Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

The United States by contrast has fought all of it wars out of self defense for other countries, democracy, human rights, and the economic and resource interest of the entire planet.

No sentient being could generate such a statement and logically think to maintain any level of credibility. Now, it is a certainty that there are individuals of very limited intellectual capacity and neglegible curiosity who would instantly accept such twaddle - convenience store clerks, cosmotologists, and the editorial board of The New Republic come to mind.
There are only two reasons to make such a statement. First, being an uninformed dullard the person expressing the thought is seeking affirmation from other uninformed dullards, or, second the individual knows better but seeks to sway an audience that he holds little regard for by spreading disinformation.
So which is it, are you the dimwitted twit or the liar?
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You speak/type too well to be a moron posting from , more like a goon working for the Russian GOV, FSB maybe?

Don't worry, we can trace your IP address Igor...

Please don’t be so rude. Paraphrasing the adage written by Isaac Asimov, “Insults are the last refuge of the ignorant”. I have nothing to hide. I ‘m an ordinary Russian. My name is Slava (Though you may call me Igor. The only Russian name you know? :lol:). I live in Russia and Russian is my native language. I’m flattered by your comment but my level of English is not even close to that of a native speaker or secret agent. I know more or less two foreign languages: English and Arabic.

Why am I learning them if I am not going to work undercover? Seems like a big waste of my time, huh? :lol: )

I’ve fallen in love with the English language since I read my first book in English. (Btw, I spent 7 months in your country .I’ve been to New York , Seattle and Philadelphia I have to say your country is a land of contrasts. My perception of America changed a few times while travelling across it. Also I have always been sort of enchanted by the mysteries of the Arab world. They are like a magnet for me. Believe it or not, the vast majority of arabs are just the most wonderful and generous human beings I’ve ever met. Though they are being vilified and demonized by the west I NOW WILL NEVER FALL VICTIM TO THE WESTERN PROPAGANDA… Knowledge of FOREING languages is undoubtedly a powerful tool allowing you to have a wide angle view on the unfolding global crisis. Your messages prove what actually doesn’t need any proof at all – You are looking at the world through a kea hole. I know what people around the world really think while you are just being spoon-fed lies.
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The United States by contrast has fought all of it wars out of self defense for other countries, democracy, human rights, and the economic and resource interest of the entire planet.

No sentient being could generate such a statement and logically think to maintain any level of credibility. Now, it is a certainty that there are individuals of very limited intellectual capacity and neglegible curiosity who would instantly accept such twaddle - convenience store clerks, cosmotologists, and the editorial board of The New Republic come to mind.
There are only two reasons to make such a statement. First, being an uninformed dullard the person expressing the thought is seeking affirmation from other uninformed dullards, or, second the individual knows better but seeks to sway an audience that he holds little regard for by spreading disinformation.
So which is it, are you the dimwitted twit or the liar?

Now that is a great post. Cutting, funny, and to the point.

The problem is, as I am sure you are aware, many Americans think as he does. Most have been brainwashed in the government schools and by the government media complex. Sadly they are unable to overcome the propaganda, even though the truth is abundantly clear to anyone willing to accept it, choosing instead to accept the lies of the State.

What a great nation the USA could be, if the truth were told to it's citizens, rather than lies.
Shitstain....what is your security clearance and military experience??? :eusa_whistle:

I'm going to say none and none, but of course a kook like you thinks you know about the US military, CIA, foreign affairs, history, etc....because you are insane and have access to a keyboard.

Oh, don't even ask me my question to you, since it will set you up like a buffoon.

The United States by contrast has fought all of it wars out of self defense for other countries, democracy, human rights, and the economic and resource interest of the entire planet.

No sentient being could generate such a statement and logically think to maintain any level of credibility. Now, it is a certainty that there are individuals of very limited intellectual capacity and neglegible curiosity who would instantly accept such twaddle - convenience store clerks, cosmotologists, and the editorial board of The New Republic come to mind.
There are only two reasons to make such a statement. First, being an uninformed dullard the person expressing the thought is seeking affirmation from other uninformed dullards, or, second the individual knows better but seeks to sway an audience that he holds little regard for by spreading disinformation.
So which is it, are you the dimwitted twit or the liar?
So you're an irrelevant stupid fuck Russian that sees the world through Putin TV. :eusa_whistle:

FYI...we don't have a secret plan to take over Russia, despite what Putin is telling you. :cuckoo:

Oh, I know a lot about your country that you will never know about....

