 30 years?

Ron Paul never aborted a child, and never accepted medicare or medicaid(he always worked out payment plans if that was the case). He even helped deliver a mixed race baby in Texas in the 60s. I thought you shitlibs loved mixed race children don't be a racist.
wonder how many Abortions Ron Paul would have performed if he never lived on the tax payer dime for over 30 years?

Ron Paul never aborted a child, and never accepted medicare or medicaid(he always worked out payment plans if that was the case). He even helped deliver a mixed race baby in Texas in the 60s. I thought you shitlibs loved mixed race children don't be a racist.

Hey dummy He was a congressman for almost 40 years. He didnt have time to kill babies. But he never EVER said he wouldn't perform a abortion.
wonder how many Abortions Ron Paul would have performed if he never lived on the tax payer dime for over 30 years?

Ron Paul never aborted a child, and never accepted medicare or medicaid(he always worked out payment plans if that was the case). He even helped deliver a mixed race baby in Texas in the 60s. I thought you shitlibs loved mixed race children don't be a racist.

Hey dummy He was a congressman for almost 40 years. He didnt have time to kill babies. But he never EVER said he wouldn't perform a abortion.

Why do you shitlibs love abortions so much?

You wouldn't happen to be the **** that put her's on vidya would you?

Fuck you and your monkey president
Ron Paul never aborted a child, and never accepted medicare or medicaid(he always worked out payment plans if that was the case). He even helped deliver a mixed race baby in Texas in the 60s. I thought you shitlibs loved mixed race children don't be a racist.

Hey dummy He was a congressman for almost 40 years. He didnt have time to kill babies. But he never EVER said he wouldn't perform a abortion.

Why do you shitlibs love abortions so much?

You wouldn't happen to be the **** that put her's on vidya would you?

Fuck you and your monkey president

Sorry Lib is more you and Paul not me....I dont love Abortion I am actually vehemently against it. I just know Paul isnt and would have easily killed unborn babies because he is a lib.
Hey dummy He was a congressman for almost 40 years. He didnt have time to kill babies. But he never EVER said he wouldn't perform a abortion.

Why do you shitlibs love abortions so much?

You wouldn't happen to be the **** that put her's on vidya would you?

Fuck you and your monkey president

Sorry Lib is more you and Paul not me....I dont love Abortion I am actually vehemently against it. I just know Paul isnt and would have easily killed unborn babies because he is a lib.

Your life is an abortion you left wing faggot.
Why do you shitlibs love abortions so much?

You wouldn't happen to be the **** that put her's on vidya would you?

Fuck you and your monkey president

Sorry Lib is more you and Paul not me....I dont love Abortion I am actually vehemently against it. I just know Paul isnt and would have easily killed unborn babies because he is a lib.

Your life is an abortion you left wing faggot.

Sorry again you are the left not me....I know it is hard for you to understand but people who hate the country like Paul and you are on the left.
Sorry Lib is more you and Paul not me....I dont love Abortion I am actually vehemently against it. I just know Paul isnt and would have easily killed unborn babies because he is a lib.

Your life is an abortion you left wing faggot.

Sorry again you are the left not me....I know it is hard for you to understand but people who hate the country like Paul and you are on the left.

You don't know your left from your right you cum guzzling hippy faggot. Go worship kikes somewhere else.
They made an agreement with the elected government not the jew/neo-nazi coup government. The coup government, which is illegal and unconstitutional has no right to abrogate treaties. And if you read the treaty it clearly says no such thing about russian troops being restricted to bases only, particularly when its military bases are under threat during a coup.


The new government in Ukraine has not violated or abrogated Russia's Lease agreement with Ukraine over the base in Crimea. Its is the Russians that have violated the agreement by deploying tanks and troops into civilian area's of crimea in order to sieze Ukrainian government, military, and police buildings. That's ILLEGAL, and invasion, you can't do that.

US Marines based in Okinawa Japan are NOT allowed to deploy in combat formations off base in order to seize property owned by Japanese private citizens or the Japanese government. That is the same basing deal the Russians had with the Ukrainians in Crimea, and the grossly violated it!

