Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Not rebels. Not Ukraine guys. Russian invaders. These guys.

The Wolves? Hundred: Putin?s Russian Musclemen in Eastern Ukraine - TIME

Pardon me?

You got Biden's kid taking over UK natural gas companies and I am supposed to believe American sources on fucking anything?

I live in the third largest Uk world on the planet in Canada and I am really getting pissed off.

Can you imagine the outrage in the media and by progressives EVERYWHERE, if an R VPOTUS did this? Just think Cheney's daughter!

Yet not a peep from the MSM and Progs on Biden's boy new job...(likely VERY lucrative too).

I bet there is not a prog on this board that knows this information until we informed them.

Is it any wonder so many Americans are uninformed, when the MSM walks hand in hand with the D party.

Son of U.S. Vice President Biden Joins Ukraine Gas Company
The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.

In a statement published Monday on its website, Burisma Holdings announced Hunter Biden would join its board of directors and head the company's legal unit.

"As a new member of the board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine," Hunter Biden said in the statement.

Yup it's like it never happened, huh? Shame on em.
Shitstain....Russia is the one causing trouble, not the USA and NATO. Nobody was pushing for Ukraine in NATO that is a strawman created by Russia to create an excuse to mess with Ukraine's INTERNAL politics. Ukraine was looking to work with the EU and less with their slave master Russia, which pissed off Putin and his rich friends making money off Ukraine being their slave for decades.

You scumbags have no right to tell UKRAINE who can run THEIR country. Your criminal puppet got run out of Kyiv so your response was to steal Crimea from Ukraine, then try to steal eastern Ukraine through spies, criminals and special forces from Russia and other hired goons from other countries....yes we know about them, shitstain.

The separatist vote this week was bogus, it even had Russians in MOSCOW voting on the ballot.....I didn't realize Moscow was in eastern Ukraine. So do Americans in Alaska get to vote in the next Russia election to boot out Putin???

It's a travesty. Americans need to better understand what these interventions are really about.

:) that's just how politics work you have to put up with it. We, ordinary people, can only occasionally elect political leaders every few years and HOPE FOR THE BETTER :)but do not have any real power over them. By and large, politicians are insensitive spendthrifts by definition. There have been probably just a few rare exeptions (like your president Lincoln who demolished slavery in America and was quite predictably assassinated or let's say Russian tzar Peter the great who formed the regular army and fleet and turned Russia into a major military power at the beginning of the 18 th century) in human history that just prove the rule - a citizen should take his destiny in his own hands if he/she really wants to amount to anything in this life. The obsessive reliance on a government or politicians' wisdom will lead nowhere.

actually I' ve heard a few facts about your economy :
1) your housing market might collapse in several years.
2) The dollar has lost 90 percent of its purchasing power and is worth nothing actually. The dollar's intrinsic value is a few cents. If sombody somewhere who is not afraid of the sanctions of the usa teams up with other fastest growing economies and replaces the dollar...
3) Many average americans being hooked on the propaganda of wall street consider themselves hardcore speculators and will die poor.

you'd better solve your internal problems before rushing to other countries and teaching them how to build democracy nobody needs :)until it's not too late.

Russian "invaders" in Russia's "near abroad"?
What excuse can you manufacture for the CIA and FBI?

Nato shouldn't have tried moving into Ukraine but they did it anyway and got a bloody nose. For my money, it's not surprising at all. I, being a russian, let you guys in on a little though important secret - Russia is a very sensitive and proud country. Despite its many fragilities, it can stand up to Nato or the west. Not only do we have nukes to protect us from possible foreign aggression but cultural and historical ties with our neigbours. Nobody including the usa can cut them off and make the people in the east forget their past . The people in the east are now being killed just because they are fighting for their right to self determination while a pack of nationalists who've been recruted by Kiev to do all the dirty work for them are fighting for ethnically clean Ukraine. That's the diffrence between the east and the west and it's HUGE.

Sorry, but you've been duped again. This intervention has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy.' It's all about the VP and his spoiled brat getting richer...

The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer

R. Hunter Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations. On his new appointment, he commented: “Burisma’s track record of innovations and industry leadership in the field of natural gas means that it can be a strong driver of a strong economy in Ukraine. As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.”

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, Mr. Alan Apter, noted: “The company’s strategy is aimed at the strongest concentration of professional staff and the introduction of best corporate practices, and we’re delighted that Mr. Biden is joining us to help us achieve these goals.”...