You speak/type too well to be a moron posting from , more like a goon working for the Russian GOV, FSB maybe?

Don't worry, we can trace your IP address Igor...

Please don’t be so rude. Paraphrasing the adage written by Isaac Asimov, “Insults are the last refuge of the ignorant”. I have nothing to hide. I ‘m an ordinary Russian. My name is Slava (Though you may call me Igor. The only Russian name you know? :lol:). I live in Russia and Russian is my native language. I’m flattered by your comment but my level of English is not even close to that of a native speaker or secret agent. I know more or less two foreign languages: English and Arabic.

Why am I learning them if I am not going to work undercover? Seems like a big waste of my time, huh? :lol: )

I’ve fallen in love with the English language since I read my first book in English. (Btw, I spent 7 months in your country .I’ve been to New York , Seattle and Philadelphia I have to say your country is a land of contrasts. My perception of America changed a few times while travelling across it. Also I have always been sort of enchanted by the mysteries of the Arab world. They are like a magnet for me. Believe it or not, the vast majority of arabs are just the most wonderful and generous human beings I’ve ever met. Though they are being vilified and demonized by the west I NOW WILL NEVER FALL VICTIM TO THE WESTERN PROPAGANDA… Knowledge of FOREING languages is undoubtedly a powerful tool allowing you to have a wide angle view on the unfolding global crisis. Your messages prove what actually doesn’t need any proof at all – You are looking at the world through a kea hole. I know what people around the world really think while you are just being spoon-fed lies.
Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge

"In 2012 analysts such as Matveev warned that there would be a very brutal conflict in 2013 between the business clans, between the oligarchs. And that's what happened.

"What do we mean by clans in Ukraine? First we need to understand the division of power at the end of 2013. There are four basic clans.

"Firstly the Donetsk clan - Rinat Akhmetov, whose fortune is estimated at $16 billion. His main interests are mining and steel production. This clan includes Boris Kolesnikov, the Kluevs, Yury Ivanyuschenko.

"The second clan is the Yanukovych family. They control principally the customs officials, farming and infrastructure. By comparison this clan is a bit poorer, but they have held very powerful administrative positions.

"Yanukovych's 'achievement' is that during his presidency the welfare state of Ukraine was finished off. Or rather, what was left of it. Destruction of the welfare state began during the time of Kuchma.

"Yuschenko and Tymoshenko significantly reduced the welfare state. And Yanukovych finished it off.

"It's very interesting to examine the growth of the billionaire class. In 2010 the number of billionaires in Ukraine was 8. By only 2011 there were 21..."

"The next massive bloc is Firtash, which is RosUkrEnergo, energy production and chemicals. They are the main partner of Rothschild in Ukraine. One of Firtash's main advisers is Robert Shetler-Jones. I'll talk about him later. An entrepreneur from the Rothschild group. Moreover, he's from MI6.

"By the way, in all British corporations, in order to occupy a senior position, it is mandatory to be vetted by MI6. Otherwise you don't get it.

"The next corporate group is Privat.

"This is the most interesting one.

"It's the group of Ihor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky's worth is 3 billion dollars. His partner is Gennady Bogolubov. Kolomoisky is a very interesting figure. Not only because he called our president a schizophrenic.

"He is the engine behind what is currently happening in Ukraine."

A word to the wise, the link is long and slanted towards Russia; however, it supplies context missing in the MSM analysis that I've seen
Shitstain....what is your security clearance and military experience??? :eusa_whistle:

I'm going to say none and none, but of course a kook like you thinks you know about the US military, CIA, foreign affairs, history, etc....because you are insane and have access to a keyboard.

Oh, don't even ask me my question to you, since it will set you up like a buffoon.

The United States by contrast has fought all of it wars out of self defense for other countries, democracy, human rights, and the economic and resource interest of the entire planet.