The only military bases that were ever threatened in Crimea, were Ukrainian military bases which the Russians forced the Ukrainian military to leave. Unlike the Russians, the Ukrainian military in Crimea, NEVER DEPLOYED OFF BASE!

There is video of Russian forces breaking into government buildings on the last day of February 2014. Russian forces showed up outside Ukrainian Army bases in the week that followed as well. All of those actions were ILLEGAL and so was the so called referendum which took place AFTER Russian forces deployed off base. An Illegal referendum can NEVER make the illegal actions of the Russian military in Crimea, legit.

The US overthrew the Afghan government because it was protecting terrorist who murdered 3,000 people on 911. The current democratically elected government that was put in place by NATO and the United States continues to run the country. The Afghan military built and trained by NATO has taken over all combat operations from NATO. By January 2015, all but perhaps a small residual force of NATO troops will have left the country. Despite that, whats left of the Taliban and Al quada which were thrown out of Government in 2001, continue to be out of government and remain in the hills hiding from the Afghan army and when they can't do that, they turn tail and run into Afghanistan.

A far different situation compared to how the Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1989. The Soviets fully lost when the Afghan dictatorship they installed was overthrown 3 years after they left.

So far, NATO has been riding a wave of victory compared to the Soviets in Afghanistan. That's because NATO is actually there to help improve the lives of Afghan families everywhere unlike the Soviets who simply tried to exterminate anyone living in the countryside.

It was the UN Security Council that authorized the use of military force by the United States and another nations in order to keep Iraq in compliance or wanted it violated UN Security Council Resolutions. These resolutions were passed in 1990 before the first Gulf War and authorized US airstrikes every year after the end of the First Gulf War as well as the ground invasion that followed in 2003.

While nearly a trillion dollars was spent, it was spent over a period of 10 years and was never more than 20% of the overall defense budget which was only 4.5% of annual US GDP, less than the US defense spending during the peacetime of the 1980s when the US was spending 6% of its GDP on defense.

Saddam's failure to verifiably disarm of all WMD and WMD related production facilities was a part of the reason a ground invasion proved necessary to enforce UN Security Council Resolutions against Iraq in 2003 that Iraq had been in violation of for years.

The number of Iraqi civilians killed number about 123,000 according to the most accurate sources. Most Iraqi civilians were murdered by other Iraqi's and not foreign troops. The number of civilians being murdered on an annual basis in Iraq is far less now than it was while Saddam was in power.

Russia is a member of the United Nations and agreed to the UN charter. That is a formal agreement under which they agreed to respect the territorial integrity of every member state of the UN including Ukraine. A second formal agreement under which Russia agreed to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine was when Ukraine handed its nuclear weapons to Russia in 1994. A third formal agreement in which Russia agreed to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity was when it signed the revised CFE treaty of 1997. It agreed under that treaty to respect the territorial integrity of all Eastern European states.

In contrast, there was NEVER any formal agreement in which NATO agreed never to allow Eastern European countries to join NATO.

If there had been gross human rights violations in Crimea by the Ukrainian military against citizens in Crimea, then under international law Crimea would have a case for succession, independent of the Ukrainian constitution. But that never happened. The Ukrainian military stayed on its bases and did not hurt anyone in Crimea.

So its not the same as Kosovo at all. Kosovo was a victim of genocide by the Serbian military and under international law, had a right to at least have its case for independence considered independent of Serbia.

There are three formal agreements which Russia signed, the first in 1991 upon Ukraine's independence from the Soviet Union, the second the exchange of nuclear weapons in 1994, and the third the revised CFE treaty in 1997. Under all these formal agreements Russia agreed to honor and respect Ukraine's territorial integrity.

In contrast, there was never any formal agreement in which NATO agreed not to allow Eastern European countries to join NATO.

And that is the thing, that is why the US Government is hated worldwide, for their hypocrisy. They accuse others of aggression, when in reality, they are the biggest threat to world peace, they are the ones who are nationbuilding and overthrowing governments whether it be Yugoslavia, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine etc. That is why most of the world laughs when you make these claims

Most of the world countries have and want good relationships with the United States. Most of the world recognizes Kosovo as an independent State. NATO intervened in Serbia and Kosovo to end genocide and gross human rights violations. The United States and other member states with the authorization of the United Nations UN Security Council used military force against Saddam's Iraq from 1991 through 2003. US and UN member states that had troops on the ground in Iraq, had that authorized annually every year by the United Nations through the end of 2011 when the last foreign troops left Iraq.

