Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Ukraine is breaking apart. It's what the People want over there. America and Great Britain's meddling has actually made that happen. But let them sort out their own problems. American Taxpayers have enough on their plate. Our Government needs to seriously reconsider its endless meddling around the World. They've bankrupted our Nation. It's time for something different.

"It's what the people want over there." They don't even try to promote that kind of misinformation in Russia.

Poll Shows Ukrainians Want Their Country to Remain United | News | The Moscow Times

RUSSIA'S move against Ukrain is a replay of Hitler's take over of Poland and the other nations near GERMANY. Will the world never learn? Must history be repeated again and again????Why not wise up??

Indeed, it is very shocking that Putin did this. I thought Putin was smarter and more educated. Instead he has proved to be man stuck in the past, thinking that Russia can only advance through the corrosive use of military power to steal power and wealth as the Soviet Union did and the Russian Empire before it.
The greatest purveyor of violence in the world maims, murders, and displaces millions of civilians from sovereign states on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland yet still finds time to condemn those resisting its control:

"The US and EU have condemned President Vladimir Putin's first visit to Crimea since Russia annexed the peninsula from Ukraine in March.

"The US state department said the trip was 'provocative and unnecessary'.

"The Kiev government called it a 'gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty'".

Watch out Venezuela, you're next on the godfather's hit list.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Putin visit to Crimea angers US and EU
The psychofucks in this thread believe it's ok for Russia to send criminals, spies and special forces (out of uniform) into Ukraine to take over UKRAINIAN cities by either overrunning GOV buildings with weapons or via large crowds PAID with money to march and riot.

If Russia is allowed to do this in Ukraine then they can try it in Estonia and Latvia with Russian populations of over 20%.....even if the majority of those "ethnic" Russians don't want to join Russia. It only takes a crowd of 100-1000 people paid by Russia to overrun GOV facilities then give Russia the claim that proves Russia should send their military across the border to "restore order" after they destabilized the order.

Let's spell this out for you knuckle-dragging would be like if I could get your neighbors to storm your house because the police are unable to stop us, then blame you for any fighting as we take over your house. have no fucking clue what the people in Ukraine want.

The majority of "ethnic" Russians in UKRAINE do not want to join Russia. Just because you see some people paid off by Russia working with RUSSIAN criminals, spies and special forces doesn't mean the fucking majority of people are for this bullshit.

That is why Putin is not invading Ukraine....he understands he won't be welcomed by the people in Ukraine compared to the dumbfucks in Crimea that believed his lies. Russia would get caught in their second Afghanistan if they invade Ukraine and Putin knows this, thus why he is just trying to destroy Ukraine with criminals, spies and special forces causing havoc to dupe fucking retards like you.

Ukraine is breaking apart. It's what the People want over there. America and Great Britain's meddling has actually made that happen. But let them sort out their own problems. American Taxpayers have enough on their plate. Our Government needs to seriously reconsider its endless meddling around the World. They've bankrupted our Nation. It's time for something different.
Shitstain.....war in Iraq would've never happened if Saddam didn't INVADE Kuwait and rape/murder the citizens of that country over debts he owed them. Also, Saddam was supporting Islamic terrorists in Gaza when 9-11 kicked off.....he made his own bed.

So....what did Ukraine do to Russia to invite an invasion????

Come on shitstain, tell us.

The socialists and losertarians support Putin through making up lies about the US military/CIA being the instigator of trouble in Asia, Europe, the middle east, etc.

The last time I checked, the US handed back a country to its people after removing the dictator from's called Iraq. I don't recall Russia saying they are going to give back Crimea once the dust settles and they install a new puppet to control in Kyiv.

Or Georgia losing pieces of its country to a Russian invasion. Ukraine is on the verge of losing half or all of its country to Russia if Putin has the balls to do it. Belarus, Lativa, Estonia, etc are all getting nervous about the Russians.....I don't recall anyone in Europe worried about the US invading them.....please tell, psychofucks.
Do you happen to remember how many civilians the US maimed, murdered, and displaced in Iraq? How many dollars the US investor class made from a war they were too chicken-shit to fight in? Maybe you remember how many countries the US has invaded, occupied, and destabilized since 2001 on the opposite side of the planet from your shit-filled sty? Pathic losers like you never fail to project US war crimes on others.
Your link:

"The Donetsk People’s Republic marked the May 9 Victory Day with a new wave of violence, terrorism and kidnapping while the self-proclaimed people’s mayor of Sloviansk, Vyacheslav Ponomariov, reportedly vowed to kill Ukrainian soldiers rather than simply take them hostage.