No sentient being could generate such a statement and logically think to maintain any level of credibility. Now, it is a certainty that there are individuals of very limited intellectual capacity and neglegible curiosity who would instantly accept such twaddle - convenience store clerks, cosmotologists, and the editorial board of The New Republic come to mind.
There are only two reasons to make such a statement. First, being an uninformed dullard the person expressing the thought is seeking affirmation from other uninformed dullards, or, second the individual knows better but seeks to sway an audience that he holds little regard for by spreading disinformation.
So which is it, are you the dimwitted twit or the liar?

Golly dickbreath, we are all envious beyond description of your Little Orphan Annie decoder key and I bet you are the life of the party down at the American Legion acting all mysterious with the Ray Bans and cheap scotch.
As for my DD214, that shit was thirty years ago, the real world beckoned, making an actual contribution and all that.
So, once again, color me unimpressed with the theatrics and cheap imitation super secret ninja squirrel bullshit.
I'm going to say none and none, but of course a kook like you thinks you know about the US , CIA, foreign affairs, history, etc....because you are insane and have access to a keyboard.

Oh, don't even ask me my question to you, since it will set you up like a buffoon.

Are you a former cia agent or just a proud american with an inflated sense of self importance? Something tells me that if you were the former you would act more cautiously. If you really believe in what you've scribbled you are comletely in the dark. You resemble a peacock showing off to the compatriots who might have been brainwashed by the western media. Just take a look at the map and you'll see that Russia is being surrounded. Though I doubt that you can identify Ukraine on the map let alone understand that Russia and Ukraine are closely tied both culturally and historically. The lies have genetically modified you and turned you into a crackpot. You have no attachment to reality anymore. The armed coup, a political disaster inistigated by the west is an attempt to establish "a stable"democracy in Ukraine? The country has been plunged in turmoil the peacful protesters are being murdered on the streets. The very civil liberties you value so much are being taken away from the people in Eastern Ukraine. Is it what you call democracy? The ouster of the democratically elected president was funded by the usa and local oligarhs. THE BLATANT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS ACROSS THE COUNTRY are the result of the epic policy blunder of the usa. The radical nationalists have come to power and they don't give a damn about who you are. If you are not an Ukrainian you are scum. Why are you supporting them?you want to be called scum?
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Self-determination is a more important value than territorial integrity, and the truth was that East Ukraine wanted a trade relationship with Russia, whereas West Ukraine wanted a deal with the EU. I am apathetic now however, though I side more with Russia after months of inaction by western governments, and considering the plan of the EU all along was to try and have their cake and eat it too. The Ukrainians are suffering because of a cruel geo-political game, and it is very likely that sooner or later East Ukraine (or a very large part of it) will secede.
The government of the USA is going to start WWIII...

Biggest German Newspapers Say Blackwater Behind Massacres

FireDogLake reported on Monday:

Breaking during the weekend was a story by Der Spiegel and Bild that American mercenaries were on the ground in Kiev. According to the report 400 mercenaries from Academi (formerly Blackwater) were on the ground “involved in a punitive operation mounted by Ukraine’s new government.”

Der Spiegel claims “the information originates from U.S. intelligence services and was presented during a meeting chaired by the Chancellor’s Office chief Peter Altmaier (CDU). At the meeting were present the president of the intelligence agencies and the Federal Criminal Office, as well as the intelligence coordinator of the Chancellor’s Office and senior Ministry officials.”

Indeed, the German newspaper apparently claim that the American mercenaries are directing and coordinating the attacks by the fascist Right Sector militia.

Blackwater is more or less an extension of the CIA.

There are also dozens of CIA and FBI “advisors” in Ukraine, and the CIA director visited Kiev before the massacres started.

In any event, even if the U.S. is not directly responsible for the massacres, we are certainly indirectly responsible. After all, the U.S. is backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine (and see this).

Don’t believe me?

The leader of the “protests” in February 2014 which ousted the president of Ukraine (Andriy Parubiy) is a neo Nazi and follower of a prominent WWII Ukrainian Nazi.

He’s now the head of national security in Ukraine. In that role, he has organized neo-Nazi brigades to murder Russian-speaking Ukrainians en masse.
So you're an old piece of shit that comes here and spews what you see on the news as your "source" of info about Russia, Ukraine, etc. :eusa_whistle:'re an idiot that knows nothing.