The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer | Zero Hedge
Shut the fuck up kook Canadian bitch.:cuckoo:

"Seven Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in an ambush in the eastern Donetsk region, reports say.

"A unit was attacked near the town of Kramatorsk by about 30 heavily-armed rebels, the defence ministry said. One rebel is also said to have died.

"Correspondents say this is the most serious loss of life for the government in its operation against separatists.

"Donetsk is one of two regions declared separate from Ukraine after referendums deemed illegal by Kiev, the US and EU.

"The defence ministry said an armoured personnel carrier carrying paratroopers was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and exploded."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: 'Eight killed' in ambush in east

Not rebels. Not Ukraine guys. Russian invaders. These guys.

The Wolves? Hundred: Putin?s Russian Musclemen in Eastern Ukraine - TIME

Pardon me?

You got Biden's kid taking over UK natural gas companies and I am supposed to believe American sources on fucking anything?

I live in the third largest Uk world on the planet in Canada and I am really getting pissed off.
:cuckoo: Of course, a kook like you can't explain people in Moscow voting in some bogus eastern Ukraine election, so you post about your kook conspiracy shit....

Shitstain....Russia is the one causing trouble, not the USA and NATO. Nobody was pushing for Ukraine in NATO that is a strawman created by Russia to create an excuse to mess with Ukraine's INTERNAL politics. Ukraine was looking to work with the EU and less with their slave master Russia, which pissed off Putin and his rich friends making money off Ukraine being their slave for decades.

You scumbags have no right to tell UKRAINE who can run THEIR country. Your criminal puppet got run out of Kyiv so your response was to steal Crimea from Ukraine, then try to steal eastern Ukraine through spies, criminals and special forces from Russia and other hired goons from other countries....yes we know about them, shitstain.

The separatist vote this week was bogus, it even had Russians in MOSCOW voting on the ballot.....I didn't realize Moscow was in eastern Ukraine. So do Americans in Alaska get to vote in the next Russia election to boot out Putin???

:) that's just how politics work you have to put up with it. We, ordinary people, can only occasionally elect political leaders every few years and HOPE FOR THE BETTER :)but do not have any real power over them. By and large, politicians are insensitive spendthrifts by definition. There have been probably just a few rare exeptions (like your president Lincoln who demolished slavery in America and was quite predictably assassinated or let's say Russian tzar Peter the great who formed the regular army and fleet and turned Russia into a major military power at the beginning of the 18 th century) in human history that just prove the rule - a citizen should take his destiny in his own hands if he/she really wants to amount to anything in this life. The obsessive reliance on a government or politicians' wisdom will lead nowhere.

actually I' ve heard a few facts about your economy :
1) your housing market might collapse in several years.
2) The dollar has lost 90 percent of its purchasing power and is worth nothing actually. The dollar's intrinsic value is a few cents. If sombody somewhere who is not afraid of the sanctions of the usa teams up with other fastest growing economies and replaces the dollar...
3) Many average americans being hooked on the propaganda of wall street consider themselves hardcore speculators and will die poor.

you'd better solve your internal problems before rushing to other countries and teaching them how to build democracy nobody needs :)until it's not too late.

Nato shouldn't have tried moving into Ukraine but they did it anyway and got a bloody nose. For my money, it's not surprising at all. I, being a russian, let you guys in on a little though important secret - Russia is a very sensitive and proud country. Despite its many fragilities, it can stand up to Nato or the west. Not only do we have nukes to protect us from possible foreign aggression but cultural and historical ties with our neigbours. Nobody including the usa can cut them off and make the people in the east forget their past . The people in the east are now being killed just because they are fighting for their right to self determination while a pack of nationalists who've been recruted by Kiev to do all the dirty work for them are fighting for ethnically clean Ukraine. That's the diffrence between the east and the west and it's HUGE.

Sorry, but you've been duped again. This intervention has nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy.' It's all about the VP and his spoiled brat getting richer...

The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer

R. Hunter Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations. On his new appointment, he commented: “Burisma’s track record of innovations and industry leadership in the field of natural gas means that it can be a strong driver of a strong economy in Ukraine. As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.”

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, Mr. Alan Apter, noted: “The company’s strategy is aimed at the strongest concentration of professional staff and the introduction of best corporate practices, and we’re delighted that Mr. Biden is joining us to help us achieve these goals.”...