"During the celebration of the Victory Day, Ponomaryov said that from now on his militants would 'mercilessly kill' Ukrainian soldiers, shedding what he said had been a tacit agreement to not to shoot to kill them. 'There will be no talks anymore. The harsher we will treat them, the sooner they start to respect us,' he said."

Which only proves the US should stop instigating violent coups against corrupt, yet democratically elected presidents, of sovereign states.

US Imperialism and the Ukraine Coup » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
This thread is proof Paulbots are children who dont know shit about history or lived when there was a soviet union....They are American hating scumbags like their beloved Messiah

You do know you are cheer-leading a man would would kill you instantly if you said something bad about him right????

I am not pro Putin. I am pro Ukraine.

For those today who are voting are anti Kiev.

They are horrified over the violent coup that threw out the President and the members of parliament that they voted for.

You do know you are cheer-leading a man would would kill you instantly if you said something bad about him right????

I am not pro Putin. I am pro Ukraine.

For those today who are voting are anti Kiev.

They are horrified over the violent coup that threw out the President and the members of parliament that they voted for.

You mean the thieving Russian puppets ?
You do know you are cheer-leading a man would would kill you instantly if you said something bad about him right????

I am not pro Putin. I am pro Ukraine.

For those today who are voting are anti Kiev.

They are horrified over the violent coup that threw out the President and the members of parliament that they voted for.

You mean the thieving Russian puppets ?
As opposed to the thieving EU puppets?

You do know you are cheer-leading a man would would kill you instantly if you said something bad about him right????

I am not pro Putin. I am pro Ukraine.

For those today who are voting are anti Kiev.

They are horrified over the violent coup that threw out the President and the members of parliament that they voted for.

You can not claim to be pro Ukraine and side with the ethnic Russians who do not even speak Ukraine and want to become independent of Ukraine, or want to become part of Russia. And the Ukraine people are not horrified about the government in Kiev. Show us a link to that little piece of Russian propaganda.

The link you provided shows the fake elections are becoming very visibly fake and fraudulent. Your link. Check this link and take a look at the long tradition of Russian democracy and elections.

Ukraine Seizes 100,000 Ballots Already Marked 'Yes' - Business Insider
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Ukraine is breaking apart. It's what the People want over there. America and Great Britain's meddling has actually made that happen. But let them sort out their own problems. American Taxpayers have enough on their plate. Our Government needs to seriously reconsider its endless meddling around the World. They've bankrupted our Nation. It's time for something different.

"It's what the people want over there." They don't even try to promote that kind of misinformation in Russia.

Poll Shows Ukrainians Want Their Country to Remain United | News | The Moscow Times

Some in Ukraine are now opting for independence. And i'm ok with that. But ironically, it's America and Great Britain's meddling that has caused that to happen. It's Blow Back. Our Government should have approached the coup in Kiev in a more neutral fashion.
The greatest purveyor of violence in the world maims, murders, and displaces millions of civilians from sovereign states on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland yet still finds time to condemn those resisting its control:

"The US and EU have condemned President Vladimir Putin's first visit to Crimea since Russia annexed the peninsula from Ukraine in March.

"The US state department said the trip was 'provocative and unnecessary'.

"The Kiev government called it a 'gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty'".

Watch out Venezuela, you're next on the godfather's hit list.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Putin visit to Crimea angers US and EU

Yeah, it is pretty pathetic. The U.S. and Great Britain whining about meddling in other nations' affairs? Coming from the two most meddlesome Nations on Earth, that is just plain pathetic. America and Great Britain have an awful lot of innocent blood on their hands. When it comes to murder and mayhem around the World, they're at the top of the list. Russia isn't even close. Russia has a long long way to go to match their body counts.
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You do know you are cheer-leading a man would would kill you instantly if you said something bad about him right????
Mention that to Anwar al-Awlaki
Hey stupid try to stay on topic huh?
So you think the gangsters running the US are different from Putin?
Your government will exterminate anyone it believes poses a threat to the oligarchs who control US policies just as Putin and "Yats" will. The goals of corporate capitalism are indistinguishable from the goals of states like Ukraine, Russia, or the US.

It is capitalism, not government, that is the problem in Ukraine.

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