The UN security Council approved the NATO bombing in Libya in order to protect civilians from government forces that were killing them.

The United States has primarily sent non-lethal aid to civilians in Syria, unlike Russia which rushes the latest military hardware to Syrian dictator.

The US has sent economic aid to Ukraine as well as money for democratic development. Compare that to Russia which invaded the country and annexed the Crimea.

Number of UN Nations approving Kosovo's Independence from Serbia: 110

Number of UN Nations approving Russia's annexation of Crimea: 5

so more countries condone illegality. As a man of the LAW, you should be OUTRAGED by this massive abrogation of legal resposibility. After all, America's job is to die for UN laws, according to you, lol.

So of course they want good relations, even Russia wants good relations. They don't want to end up in a third world war and most countries don't want to be made a parking lot by the US lol.

The difference is, US financed groups that overthrew and elected government. Putin enforced a democratic referendum in Crimea. Putin is spreading democracy throughout the region...

Number of civilians that died in Kosovo and Iraq due to US intervention is over a million.

1 Ukrainian soldier died in Crimea, lol.

Most people in the world are smart enough to recognize the threat when they see it, and that is why a growing number, those in East and South Ukraine, want nothing to do with the puppet government in Kiev. Whether it is Iraq, Afghanistan, East Ukraine, Syria or other nations, they want nothing to do with the US. They want to be left alone.

The majority of the world recognizes unlike you, that it would be impossible for Kosovar Albanians to go back to living under the rule of a government that murdered 10,000 of them and forced the rest of the population to flee the country. Would you force a wife that was repeatedly raped and abused by her husband to continue to be married and live in the same house as her husband?

The United States saved more lives than it took in both Kosovo and Iraq!

If you want war with Russia over this artificial nation and shitty eastern european backwater known as Ukraine, be my guest, but send your money, your family, and yourself to fight the war. I will have nothing to do with it. I can be across the border into Mexico in two hours flat if I hear a war is going down, and believe me I will leave.

No where did I ever mention that the United States or NATO was about to go to war in Ukraine. The United States, NATO, and the rest of the world are angry about what Russia has done in Ukraine and will impose sanctions and diplomatic penalties. But since Ukraine is not a member of NATO, the military will not be used.

The United States will definitely use military action though if Russia attempts the same bullshit in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. All three countries are members of NATO and the EU. Latvia and Estonia have 25% of their populations being ethnic Russians. If the Russians invade these countries though, it will be war with the United States and NATO. That is the red line that Russia had better dare not cross in Europe.

The United States has been committed to defending NATO Europe from aggression for 70 years now.

Russia has no designs on those countries. It won't happen, only the US will start a war at this point.

Russia has and will continue to be defensive.

So you agree that Russia does have designs on Ukraine?

There is NOTHING defensive about invading another countries territory and annexing that territory. Crimea is apart of the Ukraine. Russia recognized and agreed to respect that fact in 1991, 1994, and 1997!

Naturally, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have requested the presence of other NATO troops to be physically on their soil to help defend them in case of a Russian attack.

Why should a country like Estonia not feel worried after what Russia has done to Ukraine? 25% of Estonia is ethnic Russian. Estonia used to be apart of the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union, just like Ukraine. A higher percentage of people in Estonia are ethnic Russian than in Ukraine!
"The new government in Ukraine has not violated or abrogated Russia's Lease agreement with Ukraine over the base in Crimea. Its is the Russians that have violated the agreement by deploying tanks and troops into civilian area's of crimea in order to sieze Ukrainian government, military, and police buildings. That's ILLEGAL, and invasion, you can't do that. "

They only threw the Ukies out after the referendum. And yes, you can do that, they did, lol, and you won't dont anything about it.