The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer | Zero Hedge
120 military bases around the world???

Good god you are fucking stupid and insane.

Why were people in Moscow allowed to vote for the BS elections in Ukraine last week? Why were people in eastern Ukraine allowed to vote for their relative and friend that they claimed was unable to attend the voting?

You see shithead, we are right there watching and recording what you stupid fucks are doing. We know the majority of people in Ukraine do not want to join Russia, we know the majority of ethnic Russians in Ukraine do not want to join Russia, we know Russia has their scumbags inside Ukraine causing trouble and pulling the strings to undermine the GOV in Kyiv.

In fact, most European countries know all this....they see it too, yet you stupid fuck inbreds from Russia are either too stupid or arrogant to believe you will get away with it.

The Germans under Hitler followed him off a will do the same under Putin.

So seven million people who are afraid of nationalists are terrorists? Come on, guys. Only the stupid and mentally lazy will believe it. The USA has got more than 120 military bases around the world and is in the habit of butting in the internal affairs of other countries. They told you that people in the Crimea were voting at gun point. That's utter bullshit I was there and I know it. Now they are telling you that the east of the country is entirely controlled by terrorists ;) if your loved ones were burnt alive or shot to death i guess you would assess the situation in the country differently but you are sitting in you cozy rooms watching us mainstream channels... Youn ve been fooled but not everyone understands it. Live in your bubble if you want sooner or later it will burst...
You speak/type too well to be a moron posting from Russia, more like a goon working for the Russian GOV, FSB maybe?

Don't worry, we can trace your IP address Igor...

The issue is not whether a neighboring nation has a right to attempt to influence and assist the efforts made by a portion of the citizenship to procure changes and adjustments and resolve issue's.

I am not justifying “ a neighboring country’s attempt” to lure a portion of the citizenship into taking sides or becoming a part of it. The western backed Ukrainian government is bulling the people into accepting their conditions without questioning their motives. Why can't seven million people have a say in this matter? You have to climb into their skin and walk around in it for awhile before being too judgmental. You can’t discuss anything if your opponent puts fingers in his ears and refuses to listen. America’s fingers have been stuck in ears for nearly two decades. Russia was promised to be treated with proper respect and not to be threatened by Nato’s expansion. But Nato has been moving eastward since 1994. Now Russia is almost encircled. If the USA establishes military bases on the Ukrainian territory the better part of our country will be completely unprotected. It will simply render our nuclear weapons useless.

Russia pulled its troops from the Ukrainian borders and encouraged the protesters to put off the referendum. But still your prominent politicians are screaming themselves into hysteria: “ Russia’s president is the devil himself. he’s going to conquer Europe and bring all the vanquished under the thumb. Putin is planning on reestablishing the soviet union etc…” It’s just laughable. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You country still hasn’t provided any evidence on Russia’s presence in the region but has falsely accused Putin of meddling into the country’s affaires on many occasions. You have no proof just big words. And while your representatives are giving eloquent speeches on democracy and how it’s critical to freedom of speech tens of innocent people are dying on the streets. America's political leaders should have disarmed the mobs of nationalists but they did nothing and now are contemptuously saying that they are not going to calm down their crazy allies while Russia is supposed to convince the people in the east to give up their guns and stop holding radical nationalists off. Don’t you think that it’s just too much to ask?
So many poor Americans just got duped again. It's all about the cash. And the average American Citizen ain't gettin none of it. In fact, they're gonna be forced to spend their Tax Dollars on getting Globalist Elite assholes like Biden and his spoiled kid rich. The People will never see a dime. But hey, Joe Biden and his son say thank you. That's all they're gonna get out of this.
Last edited: does a Ukrainian gas company hiring the VP's son put Americans in danger?

The US GOV has already said we won't send troops to Ukraine, idiot.

This gas company seems to be very smart hiring a lawyer with White House ties when they need the US to protect them from Russia. It's called common sense.

Biden's son uses his dad's connections to make a lot of money, like a typical liberal scumbag. It makes the Bidens look bad but they are used to that.

You look like a buffoon with your conspiracy theories....

So many poor Americans just got duped again. It's all about the cash. And the average American Citizen ain't gettin none of it. In fact, they're gonna be forced to spend their Tax Dollars on getting Globalist Elite assholes like Biden and his spoiled kid rich. The People will never see a dime. But hey, Joe Biden and his son say thank you. That's all they're gonna get out of this. does a Ukrainian gas company hiring the VP's son put Americans in danger?