Shitstain....what is your security clearance and military experience??? :eusa_whistle:

I'm going to say none and none, but of course a kook like you thinks you know about the US military, CIA, foreign affairs, history, etc....because you are insane and have access to a keyboard.

Oh, don't even ask me my question to you, since it will set you up like a buffoon.

No sentient being could generate such a statement and logically think to maintain any level of credibility. Now, it is a certainty that there are individuals of very limited intellectual capacity and neglegible curiosity who would instantly accept such twaddle - convenience store clerks, cosmotologists, and the editorial board of The New Republic come to mind.
There are only two reasons to make such a statement. First, being an uninformed dullard the person expressing the thought is seeking affirmation from other uninformed dullards, or, second the individual knows better but seeks to sway an audience that he holds little regard for by spreading disinformation.
So which is it, are you the dimwitted twit or the liar?

Golly dickbreath, we are all envious beyond description of your Little Orphan Annie decoder key and I bet you are the life of the party down at the American Legion acting all mysterious with the Ray Bans and cheap scotch.
As for my DD214, that shit was thirty years ago, the real world beckoned, making an actual contribution and all that.
So, once again, color me unimpressed with the theatrics and cheap imitation super secret ninja squirrel bullshit.
Uh...the MAJORITY of people in eastern Ukraine don't want to join Russia. They want more autonomy in eastern Ukraine and the current leadership in Kyiv has said they will do that now, but nobody outside the criminals and idiots in eastern Ukraine want anything to do with Russia because they see what has happened to Crimea.

The bogus elections held by the Russians in eastern Ukraine were rigged and didn't involve most voters, just the paid voters and stupid ones. Of course, guns being held by Russian criminals, spies and spec ops scum kinda influenced someone's voting....

Self-determination is a more important value than territorial integrity, and the truth was that East Ukraine wanted a trade relationship with Russia, whereas West Ukraine wanted a deal with the EU. I am apathetic now however, though I side more with Russia after months of inaction by western governments, and considering the plan of the EU all along was to try and have their cake and eat it too. The Ukrainians are suffering because of a cruel geo-political game, and it is very likely that sooner or later East Ukraine (or a very large part of it) will secede.
The government of the USA is going to start WWIII...

Biggest German Newspapers Say Blackwater Behind Massacres

FireDogLake reported on Monday:

Breaking during the weekend was a story by Der Spiegel and Bild that American mercenaries were on the ground in Kiev. According to the report 400 mercenaries from Academi (formerly Blackwater) were on the ground “involved in a punitive operation mounted by Ukraine’s new government.”

Der Spiegel claims “the information originates from U.S. intelligence services and was presented during a meeting chaired by the Chancellor’s Office chief Peter Altmaier (CDU). At the meeting were present the president of the intelligence agencies and the Federal Criminal Office, as well as the intelligence coordinator of the Chancellor’s Office and senior Ministry officials.”

Indeed, the German newspaper apparently claim that the American mercenaries are directing and coordinating the attacks by the fascist Right Sector militia.

Blackwater is more or less an extension of the CIA.

There are also dozens of CIA and FBI “advisors” in Ukraine, and the CIA director visited Kiev before the massacres started.

In any event, even if the U.S. is not directly responsible for the massacres, we are certainly indirectly responsible. After all, the U.S. is backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine (and see this).

Don’t believe me?

The leader of the “protests” in February 2014 which ousted the president of Ukraine (Andriy Parubiy) is a neo Nazi and follower of a prominent WWII Ukrainian Nazi.

He’s now the head of national security in Ukraine. In that role, he has organized neo-Nazi brigades to murder Russian-speaking Ukrainians en masse.

Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? Washington's Blog

Wouldn't surprise me. We'll see i guess.
Current events in Ukraine were set in motion twenty years ago; what's the human rights forecast for the next twenty if the Long War continues unabated?

"While the Guardian attempts to justify American meddling in multiple nations as an attempt to 'salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes,' it does not deny that the meddling took place and goes on to explain in great detail just how that meddling was carried out.

"The ultra-right Neo-Nazis now occupying Kiev in the wake of the so-called 'Euromaidan,' are the heirs of the 'Orange Revolution.' The parties that benefited from 2004′s unrest, including the 'Fatherland Party,' now hold power.