The Russians moved onto Ukrainian territory in the Crimea, off the Russian base and seized government buildings, police stations and surrounded and blocked Ukrainian military bases and installations long before the Referendum. They did all that, as well as blocked all travel into Crimea from the rest of Ukraine in the first few days of the invasion.

Its like if Mexico invaded southern Texas around Brownsville and then held a referendum among heavily Hispanic populations with strong ties to Mexico and asked them if they wanted to be apart of Mexico. YOU CAN'T do that! But you are condoning such actions when you condone what Russia has done in the Ukrainian territory of Crimea!

" US Marines based in Okinawa Japan are NOT allowed to deploy in combat formations off base in order to seize property owned by Japanese private citizens or the Japanese government. That is the same basing deal the Russians had with the Ukrainians in Crimea, and the grossly violated it!"

This isn't Okinawa. This is Crimea. We aren't talking about the US Marines, we are talking Russian Military.

Its the same thing. You have foreign country A, leasing a base in host country B. Foreign country A is not allowed to deploy off the base they are leasing in order to seize territory and buildings belonging to the host country B. UNDERSTAND?

"There is video of Russian forces breaking into government buildings on the last day of February 2014. Russian forces showed up outside Ukrainian Army bases in the week that followed as well."

Show the video

From March 1, 2014, long before the illegal and fraudulent referendum. Please watch it carefully:

[ame=]March 1 2014 Breaking News Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

"An Illegal referendum can NEVER make the illegal actions of the Russian military in Crimea, legit. "

It did in Kosovo, and they are legit despite violating the LAW.

There was gross genocide and human rights violations in Kosovo, and under international law, a government forfeits their right to govern territory in which it commits such unlawful acts. The United States and NATO tried for 9 years to find a way for Kosovo to remain apart of Serbia, but that was simply no possible way.

Was their any gross human rights violations in Crimea in the days weeks and months leading up to the Russian invasion? Did Russia ever try to find a way for Crimea to remain apart of Ukraine?

"The US overthrew the Afghan government because it was protecting terrorist who murdered 3,000 people on 911. The current democratically elected government that was put in place by NATO and the United States continues to run the country. The Afghan military built and trained by NATO has taken over all combat operations from NATO. By January 2015, all but perhaps a small residual force of NATO troops will have left the country. Despite that, whats left of the Taliban and Al quada which were thrown out of Government in 2001, continue to be out of government and remain in the hills hiding from the Afghan army and when they can't do that, they turn tail and run into Afghanistan.

A far different situation compared to how the Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1989. The Soviets fully lost when the Afghan dictatorship they installed was overthrown 3 years after they left.

So far, NATO has been riding a wave of victory compared to the Soviets in Afghanistan. That's because NATO is actually there to help improve the lives of Afghan families everywhere unlike the Soviets who simply tried to exterminate anyone living in the countryside."

Wrong, Taliban offered up Bin Laden, and in fact, US air force lifted al qaeda rebels to pakistan in late 2001. The US Government didn't care about bin laden or al qaeda, just opium which the taliban banned.
Annals of National Security: The Getaway : The New Yorker
Al-Jazeera: Taliban offered to give up bin Laden before 9/11
Drug War? American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium. U.S. Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production | Global Research

Taliban has won, NATO doesn't have control of whole sectors of the country, and without US troops, the puppet government will collapse, centralized government wont work in Afghanistan. Same in Iraq, they are in civil war and al qaeda has taken over parts of the country after us withdrawal. If protecting all those un resolutions helps you sleep at night after losing two wars, I guess whatever makes you happy.
Iraq: Sunni leader says Fallujah under complete ISIS control « ASHARQ AL-AWSAT
BBC News - Afghanistan Taliban 'confident of victory' over Nato

In the weeks after 911, the Taliban government refused to give the United States Bin Ladin or to kick Al Quada out of the country. The countries of NATO saw this and invoked article 5 of the NATO charter. After weeks of Taliban refusal to cooperate, the United States launched the first airstrikes against Afghanistan in early October 2001.

The United States had been persuing Bin Ladin years before 9/11. The United States launched a large scale Cruise Missile attack in August of 1998 against Taliban positions inside Afghanistan.