The US GOV has already said we won't send troops to Ukraine, idiot.

This gas company seems to be very smart hiring a lawyer with White House ties when they need the US to protect them from Russia. It's called common sense.

Biden's son uses his dad's connections to make a lot of money, like a typical liberal scumbag. It makes the Bidens look bad but they are used to that.

You look like a buffoon with your conspiracy theories....

So many poor Americans just got duped again. It's all about the cash. And the average American Citizen ain't gettin none of it. In fact, they're gonna be forced to spend their Tax Dollars on getting Globalist Elite assholes like Biden and his spoiled kid rich. The People will never see a dime. But hey, Joe Biden and his son say thank you. That's all they're gonna get out of this.

Your hard-earned Tax Dollars will be used to help Biden and his spoiled brat get rich. Meanwhile, you'll never see a dime. The People never do. Only the Globalist Elite fatcats will see the cash. I'll never get why you support that. But hey, to each his own i guess.
The greatest purveyor of violence in the world maims, murders, and displaces millions of civilians from sovereign states on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland yet still finds time to condemn those resisting its control:

"The US and EU have condemned President Vladimir Putin's first visit to Crimea since Russia annexed the peninsula from Ukraine in March.

"The US state department said the trip was 'provocative and unnecessary'.

"The Kiev government called it a 'gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty'".

Watch out Venezuela, you're next on the godfather's hit list.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Putin visit to Crimea angers US and EU

Yeah, it is pretty pathetic. The U.S. and Great Britain whining about meddling in other nations' affairs? Coming from the two most meddlesome Nations on Earth, that is just plain pathetic. America and Great Britain have an awful lot of innocent blood on their hands. When it comes to murder and mayhem around the World, they're at the top of the list. Russia isn't even close. Russia has a long long way to go to match their body counts.

Well, the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire before it were responsible for millions of deaths around the world for the purpose of dictatorship, slavery, and the take over and annexation of other nations. The Soviet Union expanded after World War II creating and supplying communist revolutions, communist invasions of other countries. Bot were anti-democratic and anti-human rights and did not respect territorial boundery's or the Sovereignty of other nations.

The United States by contrast has fought all of it wars out of self defense for other countries, democracy, human rights, and the economic and resource interest of the entire planet.
The greatest purveyor of violence in the world maims, murders, and displaces millions of civilians from sovereign states on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland yet still finds time to condemn those resisting its control:

"The US and EU have condemned President Vladimir Putin's first visit to Crimea since Russia annexed the peninsula from Ukraine in March.

"The US state department said the trip was 'provocative and unnecessary'.

"The Kiev government called it a 'gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty'".

Watch out Venezuela, you're next on the godfather's hit list.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Putin visit to Crimea angers US and EU

Yeah, it is pretty pathetic. The U.S. and Great Britain whining about meddling in other nations' affairs? Coming from the two most meddlesome Nations on Earth, that is just plain pathetic. America and Great Britain have an awful lot of innocent blood on their hands. When it comes to murder and mayhem around the World, they're at the top of the list. Russia isn't even close. Russia has a long long way to go to match their body counts.

Well, the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire before it were responsible for millions of deaths around the world for the purpose of dictatorship, slavery, and the take over and annexation of other nations. The Soviet Union expanded after World War II creating and supplying communist revolutions, communist invasions of other countries. Bot were anti-democratic and anti-human rights and did not respect territorial boundery's or the Sovereignty of other nations.

The United States by contrast has fought all of it wars out of self defense for other countries, democracy, human rights, and the economic and resource interest of the entire planet.

Nice fantasy. But fantasy is all it is. I don't believe in fairy tales. These interventions are about squabbling over cash. It's the Globalist Elites in the West vs. the Russians. It's a fight to see who can get the most cash out of Ukraine. Period, end of story.
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The American People will never see a return on the $Billions they'll be forced to cough up for Ukraine. Only a few select Elites of the World will experience profit there. Biden and his brat are a couple, but there are others. American Taxpayers need to stand up and demand more say on 'Foreign Aid.' Things need to change.
The American People will never see a return on the $Billions they'll be forced to cough up for Ukraine. Only a few select Elites of the World will experience profit there. Biden and his brat are a couple, but there are others. American Taxpayers need to stand up and demand more say on 'Foreign Aid.' Things need to change.