"While the 'Orange Revolution' was carried out more covertly, the 'Euromaidan' was openly backed by both the US and the European Union.

"At the height of the protests, US Senator John McCain would literally take the stage with the ultra-right, Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leaders as well as meet with 'Fatherland Party' member and future 'prime minister,' Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"Additionally, in mid-April, CIA director John Brennan was confirmed to have traveled to Kiev. Forbes in their article, 'Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun,' reported that..."

Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? Washington's Blog
So you're an old piece of shit that comes here and spews what you see on the news as your "source" of info about Russia, Ukraine, etc. :eusa_whistle:'re an idiot that knows nothing.

Golly dickbreath once again, color me unimpressed with the theatrics and cheap imitation super secret ninja squirrel bullshit. With substandard clowns like you "on the frontlines" its a wonder Mandarin isnt the national language here.
Shitstain....I have my DD214 after 20 years. I still help out with defending this country, unlike irrelevant piece of shit.

So if China goes to war with Japan, Vietnam, the PI, or Taiwan in the next few years over islands and fishing grounds....are you going to blame the US GOV??? Is it Bush or Obama at fault? :cuckoo:

How much of Europe do you think Russia can steal without punishment? You believe you are safe in your trailer park if Russia overruns Europe and China overruns Asia, eh hick?

So you're an old piece of shit that comes here and spews what you see on the news as your "source" of info about Russia, Ukraine, etc. :eusa_whistle:'re an idiot that knows nothing.

Golly dickbreath once again, color me unimpressed with the theatrics and cheap imitation super secret ninja squirrel bullshit. With substandard clowns like you "on the frontlines" its a wonder Mandarin isnt the national language here.
Current events in Ukraine were set in motion twenty years ago; what's the human rights forecast for the next twenty if the Long War continues unabated?

"While the Guardian attempts to justify American meddling in multiple nations as an attempt to 'salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes,' it does not deny that the meddling took place and goes on to explain in great detail just how that meddling was carried out.

"The ultra-right Neo-Nazis now occupying Kiev in the wake of the so-called 'Euromaidan,' are the heirs of the 'Orange Revolution.' The parties that benefited from 2004′s unrest, including the 'Fatherland Party,' now hold power.

"While the 'Orange Revolution' was carried out more covertly, the 'Euromaidan' was openly backed by both the US and the European Union.

"At the height of the protests, US Senator John McCain would literally take the stage with the ultra-right, Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leaders as well as meet with 'Fatherland Party' member and future 'prime minister,' Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"Additionally, in mid-April, CIA director John Brennan was confirmed to have traveled to Kiev. Forbes in their article, 'Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun,' reported that..."

Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? Washington's Blog

Blow Back. It's coming. Our meddling in places like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, and countless others, is gonna come back to bite us.
Sadly, it's only average American Citizens who will suffer from the impending Blow Back. The Globalist Elite assholes who run this stuff, will be just fine. They're very well-protected and insulated from horror. It's only the average American who suffers in the end. America has a lot to answer for. All this meddling comes with a hefty price. Both in money and human life.
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Current events in Ukraine were set in motion twenty years ago; what's the human rights forecast for the next twenty if the Long War continues unabated?

"While the Guardian attempts to justify American meddling in multiple nations as an attempt to 'salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes,' it does not deny that the meddling took place and goes on to explain in great detail just how that meddling was carried out.

"The ultra-right Neo-Nazis now occupying Kiev in the wake of the so-called 'Euromaidan,' are the heirs of the 'Orange Revolution.' The parties that benefited from 2004′s unrest, including the 'Fatherland Party,' now hold power.

"While the 'Orange Revolution' was carried out more covertly, the 'Euromaidan' was openly backed by both the US and the European Union.

"At the height of the protests, US Senator John McCain would literally take the stage with the ultra-right, Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leaders as well as meet with 'Fatherland Party' member and future 'prime minister,' Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"Additionally, in mid-April, CIA director John Brennan was confirmed to have traveled to Kiev. Forbes in their article, 'Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun,' reported that..."

Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? Washington's Blog

Blow Back. It's coming. Our meddling in places like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, and countless others, is gonna come back to bite us.
The millions who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced in Iraq since 2003 are bound to produce a martyr or two, willing to sacrifice everything for some 911-style payback, and that may put an end to conversations like this one?

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