The United States has trained over 300,000 security and Police in Afghanistan. NATO has withdrawn its total force of 130,000 down to just 40,000 and replaced the withdrawn troops with Afghan forces. While the Taliban still control some remote, and rural areas. All large population centers and all the provincial capitals of all the provinces remain in control of the elected Afghan government. The Taliban controlled nearly the entire country of Afghanistan in 2001. TODAY THE TALIBAN DON'T EVEN CONTROL A SINGLE PROVINCE INSIDE AFGHANISTAN.

So based simply on that, at this point the United States, NATO and the Afghan government have won, because they control all the major cities and all the provincial capitals while the Taliban control NO MAJOR CITIES AND NO PROVINCIAL CAPITALS. The Taliban had control of all the major cities and provincial capitals in 2001. So the United States, NATO, and the newly elected Afghan government have completely reversed the situation in Afghanistan that existed prior to the United States invasion. By even the most conservative definitions of victory, that is indeed a victory and huge change from the situation in the year 2000 prior to the invasion.

In Iraq, Nuri Al Maliki was just re-elected to another four years as President of Iraq. The United States help install Nuri Al Maliki as President of Iraq in 2006, 8 years ago. SADDAM's regime that ruled Iraq in 2003 has been removed and most of the members are either in prison, dead, or have switched to serving the new democratically elected Iraqi government. The new Iraqi military purchases US weapons and depends on the United States for supply and maintenance of such weapons.

Al Quada has control of only one town recently of 200,000 people in a country with a population of over 30,000,000 million people. You have a warped sense of logic if you thing that constitutes defeat for the Iraqi government and the United States and victory for Al Quada. Al Quada continues to not control the overwhelming 99% of Iraq. Iraq continues to manage and secure the country with its own military and police force that was built by the United States, without the aid of deployed United States troops.

SADDAM's regime is DEAD! SADDAM's military no longer exist! The United States sent ground troops into Iraq to remove those two things in 2003 in order to defend and secure the Persian Gulf. The United States succeeded in doing that and the Persian Gulf is no longer threatened by SADDAM's REGIME OR SADDAM'S Military because both have been destroyed!

"Russia is a member of the United Nations and agreed to the UN charter. That is a formal agreement under which they agreed to respect the territorial integrity of every member state of the UN including Ukraine. A second formal agreement under which Russia agreed to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine was when Ukraine handed its nuclear weapons to Russia in 1994. A third formal agreement in which Russia agreed to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity was when it signed the revised CFE treaty of 1997. It agreed under that treaty to respect the territorial integrity of all Eastern European states."

Cry me a river, US violates UN resolutions as well by invading Iraq. Don't see you crying about it. Like I said, before, you are picking and choosing which laws to follow and exhibiting faux outrage. Not that it matters, a faggot like yourself and the faggots in the government won't do anything about Russia in Crimea, they can't.
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan | World news | The Guardian

Iraq violated resolutions 678, 687, and 1441. Which UN resolutions did the United States violate?

UN Security council resolutions 678, 687, and 1441 authorized the use of military force against Iraq. There has NEVER been any UN resolutions condemning the US invasion of Iraq, or calling for US troops to withdraw from Iraq! In fact, there was NEVER even an attempt to vote on a resolution that would have condemned the ground invasion of Iraq in 2003 are called for US and other foreign troops to withdraw from Iraq at any time over the past 11 years!

The Iraq war was authorized by UN resolutions pertaining to Iraq's illegal invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990!
Ukraine is breaking apart. It's what the People want over there. America and Great Britain's meddling has actually made that happen. But let them sort out their own problems. American Taxpayers have enough on their plate. Our Government needs to seriously reconsider its endless meddling around the World. They've bankrupted our Nation. It's time for something different.
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The Russians moved onto Ukrainian territory in the Crimea, off the Russian base and seized government buildings, police stations and surrounded and blocked Ukrainian military bases and installations long before the Referendum. They did all that, as well as blocked all travel into Crimea from the rest of Ukraine in the first few days of the invasion.

Its like if Mexico invaded southern Texas around Brownsville and then held a referendum among heavily Hispanic populations with strong ties to Mexico and asked them if they wanted to be apart of Mexico.