What the hell are you talking about. Ukraine produces a pitiful small amount of energy and relies on Russia. Plans are being made to increase other suppliers to Ukraine. Long range plans call for importation of US gas and oil to Ukraine. If not from US companies, than from US controlled companies. The overall strategy is to make Ukraine and all of Europe less dependent on Russian energy. Biden is being used as the lure for interest and attention to promote and encourage investment in companies that support the west strategy and are willing to help develop the energy strategy that leads to Ukraine energy security.
The American People will never see a return on the $Billions they'll be forced to cough up for Ukraine. Only a few select Elites of the World will experience profit there. Biden and his brat are a couple, but there are others. American Taxpayers need to stand up and demand more say on 'Foreign Aid.' Things need to change.

What the hell are you talking about. Ukraine produces a pitiful small amount of energy and relies on Russia. Plans are being made to increase other suppliers to Ukraine. Long range plans call for importation of US gas and oil to Ukraine. If not from US companies, than from US controlled companies. The overall strategy is to make Ukraine and all of Europe less dependent on Russian energy. Biden is being used as the lure for interest and attention to promote and encourage investment in companies that support the west strategy and are willing to help develop the energy strategy that leads to Ukraine energy security.

Well then volunteer your own bank account. All American Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay so Biden and his brat can get richer. Average Americans will never see a penny in profit off this. Only the Globalist Elite bastards will see profit.
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The American People will never see a return on the $Billions they'll be forced to cough up for Ukraine. Only a few select Elites of the World will experience profit there. Biden and his brat are a couple, but there are others. American Taxpayers need to stand up and demand more say on 'Foreign Aid.' Things need to change.

What the hell are you talking about. Ukraine produces a pitiful small amount of energy and relies on Russia. Plans are being made to increase other suppliers to Ukraine. Long range plans call for importation of US gas and oil to Ukraine. If not from US companies, than from US controlled companies. The overall strategy is to make Ukraine and all of Europe less dependent on Russian energy. Biden is being used as the lure for interest and attention to promote and encourage investment in companies that support the west strategy and are willing to help develop the energy strategy that leads to Ukraine energy security.

Well then volunteer your own bank account. All American Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay so Biden and his brat can get richer. Average Americans will never see a penny in profit off this. Only the Globalist Elite bastards will see profit.

What taxpayer money are you talking about? The Republican controlled House and the Democrat controlled Senate has yet to approve of any financial aid. The President hasn't asked for any. The European countries have taken responsibility for Ukraine's financial responsibilities. The US guaranteed a billion in loans. The EU guaranteed 15 billion. Is someone in DC talking about giving funds to Ukraine?
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What the hell are you talking about. Ukraine produces a pitiful small amount of energy and relies on Russia. Plans are being made to increase other suppliers to Ukraine. Long range plans call for importation of US gas and oil to Ukraine. If not from US companies, than from US controlled companies. The overall strategy is to make Ukraine and all of Europe less dependent on Russian energy. Biden is being used as the lure for interest and attention to promote and encourage investment in companies that support the west strategy and are willing to help develop the energy strategy that leads to Ukraine energy security.

Well then volunteer your own bank account. All American Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay so Biden and his brat can get richer. Average Americans will never see a penny in profit off this. Only the Globalist Elite bastards will see profit.

What taxpayer money are you talking about? The Republican controlled House and the Democrat controlled Senate has yet to approve of any financial aid. The President hasn't asked for any. The European countries have taken responsibility for Ukraine's financial responsibilities. The US guaranteed a billion in loans. The EU guaranteed 15 billion. Is someone in DC talking about giving funds to Ukraine?

Average Americans always pay to help Globalist Elite bastards get richer. Why would Ukraine be any different? Not even one penny of Taxpayer money should be spent in Ukraine. They'll never see a return on it. Only a select few will. Americans need to contemplate these interventions in a more thoughtful and neutral fashion. They need to have more say on 'Foreign Aid.' That time has come.
Well then volunteer your own bank account. All American Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay so Biden and his brat can get richer. Average Americans will never see a penny in profit off this. Only the Globalist Elite bastards will see profit.

What taxpayer money are you talking about? The Republican controlled House and the Democrat controlled Senate has yet to approve of any financial aid. The President hasn't asked for any. The European countries have taken responsibility for Ukraine's financial responsibilities. The US guaranteed a billion in loans. The EU guaranteed 15 billion. Is someone in DC talking about giving funds to Ukraine?

Average Americans always pay to help Globalist Elite bastards get richer. Why would Ukraine be any different? Not even one penny of Taxpayer money should be spent in Ukraine. They'll never see a return on it. Only a select few will. Americans need to contemplate these interventions in a more thoughtful and neutral fashion. They need to have more say on 'Foreign Aid.' That time has come.

So you are talking bullshit. As usual, you are using this topic as a platform to promote your opinionated agenda of political theory that hardly anyone is interested in by itself. Americans need to pay closer attention to global intervention and foreign aid!!! No kidding. Why not add "WAKE UP AMERICA"? When you are done go tell the MIC workers they need to go on unemployment because we are putting an end to foreign aid.
All this Bullshite just to help Globalist Elite assholes like Joe Biden and his spoiled kid get richer. Americans need to break free of the American Government/Media Complex and contemplate these interventions in a more thoughtful and neutral fashion. It's not about 'Freedom & Democracy.' It's about the money. American Taxpayers will now be forced to spend several $Billlion over there so Biden and others can get rich. It's just another sad scam.
It might be worth it if US conservatives who are not rich discover they are victims of the same global class war as poor Libs are

Harold Meyerson: Conservatives face conflicting corporate and national interests - The Washington Post

"Nostalgic neoconservatives, who call for sending troops to the Baltic states and armaments to Kiev, deride President Obama for his ostensible pusillanimity.

"But try to find a neocon condemnation of the global corporations that have leaned on European governments not to impose sanctions on Russia for fear that such actions would imperil their investments.

"They have stakes in cash cows such as Rosneft, the Russian state-owned energy company (in which BP has a 20 percent interest).

"They sell luxury autos and running shoes from Moscow to Vladivostok...."
The greatest purveyor of violence in the world maims, murders, and displaces millions of civilians from sovereign states on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland yet still finds time to condemn those resisting its control:

"The US and EU have condemned President Vladimir Putin's first visit to Crimea since Russia annexed the peninsula from Ukraine in March.

"The US state department said the trip was 'provocative and unnecessary'.

"The Kiev government called it a 'gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty'".

Watch out Venezuela, you're next on the godfather's hit list.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Putin visit to Crimea angers US and EU

Yeah, it is pretty pathetic. The U.S. and Great Britain whining about meddling in other nations' affairs? Coming from the two most meddlesome Nations on Earth, that is just plain pathetic. America and Great Britain have an awful lot of innocent blood on their hands. When it comes to murder and mayhem around the World, they're at the top of the list. Russia isn't even close. Russia has a long long way to go to match their body counts.

Well, the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire before it were responsible for millions of deaths around the world for the purpose of dictatorship, slavery, and the take over and annexation of other nations. The Soviet Union expanded after World War II creating and supplying communist revolutions, communist invasions of other countries. Bot were anti-democratic and anti-human rights and did not respect territorial boundery's or the Sovereignty of other nations.

The United States by contrast has fought all of it wars out of self defense for other countries, democracy, human rights, and the economic and resource interest of the entire planet.
The United States has been the greatest purveyor of violence in the world since 1945, at least.

If you're interested in learning US History, the Philippines is a good starting point:

"Democrats on the committee pressed Lodge to call as witnesses Emilio Aguinaldo, the Filipino general and independence leader, and several others they thought necessary for the committee to hear.

"In addition to Mr. Auguinaldo, Mr. Rawlings proposed calling Apolinario Mabini, one of Aguinaldo's principal advisors; Sixto Lopez, an advocate for Philippine independence; Judge Pío del Pilar, General Torres, Howard W. Bray, an Englishman, who has spent many years in the Philippines, Robert M. Collins, and Harold Martin, both Associated Press correspondents.

"The committee refused this request as well as one that would have sent a subcommittee to the Philippines to collect testimony.[30][31][32]

"Instead, Mr. Lodge subpoenaed several veterans from a so-called 'safe list' supplied by Secretary of War Elihu Root.

"However, when the soldiers appeared, they began to lecture the committee on the necessity of shooting and burning all Filipinos because of their 'inability to appreciate human kindness.'"

United States Senate Committee on the Philippines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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