The Iraq war was authorized by UN resolutions pertaining to Iraq's illegal invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990!

The total post need not be quoted in its entirety to respond to these three points, besides it is a mere rehashing of the government's rationalisation for sending troops hither and yon as its primary means of conducting foreign policy.

Crimea/Ukraine, after the passing of the last months, nothing has changed in that it is still not our problem.

Bad analogy, Mexico's last successful military operation was the Alamo and even then they got their asses handed to them a few weeks later. A scenario as is described here would/could be dealt with sans outside assistance.
Mexico is in greater danger of military invasion from the north and imposition of a local or regional government than the other way around. War on drugs as the likely excuse.

After decades of dislike, distrust, and ridicule from the right, suddenly the UN shits gold bricks when something they do coincides with US adventurism.
Ukraine is breaking apart. It's what the People want over there. America and Great Britain's meddling has actually made that happen. But let them sort out their own problems. American Taxpayers have enough on their plate. Our Government needs to seriously reconsider its endless meddling around the World. They've bankrupted our Nation. It's time for something different.

"It's what the people want over there." They don't even try to promote that kind of misinformation in Russia.

Poll Shows Ukrainians Want Their Country to Remain United | News | The Moscow Times
Ukraine is breaking apart. It's what the People want over there. America and Great Britain's meddling has actually made that happen. But let them sort out their own problems. American Taxpayers have enough on their plate. Our Government needs to seriously reconsider its endless meddling around the World. They've bankrupted our Nation. It's time for something different.

"It's what the people want over there." They don't even try to promote that kind of misinformation in Russia.

Poll Shows Ukrainians Want Their Country to Remain United | News | The Moscow Times

RUSSIA'S move against Ukrain is a replay of Hitler's take over of Poland and the other nations near GERMANY. Will the world never learn? Must history be repeated again and again????Why not wise up??
Ukraine is breaking apart. It's what the People want over there. America and Great Britain's meddling has actually made that happen. But let them sort out their own problems. American Taxpayers have enough on their plate. Our Government needs to seriously reconsider its endless meddling around the World. They've bankrupted our Nation. It's time for something different.

Increased United States wealth and prosperity is dependent on the United States continuing to protect its key vital national security interest abroad as it has done for the past 70 years. The money used to protect those interest is in investment in the future prosperity of the country. Only the ignorant,(many of whom could not identify even half of the worlds countries on a map) fail to understand this.
The Russians moved onto Ukrainian territory in the Crimea, off the Russian base and seized government buildings, police stations and surrounded and blocked Ukrainian military bases and installations long before the Referendum. They did all that, as well as blocked all travel into Crimea from the rest of Ukraine in the first few days of the invasion.

Its like if Mexico invaded southern Texas around Brownsville and then held a referendum among heavily Hispanic populations with strong ties to Mexico and asked them if they wanted to be apart of Mexico.

The Iraq war was authorized by UN resolutions pertaining to Iraq's illegal invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990!

The total post need not be quoted in its entirety to respond to these three points, besides it is a mere rehashing of the government's rationalisation for sending troops hither and yon as its primary means of conducting foreign policy.

Crimea/Ukraine, after the passing of the last months, nothing has changed in that it is still not our problem.

Bad analogy, Mexico's last successful military operation was the Alamo and even then they got their asses handed to them a few weeks later. A scenario as is described here would/could be dealt with sans outside assistance.
Mexico is in greater danger of military invasion from the north and imposition of a local or regional government than the other way around. War on drugs as the likely excuse.

After decades of dislike, distrust, and ridicule from the right, suddenly the UN shits gold bricks when something they do coincides with US adventurism.

The Mexico analogy is not BAD because it is a hypothetic example. Its not based on history or the reality of the political/military situation on the border, its just an example to help you understand the VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW THAT OCCURED.

Just use Country A and Country B, that might be less confusing for you. If Country A invades a neighboring area of Country B that has people of the same ethnicity as country A and holds a referendum on them joining Country A, it is an illegal violation of Country B's territorial integrity. No other country has a right to STEAL another country's territory!

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